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"From the Ashes"
Release date February 20, 2023
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The (or update, also known as the "From the Ashes" update[1], reworked several weapons, reworked the Profaned Guardians boss fight and made many changes to the world generation in Calamity. The Abyss and Brimstone Crag were revamped and brand new structures were added into the world.

This update also made many changes to the lore that appears in the game, mostly through the Lore items and dialogue from the Sea King.




Boss Rush

Astrum Aureus

  • The duration of the Astral Infection debuff inflicted by Aureus Spawn scales with the size of the spawn.
  • Now deals no contact damage, and has halved damage reduction and defense while idle.
  • Now stays idle for longer in later phases and has reduced speed.
  • Aureus Spawn always spawns after teleports, no longer teleports, and always chases the player regardless of health.
  • If an Aureus Spawn is reduced to 50% health, it will glow and start chasing faster; in this state, Aureus Spawns that collide with Astrum Aureus will explode and deal a small percentage of its maximum health as damage.
  • Added new sound effects for Astrum Aureus' jumps.

Astrum Deus

Ceaseless Void

  • Dark Energy opacity now scales after spawning, reaching full visibility when they are able to deal damage.


  • Cryogen and all of its projectiles now have a darker blue outline effect.

The Destroyer

  • Death Mode no longer reduces the total segment count to 60.
  • Decreased size modifier in Death Mode from 250% Death Mode to 200% Death Mode, and Probe size modifier from 200% Death Mode to 150% Death Mode.

The Devourer of Gods

  • Now only spits fireballs if the head is looking towards the player.
  • Laser wall telegraphs now last one second longer. Laser walls have more lasers and are more spaced.
  • The charge out of the portal is now only predictive in Death Mode.
  • No longer turns visible after laser walls in phase 2 until after he teleports.
  • Now enters its portal twice as fast when transitioning to the final phase.
  • Increased Cosmilite Bar drop amount from 25-35 / 30-40 Expert Mode to 45-55 / 55-65 Expert Mode.
  • Sky colors now swap smoothly.

The Dragonfolly

Exo Mechs

  • Artemis and Apollo can no longer use their berserk special attacks at the same time.
  • Artemis and Apollo no longer move as much during non-berserk phases.
  • Artemis is less predictive and predictiveness no longer increases with difficulty.
  • Artemis laser shotgun now travels a bit slower, and increases with difficulty.
  • Apollo charge combo now emits more plasma bolts in Death Mode, and is telegraphed for longer.
  • Thanatos is now more aggressive in non-berserk phases.
  • Ares' Nuke, Plasma and Tesla Arms have recoil when they fire.
  • Added new sound effects for hit sounds and most of Ares and Artemis and Apollo's attacks.
  • Ares now takes 45% damage from Dynamic Pursuer.
  • Thanatos now takes 50% damage from Wrathwing's cinders instead of 60%.
  • Thanatos now takes 50% damage from Dynamic Pursuer instead of 15%.

Leviathan and Anahita

Lunatic Cultist

  • Now has an energy shield, increasing its hitbox size.

Profaned Guardians

  • Reworked the entire fight:
    • Phase 1:
      • The Guardian Healer floats above the player and alternates between releasing crystal shards, and releasing waves of stars that inflict Holy Flames, occasionally releasing green stars that heal the player.
      • The Guardian Defender and Guardian Commander fly on the left or right side of the player, and are protected by shields of profaned rocks that circle around them. The Commander will attempt to hit the player by shooting a profaned spear and profaned fireballs. The rocks will quickly respawn if the player attempts to destroy them before the Guardian Healer has been killed.
      • When the Guardian Healer reaches 50% health, it will group itself with the Commander and the Defender and perform a holy ray attack, before returning to its position above the player and resuming its regular attacks. It will only use this attack once during the fight.
    • Phase 2 (after the Guardian Healer is defeated):
      • The shield of rocks circling the Commander and the Defender will briefly stop before moving towards the player in an attempt to hit them.
      • The Guardian Defender will begin dashing at the player, leaving profaned fireballs in its tracks.
      • The Guardian Commander will continue shooting spears and fireballs at the player from a distance, but at a higher quantity, and also starts firing molten blasts that split into gravity-affected blobs.
      • After some time, the Guardian Defender will group with the Commander again, create another shield of profaned rocks and move to the other side of the player, before repeating the cycle again.
    • Phase 3 (after the Guardian Defender is defeated):
      • The Guardian Commander will alternate between two different attack patterns:
        • It will unleash profaned spears aimed at the player and a spread of spears that accelerate after being fired.
        • It will shoot Holy Blasts at the player that explode into small homing profaned flames.
      • In between these attacks, it will begin dashing at the player, leaving profaned flames in its tracks. After dashing a few times, it will switch to the other attack pattern.

Providence, the Profaned Goddess

  • Can now be homed in on during cocoon attacks.
  • Molten Blasts and Holy Blasts travel through tiles until they intersect with the player's original position when the projectile was fired.
  • Molten Blasts and Holy Blasts no longer die immediately upon touching water/lava.
  • Molten Blobs float to the top of water/lava.
  • Added outlines to all fire projectiles.
  • Now has a visual shield around her while the Defense Guardian is alive and a pulsating star in her center while the Offensive Guardian is alive, showing that her defense and attack are being buffed respectively.
  • The Underworld now takes priority over the Hallow for behavior and drops.


  • Now fires skulls instead of shadowflame dust balls after teleporting.

Supreme Witch, Calamitas

Yharon, Dragon of Rebirth

  • Moves slower for a short time after using a bullet hell attack.
  • Name now changes to "Yharon, Resplendent Phoenix" at 55% health.



Armor and Accessories


  • Absolute Zero now inflicts Frostbite instead of Frostburn.
  • Abyssal Warhammer now inflicts Frostbite instead of Frostburn.
  • Buffed Ark of the Cosmos' damage from 1670 to 1770.
  • Artery no longer inflicts Burning Blood.
  • Nerfed Axe of Purity's damage from 75 to 55.
  • Baleful Harvester now inflicts Hellfire instead of On Fire!.
  • Ball O' Fugu now inflicts Poisoned instead of Acid Venom.
  • Ball O' Hurt no longer inflicts Shadowflame.
  • Blood Butcherer no longer inflicts Burning Blood.
  • Bonebreaker's javelin now spawns 2 shards instead of 2-5.
  • Rebalanced Brimstone Sword. Nerfed damage from 100 to 70, and use time from 23 to 28. Javelins and geysers now pierce 4 times instead of infinitely, and explosions now pierce once instead of twice. Geysers inflict Brimstone Flames for 3 seconds instead of 2, and explosions inflict Brimstone Flames for 3 seconds instead of 4. Javelins now only spawn explosions on their first hit. Decreased the geyser's lifespan from 4 seconds to 2. The javelin now grants 10 local immunity frames. The geyser now grants -1 local immunity frames instead of 7 global immunity frames.
  • Nerfed Briny Baron's use time from 15 to 30. Primary swing no longer has a 1.33x speed modifier or a 150% size modifier. Razorwinds now deal 30% base damage instead of 43%.
  • Buffed Burnt Sienna's damage from 28 to 32.
  • Rebalanced Catastrophe Claymore. Nerfed damage from 98 to 85. Sparkles no longer deal additional area of effect damage. Both the blade and sparkles inflict Frostbite instead of Frostburn, and Hellfire instead of On Fire!.
  • Caustic Edge no longer inflicts Acid Venom.
  • Nerfed Christmas Tree Sword's damage from 114 to 86.
  • Increased Cosmic Discharge's Nightwither duration from explosions from 3 seconds to 7.
  • Cosmic Shiv now only inflicts God Slayer Inferno. Increased duration from blade projectiles from 1 second to 2.
  • Nerfed Darklight Greatsword's damage from 123 to 96, and it no longer has a 150% size modifier.
  • Nerfed Death's Ascension's damage from 1350 to 1200, and homing scythe damage from 290 to 180.
  • Elemental Excalibur's beams now inflict Miracle Blight instead of Exo Freeze, Holy Flames, On Fire!, and Frostburn.
  • Elemental Lance no longer inflicts any debuffs.
  • Elemental Shiv no longer inflicts any debuffs.
  • Excalibur no longer inflicts Holy Flames.
  • Excelsus now inflicts God Slayer Inferno for 3 seconds instead of On Fire! and Frostburn.
  • Exoblade now inflicts Miracle Blight instead of Holy Flames, On Fire!, and Frostburn.
  • Fault Line now inflicts Hellfire instead of On Fire!.
  • Nerfed Flarefrost Blade's use time from 24 to 36. Homing orbs now deal 60% base damage.
  • Nerfed Forbidden Oathblade's use time from 25 to 55.
  • Nerfed Forsaken Saber, it now fires 2 blades instead of 3, and blades now deal 50% base damage instead of 80%. One blade is now always aimed directly towards the cursor.
  • Galaxy Smasher's nebula lasers now inflict God Slayer Inferno for 3 seconds instead of On Fire! And Frostburn.
  • Buffed Galvanizing Glaive's damage from 100 to 130.
  • Greentide no longer inflicts Poisoned.
  • Gungnir no longer inflicts Holy Flames.
  • Hellfire Flamberge now inflicts Hellfire instead of On Fire!.
  • Hellkite now inflicts Hellfire instead of On Fire!.
  • Rebalanced Hydraulic Volt Crasher. Voltage streams no longer deal 80% base damage, but now pierce 2 times instead of 4 and grant 40 local immunity frames instead of 12. The hammer itself no longer has a 175% size modifier and now grants 15 local immunity frames. Up to 3 additional enemies can be electrocuted at a time, instead of infinite enemies within the radius.
  • Inferna Cutter now inflicts Hellfire instead of On Fire!, and no longer inflicts Brimstone Flames.
  • The Last Mourning's mourning skulls now inflict Daybroken instead of On Fire!.
  • Light's Bane no longer inflicts Shadowflame.
  • Malaise no longer inflicts Shadowflame.
  • Mantis Claws now inflict Hellfire for 5 seconds.
  • The Meatball no longer inflicts Burning Blood.
  • Buffed The Microwave's damage from 65 to 111.
  • Nerfed Mirror Blade's damage from 180 to 100, and maximum damage from 750 to 400.
  • Buffed Monstrous Knives' damage from 4 to 9.
  • The Obliterator's yoyo and nebula lasers now inflict God Slayer Inferno for 3 seconds instead of On Fire! And Frostburn.
  • Obsidian Swordfish now inflicts Hellfire instead of On Fire!.
  • Paladin's Hammer no longer inflicts Holy Flames.
  • Photon Ripper now inflicts Miracle Blight.
  • Rebalanced Riptide. Nerfed damage from 16 to 12, but water streams now deal 100% base damage instead of a flat 4 damage and pierce once. Water streams are no longer fired randomly and are instead fired at decrementing angles each time.
  • The Rotted Fork no longer inflicts Burning Blood.
  • Nerfed Roxcalibur's damage from 200 to 150, and use time from 45 to 72. It now fires 2 rock shards instead of 3.
  • Seismic Hampick now inflicts Hellfire instead of On Fire!.
  • Shardlight Pickaxe now inflicts Frostbite instead of Frostburn.
  • Shimmerspark now inflicts Frostbite instead of Frostburn.
  • Nerfed Soul Harvester's damage from 98 to 85, and use time from 20 to 24. Decreased the scythe's lifespan from 7 seconds to 4, and it now grants 30 local immunity frames instead of 10. Explosions now grant -1 local immunity frames instead of 10.
  • Spine of Thanatos now inflicts Miracle Blight.
  • Starnight Lance now inflicts Frostbite instead of Frostburn.
  • Tectonic Truncator now inflicts Hellfire instead of On Fire!.
  • Nerfed Terror Blade's damage from 630 to 500. Projectiles now pierce 3 times instead of 6.
  • Titan Arm no longer has an effective knockback of 9001. Buffed knockback from 20 to 80.
  • Nerfed True Caustic Edge's damage from 150 to 120.
  • True Excalibur no longer inflicts Holy Flames.
  • True Tyrant's Ultisword no longer inflicts Poisoned.
  • Tyrant Yharim's Ultisword no longer inflicts Poisoned.
  • Ultimus Cleaver now inflicts Hellfire instead of On Fire!.
  • Urchin Flail now inflicts Poisoned instead of Acid Venom.
  • Buffed Urchin Mace, whirlpools now deal 200% base damage instead of 160%.
  • Vulcanite Lance now inflicts Hellfire instead of On Fire!.
  • Buffed Wulfrum Screwdriver's damage from 9 to 12.
  • Yateveo Bloom no longer inflicts Acid Venom.
  • Ace's High no longer inflicts Brimstone Flames.
  • Buffed Archerfish's damage from 9 to 16.
  • Nerfed Arctic Arrow's damage from 20 to 18.
  • Arterial Assault no longer inflicts Brimstone Flames.
  • Auralis no longer inflicts Cursed Inferno or Ichor.
  • Rebalanced The Ballista. Buffed damage from 99 to 120. Decreased amount of shards spawned from 6 to 3, but shards now deal 25% base damage instead of 20%. The arrow now grants 10 local immunity frames instead of 12 global immunity frames.
  • Buffed Bladedge Railbow's damage from 28 to 35, and leaves no longer deal 50% base damage.
  • Blissful Bombardier's rockets now inflict Holy Flames for 5 seconds, and the dust trail inflicts Holy Flames instead of Dragonfire.
  • Blood Boiler no longer inflicts Brimstone Flames.
  • Bloodfire Arrows no longer inflict Brimstone Flames.
  • Buffed Bone Arrow's damage from 7 to 8.
  • Buffed Brimstone Fury's damage from 20 to 25.
  • Chicken Cannon now inflicts Dragonfire for 5 seconds.
  • Rebalanced Clamor Rifle. Buffed damage from 32 to 36, but split projectiles now deal 40% base damage instead of 45%. It now inflicts Eutrophication for 3 seconds.
  • Claret Cannon no longer inflicts Brimstone Flames.
  • Contagion no longer inflicts Plague.
  • Rebalanced Coral Cannon. Buffed damage from 20 to 24, but big coral now deals 150% base damage instead of 200%.
  • Corroded Caustibow now inflicts Irradiated for 8 seconds instead of 1, but no longer inflicts Sulphuric Poisoning.
  • Buffed Cosmic Bolter's damage from 39 to 48, and converted bolts now deal 20% more damage and knockback.
  • Nerfed Cursed Arrow's damage from 18 to 17.
  • Nerfed Cursed Bullet's damage from 16 to 12.
  • Deathwind now inflicts God Slayer Inferno for 2 seconds instead of On Fire! and Frostburn.
  • Dragon's Breath no longer inflicts On Fire!.
  • Dragoon Drizzlefish now inflicts Brimstone Flames for 1 second from primary fireballs and 0.5 seconds from split fireballs.
  • Drataliornus now only inflicts Dragonfire.
  • Elemental Blaster no longer inflicts any debuffs.
  • Elemental Eruption no longer inflicts any debuffs.
  • Nerfed Elf Melter's damage from 113 to 84.
  • Eviscerator now inflicts Burning Blood for 3 seconds.
  • Rebalanced Firestorm Cannon. Buffed damage from 10 to 14, and use time from 20 to 12. Secondary fire no longer deals 140% base damage.
  • Rebalanced Flak Kraken. Buffed damage from 45 to 88, but it now grants 10 local immunity frames instead of 4. It now inflicts Crush Depth for 3 seconds.
  • Flarewing Bow's bats now inflict Hellfire for 8 seconds.
  • Heavenly Gale's lightning now inflicts Miracle Blight.
  • Rebalanced Heavy Laser Rifle. Buffed damage from 185 to 210, but it no longer inflicts On Fire!.
  • Rebalanced Hellborn. Buffed damage from 7 to 20, but explosions now deal 300% base damage instead of 500%. It now inflicts Hellfire instead of On Fire!.
  • Nerfed Hellfire Arrow's damage from 14 to 13.
  • Helstorm now inflicts Hellfire instead of On Fire!.
  • Hoarfrost Bow now inflicts Frostbite instead of Frostburn.
  • Nerfed Holy Arrow's damage from 14 to 13.
  • Holy Fire Bullet no longer inflicts On Fire!.
  • Buffed Ichor Arrow's damage from 15 to 16.
  • Icicle Arrow now inflicts Frostbite instead of Frostburn.
  • Icy Bullet now inflicts Frostbite instead of Frostburn, but no longer inflicts Glacial State.
  • Karasawa no longer inflicts any debuffs.
  • Leviatitan no longer inflicts Poisoned, but increased Acid Venom duration from 1.5 seconds to 2.
  • Nerfed Luminite Arrow's damage from 16 to 15, and secondary trails now deal 50% damage.
  • The Maelstrom now inflicts Crush Depth for 3 seconds.
  • Buffed Magna Striker's damage from 35 to 50, and opal strikes no longer deal 75% base damage.
  • Magnomaly Cannon now inflicts Miracle Blight.
  • Meowthrower no longer inflicts On Fire! or Frostburn.
  • Mineral Mortar now inflicts Armor Crunch for 3 seconds.
  • Nerfed Napalm Arrow's damage from 12 to 11.
  • Needler now inflicts Acid Venom for 3 seconds.
  • Buffed Pearl God's damage from 32 to 40.
  • Pestilent Defiler's particles now grant -1 local immunity frames.
  • Photoviscerator now inflicts Miracle Blight.
  • Nerfed Proximity Mine Launcher's damage from 320 to 80, and use time from 40 to 50.
  • Buffed Pumpler's damage from 18 to 24, and matched its use time with its use animation.
  • Rebalanced Reed Blowgun. Buffed damage from 14 to 21, but nerfed knockback from 13.5 to 4.5.
  • Scorched Earth no longer inflicts On Fire!.
  • Septic Skewer's bacterias now inflict Sulphuric Poisoning instead of Acid Venom.
  • Buffed Shellshooter's shot speed from 1.5 to 2.5.
  • Snowballs no longer inflict Frostburn.
  • Spyker now inflicts Acid Venom for 3 seconds. Main spike now grants 10 local immunity frames instead of 1 global immunity frame.
  • Starmada no longer inflicts Holy Flames or Astral Infection.
  • Sulphuric Acid Cannon now inflicts Sulphuric Poisoning for 3 seconds.
  • Surge Driver now inflicts Miracle Blight.
  • Increased Toxibow's Irradiated duration from 2 seconds to 8.
  • Tyranny's End now only converts Musket Balls.
  • Universal Genesis no longer inflicts Frostburn or God Slayer Inferno.
  • Nerfed Venom Arrow's damage from 20 to 19.
  • Voidragon's tentacles no longer inflict Demon Flames.
  • Buffed Wulfrum Blunderbuss' damage from 8 to 11.
  • Reduced Abyss Shocker's random spread. It now fires from the tip of the gun.
  • Aetherflux Cannon now inflicts Holy Flames for 3 seconds.
  • Apoctosis Array no longer inflicts Brimstone Flames.
  • Apotheosis no longer inflicts Armor Crunch, Demon Flames, or Exo Freeze, but now inflicts Whispering Death for 5 seconds.
  • Arch Amaryllis' flower no longer pierces infinitely, and no longer grants 7 global immunity frames.
  • Arctic Bear Paw now inflicts Frostbite instead of Frostburn, but no longer inflicts Confused.
  • Rebalanced Art Attack. Nerfed damage from 470 to 80, but increased its scaling from 2.3x over 4.5 seconds to 25x over 5 seconds. The wand now automatically fires stars when held.
  • Atlantis now grants 12 ID-static immunity frames instead of 6 global immunity frames. Increased number of segments from 12-13 to 20.
  • Augur of the Elements no longer inflicts any debuffs.
  • Blood Bath now inflicts Burning Blood for 2 seconds.
  • Rebalanced Brimrose Staff. Buffed damage from 15 to 45. Segments now share 10 ID-static immunity frames and pierce infinitely, dealing 20% less damage per hit if a segment pierces more than once.
  • Rebalanced Burning Sea. Buffed damage from 72 to 75. Decreased amount of fireballs upon contact with water from 2-3 to 2, but split fireballs no longer deal 85% base damage. The main fireball now grants 10 local immunity frames instead of 8 global immunity frames.
  • Crimson Rod no longer inflicts Burning Blood.
  • Cryophobia's waves now grant 10 local immunity frames, and inflict Frostbite instead of Frostburn.
  • Rebalanced Death Valley Duster. Increased dust lifespan from 0.375 seconds to 0.5 and takes 0.08 seconds to fade instead of 0.5. Dust now pierces 3 times instead of infinitely. It now inflicts Armor Crunch for 3 seconds and now grants 10 effective local immunity frames.
  • Deathhail Staff now inflicts God Slayer Inferno for 3 seconds instead of On Fire! and Frostburn.
  • Rebalanced Divine Retribution. Buffed damage from 39 to 48, but it no longer inflicts Crush Depth.
  • Buffed Effervescence's damage from 49 to 64.
  • Elemental Ray no longer inflicts any debuffs.
  • Event Horizon no longer inflicts Daybroken.
  • Flare Bolt now grants 10 local immunity frames.
  • Forbidden Sun now inflicts Hellfire instead of On Fire!.
  • Buffed Frigidflash Bolt. It now grants 10 local immunity frames, inflicts Hellfire instead of On Fire!, and increased Frostburn duration from 1.5 seconds to 3.
  • Frost Bolt now grants 10 local immunity frames.
  • Gatling Laser no longer inflicts On Fire!.
  • Buffed Genisis' damage from 56 to 70. Y-beams now grant 6 ID-static immunity frames instead of 100.
  • Gruesome Eminence now never stops being able to hurt the player. Buffed damage dealt to the player from 92 to 360 / 450 Expert Mode / 540 Master Mode at full power.
  • Nerfed Helium Flash's damage from 2727 to 1800, and it no longer inflicts Irradiated.
  • Ice Barrage no longer inflicts Exo Freeze.
  • Icicle Trident now inflicts Frostbite instead of Frostburn, but no longer inflicts Glacial State.
  • Rebalanced Infernal Rift. Buffed damage from 40 to 50, and shot speed from 16 to 28. It now inflicts Hellfire instead of Brimstone Flames.
  • Ion Blaster no longer inflicts Brimstone Flames.
  • Lashes of Chaos' fireball no longer pierces.
  • Rebalanced Lazhar. Nerfed damage from 100 to 80, and it no longer pierces. It now inflicts Daybroken instead of On Fire!.
  • Nerfed Lunar Flare's damage from 150 to 120.
  • Mad Alchemist's Cocktail Glove right click flask no longer inflicts Poisoned, On Fire!, Cursed Inferno, Shadowflame, or Frostburn, but now inflicts Electrified and increased all debuff durations from 2 seconds to 4.
  • Nuclear Fury no longer inflicts Wet.
  • Nerfed Plague Staff, it now fires 4 fangs instead of 6-9. One fang is now directly aimed towards the cursor.
  • Plasma Caster no longer inflicts On Fire! or Cursed Inferno.
  • Decreased Plasma Rod's Shadowflame duration from 10 seconds to 6.
  • Poseidon now inflicts Eutrophication for 3 seconds.
  • Primordial Ancient now inflicts Armor Crunch for 3 seconds.
  • Rebalanced Primordial Earth. The main dust now grants 10 effective local immunity frames instead of 6 global immunity frames, but the dust flak no longer pierces. It now inflicts Armor Crunch for 3 seconds.
  • Purge Guzzler no longer inflicts On Fire!.
  • Buffed Rancor arms' damage to the player from 80-89 to 300 / 375 Expert Mode / 450 Master Mode.
  • Recitation of the Beast no longer inflicts On Fire!, Frostburn, Shadowflame, or Brimstone Flames.
  • Sanguine Flare no longer inflicts Brimstone Flames.
  • Seething Discharge now inflicts Brimstone Flames for 2 seconds from the dart and 3 seconds from the hellblast.
  • Shadecrystal Barrage now inflicts Frostbite instead of Frostburn.
  • Shaderain Staff no longer inflicts Shadowflame.
  • Buffed Shifting Sands' damage from 61 to 92.
  • Snowstorm Staff now inflicts Frostbite instead of Frostburn.
  • Soul Piercer now inflicts God Slayer Inferno for 3 seconds.
  • Nerfed Spectre Staff's damage from 195 to 78.
  • Staff of Blushie now only inflicts Daybroken.
  • Subsuming Vortex now inflicts Miracle Blight instead of Holy Flames, On Fire!, and Frostburn.
  • Rebalanced Tears of Heaven. Nerfed damage from 64 to 54. Projectiles now pierce once instead of twice, but grant 20 local immunity frames instead of 6 global immunity frames.
  • Thorn Blossom's flower no longer pierces infinitely.
  • Tome of Fates no longer inflicts Brimstone Flames.
  • Ultra Liquidator no longer inflicts Cursed Inferno, Ichor, or Brimstone Flames.
  • Vehemence no longer inflicts Demon Flames.
  • Venusian Trident now inflicts Daybroken instead of On Fire!.
  • Rebalanced Vesuvius. It no longer buffs the player with Molten, but now inflicts Hellfire for 3 seconds.
  • Vitriolic Viper's spit no longer grants 8 local immunity frames.
  • Vivid Clarity now inflicts Miracle Blight instead of Holy Flames, On Fire!, and Frostburn.
  • The Wand now inflicts Dragonfire, and now grants local immunity frames instead of ID-static immunity frames.
  • Rebalanced Wulfrum Prosthesis. Buffed damage from 13 to 18, but nerfed mana cost from 2 to 5.
  • Buffed Yharim's Crystal's damage from 75 to 85, and it now inflicts Dragonfire for 3 seconds.
  • Reduced the Summoner penalty when holding a non-summoner weapon from -50% to -25%. Fearmonger armor, Gem Tech armor, and Forbidden Circlet set bonuses now negate the penalty, instead of reducing the penalty to -25%. The Summoner penalty is no longer active during the Old One's Army event.
  • Blood Clot Staff now inflicts Burning Blood for 2 seconds.
  • Borealis Bomber now has auto use.
  • Cadaverous Carrion now inflicts Sulphuric Poisoning for 3 seconds.
  • Calamari's Lament's minion no longer grants 30 local immunity frames.
  • Caustic Croaker Staff now inflicts Irradiated for 12 seconds.
  • Caustic Staff now inflicts Hellfire instead of On Fire!.
  • Rebalanced Cinder Blossom Staff. Nerfed damage from 25 to 16. Cinder projectiles no longer have a random velocity, have predictive aim, and inflict On Fire! For 3 seconds.
  • Buffed Cinders of Lament's damage against the player from 70 to 200 / 260 Expert Mode / 320 Master Mode, and it now inflicts Vulnerability Hex for 3 seconds.
  • Cold Divinity now inflicts Frostbite instead of Frostburn.
  • Cosmic Immaterializer now inflicts Miracle Blight instead of Holy Flames, On Fire!, and Frostburn.
  • Cryogenic Staff now inflicts Frostbite instead of Frostburn.
  • Daedalus Golem Staff's pellets now inflict Frostburn for 3 seconds.
  • Rebalanced Deepsea Staff. Nerfed damage from 42 to 40. Minions now charge back and forth much faster. It now grants 35 local immunity frames instead of 5 global immunity frames.
  • Dragonblood Disgorger's large dragon blood fire now inflicts Burning Blood for 3 seconds.
  • Elemental Axe no longer inflicts any debuffs.
  • Rebalanced Eye of Night. Buffed damage from 24 to 28, but it no longer inflicts Cursed Inferno.
  • Buffed Flesh of Infidelity's damage from 23 to 27.
  • Flowers of Mortality no longer inflicts any debuffs.
  • Forgotten Apex Wand now has a 33% chance to inflict Armor Crunch for 1.5 seconds.
  • Gastric Belcher Staff's acid vomit now inflicts Acid Venom for 2 seconds.
  • Rebalanced Godspawn Helix Staff. Buffed damage from 60 to 75, but nerfed fire rate. Astral probes now stay evenly apart from each other and fire predictive astral lasers instead of astral round projectiles.
  • Guidelight of Oblivion no longer inflicts Brimstone Flames.
  • Nerfed Herring Staff's damage from 20 to 17. Herrings now charge much faster at enemies, and grant ID-static immunity frames instead of global immunity frames.
  • Buffed Igneous Exaltation, launched blades no longer deal 66.6% base damage.
  • Buffed Metastasis' damage against the player from 80-89 to 300 / 375 Expert Mode / 450 Master Mode.
  • Midnight Sun Beacon no longer inflicts Electrified.
  • Orthocera Shell now inflicts Irradiated for 3 seconds.
  • Sanctified Spark now inflicts Holy Flames for 3 seconds.
  • Buffed Sand Sharknado Staff's damage from 35 to 47.
  • Rebalanced Saros Possession. Buffed damage from 200 to 500. It no longer uses all available slots, and now costs 8 minion slots. Saros Aura now glows.
  • Seabound Staff minions now accelerate back and forth much faster and grant 35 local immunity frames.
  • Rebalanced Sirius. Buffed damage from 175 to 600. It no longer uses all available slots, and now costs 6 minion slots.
  • Slime Puppet Staff now inflicts Slimed for 5 seconds.
  • Staff of the Mechworm now inflicts God Slayer Inferno.
    • The mechworm's head inflicts the debuff for 3 seconds, the body segments and lasers inflict it for 2 seconds, and the tail inflicts it for 1.5 seconds.
  • Star Swallower Containment Unit no longer inflicts Irradiated.
  • Rebalanced Tactical Plague Engine. Nerfed damage from 160 to 140. It now fires Plague rockets every 2 shots instead of 20.
  • Increased Universe Splitter's Electrified duration from the huge beam from 4 seconds to 5, but it no longer inflicts Nightwither.
  • Viral Sprout's needles no longer grant 6 local immunity frames.
  • Yharon's Kindle Staff now inflicts Dragonfire for 3 seconds.
  • Rebalanced Adamantite Throwing Axe. Buffed damage from 44 to 64, but axe now pierces 3 times instead of 5. It now grants local immunity frames.
  • Rebalanced Apoctolith. Buffed damage from 120 to 220 and shot speed from 15 to 18, but nerfed use time from 24 to 30.
  • Rebalanced Auroradical Throw. Buffed damage from 32 to 48. Split stars no longer deal 87% base damage, and meteors now deal 125% base damage instead of 50%. Nerfed the star's lifespan from 8.08 seconds to 6, made the homing stronger and faster, and it no longer deals area of effect damage on hit. Stealth strikes no longer have a 120% damage modifier.
  • Rebalanced Ballistic Poison Bomb. Buffed damage from 50 to 72. Stealth strikes no longer have a 50% damage modifier. Spikes no longer deal 50% base damage, and now grant 10 effective local immunity frames instead of 1 global immunity frame. Clouds now deal 50% base damage instead of 25%, but now grant 20 ID-static immunity frames instead of 10 local immunity frames.
  • Blast Barrel now inflicts Hellfire instead of On Fire!.
  • Blazing Star now inflicts Hellfire for 3 seconds.
  • Bloodsoaked Crasher no longer inflicts Brimstone Flames.
  • Brackish Flask no longer inflicts Poisoned.
  • Celestus now inflicts Miracle Blight instead of Holy Flames, On Fire!, and Frostburn.
  • Buffed Cobalt Kunai's use time from 12 to 10. The kunai now grants 10 local immunity frames.
  • Consecrated Water's pillars now grant 20 local immunity frames.
  • Increased Contaminated Bile's Irradiated duration from 3 seconds to 8.
  • Cosmic Kunai's scythes no longer inflict God Slayer Inferno.
  • Rebalanced Crystal Piercer. Buffed damage from 52 to 92, but nerfed use time from 17 to 22. It now inflicts Frostbite instead of Frostburn. Crystal shards now deal 70% base damage instead of 40%.
  • Buffed Cursed Dagger's use time from 16 to 8. Increased the spawn rate of fireballs from the stealth strike by 25% and flames no longer deal 50% base damage. It now grants local immunity frames.
  • Buffed Deep Wounder's damage from 106 to 136. All projectiles now grant 20 local immunity frames, and water projectiles now deal 10% base damage instead of a flat 20 damage. Now inflicts Marked for Death on stealth strikes instead of Crush Depth and inflicts Crush Depth on regular hits.
  • Rebalanced Desecrated Water. It now spawns 5 bubbles instead of 5-10, and 12 instead of 10-15 on stealth strikes. Bubbles now deal 60% base damage instead of 50%, and knockback now scales with the player's knockback boosts.
  • Nerfed Duststorm in a Bottle, regular dust clouds now grant 6 ID-static immunity frames instead of 5, and stealth strike dust clouds now grant 5 ID-static immunity frames instead of 4.
  • Rebalanced Dynamic Pursuer. Nerfed damage from 3100 to 2550 and maximum charge from 320 to 300, but buffed shot speed from 25 to 28 and stealth strike damage modifier from 15% to 30%. The boomerang now grants 360 local immunity frames, and lasers now grant 20 local immunity frames instead of 10. The boomerang now returns much faster.
  • Elemental Disk no longer inflicts any debuffs.
  • Rebalanced Epidemic Shredder. Decreased the boomerang's lifespan from 10 seconds to 3, but buffed the seeker spawn rate from stealth strikes by 25%. Seekers now deal 60% base damage instead of 25%, and knockback now scales with the player's knockback boosts.
  • Rebalanced Equanimity. Nerfed use time from 20 to 36. Dark shards now deal 80% base damage instead of 15%, and light shards now deal 80% base damage instead of 10%.
  • Eradicator now inflicts God Slayer Inferno for 3 seconds instead of On Fire! and Frostburn.
  • Rebalanced Executioner's Blade. Nerfed damage from 200 to 188, and shot speed from 26 to 24. Stealth strikes no longer have a 361% damage modifier. Stealth strike falling blades now deal 400% base damage instead of 120%.
  • Rebalanced Exorcism. Stealth strikes no longer have a 115% damage modifier. Shockwaves no longer deal 80% base damage. Stealth strikes now spawn 9 stars instead of 4-6, and stars now inflict Holy Flames for 3 seconds.
  • Nerfed Fantasy Talisman's damage from 93 to 82, and shot speed from 18 to 16.5.
  • Rebalanced Frequency Manipulator. It now pierces once instead of three times, reduced energies spawned from 4 to 3, and energies now last 4 seconds instead of 6. It now grants 45 ID-static immunity frames.
  • Rebalanced Frostcrush Valari. Nerfed damage from 100 to 89, use time from 19 to 21, and stealth strike damage modifier from 36.67% to 35%. The main boomerang now grants 60 local immunity frames instead of 15. Stealth strikes now have more range. It now inflicts Frostbite instead of Frostburn and increased Glacial State duration from 0.5 seconds to 0.75, but it no longer inflicts Crush Depth. Icicle projectiles no longer inflict Frostburn.
  • Buffed Frosty Flare's use time from 16 to 13, and stealth strikes no longer have a 90% damage modifier. It now inflicts Frostbite instead of Frostburn.
  • Gacruxian Mollusk's sparks now inflict Electrified for 2 seconds.
  • Gel Dart now grants 10 local immunity frames and no longer inflicts Slow.
  • Nerfed God's Paranoia, stealth strikes no longer have a 134.5% damage modifier.
  • Rebalanced Grave Grimreaver. Buffed damage from 25 to 31, use time from 50 to 48, and shot speed from 16 to 16.5, but nerfed stealth strike damage modifier from 155% to 45%. Main projectile now lasts 3.5 seconds instead of 5.16, and spawns skulls every 0.5 seconds instead of 0.33. Bats now last 3.5 seconds instead of 5.33. Skulls now last 3.5 seconds instead of 5, and decreased Cursed Inferno duration from 4 seconds to 3. Stealth strikes no longer move 10% faster.
  • Rebalanced Hardened Honeycomb. Nerfed damage from 25 to 20, but buffed use time from 21 to 16. Decreased amount of fragments spawned per hit from 3 to 2, but they no longer deal 30% base damage.
  • Rebalanced Heavenfallen Stardisk. Nerfed damage from 115 to 90, and use time from 25 to 40. Stealth strikes no longer have a 125% damage modifier. Nerfed amount of energy spawned on hits from 8 to 5, but they are now homing and deal 50% base damage instead of 40%. Stealth strikes now always rain energy every 5 frames instead of having a 50% chance, but now rain down 1 energy instead of 1-3. The player is no longer required to be moving vertically during its impact to spawn energies, only when initially thrown. Decreased the lifespan of the main disk from 10 seconds to 5, and the disk now initially scales with player velocity boosts.
  • Hypothermia's stealth strikes now inflict Glacial State for 2 seconds.
  • Rebalanced Ice Star. Stars now move at double the speed but reduced lifespan from 4.67 seconds to 1. All stars now grants 30 effective local immunity frames instead of 9 exclusively for the stealth strike. Stars that spawn from the stealth strike can now only happen on the first hit instead of up to 15 stars at a time, but no longer deal 12.5% base damage. Stars no longer deal additional area of effect damage.
  • Icebreaker now inflicts Frostbite instead of Frostburn.
  • Rebalanced Ichor Spear. Buffed damage from 76 to 84, but stealth strikes no longer have a 160% damage modifier. Increased the spawn rate of ichor from the stealth strike by 25% and ichor no longer deals 50% base damage. It now grants local immunity frames.
  • Iron Francisca and Lead Tomahawk now grant 10 local immunity frames and have doubled damage for 0.25 seconds instead of 0.17.
  • Jaws of Oblivion no longer inflicts Marked for Death.
  • Rebalanced Kelvin Catalyst. Stars now only spawn on the first hit instead of up to 25 stars at a time, but now deal 50% base damage instead of 16.67%. Decreased amount of stars spawned on hit from 8 to 5 and stars no longer deal additional area of effect damage. Stealth strikes now charge more aggressively and charge for 3 seconds instead of 2, and can spawn stars on the first 3 hits. Stealth strike now inflicts Glacial State for 1.5 seconds. Now inflicts Frostbite instead of Frostburn. The boomerang now grants 20 effective local immunity frames.
  • Rebalanced Kylie. Increased range of stealth strike boomerangs, but boomerangs now grant 30 local immunity frames instead of 15.
  • Rebalanced Leviathan Teeth. Buffed damage from 50 to 66, but nerfed use time from 10 to 15. Stealth strikes no longer have a 130% damage modifier. Decreased maximum number of teeth on regular throws from 3 to 2, but increased amount of teeth thrown on stealth strikes from 3 to 6.
  • Mangrove Chakram now inflicts Acid Venom instead of Cursed Inferno.
  • Molten Amputator now inflicts Holy Flames for 3 seconds from the scythe and 1.5 seconds from the blobs.
  • Rebalanced Monkey Darts. Buffed shot speed from 8 to 12, and stealth strike damage modifier from 33% to 80%. It no longer inflicts Acid Venom.
  • Buffed Mythril Knife's damage from 40 to 80. Increased stealth strike Irradiated, Acid Venom, and Poisoned durations from 1, 2, and 5 seconds respectively to 8 seconds for all debuffs.
  • Rebalanced Nasty Cholla. Stealth strikes no longer have a 140% damage modifier. Needles now deal 50% base damage instead of 25%, and needle damage now scales with stealth damage. Stealth strikes now throw 4 cactus balls instead of 5.
  • The Old Reaper now inflicts Irradiated and Sulphuric Poisoning for 3 seconds.
  • Rebalanced Orichalcum Spiked Gemstone. Buffed damage from 37 to 40. Normal throws now pierce 2 times instead of 3 and decreased lifespan from 10 seconds to 6, but it now grants local immunity frames. Nerfed stealth strike lifespan from 15 seconds to 10.
  • Rebalanced Palladium Javelin. Buffed damage from 68 to 88, but nerfed use time from 19 to 26. Stealth strikes no longer have a 142.5% damage modifier, but stealth strike javelins now take 0.25 seconds to split instead of 0.5, and grant 5 seconds of Rapid Healing on hits. Regular throws now grant 10 local immunity frames.
  • Rebalanced Prismalline. Buffed damage from 24 to 36, but nerfed use time from 16 to 24. Stealth strikes no longer have a 115% damage modifier. The main dagger now grants 10 local immunity frames. Non-homing daggers no longer deal 75% base damage, homing daggers from regular throws no longer deal 110% base damage, and homing daggers from stealth strikes no longer deal 115% base damage. Stealth strikes now spawn 5 shards on split instead of 2-4, and 5 shards on death instead of 1-3.
  • Buffed Radiant Star, dagger no longer deals 50% base damage, and explosions no longer deal 75% base damage. Increased amount of daggers spawned from the stealth strike from 5 to 7. The main dagger now grants 10 local immunity frames and explosion now grants 35 local immunity frames.
  • Refraction Rotor's prism rockets no longer grant 9 local immunity frames.
  • Rot Ball and Tooth Ball now grant local immunity frames.
  • Buffed Sacrifice's damage from 290 to 345, and shot speed from 12 to 16. Stealth strikes now have a 160% damage modifier and move 20% faster.
  • Buffed Sandslasher's shot speed from 7 to 8.
  • Rebalanced Scourge of the Seas. Buffed damage from 45 to 56 and shot speed from 8 to 10, but nerfed use time from 20 to 24. Stealth strikes now have a 140% damage modifier and move 20% faster. It now spawns 3-5 clouds on hit instead of 2-6 and clouds now deal 30% base damage instead of 25%. Clouds now grant 45 local immunity frames instead of 30.
  • Seared Pan now inflicts Daybroken instead of On Fire! and Brimstone Flames.
  • Shard of Antumbra's projectile now grants 10 effective local immunity frames instead of 2 global immunity frames.
  • Buffed Shinobi Blade's damage from 15 to 24, and use time from 15 to 10. Healing orbs now move 5 times as fast but reduced lifespan from 5 seconds to 2. Decreased the item's base velocity from 20 to 10, but increased the dagger's effective velocity from 20 to 50. Changed the stealth strike effect from throwing a spread of 3 daggers to throwing a dagger which spawns up to 8 copies in rapid succession on the struck target.
  • Buffed Shock Grenade's damage from 90 to 108. The electricity aura now inflicts Galvanic Corrosion for 1 second.
  • Rebalanced Sludge Splotch. Buffed damage from 30 to 48. Stealth strike now spawns 3 sludge balls instead of 3-5. Small sludge balls now deal 100% base damage instead of a flat 7 damage. It now inflicts Slimed instead of Slow.
  • Subduction Slicer now inflicts Hellfire instead of On Fire!, and increased Daybroken duration from stealth strikes from 2 seconds to 7.
  • Supernova now inflicts Miracle Blight instead of Holy Flames, On Fire!, and Frostburn.
  • Rebalanced Tarragon Throwing Dart. Buffed shot speed from 12 to 15, but it now grants 10 local immunity frames instead of 8.
  • Rebalanced Terra Disk. Nerfed use time from 16 to 30, but it no longer has a maximum throw limit of 3. Stealth strikes no longer have a 90% damage modifier. All small disks now grant 6 ID-static immunity frames instead of 8 exclusively for the stealth strike.
  • Rebalanced Terror Talons. Buffed damage from 47 to 52, and stealth strike damage modifier from 487.5% to 900%. Stealth strike talons now pierce 3 times instead of 8, and grant 10 effective local immunity frames instead of 3.33.
  • Rebalanced Throwing Brick. Stealth strikes no longer have a 120% damage modifier. Decreased amount of spread from stealth strike brick fragments and increased the number of fragments spawned from 3 to 5. Brick fragments now deal 50% base damage instead of 30%.
  • Rebalanced Titanium Shuriken. Buffed damage from 37 to 56. Stealth strikes now spawn 4 clones instead of 1-2, but can only spawn on the first 3 hits instead of infinitely. It now grants local immunity frames.
  • Tooth Ball now inflicts Burning Blood for 3 seconds.
  • Rebalanced Totality Breakers. Nerfed damage from 55 to 50, but buffed stealth strike damage modifier from 115% to 130%. It now inflicts Hellfire instead of On Fire!, and increased duration from tar from 4 seconds to 5.
  • Utensil Poker no longer inflicts Bleeding or Burning Blood, and no longer grants Well Fed to the player.
  • Valediction no longer inflicts Wet.
  • Buffed Wave Skipper's damage from 50 to 80, and stealth strikes no longer have a 33% damage modifier. It now grants 20 local immunity frames.
  • Increased Web Ball's Webbed duration from stealth strikes from 1 second to 2.


  • Enemies vulnerable to debuffs now take 2x damage instead of 5x.
    • Worms NPCs now take 1.5x damage instead of 2x.
  • Astral Infection and Plague now decrease player damage by 15% instead of 10%.
  • Nerfed Astral Injection's mana recovery rate per second from 180 to 120.
  • Nerfed Bloody Mary's damage boost from 15% to 10%, and increased the life regeneration penalty from 2 to 4. It no longer increases melee speed or critical strike chance.
  • Buffed Brimstone Flames' damage per second against enemies from 20 to 30.
  • Burning Blood now only deals damage to the player and no longer has any other effects.
  • Buffed Endurance's damage reduction boost from 5% to 10%.
  • Flask of Brimstone now inflicts Brimstone Flames for twice as long.
  • Increased the buff duration of Flask of Holy Flames from 5 minutes to 20. The buff now only affects melee, rogue attacks and whips, spawns dusts on attacks, and now counts as a flask buff.
  • Increased Gaze of Crysthamyr mount's horizontal flight acceleration by 70%, decreased run speed from 76 mph to 51 mph and made holding ▲ Up while flying up greatly boost vertical acceleration.
  • Grape Beer, Vulnerability Hex, Poisoned, Acid Venom, Whispering Death, Dragonfire, Holy Inferno, God Slayer Inferno, Astral Infection, and Plague debuffs no longer reduce the player's movement speed.
  • Buffed Holy Flames' damage per second against enemies from 25 to 100.
  • Ironskin's defense boost now scales with progression. The player will be granted 8 defense in Pre-Hardmode, 12 defense in Hardmode, 16 defense after defeating Moon Lord, and 20 defense after defeating The Devourer of Gods.
  • Momentum Capacitor no longer works while a boss is alive.
  • Increased Moscow Mule's life regeneration penalty from 2 to 4.
  • Buffed Mushy's life regeneration boost from 1 to 2, and defense boost from 5 to 6.
  • Princess Spirit in a Bottle's Alicorn mount now has infinite flight, increased run speed from 86 mph to 90 mph and vertical speed from 61 mph to 71 mph.
  • Rod of Discord and Normality Relocator now only give Chaos State for 6 seconds if there is no boss alive.
  • Increased Star Beam Rye's life regeneration penalty from 1 to 2.
  • Buffed Tequila's critical strike chance boost from 2% to 4%. It no longer increases damage and damage reduction.
  • Buffed Tequila Sunrise's critical strike chance boost from 3% to 8%, but increased the life regeneration penalty from 1 to 2. It no longer increases damage and damage reduction.
  • Nerfed Tesla's Electricity's electric aura Galvanic Corrosion debuff duration from 0.5 seconds to 0.1. Electric aura can no longer damage projectile-like NPCs such as Vile Spit.
  • Vulnerability Hex now decreases player defense by 20 instead of 10.
  • Whispering Death now decreases player damage by 25% instead of 20%.
  • Nerfed White Wine's magic damage boost from 10% to 8%, and mana recovery from 400 to 300.


  • Reordered various item recipes to include core ingredients before other ingredients:
    • Moved Soul of Fright above Soul of Might in Angel Treads, Catastrophe Claymore, Exorcism, Pwnagehammer, and Sun God Staff's recipes.
    • Moved Crimtane Bar to the top of Aorta, Blood Bath, Bloodstained Glove, Eviscerator, Sausage Maker, and Tooth Ball's recipes.
    • Moved Luminite Bar below Dubious Plating in Daawnlight Spirit Origin's recipe.
    • Moved Soul of Night below Soul of Light in Adamantite Particle Accelerator, Cryo Key, Darklight Greatsword, Evasion Scarf, and Temple Key's recipes.
    • Moved Rotten Chunk to the bottom of Dank Staff, Filthy Glove, Perfect Dark, Shaderain Staff, and Shadethrower's recipe.
    • Moved Pearl Shard to the top of Navy Fishing Rod's recipe.
    • Moved Soul of Flight to the bottom of Soaring Potion's recipe.
    • Moved Unholy Essence below Luminite Bar in Profaned Shard's recipe.
    • Moved Luminite Bar to the top of Rune of Kos' recipe.
    • Moved Rotten Matter and Rotten Chunk below Demonite Bar in Teratoma's recipe in order.
    • Moved Sulphuric Scale below Acidwood in Acid Gun, Basher, Parasitic Scepter, and Toxibow's recipes.
    • Moved Eldritch Tome below Shadowflame Hex Doll and Galactica Singularity below Life Alloy in Augur of the Elements' recipe.
    • Moved Galactica Singularity below Life Alloy in Elemental Blaster, Elemental Disk, Elemental Eruption, Elemental Lance, Elemental Ray, Elemental Shiv, Flowers of Mortality, and Planetary Annihilation's recipe.
    • Moved Shiverthorn to the bottom of Frost Blossom Staff and Frost Bolt's recipes.
    • Moved Soul of Fright below Any Adamantite Bar in Ion Blaster's recipe.
    • Moved Soul of Might and Soul of Sight below Soul of Fright in Valkyrie Ray's recipe in order.
    • Moved Soul of Flight below Any Mythril Bar in Wyvern's Call's recipe.
    • Moved Life Alloy and Galactica Singularity below Luminite Bar in Ark of the Elements and Elemental Axe's recipes in order.
    • Moved Galactica Singularity below Luminite Bar in Solstice Claymore's recipe.
    • Moved Vertebrae to the bottom of Blood Clot Staff and Vein Burster's recipe.
    • Moved Clockwork Assault Rifle to the top of Clock Gatlignum's recipe.
    • Moved Light Shard below Dark Shard in Equanimity and Nychthemeron's recipe.
    • Moved Demonite Bar to the top of Rot Ball's recipe.
    • Moved Sealed Singularity and Starof Destruction to the top of Supernova's recipe in order.
    • Moved Fireblossom to the bottom of Cinder Blossom Staff's recipe.
    • Moved Staff of Necrosteocytes and Belladonna Spirit Staff below Vile Feeder in Eye of Night's recipe.
    • Moved Staff of Necrosteocytes and Belladonna Spirit Staff below Scab Ripper in Flesh of Infidelity's recipe.
    • Moved Exodium Cluster below Ruinous Soul in Warloks' Moon Fist's recipe.
    • Moved Ichor below Hellstone Bar in Golden Gun's recipe.
    • Moved Any Silver Bar to the top of Ice Mirror's recipe.
    • Moved Feather to the bottom of Blizzard in a Bottle and Cloud in a Bottle's recipes.
    • Moved Desert Feather and Feather to the bottom of Sandstorm in a Bottle's recipe in order.
    • Abombination no longer uses 5 Stingers in its recipe.
    • The Absorber no longer uses Rover Drive, 15 Depth Cells, 15 Lumenyl, or 5 Tenebris in its recipe.
    • Abyss Blade now uses 20 Voidstone and 20 Depth Cells in its recipe instead of Broken Hero Sword, 15 Depth Cells, 10 Lumenyl, and 5 Tenebris.
    • Abyss Torch now uses Abyss Gravel in its recipe instead of Lumenyl.
    • Abyssal Diving Suit no longer uses 40 Depth Cells, 40 Lumenyl, or 15 Tenebris in its recipe.
    • Abyssal Mirror no longer uses 8 Spectre Bars or 10 Sea Prisms in its recipe.
    • Adamantite Breastplate now uses 20 Adamantite Bars in its recipe instead of 24.
    • Adamantite Chainsaw, Adamantite Drill, Adamantite Glaive, Adamantite Headgear, Adamantite Helmet, Adamantite Mask, Adamantite Pickaxe, Adamantite Repeater, Adamantite Sword, and Adamantite Waraxe now use 10 Adamantite Bars in their recipes instead of 12.
    • Adamantite Leggings now use 15 Adamantite Bars in their recipe instead of 18.
    • Adamantite Throwing Axe's recipe now yields 150 instead of 100.
    • Aerialite Brick now uses 25 Any Stone Blocks in its recipe instead of 1, and now yields 25 instead of 10.
    • Aerospec Breastplate now uses 8 Sunplate Blocks in its recipe instead of 10 Clouds and 5 Rain Clouds.
    • Aerospec Hat, Aerospec Headgear, Aerospec Helm, Aerospec Helmet, and Aerospec Hood now use 3 Sunplate Blocks in their recipes instead of 3 Clouds and 1 Rain Cloud.
    • Aerospec Leggings now use 4 Sunplate Blocks in their recipe instead of 6 Clouds and 3 Rain Clouds.
    • Aestheticus no longer uses 10 Meteorite Bars, 10 Hellstone Bars, 20 Glass, or 15 Gel in its recipe.
    • Air Spinner now uses 3 Sunplate Blocks in its recipe.
    • Alluvion no longer uses 20 Sea Prisms, 10 Depth Cells, or 5 Tenebris in its recipe.
    • Alpha Virus no longer uses 5 Bloodstone Cores in its recipe.
    • Anarchy Blade now uses Breaker Blade in its recipe instead of a Broken Hero Sword.
    • The Anomaly's Nanogun now uses 20 Dubious Plating and 20 Mysterious Circuitry in its recipe instead of Heavy Laser Rifle, 16 Dubious Plating, and 16 Mysterious Circuitry.
    • Apoctolith no longer uses Sea Prisms in its recipe, and now uses 50 Voidstone and 20 Lumenyl instead of 20 and 8.
    • Apple Pie can now be crafted with 3 Apples at a Hellforge.
    • Aquashard Shotgun no longer uses 15 Prism Shards or 5 Sea Remains in its recipe.
    • Arch Amaryllis now uses 12 Nebula Fragments in its recipe instead of 10.
    • Ark of the Ancients now uses a Broken Hero Sword and Starfury in its recipe instead of True Excalibur, a Core of Calamity, and 15 Living Shards.
    • Ashen Slab now uses 50 Smooth Brimstone Slag in its recipe instead of 4, and now yields 50 instead of 5.
    • Astral Blue Dye now uses 2 Bottled Water in its recipe instead of 1, and now yields 2 instead of 1.
    • Astral Injection's main recipe now uses 15 Bottled Water instead of 4, and now yields 15 instead of 4. Blood Orb recipe now uses 15 Bottled Water instead of 4, and now yields 15 instead of 8.
    • Astral Orange Dye now uses 2 Bottled Water in its recipe instead of 1, and now yields 2 instead of 1.
    • Astral Swirl Dye no longer uses 5 Astral Ore in its recipe.
    • Astreal Defeat now uses 5 Ashes of Calamity in its recipe instead of Darkecho Greatbow, Bladedge Railbow, Continental Greatbow, and 5 Galactica Singularities.
    • Aureate Booster no longer uses an Essence of Sunlight in its recipe.
    • Auric Dye now uses 3 Bottled Water in its recipe instead of 1, and now yields 3 instead of 1.
    • Azathoth now uses 2 Cores of Calamity in its recipe instead of 3.
    • Bacon now requires a Hellforge to craft instead of a Cooking Pot.
    • Baguette now uses 20 Hay in its recipe instead of 10.
    • Baleful Harvester now uses 12 Stardust Fragments in its recipe instead of Book of Skulls and 20 Solar Fragments.
    • Ballistic Poison Bomb now uses 10 Voidstone, 20 Depth Cells, and 10 Sulphurous Sand in its recipe instead of 10 Depth Cells, 20 Sulphurous Sand, and 10 Tenebris.
    • Banana Split can now be crafted with 1 Banana, 1 Ice Block and 1 Carton of Milk at a Cooking Pot.
    • Barracuda Gun now uses 3 Life Alloys in its recipe instead of 1 Life Alloy, 2 Cores of Calamity, and 5 Tenebris.
    • Bast Statue can now be crafted with 7 Any Iron Bars, 3 Any Gold Bars, and a Ruby at an Anvil.
    • BBQ Ribs can now be crafted with 6 Flesh Blocks and 6 Bones at a Hellforge.
    • Blazing Star now uses 5 Hellstone Bars and 10 Essences of Havoc in its recipe instead of 3 and 4.
    • Blessed Phoenix Egg now uses 10 Life Alloys in its recipe instead of 15.
    • Bloodflare Dye now uses 3 Bottled Water and 5 Bloodstone in its recipe instead of 2 and 3, and now yields 3 instead of 2.
    • Blood Orange no longer uses an Orange Bloodroot in its recipe.
    • Bouncy Spiky Ball now uses 100 Spiky Balls in its recipe instead of 20, and now yields 100 instead of 20.
    • Blue Cosmic Flame Dye now uses 3 Bottled Water in its recipe instead of 2, and now yields 3 instead of 2.
    • Brimflame Dye now uses 2 Bottled Water in its recipe instead of 1, and now yields 2 instead of 1.
    • Brimlash no longer uses 3 Essences of Havoc in its recipe.
    • Carnage Ray no longer uses 15 Blood Samples in its recipe.
    • Carton of Milk can now be crafted with 1 Bottled Water and 2 Bones at a Cooking Pot.
    • Catastrophe Claymore no longer uses 7 Crystal Shards or 5 Souls of Night in its recipe.
    • Caustic Edge no longer uses a Lava Bucket in its recipe.
    • Celestial Emblem and Mechanical Glove now use 1 Soul of Fright, 1 Soul of Might and 1 Soul of Sight in their recipes, and no longer requires any crafting station.
    • Celestus now uses Subduction Slicer in its recipe instead of Alpha Virus and Frostcrush Valari.
    • Cinder Blossom Staff no longer uses 2 Lava Buckets in its recipe.
    • Cinderplate now uses 25 Obsidian in its recipe instead of 3, and now yields 25 instead of 3.
    • Clock Gatlignum no longer uses 5 Ectoplasm in its recipe.
    • Cobalt Breastplate now uses 20 Cobalt Bars in its recipe instead of 24.
    • Cobalt Chainsaw, Cobalt Drill, Cobalt Hat, Cobalt Helmet, Cobalt Mask, Cobalt Naginata, Cobalt Pickaxe, Cobalt Repeater, Cobalt Sword, and Cobalt Waraxe now use 10 Cobalt Bars in their recipes instead of 12.
    • Cobalt Kunai's recipe now yields 150 instead of 100.
    • Cobalt Leggings now use 15 Cobalt Bars in their recipe instead of 18.
    • Coin of Deceit now uses 12 Any Copper Bars in its recipe instead of 4 Any Gold Bars and 5 Wulfrum Metal Scraps.
    • Comet Shard now uses 10 Fallen Stars and 50 Stardust in its recipe instead of 20 and 150.
    • Conference Call now uses 12 Vortex Fragments in its recipe instead of 7.
    • Cosmic Bolter now uses Hallowed Repeater in its recipe instead of 5 Hallowed Bars and 5 Souls of Sight.
    • Cosmic Immaterializer now uses Cosmilamp, Ethereal Subjugator, and Calamari's Lament in its recipe instead of Corvid Harbinger Staff, Ancient Ice Chunk, and Sanctified Spark.
    • Cosmic Rainbow now uses 5 Galactica Singularities in its recipe instead of 5 Meld Constructs, 5 Life Alloys, and a Core of Calamity.
    • Cosmic Viper Engine no longer uses 20 Exodium Clusters in its recipe.
    • Cosmic Worm's alternative recipe now uses 40 Luminite Bars, 10 Galactica Singularities, and 40 Phantoplasm instead of 10, 20, and 30, and no longer uses Any Iron Bars, Souls of Light, or Souls of Night.
    • Cosmilite Brick now uses 200 Any Stone Blocks in its recipe instead of 20, and now yields 200 instead of 20.
    • Cosmilite Dye now uses 3 Bottled Water in its recipe instead of 2, and now yields 3 instead of 2.
    • Cryonic Brick now uses 50 Any Stone Blocks in its recipe instead of 1, and now yields 50 instead of 10.
    • Cryonic Bar, Perennial Bar, Scoria Bar, and Uelibloom Bar now use 4 respective ores in their recipes instead of 5.
    • Crystal Piercer's recipe now yields 150 instead of 100.
    • Daedalus Breastplate no longer uses 6 Crystal Shards in its recipe.
    • Daedalus Facemask, Daedalus Headgear, Daedalus Helm, Daedalus Hood, and Daedalus Mask now use 7 Cryonic Bars in their recipes instead of 8, and no longer use 3 Crystal Shards.
    • Daedalus Leggings no longer use 4 Crystal Shards in their recipe.
    • Darklight Greatsword no longer uses 5 Fallen Stars in its recipe.
    • Deadshot Brooch now uses 2 Cores of Calamity in its recipe instead of 3.
    • Death Valley Duster now uses a Spell Tome in its recipe instead of Tradewinds and 5 Desert Feathers.
    • Deific Amulet no longer uses 10 Meteorite Bars in its recipe.
    • Desert Medallion now uses 40 Sand Blocks in its recipe instead of 25, and no longer uses 15 Cacti.
    • Desert Minecart can now be crafted with 20 Sandstone Bricks, 6 Any Gold Bars, and 3 Any Iron Bars at an Anvil.
    • The Devourer of Cods now uses 6 Cosmilite Bars in its recipe instead of 10.
    • Dragonfruit no longer uses a Sky Blue Flower in its recipe.
    • Dragon Soul Dye now uses 3 Bottled Water in its recipe instead of 2, and now yields 3 instead of 2.
    • Dreadmine Staff now uses 30 Voidstone and 30 Depth Cells in its recipe instead of 10 Depth Cells, 30 Lumenyl, and 10 Tenebris.
    • Early Bloom Rod now uses 6 Uelibloom Bars in its recipe instead of 10.
    • Effervescence no longer uses Xenopopper in its recipe.
    • Elderberry no longer uses 1 Blue Berries in its recipe.
    • Elemental weapons now all use 5 Life Alloys and several had component weapons removed or changed, which include the following:
    • Elemental Excalibur now uses 5 Ascendant Spirit Essences in its recipe instead of a Large Diamond, 3 Light Shards, 3 Dark Shards, 10 Living Shards, 10 Galactica Singularities, 20 Souls of Light, and 20 Souls of Night.
    • Elumplate now uses 25 Obsidian in its recipe instead of 3, and now yields 25 instead of 3.
    • Empyrean Mask now uses 10 Meld Constructs in its recipe instead of 12.
    • Empyrean Cloak now uses 20 Meld Constructs in its recipe instead of 22.
    • Empyrean Cuisses now use 15 Meld Constructs in their recipe instead of 18.
    • Enchanted Pearl now uses a White Pearl in its recipe instead of 1 Fishing Potion, 8 Crate Potions, and 5 Shadow Scales or Tissue Samples.
    • Encumbering Stone can now be crafted with 100 Stone Blocks at an Anvil.
    • Endothermic Dye now uses 3 Bottled Water in its recipe instead of 2, and now yields 3 instead of 2.
    • Eternity no longer uses Seething Discharge, Slithering Eels, Biofusillade, or Primordial Ancient in its recipe.
    • Ethereal Core now uses 20 Fallen Stars in its recipe instead of 50, and no longer uses 25 Meteorite Bars.
    • Exoblade now uses Entropic Claymore in its recipe instead of Stellar Striker.
    • Exodus Wings now use 14 Meld Constructs and 20 Souls of Flight in their recipe instead of 5 Meld Constructs.
    • Exo Dye now uses Exo Prism in its recipe instead of Miracle Matter.
    • Exo Plating now uses 400 Any Stone Blocks in its recipe instead of 200, and now yields 400 instead of 200.
    • Exo Prism Panel now uses 400 Glass in its recipe instead of 200, and now yields 400 instead of 200.
    • Exodium Cluster can no longer be crafted.
    • Eye of Magnus now uses 12 Nebula Fragments in its recipe instead of 10.
    • Eye of Night now uses 10 Purified Gel in its recipe.
    • Fallen Paladin's Hammer no longer uses 5 Cores of Havoc in its recipe.
    • Fantasy Talisman now uses 3 Solar Veils in its recipe instead of 2, and now yields 150 instead of 100.
    • Fathom Swarmer Visage no longer uses a Spider Mask or 11 Abyss Gravel in its recipe.
    • Fathom Swarmer Breastplate no longer uses a Spider Breastplate or 18 Abyss Gravel in its recipe.
    • Fathom Swarmer Greaves no longer use a Spider Greaves or 15 Abyss Gravel in their recipe.
    • Feller of Evergreens now uses 18 Any Silver Bars and 18 Wood in its recipe instead of Silver or Tungsten Axe, 10 Any Silver Bars, and 15 Wood.
    • Feral Double Rod now uses 6 Perennial Bars in its recipe instead of 10.
    • Firestorm Cannon now uses 10 Hellstone Bars in its recipe instead of a Boomstick, 10 Any Gold Bars, and 10 Pearl Shards.
    • Flak Kraken now uses 20 Voidstone in its recipe instead of 10 Lumenyl and 10 Tenebris.
    • Flare Bolt no longer uses a Lava Bucket in its recipe.
    • Flask of Brimstone now uses 1 Bottled Water and 1 Ashes of Calamity in its recipe instead of 3 Bottled Water, 1 Brimstone Fish, and 3 Ashes of Calamity, and now yields 1 instead of 3. It can no longer be crafted with Blood Orbs.
    • Flask of Crumbling now uses 1 Bottled Water and 2 Essences of Sunlight in its recipe instead of 5 Bottled Water, 1 Ancient Bone Dust, and 1 Essence of Sunlight, and now yields 1 instead of 5. It can no longer be crafted with Blood Orbs.
    • Flask of Holy Flames now uses 1 Bottled Water and 1 Unholy Essence in its recipe instead of 1 Wrath Potion, 1 Unholy Essence, and 1 Galactica Singularity, and now requires an Imbuing Station to craft instead of an Alchemy Table. It can no longer be crafted with Blood Orbs.
    • Flesh of Infidelity now uses 10 Purified Gel in its recipe.
    • Floodtide now uses 12 Sea Remains in its recipe instead of 5, and no longer uses Adamantite Bars, Lumenyl, or Tenebris.
    • Fractured Ark no longer uses Starfury in its recipe.
    • Frost Blossom Staff now uses 10 Boreal Wood in its recipe instead of 50 Any Snow Blocks.
    • Frost Bolt no longer uses a Water Bucket in its recipe.
    • Galactus Blade no longer uses 1 Light Shard, 1 Dark Shard, 20 Souls of Might, or 5 Luminite Bars in its recipe.
    • Gaze of Crysthamyr now uses 10 Souls of Night in its recipe instead of 100.
    • Gel Dart now uses 2 Blighted Gel in its recipe instead of 6 Gel and 1 Hellstone Bar, and now yields 100 instead of 333.
    • Gelitic Blade now uses 18 Purified Gel and 18 Blighted Gel in its recipe instead of 30 Purified Gel, 35 Gel, and 10 Hellstone Bars.
    • Gelpick now uses 12 Purified Gel and 12 Blighted Gel in its recipe instead of 15 Purified Gel, 30 Gel, and 5 Hellstone Bars.
    • Genesis Pickaxe now uses 12 Meld Constructs in its recipe instead of 2.
    • Gem Tech Body Armor, Gem Tech Headgear, and Gem Tech Schynbaulds now use 2 Cores of Calamity in their recipes instead of 3.
    • The God's Gambit now uses 18 Purified Gel and 18 Blighted Gel in its recipe instead of 30 Purified Gel.
    • God's Paranoia now uses 12 Cosmilite Bars in its recipe instead of 200 Spiky Balls and 1 Cosmilite Bar.
    • God Slayer Helmet, God Slayer Horned Greathelm, and God Slayer Mask now use 7 Cosmilite Bars in their recipes instead of 14.
    • God Slayer Chestplate now uses 15 Cosmilite Bars in its recipe instead of 23.
    • God Slayer Leggings now use 10 Cosmilite Bars in their recipe instead of 18.
    • Goobow now uses 18 Blighted Gel in its recipe instead of 30 Gel and 5 Hellstone Bars.
    • Grand Guardian now uses Burnt Sienna and 6 Nebula Fragments in its recipe instead of 10 Life Alloys and 10 Solar Fragments.
    • Gravity Normalizer Potion now uses Bottled Water in its recipe instead of Gravitation Potion.
    • Grax no longer uses 10 Mollusk Husks or 5 Perennial Bars in its recipe.
    • Gunk Shot now uses 18 Blighted Gel in its recipe instead of 15 Gel and 5 Hellstone Bars.
    • Hadal Mantle no longer uses a Core of Havoc in its recipe.
    • Hardened Honeycomb's recipe now yields 100 instead of 20.
    • Harpy Ring now uses 2 Sunplate Blocks in its recipe instead of a Fallen Star.
    • Harvest Staff now uses 20 Any Wood and 5 Pumpkin Seeds in its recipe instead of 5 Fallen Stars.
    • Havocplate now uses 25 Obsidian in its recipe instead of 3, and now yields 25 instead of 3.
    • Heavenly Gale now uses Telluric Glare in its recipe instead of Alluvion and Galeforce.
    • Hell's Sun now uses 10 Luminite Bars and 20 Unholy Essences in its recipe instead of 100 Spiky Balls and 10 Unholy Essences.
    • Hellwing Staff now uses 10 Hellstone Bars in its recipe instead of 7, and no longer uses 2 Lava Buckets.
    • Heron Rod now uses 6 Aerialite Bars and 3 Sunplate Blocks in its recipe instead of 7 and 5.
    • Hydra now uses Quad-Barrel Shotgun, 25 Nanites and 25 Vials of Venom in its recipe instead of Shotgun, Illegal Gun Parts, 20 Any Iron Bars, and 20 Ectoplasm.
    • Hydrothermic Headgear, Hydrothermic Helm, Hydrothermic Helmet, Hydrothermic Hood, and Hydrothermic Mask no longer use 4 Hellstone Bars in their recipes.
    • Hydrothermic Armor no longer uses 8 Hellstone Bars in its recipe.
    • Hydrothermic Subligar no longer uses 5 Hellstone Bars in its recipe.
    • Illustrious Knives now uses 2 Cores of Calamity in its recipe instead of 3.
    • Infernal Rift no longer uses 3 Essences of Havoc in its recipe.
    • Laboratory Panels now use 25 Any Stone Blocks in their recipe instead of 3.
    • Laboratory Plating now uses 25 Any Stone Blocks in its recipe instead of 3.
    • Lazhar now uses 6 Solar Fragments in its recipe instead of 10 Solar Fragments and 6 Chlorophyte Bars.
    • All lore items no longer use Pearl Shards in their recipes.
    • Lumenous Amulet no longer uses 5 Tenebris or 10 Sea Prisms in its recipe.
    • Luminous Striker now uses 6 Stardust Fragments in its recipe instead of 10 and no longer uses Scourge of the Seas or 10 Meld Constructs.
    • Lunic Eye now uses 10 Any Cobalt Bars in its recipe instead of 15 Sea Prisms, 15 Aerialite Bars, 15 Sunplate Blocks, and 2 Pearl Shards.
    • Mad Alchemist's Cocktail Glove now uses 1 Core of Calamity in its recipe instead of 2.
    • Magna Cannon no longer uses Space Gun in its recipe.
    • Mana Rose now has two recipes using either Jungle Rose or Nature's Gift, instead of using both. It also uses a Mana Crystal in its recipes.
    • Megalodon now uses 10 Voidstone in its recipe instead of 10 Lumenyl and 5 Tenebris.
    • Miracle Fruit no longer uses a Teal Mushroom in its recipe.
    • MOAB no longer uses Lucky Horseshoe in its recipe.
    • Molecular Manipulator now uses 1 Core of Calamity in its recipe instead of 3.
    • Money Trough no longer uses 8 Any Gold Bars in its recipe.
    • Monsoon no longer uses 2 Shark Fins, 10 Lumenyl, or 5 Tenebris in its recipe.
    • Monstrous Knives no longer uses 10 Pearl Shards in its recipe.
    • Mythril Chainmail now uses 20 Mythril Bars in its recipe instead of 24.
    • Mythril Chainsaw, Mythril Drill, Mythril Halberd, Mythril Hat, Mythril Helmet, Mythril Hood, Mythril Pickaxe, Mythril Repeater, Mythril Sword, and Mythril Waraxe now use 10 Mythril Bars in their recipes instead of 12.
    • Mythril Greaves now use 15 Mythril Bars in their recipe instead of 18.
    • Mythril Knife's recipe now yields 150 instead of 100.
    • Nachos can now be crafted with 1 Potato Chips and 1 Carton of Milk at a Cooking Pot.
    • Nano Purge now uses 6 Vortex Fragments in its recipe instead of 20.
    • Nasty Cholla now uses 1 Cactus in its recipe instead of 3, and now yields 10 instead of 15.
    • Naughty Present no longer uses 5 Any Silver Bars in its recipe.
    • Navyplate now uses 25 Obsidian in its recipe instead of 3, and now yields 25 instead of 3.
    • Nebula Mantle, Solar Wings, Stardust Wings, and Vortex Booster now use 20 Souls of Flight in their recipes.
    • Neptune's Bounty now uses 6 Reaper Teeth in its recipe instead of 5 Phantoplasm, 15 Depth Cells, 15 Lumenyl, and 5 Tenebris.
    • Nightmare Dye now uses 3 Bottled Water in its recipe instead of 2, and now yields 3 instead of 2.
    • Night's Ray no longer uses 15 Rotten Matter in its recipe.
    • Nuclear Fury no longer uses 10 Souls of Sight, 5 Unicorn Horns, or 15 Sea Prisms in its recipe.
    • Nychthemeron now uses 10 Any Mythril Bars in its recipe instead of 30 Spiky Balls and 2 Any Mythril Bars.
    • Occult Brick now uses 400 Any Stone Blocks in its recipe instead of 200, and now yields 400 instead of 200.
    • Omega Blue Helmet now uses 1 Ruinous Soul and 12 Depth Cells in its recipe instead of 2 Ruinous Souls, 5 Lumenyl, and 5 Tenebris.
    • Omega Blue Chestplate now uses 3 Ruinous Souls and 18 Depth Cells in its recipe instead of 4 Ruinous Souls, 8 Lumenyl, and 8 Tenebris.
    • Omega Blue Tentacles now use 2 Ruinous Souls and 15 Depth Cells in their recipe instead of 3 Ruinous Souls, 6 Lumenyl, and 6 Tenebris.
    • Omega Healing Potion now uses 20 Supreme Healing Potions and 1 Ascendant Spirit Essence in its recipe instead of 10 Blood Orb and 1 Supreme Healing Potion, now yields 20 instead of 1, and now requires a Bottle to craft instead of a Cosmic Anvil.
    • Omniblade now uses 5 Life Alloys and 2 Cores of Calamity in its recipe instead of 20 and 10.
    • Opal Striker no longer uses Flintlock Pistol in its recipe.
    • Orichalcum Breastplate now uses 20 Orichalcum Bars in its recipe instead of 24.
    • Orichalcum Chainsaw, Orichalcum Drill, Orichalcum Halberd, Orichalcum Headgear, Orichalcum Helmet, Orichalcum Mask, Orichalcum Pickaxe, Orichalcum Repeater, Orichalcum Sword, and Orichalcum Waraxe now use 10 Orichalcum Bars in their recipes instead of 12.
    • Orichalcum Leggings now use 15 Orichalcum Bars in their recipe instead of 18.
    • Orichalcum Spiked Gemstone's recipe now yields 150 instead of 100.
    • Otherworldly Stone now uses 200 Any Stone Blocks and 10 Silk in its recipe instead of 150 and 15, and now yields 200 instead of 150.
    • Palladium Breastplate now uses 20 Palladium Bars in its recipe instead of 24.
    • Palladium Chainsaw, Palladium Drill, Palladium Headgear, Palladium Helmet, Palladium Mask, Palladium Pickaxe, Palladium Pike, Palladium Repeater, Palladium Sword, and Palladium Waraxe now use 10 Palladium Bars in their recipes instead of 12.
    • Palladium Javelin's recipe now yields 150 instead of 100.
    • Palladium Leggings now use 15 Palladium Bars in their recipe instead of 18.
    • Parasitic Scepter now uses 15 Acidwood and 18 Sulphuric Scales in its recipe instead of 35 and 10.
    • Perennial Brick now uses 50 Any Stone Blocks in its recipe instead of 1, and now yields 50 instead of 10.
    • Phantom Heart now uses 5 Ruinous Souls and 25 Phantoplasm in its recipe instead of 10 and 100.
    • Phantom Lance no longer uses 1 Scoria Bar or 1 Ashes of Calamity in its recipe, and now yields 150 instead of 100.
    • Phantomic Artifact now uses 25 Onyxplate in its recipe instead of 10 Blood Orbs.
    • Photosynthesis Potion no longer uses Beetle Juice in its recipe.
    • Pink Cosmic Flame Dye now uses 3 Bottled Water in its recipe instead of 2, and now yields 3 instead of 2.
    • Plagued Containment Brick now uses 50 Any Stone Blocks in its recipe instead of 10, and now yields 50 instead of 10.
    • Plague Keeper no longer uses 10 Solar Fragments or 5 Infected Armor Plating in its recipe.
    • Plaguenade now uses 30 Beenades in its recipe instead of 20, and now yields 150 instead of 100.
    • Plagueplate now uses 25 Obsidian in its recipe instead of 3, and now yields 25 instead of 3.
    • Plantation Staff now uses Blade Staff in its recipe instead of Deepsea Staff and Optic Staff.
    • Plasma Rifle now uses Laser Rifle in its recipe instead of Musket or The Undertaker.
    • Poison Pack now uses 8 Stingers in its recipe instead of 50 Spiky Balls.
    • Portabulb no longer uses 10 Souls of Light, 10 Souls of Night or 1 Vine in its recipe.
    • Prideful Hunter's Planar Ripper now uses 1 Core of Calamity in its recipe instead of 3.
    • Profaned Crystal now uses 50 Glass in its recipe instead of 20, and now yields 50 instead of 20.
    • Profaned Flame Dye now uses 3 Bottled Water and 5 Unholy Essences in its recipe instead of 2 and 3, and now yields 3 instead of 2.
    • Profaned Partisan no longer uses 6 Uelibloom Bars in its recipe.
    • Profaned Rock now uses 50 Any Stone Blocks in its recipe instead of 20, and now yields 50 instead of 20.
    • Profaned Soul Crystal no longer uses 1 Obsidian Rose, 5 Cores of Sunlight, or 25 Uelibloom Bars in its recipe and no longer consumes half amount of materials when in the Hallow or Underworld.
    • Pumpkin Moon Medallion no longer uses 5 Any Gold Bars in its recipe.
    • Rampart of Deities no longer uses 5 Galactica Singularities in its recipe.
    • Reaper Tooth Necklace no longer uses 15 Lumenyl or 5 Tenebris in its recipe.
    • Reaver Headgear, Reaver Helm, and Reaver Visage now use 7 Perennial Bars and 1 Living Shard in their recipes instead of 6 Perennial Bars, 4 Jungle Spores, and 1 Essence of Sunlight.
    • Reaver Scale Mail now uses 3 Living Shards in its recipe instead of 12 Jungle Spores and 3 Essences of Sunlight.
    • Reaver Cuisses now use 2 Living Shards in their recipe instead of 8 Jungle Spores and 2 Essences of Sunlight.
    • Rift Reeler now uses 6 Scoria Bars in its recipe instead of 8.
    • Rocket I now uses 100 Empty Bullets, 1 Any Iron Bar, and 4 Explosive Powder in its recipe instead of 20 Empty Bullets and 1 Explosive Powder, and now yields 100 instead of 20.
    • Rocket II can now be crafted with 100 Empty Bullets, 5 Explosive Powder and 1 Any Iron Bar.
    • Rusted Plating now uses 25 Any Stone Blocks in its recipe instead of 3.
    • Sandstorm's Core now uses 1 Core of Sunlight in its recipe instead of 10 Ectoplasm and 5 Hallowed Bars.
    • Scoria Brick now uses 50 Any Stone Blocks in its recipe instead of 1, and now yields 50 instead of 10.
    • Scorpio now uses 100 Nanites and 6 Nebula Fragments in its recipe instead of Grenade Launcher, Rocket Launcher, and 20 Vortex Fragments.
    • SDFMG no longer uses 10 Sea Prisms, 10 Depth Cells, 10 Lumenyl, or 5 Tenebris in its recipe.
    • Seadragon no longer uses 15 Depth Cells, 15 Lumenyl, or 5 Tenebris in its recipe.
    • Seared Pan no longer uses 4 Bacon or 1 Mana Crystal in its recipe.
    • Seeking Scorcher no longer uses 9 Uelibloom Bars in its recipe.
    • Seraph Tracers no longer use 5 Life Alloys or 3 Cores of Calamity in their recipe.
    • Shadow Potion's main recipe now uses 1 Bottled Water and 1 Blinkroot instead of 1 Invisibility Potion, and now yields 1 instead of 2. Blood Orb recipe now uses 10 Blood Ords instead of 20.
    • Shadowspec Dye now uses 10 Bottled Water in its recipe instead of 2, and now yields 10 instead of 2.
    • Shard of Antumbra's recipe now yields 150 instead of 100.
    • Shock Grenade now uses 30 Grenades in its recipe instead of 20, and now yields 150 instead of 100.
    • Shredder now uses Bullet-Filled Shotgun in its recipe instead of Shotgun, 5 Life Alloys, and 5 Galactica Singularities.
    • Shroomer now uses Fungicide and 6 Stardust Fragments in its recipe instead of 11 Shroomite Bars and 15 Vortex Fragments.
    • Removed Shroomite armor, Spectre armor, and Turtle armor's Calamity recipes.
    • Sigil of Calamitas now uses 5 Scoria Bars and 15 Ashes of Calamity in its recipe instead of 2 Scoria Bars, 5 Cores of Havoc, 10 Ashes of Calamity, and 10 Unholy or Blood Water.
    • Silva Armor now uses 12 Planty Mush in its recipe instead of 10 Any Gold Bars and 12 Tenebris.
    • Silva Crystal now uses 200 Glass and 4 Planty Mush in its recipe instead of 200 Crystal Blocks and 25 Any Gold Bars, and now yields 200 instead of 400.
    • Silva Horned Hood and Silva Masked Cap now use 6 Planty Mush in their recipes instead of 5 Any Gold Bars and 6 Tenebris.
    • Silva Leggings now use 9 Planty Mush in their recipe instead of 7 Any Gold Bars and 9 Tenebris.
    • Silva Wings now use 2 Ascendant Spirit Essences, a Planty Mush, and 20 Souls of Flight in their recipe instead of 3 Any Gold Bars, 3 Tenebris, and 5 Darksun Fragments.
    • Sirenproof Earmuffs now use 2 Flinx Fur in their recipe instead of 2 Living Shards.
    • Skyline Wings now use 5 Sunplate Blocks in their recipe instead of 5 Fallen Stars and 15 Bones.
    • Skynamite now uses 1 Dynamite in its recipe instead of 10 Dynamite and 1 Aerialite Bar, and now yields 1 instead of 10.
    • Sky Stabber now uses 4 Sunplate Blocks in its recipe instead of 100 Spiky Balls and 10 Clouds.
    • Slime Puppet Staff now uses 18 Purified Gel and 18 Blighted Gel in its recipe instead of 22 Purified Gel, 25 Gel, and 6 Hellstone Bars.
    • Slime God Dye no longer uses Purified Gel in its recipe.
    • Snow Ruffian Mask now uses 20 Any Snow Blocks in its recipe instead of 10, and no longer uses 5 Any Ice Blocks or 15 Boreal Wood.
    • Snow Ruffian Chestplate now uses 60 Any Snow Blocks in its recipe instead of 30, and no longer uses 15 Any Ice Blocks or 45 Boreal Wood.
    • Snow Ruffian Greaves now use 40 Any Snow Blocks in their recipe instead of 20, and no longer use 10 Any Ice Blocks or 30 Boreal Wood.
    • Spark Spreader now uses 10 Any Gold Bars in its recipe instead of Flare Gun.
    • Spectralstorm Cannon now uses 6 Solar Fragments in its recipe instead of 20 Vortex Fragments.
    • Spirit Glyph now uses 15 Obsidian in its recipe instead of 15 Any Iron Bars.
    • Starfleet now uses Aquashard Shotgun and 6 Stardust Fragments in its recipe instead of Electrosphere Launcher.
    • Starlight Wings no longer use an Essence of Eleum in their recipe.
    • Starmada no longer uses Aquashard Shotgun in its recipe.
    • Statigel Cap, Statigel Headgear, Statigel Helm, Statigel Hood and Statigel Mask now use 5 Blighted Gel in their recipes instead of 9 Hellstone Bars.
    • Statigel Armor now uses 12 Purified Gel and 12 Blighted Gel in its recipe instead of 8 Purified Gel and 13 Hellstone Bars.
    • Statigel Greaves now use 7 Purified Gel and 7 Blighted Gel in their recipe instead of 6 Purified Gel and 11 Hellstone Bars.
    • Sticky Spiky Ball now uses 100 Spiky Balls in its recipe instead of 20, and now yields 100 instead of 20.
    • Storm Ruler now uses 6 Vortex Fragments in its recipe instead of 3 Cores of Sunlight and 10 Solar Fragments.
    • Stratus Brick now uses 200 Any Stone Blocks in its recipe instead of 50, and now yields 200 instead of 50.
    • Stratus Dye now uses 3 Bottled Water in its recipe instead of 2, and now yields 3 instead of 2.
    • Sulphurous Breastplate no longer uses 50 Urchin Stingers or 20 Sulphurous Sand in its recipe.
    • Sulphurous Helmet no longer uses 15 Urchin Stingers or 10 Sulphurous Sand in its recipe.
    • Sulphurous Leggings no longer use 30 Urchin Stingers or 15 Sulphurous Sand in their recipe.
    • Sulphurskin Potion no longer uses 15 Urchin Stingers in its recipe.
    • Supernova no longer uses Penumbra or 200 Shock Grenades in its recipe.
    • Supreme Bait Tackle Box Fishing Station now uses 5 Mollusk Husks in its recipe instead of Angler armor, 5 Fishing Potions, 5 Crate Potions, 10 Sea Prisms, 5 Souls of Light, and 5 Souls of Night.
    • Supreme Healing Potion now uses 4 Super Healing Potions and 3 Bloodstone in its recipe instead of 1 Super Healing Potion and 1 Unholy Essence, now yields 4 instead of 1, and now requires a Bottle to craft instead of an Ancient Manipulator.
    • Supreme Mana Potion now uses 15 Super Mana Potions in its recipe instead of 1, now yields 15 instead of 1, and now requires a Bottle to craft instead of an Ancient Manipulator.
    • The Swarmer now uses 6 Stardust Fragments in its recipe instead of 20 Vortex Fragments.
    • Tactical Plague Engine no longer uses Infected Remote, 15 Plague Cell Canisters, or 8 Infected Armor Plating in its recipe.
    • Tarragon Wings now use 20 Souls of Flight in their recipe instead of 30.
    • Temporal Umbrella now uses Virid Vanguard in its recipe instead of Spikecrag Staff.
    • Tenebreus Tides now uses 25 Planty Mush in its recipe instead of 25 Tenebris.
    • Terra Blade can no longer be crafted with True Bloody Edge.
    • Terra Disk now uses Brimblade in its recipe instead of Fishbone Boomerang and Thorn Chakram.
    • Terra Flameburster now uses Meowthrower in its recipe.
    • Terratomere can no longer be crafted with Terra Edge.
    • Terror Talons now uses 10 Leather in its recipe instead of Feral Claws and 10 Souls of Fright.
    • Throwing Brick now uses 1 Red Brick in its recipe instead of 5, now yields 10 instead of 20, and now requires a Work Bench to craft instead of an Anvil.
    • Titanium Breastplate now uses 20 Titanium Bars in its recipe instead of 24.
    • Titanium Chainsaw, Titanium Drill, Titanium Headgear, Titanium Helmet, Titanium Mask, Titanium Pickaxe, Titanium Repeater, Titanium Sword, Titanium Trident, and Titanium Waraxe now use 10 Titanium Bars in their recipes instead of 12.
    • Titanium Leggings now use 15 Titanium Bars in their recipe instead of 18.
    • Titanium Shuriken's recipe now yields 150 instead of 100.
    • Totality Breakers no longer uses Consecrated Water, Desecrated Water, or Spent Fuel Container in its recipe.
    • Tradewinds no longer uses 3 Feathers in its recipe.
    • Tundra Flame Blossoms Staff now uses 5 Any Mythril Bars in its recipe instead of 5 Souls of Light.
    • Turbulance now uses 7 Aerialite Bars in its recipe instead of 5 Aerialite Bars and 4 Clouds.
    • Typhon's Greed now uses 30 Voidstone in its recipe instead of 10 Lumenyl and 10 Tenebris.
    • Uelibloom Brick now uses 50 Any Stone Blocks in its recipe instead of 1, now yields 50 instead of 10, and now requires an Ancient Manipulator to craft instead of a Hardmode Forge.
    • Ultra Liquidator no longer uses 10 Sea Prisms or 20 Cursed Flames or Ichor in its recipe.
    • Undine's Retribution now uses 30 Voidstone in its recipe instead of 10 Lumenyl and 10 Tenebris.
    • Universal Genesis now uses 5 Cosmilite Bars and 4 Ascendant Spirit Essences in its recipe instead of 8 Cosmilite Bars, 5 Ascendant Spirit Essences, and 2 Armored Shells. It no longer has an alternate recipe using Nebulous Core.
    • Verstaltite Fishing Rod now uses 6 Cryonic Bars in its recipe instead of 8.
    • Virid Vanguard now uses 15 Uelibloom Bars in its recipe instead of Terraprisma, Igneous Exaltation, and 8 Uelibloom Bars.
    • Vivid Clarity no longer uses Asteroid Staff or Thorn Blossom/The Prince in its recipe.
    • Vortexpopper now uses 12 Vortex Fragments in its recipe instead of 20.
    • Web Ball now uses 10 Cobwebs in its recipe instead of 5, and now yields 50 instead of 20.
    • Swapped the recipes for White Seeking Mechanism and Yellow Seeking Mechanism.
    • Wither Blossoms Staff no longer uses 5 Cores of Calamity or 5 Life Alloys in its recipe.
    • Wulfrum Fishing Pole now uses 6 Wulfrum Metal Scraps in its recipe instead of 9.
    • Zen Potion now uses 3 Daybloom in its recipe instead 1, and no longer uses 2 Blighted Gel and 1 Pink Gel.
    • Zerg Potion no longer uses 4 Blighted Gel in its recipe.


    • Revamped the Abyss:
      • The Abyss is wider and has new plants and features for each layer.
      • All four layers are much more distinct:
        • The Sulphuric Depths use Sulphurous Shale tiles, use the music from the Sulphurous Sea, and serve as a transition from the sea to the Abyss.
        • The Murky Waters are closer to the original Abyss, no longer have houses with Locked Shadow Chests and instead have Ancient Treasure Chests scattered around the layer, that are locked until after defeating Skeletron, and have identical loot. Some rocks around the layer can be broken for White Pearls and Pink Pearls.
        • The Thermal Vents use Pyre Mantle and Molten Pyre Mantle tiles, and will contain the majority of the Scoria Ore in the Abyss.
        • The Void now has chunks of floor coming out of the walls, making it much rougher. At the very bottom, an Abyss Shell Fossil can be found.
      • Lumenyl Crystals now grow further apart.
      • Abyss generation now clears Lava and Glowing Moss from the edge.
      • Added a lot of gen cleanup to the Abyss (tile sloping, removing single floating tiles, placed water in air pockets).
      • Changed the generation for the Abyss third layer's wall. It's now a much smoother transition into Voidstone Walls instead of just a mess of Abyss Gravel and Voidstone Walls, the actual tile dithering is the same.
    • Aerialite Ore no longer generates in the Cavern layer. Disenchanted Aerialite Ore generates inside cloud blocks of Floating Islands when the world is created, and cannot be mined with any Pre-Hardmode pickaxes. Defeating The Hive Mind or The Perforators now converts Disenchanted Aerialite Ore into Aerialite Ore.
    • The Astral Infection generation has been improved. The meteor is no longer blocked by platforms spanning over the world.
      • Improved the Astral Monolith Pillar so that it doesn't generate in the air.
      • Changed the Astral biome's X coordinate limit a bit so it can't spawn too close to the Dungeon.
    • Revamped the Brimstone Crags:
      • The biome is much longer and has more vertical space.
      • It now always generates on the same side as the Abyss.
      • In the middle of the biome, a long broken bridge goes over a lake of Lava. Two Ashen Chests are located under the bridge.
      • Four house ruins are located across the crags.
      • Giant Spine Trees grow on Brimstone Slag, and tall Cinder Blossom Plants on Scorched Remains grass.
    • Hallowed Ore can now generate higher in the world.
    • Increased Perennial Ore and Uelibloom Ore vein sizes.
    • Shrines changes:
    • Changes to the Sunken Sea:
      • Improved biome's generation in general.
      • Now always generates at the very bottom of the Underground Desert.
      • Smoothened by worldgen again.
      • Now generates after vanilla to prevent traps from appearing in.
    • Sulphurous Sea's open water section is now a bit larger.




    • Reworked Belladonna Spirit Staff, it no longer deals contact damage or fires a spread of petals directly at enemies. The minions now follow the player at all times, firing toxic petals up in the air that, after one second, quickly accelerate towards the closest enemy. Buffed damage from 5 to 22.
    • Reworked Ethereal Subjugator. Minions now take up one minion slot instead of half of a slot, and attack by releasing ghastly particles that home in towards the closest enemy after a short time. Buffed damage from 45 to 200.
    • Reworked Fungal Symbiote, it no longer grants 15% true melee damage or makes melee weapons spawn mushrooms. It now grants a 10% damage boost when using mushroom-based weapons. Mushrooms grow on grass beneath the player, and consuming Mushrooms grants the Mushy buff for 1 minute.
    • Reworked Gladiator's Locket, it no longer spawns a pair of sword minions that rotate around the player, dealing damage. It now makes enemies drop a life orb on death that heals the player for 10 health. The player is also granted a boost to damage and movement speed depending on how low their health is, up to 20%.
    • Reworked Hydra. It now uses Bullets as ammo and deals ranged damage instead of typeless. While holding the weapon, an extra gun grows every three seconds, up to a maximum of three extra guns. Left-clicking makes the weapon and any existing extra guns fire 4 non-piercing bullets which inflict Acid Venom for 5 seconds. Right-clicking causes any extra guns to be thrown towards the cursor, exploding on impact with enemies or solid tiles, dealing 300% base damage. Nerfed damage from 120 to 44, and use time from 33 to 66.
    • Reworked Stormfront Razor, it no longer throws a piercing dagger that spawns sparks as it travels, and stealth satrikes no longer make sparks spawn more often. It now throws non-piercing daggers that summon lightning bolts from the sky on impact with an enemy or a solid tile. Stealth strikes cause the knife to travel faster and summon three lightning bolts from the sky. Nerfed damage from 50 to 38 and use time from 15 to 20, but buffed shot speed from 7 to 8.2. The daggers and lightning bolts inflict Electrified for 3 seconds.
    • Reworked Temporal Umbrella, it no longer summons a magic hat which spawns various projectiles. Five minions are now permanently active and attack enemies:
      • An arrow quickly moves towards the target and teleports back to the player on hit.
      • A hammer charges towards the target and increases in size on hit.
      • An axe charges back and forth at the target. Has a small chance to summon a falling tree that explodes into explosive bunnies and bird projectiles.
      • An umbrella charges at the target then swings to deal damage.
      • A rifle stays at a distance, shoots at the target and switches sides every seven shots.
    • Reworked Terratomere, it no longer spawns 4 homing beams on swing. It now has a custom swing animation, and fires a single energy bolt that explodes on hit. The blade also shoots a short range slash projectile after every swing. Both the blade and the energy bolts create additional light beams that slash the enemy for 40% base damage on hit. Buffed damage from 260 to 303.
    • Reworked Thief's Dime. It is now a Light pet item. The rotating coin now collects coins for the player, and provides a small amount of light in the Abyss.
    • Reworked the Traitorous Enchantment. It now spawns a Mana Monster when below 25% of max mana, consuming all of the player's remaining mana. The monster's damage is equal to 80x the amount of mana consumed, deals 360 / 450 Expert Mode / 540 Master Mode damage to the player, and inflicts Vulnerability Hex for 3 seconds to the player.
    • Reworked Trinket of Chi, it no longer makes standing still for 1 second grant a buff that increases damage by 50% and damage reduction by 15%. It now grants a buff that decreases damage taken by 10% after not being hit for 15 seconds, and grants 2 life regeneration to the player and members of their team.
    • Reworked Tundra Flame Blossoms Staff. The flowers now attack by each shooting a homing blossom orb that inflicts Hellfire and Frostbite. Nerfed damage from 45 to 40.
    • Reworked Unstable Granite Core, it no longer makes critical strikes spawn sparks. It now automatically attacks nearby enemies with arcing sparks that can target up to 3 enemies, and bounce twice. The effect is active for 5 seconds every 10 seconds. The arcing zaps have an innate 25 armor penetration.

    Additional Changes

    • Added Acid Rain minibosses and Boss Rush to Boss Checklist.
    • Changed the color of light sources from the Acidwood Furniture set from #CCE6FF ● to #80FFCC ●.
    • Adamantite Throwing Axe, Cobalt Kunai, Crystal Piercer, Feather Knife, Gel Dart, Hardened Honeycomb, Infernal Kris, Iron Francisca, Lead Tomahawk, Monkey Darts, Mythril Knife, Orichalcum Spiked Gemstone, Palladium Javelin, Shard of Antumbra, Tarragon Throwing Dart, Titanium Shuriken, Throwing Brick, and Urchin Stinger can no longer be recovered after being thrown.
    • Improved the Angler's quest system:
      • Each quest now additionally gives 5 Master Baits and 10 Gold Coins.
      • The Angler now always gives the player the following rewards at the following quest thresholds (these items are added onto whatever default loot is already given in vanilla):
      • The Angler now always has double chance to give the player additional important items like the ones listed above for every quest turned in.
      • The Angler now has a chance to give the player a full set of Angler armor.
    • Apple Pie, Banana Split, BBQ Ribs, Burger, Carton of Milk, Chocolate Chip Cookie, Coffee, Cream Soda, Fried Egg, Fries, Grapes, Hotdog, Ice Cream, Milkshake, Nachos, Pizza, Potato Chips, Shrimp Po' Boy, Spaghetti, and Steak are no longer dropped by corresponding enemies.
      • Instead, they can be crafted or sold by several NPCs.
    • Ashen Slab tiles now merge with Brimstone Slag.
    • Added new mining sounds for Aerialite Ore, Cinderplate, Elumplate, Havocplate, Hazard Chevron Panels, Laboratory Panels, Laboratory Pipe Plating, Laboratory Plating, Navyplate, Plagueplate, Rusted Plating, and Voidstone.
    • Changed Aerialite Ore's map color from #00FFFF ● to #91FFFF ●.
    • Changed Astral Dirt's map color from #413853 ● to #3B324D ●.
    • Changed Astral Stone's map color from #2D243F ● to #5D4E6B ●.
    • Gave Astral Vines a name on the map and made them emit light that shifts between cyan and orange.
    • Auric Ore now damages the player and knocks them away if they are not wearing Auric Tesla armor.
    • Changed Bestiary entries for the following entities:
  • Entity Old Bestiary entry New Bestiary entry
    Adult Eidolon Wyrm "Traces of them appear even in records going back to before the Golden Age of Dragons… They may very well be a glimpse into the full potential of nature." "Traces of them appear even in records as far back as the early Draconic Era... They may very well be a glimpse into the full potential of nature."
    Archmage "His face shows great age, but also great wisdom. The Archmage once stood against the Jungle Tyrant and paid the price. He sells various frosty wares but of course, keeps the most powerful spells to himself." "His face shows great age, but also great wisdom. The Archmage once served the Godslayer, but abandoned him later into the war. He sells various frosty wares, but keeps his most powerful spells to himself."
    Astrum Aureus "A multi-legged mechanical beast, its very existence speaks of the extent of control the astral virus has. Not even machinery can stand against it." "A multi-legged mechanical beast, its very existence speaks of the extent of control the astral virus has over the non-sapient. Not even machinery can stand against it."
    Astrum Deus "The fragments of the star god's corpse still hold some of their former power, and even after succumbing to a dark infection, then being torn apart by an upstart worm, they willfully seek to return to the stars." "Revered as a God of the stars, it has been infected by the starborne illness. However, it has now been broken free from the infection's control and roams the stars once more, consuming dying stars and birthing them anew."
    Brimstone Elemental "A fallen goddess, past her prime of faithful worshippers. She feels an intense hatred for any being with enough self awareness to pity her." "Roused from her deep slumber in relatively recent years, her awakening acted as the catalyst for Azafure's downfall. Little is known of her nature, other than what may be assumed of any other elemental."
    Ceaseless Void "When the fabric of the universe is meddled with, especially by inexperienced beings, the risk of irreparable damage is very, very high." "A mysterious entity that acts as a portal to elsewhere. Little is known about its origins, other than that it was sealed away by the cultists."
    The Leviathan "A gargantuan marine reptile that has lurked the ocean depths for almost a millennium. It is unknown if she is the last of her kind, and as despicable as it is, let us pray that she is." "A gargantuan marine reptile that lurks the ocean depths along with the Water Elemental, Anahita. It is unknown if she is the last of her kind, or was simply manifested into existence like her master."
    The Old Duke "Despite appearing old and decrepit, it clings to life. It does not seem native to the polluted sea, yet it has taken its place as its apex predator." "One of the first descendants of the Dragons, its reign as the apex sea monster has been long forgotten. However, its power is still immense due to its heritage."
    Providence, the Profaned Goddess "A deity of stone and fire. Her flame burns for one reason alone— to cleanse the world of its sinful existence, and to purify those who live upon it." "A deity of stone and fire. Her flame burns for one reason alone— to cleanse the world of life, so that all may suffer no longer."
    Sea King "The Sea King of an ancient civilization long lost to the sands of time— and the desert. He is able to give useful advice on the world around you, having lived for so long. He also used to like clams." "The Sea King of an ancient civilization long lost to the sands of time— and the desert. He is able to give useful advice on the world around you, having lived for so long."
    Slime God Core "This creature could easily be confused for a giant amoeba. It seems to be developing past the limitations of an usual slime, thanks to all the compacted biomass it contains." "This God is rather evasive and relies on tricky and strategic retreats due to its relatively minor strength among the Gods. It prefers to be protected rather than be in combat fighting."
    Soul Seeker "Guardians were brought together by Calamitas to shield its body from blows. It is possible that they are soul slurpers empowered and enslaved by a different brand of magic than brimstone." "Guardians were brought together by the clone to shield its body from blows. It is possible that they are soul slurpers empowered and enslaved by a different brand of magic than brimstone."
    Yharon, Dragon of Rebirth "Perhaps… the last of its kind. It could decimate this Jungle in an instant if it wished, however, it seems to take great care in not doing so." "The loyal companion of the God-Hunter, they possess immense power compared to the Dragons of the past. This is likely partly due to fighting and training by their master's side."
    • Changed item drop rates from Bleached Angling Kit:
      • Decreased the chance for Angler Tackle Bag from 5.55% / 6.67% Expert Mode to 1.39% / 1.72% Expert Mode.
      • Decreased the chances for Angler Earring, High Test Fishing Line, and Tackle Box from 8.33% / 10% Expert Mode to 2.08% / 2.63% Expert Mode.
      • Decreased the chances for Fisherman's Pocket Guide, Sextant, and Weather Radio from 11.11% / 12.5% Expert Mode to 2.78% / 3.57% Expert Mode.
      • Decreased the chances for Angler Hat, Angler Vest, and Angler Pants from 25% / 50% Expert Mode to 6.25% / 8.33% Expert Mode.
      • Increased the chances for Fishing Potion, Crate Potion, and Sonar Potion from 25% / 50% Expert Mode to 33.33% / 50% Expert Mode.
      • Decreased the chance for the Golden Bug Net from 6.67% / 8.33% Expert Mode to 1.67% / 2.08% Expert Mode.
      • Can now drop 3-4 / 4-5 Expert Mode Gold Coins.
    • Blessed Phoenix Egg no longer requires the player to be in the Jungle to be used.
    • Blood Orbs no longer drop from any enemies during a Blood Moon, they now only drop from Blood Moon-exclusive enemies.
    • Changed Brimstone Crag's lava color.
    • Calamity's waving flame can now be dyed.
    • Cell Phone now has a use time of 30 instead of 90.
    • Chaos Candle and Tranquility Candle no longer grant their buffs if turned off by right-click or wiring.
    • Changed Corruption Effigy's map color from #EE9169 ● to #7E9C86 ●.
    • Cragmaw Mire, Giant Clam, Great Sand Shark, Mauler, and Nuclear Terror now drop their Relics at a 100% chance instead of 25%.
    • Added new Cryogen sounds, Nuclear Terror sounds and DoG death sounds.
    • Cryo Stone, Elemental in a Bottle, Eye of the Storm, Fungal Clump, Heart of the Elements, Mutated Truffle, Pearl of Enthrallment, Rare Elemental in a Bottle, and Rose Stone now spawn their minions while equipped in vanity slots. Minion spawned from vanity will not attack or deal any damage to enemies.
    • Changed Death Indicator's tooltip line to say "All foes will pose a much larger threat with highly aggressive AIs and increased damage" instead of "All foes will pose a much larger threat with aggressive AI and increased damage".
    • Decreased Defective Sphere's drop rate from 20% / 33.33% Expert Mode to 4% / 6.67% Expert Mode.
    • Rewrote all Draedon's Logs and Lore items.
    • Eutrophic Sand, Navystone, Sea Prism, and Prism Shard no longer require Desert Scourge to be defeated to be mined.
    • Changed Eutrophic Sand's map color from #646496 ● to #5C91A7 ●.
    • Changed Eutrophic Sand Wall's map color from #505078 ● to #0B3851 ●.
    • Reduced the size of Everglade Spray's projectiles.
    • Evil Smasher now drops after every 12 altars broken instead of every 3.
    • Fallen Stars no longer damage ???, Hive Tumor, and Perforator Cyst.
    • Calamity Fountains are now off when placed like in vanilla.
    • Glowing Mushroom, Mushroom, Vicious Mushroom, and Vile Mushroom now have no sell value.
    • Projectiles from Heavenly Gale and Subsuming Vortex now emit light.
    • Lab Turrets now only shoot the player if they can see them.
    • The Martian Saucer can now drop more than one item in its loot pool:
      • Increased Xenopopper, Xeno Staff, Laser Machinegun, Electrosphere Launcher, Influx Waver, and Cosmic Car Key's drop rates from 16.66% to 25%.
      • Increased Nullification Pistol's drop rate from 14.29% / 25% Expert Mode to 25% in all difficulties.
    • Changed Navyplate Wall's map color from #37627F ● to #102D30 ●.
    • Changed Navystone's map color from #005A5A ● to #1F5C72 ●.
    • Changed Navystone Wall's map color from #003232 ● to #102D30 ●.
    • Planty Mush is now immune to explosives. Changed its map color from #007800 ● to #547827 ●.
    • Removed redundancy in Platinum armor's set bonus tooltip.
    • Polaris Boost's buff tooltip now states that it increases life regeneration.
    • Prism Shard now has a tooltip of "Glows brighter underwater".
    • Changed Boss Relics' tooltips:
      • All Boss Relics (both Calamity and vanilla) now have tooltip "Master or Revengeance".
      • Changed Aquatic Scourge Relic, Astrum Deus Relic, Brimstone Elemental Relic, Calamitas Clone Relic, Ceaseless Void Relic, Cryogen Relic, Desert Scourge Relic, Devourer of Gods Relic, Dragonfolly Relic, Hive Mind Relic, Perforators Relic, Plaguebringer Goliath Relic, Polterghast Relic, Ravager Relic, and Storm Weaver Relic tooltips from "A glimpse into what will be..." to "A glimpse into what could have been...".
      • Removed "A glimpse into what will be..." from Profaned Guardians Relic's tooltip.
    • Changed Revengeance Indicator's tooltip line to say "Most foes have higher stats and more aggressive AIs" instead of "Most foes have higher stats and deal more damage".
    • Changed Rusty Chest's map color from #BF8E6F ● to #715A47 ●.
    • Changed item drop rates from Sandy Angling Kit:
      • Decreased the chances for Angler Earring, High Test Fishing Line, and Tackle Box from 6.67% / 8.33% Expert Mode to 1.67% / 2.08% Expert Mode.
      • Decreased the chances for Fisherman's Pocket Guide, Sextant, and Weather Radio from 10% / 11.11% Expert Mode to 2.5% / 3.13% Expert Mode.
      • Decreased the chances for Angler Hat, Angler Vest, and Angler Pants from 20% / 25% Expert Mode to 5% / 6.25% Expert Mode.
      • Increased the chances for Fishing Potion, Crate Potion, and Sonar Potion from 20% / 25% Expert Mode to 33.33% / 50% Expert Mode.
      • Decreased the chance for the Golden Bug Net from 5% / 5.56% Expert Mode to 1.25% / 1.56% Expert Mode.
      • Can now drop 1-2 / 2-3 Expert Mode Gold Coins.
    • Improved Saros Possession's visuals.
    • Changed Scoria Brick's map color from #FF0000 ● to #555765 ●, and it now uses its entire sheet.
    • Scoria Ore now has new visual effects and now inflicts Burning to the player. Changed map color from #FF0000 ● to #D2651C ●.
    • Rewrote most of the Sea King's "Help" dialogues:
  • During Pre-Hardmode:

    • "There are rumors of ores that lay in latency. When you defeat certain bosses you will undo the ancient magic which conceals those materials."
    • "Have you heard of the city in the Brimstone Crags? It lies in the Underworld, and was constructed beneath the Abyss. It was once the oldest and largest city in the world, though it seems nothing but danger lies there now. It would be wise to avoid it."
    • "Ah yes, the Abyss. That trench is full of powerful creatures that could devour you in a heartbeat. I would explore the dungeon first."
    • "The Sulphurous Seas are dangerous. The toxic waters will burn your skin, but if you can brave them you will be able to reach the Abyss, where there are powerful weapons and dangers aplenty."
    • "The Sulphurous Sea was created more than a millenia ago, but it has gotten truly unbearable in the past decades. It's the fault of that accursed robot, Draedon, dumping waste and abandoned projects in there constantly. It's viler than it's ever been, thanks to him."
    • "Be careful what you attack in the [Corruption / Crimson]. You might just unveil a greater threat than what was there before."
    • "Scattered across the lands are shrines dedicated to the gods. They contain powerful gear that may help you on your adventures."
    • "I assume you have heard of the legendary ninja, Statis? He and his clan worshiped the God of slime, who may be a survivor of the war due to its trickery and knowing when to hide or flee."
    • "The [Corruption / Crimson] is a relatively recent development in the world, and its formation marked the start of Yharim's treacherous war. Although the source of its growth would be sealed away, nothing was ever done about the original manifestations.
    • "Throughout the world lie various structures left behind by Draedon. Archaic defenses may remain, but the goods inside may be worth your while."

    During Hardmode:

    • "I would recommend saving some of your old items. You never know if you can engineer them into stronger weapons in the future."
    • "If you take an idol down to the Brimstone Crags you might be able to see just what is lurking in the shadows."
    • "Azafure, the city founded in the Brimstone Crags, was one of the first places to support Yharim in his war. Now, it is nothing more than ruins... Just what happened there?"
    • "If you've gathered the souls used to power those automatons head once more to the jungle. You will find a powerful enemy to fight, which will unleash the full fervor of the jungle once defeated. Do not underestimate it!"
    • "Be careful when defeating Plantera and the Golem. You might accidentally unleash a new The Plaguebringer Goliath in the jungle that needs to be quelled."
    • "When exploring the jungle temple be careful. You may not wish to disturb the Lihzahrd's idol, the Golem. It's quite the destructive force."
    • "Have you ever heard of the Archmage, Permafrost? Once an advisor to Yharim, he one day vanished and Calamitas abandoned Yharim's cause soon after. From what I know, Permafrost was akin to a father to her. Perhaps if she had something to do with his disappearance, he may yet live...?" (only if Cryogen has not been defeated)

    After Golem has been defeated:

    • "The men at the front of the dungeon are performing a ritual to keep the Moon Lord contained in his prison. In order to gain Yharim's attention, however, you may need to defeat them."
    • "The Abyss has become far more active than before. You might be able to mine some of the volcanic rubble contained within."
    • "The nature of this plague in the jungle bothers me; it certainly is not the average infection. From afar they seem normal, yet up close it is obvious that the infected creatures are equipped with lights and metallic plating. Whatever it may be, it certainly isn't natural."

    After Moon Lord has been defeated:

    • "Your adventure focuses to the jungle it seems. The Dragonfolly and its swarming offspring should be eliminated before their numbers spiral out of control."
    • "Profaned creatures now lurk in the Hallow and in Hell. If you destroy enough and gather their essence together you shall be able to capture the attention of the Profaned Guardians."
    • "The Profaned Guardians serve Providence, one of the few Gods even I despise. The Guardians attempt to eliminate threats to their Goddess preemptively, and it is likely that their next target is you."
    • "Providence can likely be drawn out for combat by using the relic her Guardians left behind. I wonder... Why has Yharim not challenged her? Is he simply that negligent now?"
    • "Providence was a great threat to Yharim and his army. She would appear out of seemingly thin air, wreck havoc, and vanish before much damage could be done to her. Perhaps she would be overconfident in facing but a single warrior."

    After Providence, the Profaned Goddess has been defeated:

    • "The Rune of Kos holds a significant portion of Providence's brand of magic, easily distinguishable from all others. Activating it in certain places would have some... risky consequences."
    • "I do wonder what has happened to Braelor and Statis. I have heard or seen very little of either. In my days, both were great heroes to those who worshiped the Gods. Have they been killed, captured, or are they simply in hiding?"

    After Polterghast has been defeated:

    • "The Abyss holds many secrets revealed with time. Checking it out again may not be a bad idea."
    • "Ah...I can sense a powerful change in the weather. You may want to venture to the Sulphurous Seas once more during the rain to experience it."

    After The Devourer of Gods has been defeated:

    • "The Devourer's armor was specially made by Draedon. Extremely flexible yet durable and massive, it may be one of his most impressive creations. I shudder to think of what unholy things he may be able to create now, if his research has not stopped."
    • "With the cosmic steel you can fashion many of your weapons into much more powerful forms."
    • "The Devourer of Gods is truly an enigma. Some say it's not even from this world at all. What is known is that he is a being that can devour the essence of Gods entirely, leaving absolutely nothing left. It's no wonder Yharim recruited that monster."

    After Jungle Dragon, Yharon has been defeated:

    • "Auric is near impossible to work with without being attuned to a Dragon or using the claimed soul of a Dragon to perform a "mock" attunement. However, if one can work with it truly powerful things can be created; enough so that using it in anything was deemed heretical by the Gods."
    • "The Golden Heretic, Yharim, possesses strength that may just surpass all of the Gods. When you face him, be well prepared for the battle of your life."
    • "Draedon isn't a frontline fighter; he is a scientist and inventor. He is unlikely to face you directly, and will likely have his creations confront you instead. Be prepared for anything that blasphemous machine could throw at you."
    • Sea Prism and Sea Prism Crystal now have a pickaxe power requirement of 55%.
      • Updated the tooltips of Gold Pickaxe, Platinum Pickaxe, and Greatbay Pickaxe to reflect this change.
    • Seeking Mechanisms now use 10 charge per use instead of 15.
    • Updated the buy and sell value of the following items to match their rarity:
    • Shattered Community's tooltip now shows the stat boosts it gives.
    • The Skeleton Merchant now sells Carton of Milk for 1 Gold Coin.
    • Slime Gun and Sparkle Slime Balloon tooltips now state that slimed enemies take more damage from heat-based debuffs.
    • Starter Bag now drops Awakening.
    • Steam Geysers now generate steam clouds significantly less frequently and the steam clouds last less time. Changed its map color from #966432 ● to #674140 ●.
    • The Sulphuric Water poison meter now immediately disappears upon leaving the Sulphurous Sea.
    • Changed some Sunken Sea Ambient objects' map colors:
      • Changed Brain Coral, Small Brain Coral, Small Tube Coral and Tube Coral's map colors from #000050 ● to #243D6F ●.
      • Changed Fan Coral, Sea Anemone, and Table Coral's map colors from #000050 ● to #364548 ●.
    • Sunken Sea Brain Coral bubbles now have better dust and only make a noise when the player touches them.
    • Sunken Sea Fan Coral now forces the water color to change.
    • Sunken Sea water is now clearer.
    • Suspicious Scraps are now guaranteed to be found in Abandoned Workshop chests.
    • Merged the tester tab of the Thank You painting into the normal developer tab, and updated the developer list with new developers and moving retired developers to the latter half of the list.
    • Tombstones now have a tooltip that states that the Graveyard biome requires 20 Tombstones.
    • Modified the following item tooltips to be more accurate to the lore:
      • Removed "Ethereal bow of the tyrant king's mother", "The mother strongly discouraged acts of violence throughout her life", "Though she kept this bow close, to protect her family in times of great disaster" lines from Astreal Defeat's tooltip.
      • Changed Auric Bar's tooltip from "Godlike power emanates from the metal" to "Boundless power emanates from the metal".
      • Changed Auric Ore's tooltip from "Laced with the dormant power of a deity" to "Infused with long lost draconic energies".
      • Removed "Sword of an ancient demon lord" line from Bladecrest Oathsword's tooltip.
      • Removed "Ancient blade of Yharim's weapons and armors expert, Draedon" line from Exoblade's tooltip.
      • Removed "It is said that in the past, Prometheus descended from the heavens to grant man fire", "If that were true, then it is surely the demons of hell that would have risen from below to do the same" lines from The First Shadowflame's tooltip.
      • Removed "The magic of the ancient ice castle is yours" line from Soul of Cryogen's tooltip.
      • Removed "A ritualistic artifact, thought to have brought upon The End many millennia ago", "Sealed away in the abyss, far from those that would seek to misuse it" lines from Terminus' tooltip.
    • Tweaked the following item tooltips to make them smaller:
    • Town NPCs now gain 20 defense and 60% damage after defeating the Exo Mechs.
    • Added several Town NPC names:
    • Several Town NPCs now sell more items if they are happy enough:
      • The Archmage will sell Ice Cream for 2 Gold Coin while in the Snow biome.
      • The Drunk Princess will sell Unicorn Horns for 2 Gold Coin.png 50 Silver Coin.png while in the Hallow biome, and Milkshake for 5 Gold Coin while in the Hallow and the Stylist is present in the world.
      • The Dryad will sell Grapes for 2 Gold Coin.png 50 Silver Coin.png after defeating Skeletron.
      • The Goblin Tinkerer will sell Spaghetti for 5 Gold Coin after defeating Skeletron.
      • The Golfer will always sell Potato Chips for 1 Gold Coin.
      • The Merchant will always sell Coffee for 2 Gold Coin, Burger for 5 Gold Coin after defeating Skeletron, and Hotdog for 5 Gold Coin in Hardmode.
      • The Party Girl will always sell Cream Soda for 2 Gold Coin.png 50 Silver Coin.png, and Pizza for 5 Gold Coin after defeating Skeletron.
      • The Sea King will sell Shrimp Po' Boy for 5 Gold Coin.png 50 Silver Coin.png while in the Ocean, and Fries for 2 Gold Coin while in the Ocean after defeating Eye of Cthulhu.
      • The Stylist will Chocolate Chip Cookie for 3 Gold Coin if the Drunk Princess is present in the world.
      • The Witch Doctor will always sell Fried Egg for 2 Gold Coin.png 50 Silver Coin.png.
      • The Zoologist will sell Steak for 5 Gold Coin in Hardmode.
    • Cutting down trees now has a 100% chance to drop 1-2 random type of Fruits with a stack of 1-2 according to the tree types:
    • Added a line to the Wiki Status Message that states the Fandom wiki is no longer supported.
    • Vampiric Talisman now obeys the lifesteal cooldown.
    • White Seeking Mechanism now moves towards the Ice Bio-center Lab instead of the Space Bio-center Lab.
    • Added unique world generation messages for some structures:
      • "Building a giant beehive" for Giant Bee Hive.
      • "Placing mechanic shed" for Mechanic's Abandoned Shed.
      • "Blessing a flourishing jungle grove" for Vernal Pass.
      • "Entombing occult literature" for Forsaken Archive.
      • "Slaying a vengeful god" for Crimson Shrine.
      • "Rotting a god's grave" for Corruption Shrine.
      • "Burrowing an artifact from Osiris" for Desert Shrine.
      • "Crystallizing a deep blue geode" for Granite Shrine.
      • "Hiding a beast tamer's igloo" for Ice Shrine.
      • "Recovering a piece of the Parthenon" for Marble Shrine.
      • "Planting a mushroom rich of hyphae" for Mushroom Shrine.
      • "Assembling a shinobi hideout" for Surface/Underground Shrine.
      • "Hiding wyvern's gold in plain sight" for Aerialite generation.
      • "Forging with the fires of hell" for Underworld Bio-center Lab.
      • "Studying marine biology" for Sunken Sea Bio-center Lab.
      • "Prototyping quantum supercooling" for Ice Bio-center Lab.
      • "Developing abhorrent bioweaponry" for Jungle Bio-center Lab.
      • "Strip mining for minerals" for Cavern Bio-center Lab.
      • "Abandoned engineering projects" for Abandoned Workshop.
      • "Other minor research projects" for Abandoned Research Facility.
    • Changed some world generation messages to be "fancier":
      • "Corrupting a floating island" to "Adding a putrid floating island" (if a crimson world) or "Adding a grotesque floating island" (if a corruption world).
      • "Building a bigger jungle temple" to "Building a better jungle temple".
      • "Reallocating gem deposits to match cavern depth" to "Sensibly shuffling gem depth".
      • "Uncovering the ruins of a fallen empire" to "Incinerating Azafure".
      • "Placing hidden shrines" to "Hiding forbidden shrines".
      • "Discovering the new Challenger Deep" to "Disposing of Silva's remains".
      • "Further polluting one of the oceans" to "Irradiating one of the oceans".
      • "I Wanna Rock" to "I wanna rock".
    • Yellow Seeking Mechanism now moves towards the Space Bio-center Lab instead of the Ice Bio-center Lab.


    • Fixed ??? not spawning if the Lunar Events were active in the world.
    • Fixed spelling errors in Abandoned Wulfrum Helmet's tooltip and the Slime God Core's Bestiary entry.
    • Fixed Acid Eel's icon drawing improperly on the Bestiary.
    • Fixed armor penetration being applied twice to enemies.
    • Fixed Azafure (Lore) not dropping from Brimstone Elemental.
    • Fixed the second part of Boss Rush's fourth tier transitioning text being misplaced to appear while Polterghast spawned instead of Yharon.
    • Fixed Dark Energy, Queen Bee's Bees, and Ravager's head not spawning during Boss Rush.
    • Fixed Death's Ascension not benefiting from modifiers.
    • Fixed Deerclops being able to drop two of the same weapon.
    • Fixed Duke Fishron being able to drop Fishron Wings twice.
    • Corrected Eidolon Staff's tooltip to reflect its actual function.
    • Fixed a sprite issue on The First Shadowflame.
    • Fixed Ghastly Visage consuming more mana than it should on first use.
    • Fixed Hive Tumor, Perforator Cyst, and all enemies from the Astral Infection not spawning during a Blood Moon.
    • Heavenly Gale's damage now properly updates while it is being held.
    • Fixed Helium Flash not releasing dust when fired.
    • Fixed the Jungle Bio-center Lab sometimes spawning in the Glowing Mushroom biome.
    • Fixed Photon Ripper using its maximum reach if the cursor is too close to the player.
    • Fixed a sheeting error on Sacrilegious Chandelier.
    • Fixed Shield of the Ocean not granting defense and movement speed when used with Victide armor.
    • Non-magic projectiles no longer give lifesteal cooldown with the Spectre Hood.
    • Fixed the empty space in the Stat Meter's tooltip while not holding a weapon.
    • Fixed the Underworld Bio-center Lab generating with water around it.
    • Fixed Worm Scarf not dropping from Eater of Worlds in Classic Mode.
    • Fixed an exploit with Wulfrum armor.



    • This update's official name, "From the Ashes", has a triple meaning:
    1. All of the mod's lore was rewritten from the ground up.
    2. A significant amount of worldgen was redone; in particular, the major changes to existing structures and biomes like the Brimstone Crag.
    3. This is the first major update to release after a serious schism in the Calamity dev team. Many developers had left the team, and new developers were recruited in their stead.