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TypeFlying Enemy
Damage0 (Contact)
This attack will cause defense damage on hit. 80 / 120 Expert Mode / 150 Revengeance Mode / 180 Death Mode (Lightning Orb Bolt)
This attack will cause defense damage on hit. 80 / 120 Expert Mode / 150 Revengeance Mode / 180 Death Mode (Ice Mist)
Max Life5000 / 10000 Expert Mode / 11250 Master Mode
KB Resist100%
Inflicts debuffElectrifiedElectrified
100% chance

Debuff duration2 seconds (Lightning Orb Bolt)
Debuff tooltipMoving hurts!
Inflicts debuffChilledChilled
100% chance

Debuff duration3 seconds (Ice Mist)
Debuff tooltipYour movement speed has been reduced
Inflicts debuffFrozenFrozen
100% chance

Debuff duration1.5 seconds (Ice Mist)
Debuff tooltipYou can't move!
Immune toAll debuffs except:
EnragedShellfish ClapsSpite
BannerEidolist BannerEidolist Banner
Cold Bestiary Cold.png-
Water Bestiary Water.pngResistant
Sickness Bestiary Sickness.pngVulnerable
Electricity Bestiary Electricity.pngVulnerable
Heat Bestiary Heat.pngResistant
Coins1 Gold Coin

The Eidolist is a Hardmode enemy that spawns in the 3rd and 4th layers of the Abyss after the Wall of Flesh or Calamitas Clone[1] has been defeated. The Primordial Wyrm also summons them during its first four phases.

It hovers in the air motionlessly and does not attack the player until damaged. Once provoked, it will attempt to fly towards the player, passing through tiles and teleporting periodically. It will also release Lightning OrbLightning Orbs and Ice MistIce Mist that emits ice shardsice shards. Both attacks are very similar to those of the Lunatic Cultist.

The lightning orb inflicts the Electrified debuff, and the ice mist and spikes inflict the Frozen and Chilled debuffs.


  • Eidolists do not deal contact damage which opens them up for more aggressive players who struggle to close distance without suffering heavy hits of damage.
    • For this reason, true melee weapons are extremely effective against this enemy.
  • Only one Eidolist can be alive at once.


  • The BestiaryBestiary entry for the Eidolist: "Once members of the dragon cult, they now beg the favor of a new master. They are able to live in the abyss indefinitely thanks to their wyrm-like form, allowing them to serve a new purpose."
  • Judging by their appearance and behavior, they seem to be a Cultist partially transformed into an Eidolon Wyrm.
  • The Eidolist still resembles an old sprite of the Eidolon Wyrm, which was heavily based off of the Ghost Leviathan from the aquatic exploration game, Subnautica.


These history sections are still a work-in-progress, and may not yet contain changes relevant to the current version of the Calamity Mod.
    • Now has 25% less health and 10% less damage in Master Mode.
    • Nerfed lightning orb damage in Master Mode from 90 Master Mode to 75 Master Mode, 450 Master Mode to 381 Master Mode during the Primordial Wyrm fight.
    • Nerfed knockback resistance from 100% to 50%.
    • Now drops Lumenyl after defeating Anahita and Leviathan instead of Calamitas Clone.
    • Can now spawn after defeating Calamitas Clone.
    • Changed the words "Dragon Cult" in its bestiary entry to be lower case.
  • Greatly increased spawn rate in the Abyss, and can now also spawn in layer 4.
    • Now drops 8-10 / 10-14 Expert Mode Lumenyl at a 100% chance instead of 8-10 at a 100% chance with a 50% chance to drop an extra 2-4 in Expert Mode.
    • Now vulnerable to electricity and sickness debuffs, but resistant to water and heat debuffs.
  • Can no longer spawn in the Dungeon.
  • No longer gains a health boost in Death Mode.
  • Now drops Lunar Cultist Hood and Lunar Cultist Robe at a 10% chance instead of 100%.
    • Now has a unique death sound and no longer automatically aggros a player while a boss is alive.
    • Now forcibly classified as organic for the purposes of finite use weaponry.
  • Fixed an oversight where they dropped Ectoplasm before defeating Plantera.
  • Can no longer spawn in layer 4 of the Abyss.
  • Decreased minimum coin drop amount from 2 Gold Coin to 1 Gold Coin.
  • Can now drop Lumenyl and Ectoplasm after defeating Calamitas.
  • Buffed health from 5000 / 10,000 Expert Mode / 16,000 Death Mode to 10,000 / 20,000 Expert Mode / 26,000 Death Mode.
    • No longer deals contact damage.
    • No longer drops Eidolon Tablet if the Lunar Events are currently active.
    • Lightning Orbs no longer deal damage.
    • Can now spawn at the beginning of Hardmode instead of after defeating Plantera.
    • Can now drop Eidolon Tablet.
    • Decreased aggression.


  1. Although Calamitas Clone is normally only fightable after Wall of Flesh, if Calamitas Clone is somehow defeated in a Pre-Hardmode world, such as in special seeds like get fixed boi or by bringing an Eye of Desolation to another world, Eidolists will begin spawning.