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Hadarian.png  Hadarian (sitting).png
TypeFlying Enemy
EnvironmentAstral InfectionDesert
Damage50 / 100 Expert Mode / 135 Master Mode (pre-Astrum Aureus)
80 / 160 Expert Mode / 216 Master Mode (post-Astrum Aureus)
Max Life330 / 660 Expert Mode / 741 Master Mode (pre-Astrum Aureus)
500 / 1000 Expert Mode / 1125 Master Mode (post-Astrum Aureus)
Defense8 (pre-Astrum Aureus)
18 (post-Astrum Aureus)
KB Resist25% / 32.5% Expert Mode / 40% Master Mode (pre-Astrum Aureus)
35% / 41.5% Expert Mode / 48% Master Mode (post-Astrum Aureus)
Inflicts debuffAstral Infection (debuff)Astral Infection
100% chance

Debuff duration1.25 seconds
Debuff tooltipYour flesh is melting off
Immune toAstral Infection (debuff)ConfusedPoisoned
BannerHadarian BannerHadarian Banner
Cold Bestiary Cold.png-
Water Bestiary Water.png-
Sickness Bestiary Sickness.pngResistant
Electricity Bestiary Electricity.png-
Heat Bestiary Heat.pngVulnerable

The Hadarian is a Hardmode enemy that spawns in the Desert Astral Infection. It behaves like a Vulture, initially waiting in place for a player to come near, then takes off once approached and begins hovering above the player, periodically swooping down to deal contact damage. It is much faster than the Vulture and is able to hover and pursue the player at a better pace.


  • The BestiaryBestiary entry for the Hadarian: "Once mere desert vultures, they have been metamorphosed into new beings, their feathers stripped and replaced with gooey tissue and stone-like plating. They sit still as a statue, with eyes seemingly staring at both everything, and nothing at all."
  • This enemy's name refers to the Hadar star system, also known as Beta Centauri.


These history sections are still a work-in-progress, and may not yet contain changes relevant to the current version of the Calamity Mod.
  • Now has 25% less health and 10% less damage in Master Mode.
  • Decreased Astral Infection duration from 1.5 seconds to 1.25.
  • Decreased Astral Infection duration from 2 seconds to 1.5.
  • Buffed health post-Astrum Aureus from 490 / 980 Expert Mode / 1470 Master Mode to 500 / 1000 Expert Mode / 1500 Revengeance Mode.
  • Now has a 10% chance to drop Hadarian Wings instead of 5%.
    • Now has a 5% chance to drop Hadarian Wings after defeating Astrum Aureus.
    • No longer drops Hadarian Membranes.
  • Now vulnerable to heat debuffs, but resistant to sickness debuffs.
  • Now drops 2-3 Hadarian Membranes instead of 1-2.
  • Fixed its death sound not playing.
  • Now inflicts Astral Infection for 2 seconds.
    • Now gains increased stats, equivalent to old stat values, after defeating Astrum Aureus.
    • Nerfed health from 490 / 980 Expert Mode to 330 / 660 Expert Mode, damage from 78 / 156 Expert Mode to 50 / 100 Expert Mode, defense from 18 to 8, and knockback resistance from 35% to 25%.
    • Increased delay between when its hit sound can play.
    • Increased minimum coin drop amount from 4 Silver Coin.png 50 Copper Coin.png to 15 Silver Coin.
    • Increased volume of hit and death sounds.
    • Fixed all sounds not playing properly.