The Twins

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The Twins
The Twins.png
Max Life48,000 / 72,000 Expert Mode / 86,400 Revengeance Mode / 91,799 Master Mode / 110,159 Revengeance Mode Master Mode (total)
KB Resist100%
Immune toConfusedWebbedTemporal SadnessTime Distortion
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Retinazer Trophy.png "These machines are my finest scouts and agents, reborn in a form that gives them Sight unrivaled." Spazmatism Trophy.png

The Twins are Hardmode bosses that can be fought anywhere on the surface at night.

While in Revengeance and Death Mode, the Twins are fought in phase 2 simultaneously, and get a third phase in which their attack patterns become more complex.


The Twins can be summoned manually using a Mechanical Eye at night. They also have a 10% chance to spawn randomly at dusk once a Demon or Crimson Altar has been destroyed, as long as they have not been defeated in the current world. Their arrival is announced by the status message: "This is going to be a terrible night...".


RetinazerFirst Form
Map Icon Retinazer (first form).png
Map icon
Damage0 (Contact)
This attack will cause defense damage on hit. 55 / 85 Expert Mode / 102 Revengeance Mode / 119 Death Mode / 153 Master Mode (Charge)
40 / 92 Expert Mode / 116 Revengeance Mode / 140 Death Mode / 210 Master Mode (Eye Laser)
Max Life23,500 / 35,250 Expert Mode / 42,300 Revengeance Mode / 44,943 Master Mode / 53,932 Revengeance Mode Master Mode
KB Resist100%
Immune toConfusedWebbedTemporal SadnessTime Distortion
Cold Bestiary Cold.pngVulnerable
Water Bestiary Water.png-
Sickness Bestiary Sickness.pngVulnerable
Electricity Bestiary Electricity.png-
Heat Bestiary Heat.pngVulnerable
SpazmatismFirst Form
Map Icon Spazmatism (first form).png
Map icon
Damage0 (Contact)
This attack will cause defense damage on hit. 70 / 102 Expert Mode / 119 Revengeance Mode / 136 Death Mode / 204 Master Mode (Charge)
50 / 100 Expert Mode / 120 Revengeance Mode / 140 Death Mode / 228 Master Mode (Cursed Flame)
Max Life24,500 / 36,750 Expert Mode / 44,100 Revengeance Mode / 46,856 Master Mode / 56,227 Revengeance Mode Master Mode
KB Resist100%
Inflicts debuffCursed InfernoCursed Inferno
68.75% chance

Debuff duration1 second (Cursed Flame)
Debuff tooltipLosing life
Immune toConfusedWebbedTemporal SadnessTime Distortion
Cold Bestiary Cold.pngVulnerable
Water Bestiary Water.png-
Sickness Bestiary Sickness.pngVulnerable
Electricity Bestiary Electricity.png-
Heat Bestiary Heat.pngVulnerable
RetinazerSecond Form
Retinazer (Second Form).png
Map Icon Retinazer (second form).png
Map icon
Damage0 (Contact)
This attack will cause defense damage on hit. 75 / 127 Expert Mode / 153 Revengeance Mode / 178 Death Mode / 229 Master Mode (Charge)
50 / 108 Expert Mode / 132 Revengeance Mode / 156 Death Mode / 234 Master Mode (Death Laser)
36 / 68 Expert Mode / 93 Revengeance Mode / 102 Death Mode / 102 Master Mode / 139 Revengeance Mode Master Mode (Rapid Fire)
136 Revengeance Mode / 152 Death Mode / 228 Revengeance Mode Master Mode (Homing Missile)
Max Life8,800 / 22,000
13,200 / 33,000 Expert Mode
27,720 / 39,600 Revengeance Mode
16,830 / 42,075 Master Mode
35,343 / 50,490 Revengeance Mode Master Mode
KB Resist100%
Inflicts debuffOn Fire!On Fire!
100% chance

Debuff duration3 seconds (Laser)
3 seconds Revengeance Mode (Homing Missile)
Debuff tooltipSlowly losing life
Immune toConfusedWebbedTemporal SadnessTime Distortion
Cold Bestiary Cold.pngVulnerable
Water Bestiary Water.png-
Sickness Bestiary Sickness.pngVulnerable
Electricity Bestiary Electricity.png-
Heat Bestiary Heat.pngVulnerable
SpazmatismSecond Form
Spazmatism (Second Form).png
Map Icon Spazmatism (second form).png
Map icon
Damage45 / 77 Expert Mode / 89 Revengeance Mode / 102 Death Mode / 153 Master Mode (Contact)
This attack will cause defense damage on hit. 90 / 153 Expert Mode / 178 Revengeance Mode / 204 Death Mode / 306 Master Mode (Charge)
60 / 120 Expert Mode / 148 Revengeance Mode / 176 Death Mode / 264 Master Mode (Cursed Flamethrower)
148 Revengeance Mode / 160 Death Mode / 222 Revengeance Mode Master Mode (Shadowflame Flamethrower)
128 Revengeance Mode / 156 Death Mode / 234 Revengeance Mode Master Mode (Shadowflame Fireball)
Max Life10,400 / 26,000
15,600 / 39,000 Expert Mode
32,760 / 46,800 Revengeance Mode
19,890 / 49,725 Master Mode
41,832 / 59,760 Revengeance Mode Master Mode
KB Resist100%
Inflicts debuffCursed InfernoCursed Inferno
68.75% chance

Debuff duration2-3 seconds (Cursed Flamethrower)
Debuff tooltipLosing life
Inflicts debuffShadowflameShadowflame
100% chance

Debuff duration2 seconds Revengeance Mode (Shadowflame Flamethrower, Shadowflame Fireball)
Debuff tooltipLosing life
Inflicts debuffBleedingBleeding
100% chance

Debuff duration5 seconds (Contact)
Debuff tooltipCannot regenerate life
Immune toConfusedWebbedTemporal SadnessTime Distortion
Cold Bestiary Cold.pngVulnerable
Water Bestiary Water.png-
Sickness Bestiary Sickness.pngVulnerable
Electricity Bestiary Electricity.png-
Heat Bestiary Heat.pngVulnerable


In Expert Mode

  • Both Twins move at a higher velocity and acceleration.
  • Retinazer fires lasers faster in Phase 1, which have higher velocity, but more inaccuracy and lasers get faster as health lowers.
  • Retinazer charges more often at a faster velocity and performs 1 more charge.
  • Spazmatism fires cursed fireballs faster in Phase 1, which have higher velocity and fireballs get faster as health lowers and its flamethrower attack is faster in Phase 2.
  • Spazmatism charges more often at a faster velocity and performs 2 less charges.

In Revengeance Mode

The Twins will become enraged when fought during the day, becoming more aggressive, charging further and firing projectiles more often. Their projectiles also have increased velocity when enraged. Spazmatism's flamethrower will also have a longer range.

Phase 1

  • Retinazer alternates between staying diagonally above the player and firing bursts of 3 purple lasers and performing 3 longer but slower charges towards the player.
  • Spazmatism alternates between moving horizontal with the player and quickly firing cursed fireballs and performing 8 quicker but shorter charges towards the player.

Phase 2

  • The Twins enter Phase 2 at 70% health. If one of the Twins is in Phase 1 while the other is in Phase 2, that twin in Phase 2 will take negligible damage. If the player has reversed gravity, both twins will immediately transition to Phase 2.
  • Retinazer continuously fires red lasers at the player, with the pattern of hovering above the player and slowly firing 3 shots followed by hovering to the side of the player and firing a quick burst of 8 shots.
    • Retinazer fires lasers faster and more frequently if the player has reversed gravity.
  • Spazmatism alternates between slowly chasing the player while breathing shadowflame and cursed flames and performing 4 long and fast charges towards the player.

Phase 3

  • The Twins enter Phase 3 at 25% health, or the other twin has been defeated.
  • Retinazer performs a new attack by performing 2 long charges after firing lasers and firing several homing missiles during the first charge.
  • Spazmatism performs a new attack by hovering beneath the player and firing semi-homing shadowflame and cursed fireballs, uses its flamethrower attack for less time, charges longer and faster, and moves faster while breathing shadowflame fireballs.
  • Both Twins have increased velocity and acceleration and Retinazer's homing missiles have higher velocity and acceleration while enraged.
  • If Retinazer has been defeated first, Spazmatism stops breathing shadowflame fireballs and performs a longer set of charge attacks, with 4 charges while the final charge travels further. When charging, contact damage is increased by 10%.
  • If Spazmatism has been defeated first, Retinazer fires lasers much more quickly and performs 4 charges, firing homing missiles during the first and last charge.

In Death Mode

  • Both Twins' speed and acceleration increases, and their attack delay reduces as health lowers.
  • Retinazer fires lasers from farther away in Phase 1, decelerates faster and has a shorter delay before charges as health lowers, performs 1 more charge, and homing missiles move and accelerate faster and home in on the player sooner.
  • Spazmatism decelerates faster and has a shorter delay between charges as health lowers, and fires cursed fireballs while charging in Phase 3, with the addition of shadowflame fireballs after Retinazer has been defeated.

In Master Mode

  • The Twins enter Phase 2 at 60% health.
  • Both Twins have increased speed.
  • Both Twins cycle through attacks faster in Phase 1.
  • Both Twins can fire projectiles while at a closer distance to the player and have more accurate shots.
  • Both Twins charge more frequently in Phase 1 and charge up to 6 times.
  • Retinazer fires spreads of lasers while transitioning to Phase 2.
  • Retinazer has increased speed and faster phases during Phase 2.
  • Spazmatism fires spreads of cursed fireballs while transitioning to Phase 2.
  • Spazmatism catches up to the player more quickly while performing its flamethrower attack and said flamethrower attack is faster and more accurate.

In Revengeance Master Mode

  • The Twins enter Phase 2 at 85% health and Phase 3 at 40%.
  • Both of The Twins' speed and projectile phase durations are decreased during Phase 1.
  • Phase 1 charges last longer and are more frequent.
  • Both Twins have a random amount of charges in Phase 2.
  • Retinazer fires spreads of lasers and missiles while transitioning to Phase 2.
  • Spazmatism fires spreads of cursed and shadowflame fireballs while transitioning to Phase 2.
  • Spazmatism catches up to the player more quickly while performing its flamethrower attack.
  • Spazmatism breathes both cursed flames and shadowflames.

In Death Master Mode

  • Phase 1 charges last shorter but are even more frequent.

During the Boss Rush

  • Maximum health increased to 2,750,000 / 4,125,000 Expert Mode / 5,268,750 Revengeance Mode.
  • Sets the time to 7:30pm.



For more elaborate strategies on defeating The Twins, including weapon and arena recommendations, see Guide:The Twins strategies.
  • Be sure to damage The Twins at a somewhat equal rate prior to phase 2, to make sure that neither become invulnerable.
  • Try not to have both Twins in phase 3 at the same time, as they will become much more difficult to dodge.
  • While it is easier to leave Retinazer alone towards the end of the fight, it is very difficult to do so due to its lower health. More often than not, the player will end up with both Twins in phase 3.
  • Be aware of Retinazer's firing patterns in phase 2, it will shoot 3 lasers at a low firing rate followed by a fast burst. The player should time their movement so they have enough wing time to avoid the burst by flying diagonally up and away from The Twins to keep them safe from Spazmatism.


These history sections are still a work-in-progress, and may not yet contain changes relevant to the current version of the Calamity Mod.
  • Retinazer now only swaps targets after each attack is finished, and Spazmatism now always targets the same player until they die.
    • Buffed Retinazer's phase 1 laser damage in Master Mode from 174 Master Mode to 210 Master Mode, phase 2 laser damage from 186 Master Mode to 234 Master Mode, and homing laser damage from 210 Master Mode to 228 Master Mode.
    • Buffed Spazmatism's cursed fireball damage in Master Mode from 180 Master Mode to 228 Master Mode, shadow fireball damage from 192 Master Mode to 234 Master Mode, and flamethrower damage from 222 Master Mode to 264 Master Mode.
    • Buffed Retinazer's health from 22,000 / 33,000 Expert Mode / 39,600 Revengeance Mode / 42,075 Master Mode / 50,490 Revengeance Mode Master Mode to 23,500 / 35,250 Expert Mode / 42,300 Revengeance Mode / 44,943 Master Mode / 53,932 Revengeance Mode Master Mode.
    • Nerfed Spazmatism's health from 26,000 / 39,000 Expert Mode / 46,800 Revengeance Mode / 49,725 Master Mode / 59,670 Revengeance Mode Master Mode to 24,500 / 36,750 Expert Mode / 44,100 Revengeance Mode / 46,856 Master Mode / 56,227 Revengeance Mode Master Mode.
    • Can now turn the Calamity Boss Health Bar red when enraged outside of Revengeance Mode.
    • Increased the Early Hardmode Progression Rework's health and damage multiplier from 0.8x to 0.9x when fought first, and from 0.9x to 0.95x when fought second in Expert and Master Mode.
    • Buffed Retinazer's contact damage in Classic Mode from 50 to 55, and Spazmatism's contact damage from 60 to 70.
    • Buffed Retinazer's phase 1 laser damage from 40 / 76 Expert Mode / 116 Revengeance Mode / 128 Death Mode / 174 Master Mode to 40 / 92 Expert Mode / 116 Revengeance Mode / 140 Death Mode / 174 Master Mode, phase 2 laser damage from 50 / 92 Expert Mode / 124 Revengeance Mode / 136 Death Mode / 186 Master Mode to 50 / 108 Expert Mode / 132 Revengeance Mode / 156 Death Mode / 186 Master Mode, and Spazmatism's cursed fireball damage from 50 / 88 Expert Mode / 120 Revengeance Mode / 132 Death Mode / 180 Master Mode to 50 / 100 Expert Mode / 120 Revengeance Mode / 140 Death Mode / 180 Master Mode, and flamethrower damage from 60 / 108 Expert Mode / 128 Revengeance Mode / 140 Death Mode / 192 Master Mode to 60 / 120 Expert Mode / 148 Revengeance Mode / 176 Death Mode / 222 Master Mode.
    • Buffed shadowflame fireball damage in Death Mode from 140 Death Mode to 156 Death Mode.
    • No longer use a global scaling contact damage formula based on boss velocity.
    • No longer enrage based on time in the Don't dig up seed in Revengeance Mode.
    • Retinazer no longer deals contact damage while not charging in all difficulties.
    • Spazmatism no longer deals contact damage while not charging in phase 1, and deals half contact damage while not charging in phase 2 in all difficulties.
    • Retinazer no longer has reduced acceleration while holding a true melee weapon.
    • Reduced the spread of Retinazer's lasers and Spazmatism's cursed fireballs while outside of Revengeance Mode.
    • Decreased Retinazer's phase 2 laser On Fire! duration from 4 seconds to 3. Spazmatism's cursed fireballs now always inflict Cursed Inferno for 1 second.
    • Revengeance Mode changes:
      • Increased how fast Retinazer switches between laser cycles after Spazmatism is defeated. Increased how fast lasers are shot while Spazmatism is alive, but decreased how fast they are shot after Spazmatism is defeated.
      • Retinazer's charges in phase 3 now increase in velocity and acceleration based on enrage scale, and homing lasers now have higher velocity and acceleration.
      • Increased the velocity and deceleration of Spazmatism's phase 1 charges, and decreased the delay between charges in phase 2, but he now charges four times in phase 2 instead of five.
      • Spazmatism now moves faster while outside of his flamethrower's range, but the flamethrower now takes 1 second to reach its maximum range.
      • Spazmatism now breathes a mixture of shadowflame and cursed fire in phase 2, and shoots a mixture of shadowflame fireballs and cursed fireballs in phase 3. Decreased Bleeding duration on contact in phase 2 from 10 seconds to 5.
      • Decreased Shadowflame duration from shadowflame fireball from 3 seconds to 2, and from shadowflame flamethrower from 5 seconds to 2.
      • Spazmatism's charges in phase 3 now increase in velocity and acceleration based on enrage scale.
    • Retinazer now has a higher velocity and acceleration, shoots lasers faster in phase 1 which have more inaccuracy and get faster as health lowers, lasers have a higher velocity, has a faster charge velocity, charges more often, and charges 1 extra time in Expert Mode.
    • Retinazer now fires lasers from farther away in phase 1, decelerates faster and has a shorter delay before charges as health lowers, charges one extra time, and homing lasers move and accelerate faster and home in sooner in Death Mode.
    • Retinazer now has higher velocity and acceleration and switches attacks faster, laser firing is more inaccurate and gets even faster as health lowers, has an even faster charge velocity, charges even more often, charges 2 extra times, enters phase 2 at 60% health, and shoots lasers when entering phase 2 in Master Mode.
    • Retinazer now gains a slight boost to enrage scale, has a shorter delay between charges, enters phase 2 at 85% health, additionally fires homing lasers during phase transition, enters phase 3 at 40% health, and can randomly charge less times in phase 3 in Revengeance Master Mode.
    • Spazmatism now has a higher velocity and acceleration, shoots cursed fireballs faster which gets faster as health lowers, cursed fireballs have a higher velocity, has a faster charge velocity, charges more often, charges 2 less times, and flamethrower appears faster in Expert Mode.
    • Spazmatism now decelerates faster and has a shorter delay between charges as health lowers, and fires cursed fireballs during charges in phase 3, with the addition of shadowflame fireballs after Retinazer is defeated, in Death Mode.
    • Spazmatism now has higher velocity and acceleration and switches attacks faster, cursed fireball fire rate gets even faster as health lowers, has an even faster charge velocity, charges faster, charges 4 less times, enters phase 2 at 60% health, shoots cursed fireballs when entering phase 2, flamethrower appears even faster, and randomly charges 4-6 times in phase 2 in Master Mode.
    • Spazmatism now gains a slight boost to enrage scale, enters phase 2 at 85% health, additionally fires shadowflame fireballs during phase transition, fires cursed fireballs and shadowflame fireballs during the flamethrower attack, and enters phase 3 at 40% health in Revengeance Master Mode.
    • Spazmatism's charges in phase 3 are no longer predictive in Boss Rush.
    • Fixed projectiles not dealing less damage with the Early Hardmode Progression Rework config option enabled.
    • Buffed Retinazer's phase 1 laser damage from 92 Revengeance Mode / 100 Death Mode / 114 Master Mode / 138 Revengeance Mode Master Mode to 116 Revengeance Mode / 128 Death Mode / 114 Master Mode / 174 Revengeance Mode Master Mode, phase 2 normal laser damage from 112 Revengeance Mode / 124 Death Mode / 138 Master Mode / 168 Revengeance Mode Master Mode to 124 Revengeance Mode / 136 Death Mode / 138 Master Mode / 186 Revengeance Mode Master Mode, and rapid laser damage from 84 Revengeance Mode / 92 Death Mode / 102 Master Mode / 126 Revengeance Mode Master Mode to 93 Revengeance Mode / 102 Death Mode / 102 Master Mode / 139 Revengeance Mode Master Mode.
    • Buffed Spazmatism's cursed fireball damage from 108 Revengeance Mode / 120 Death Mode / 132 Master Mode / 162 Revengeance Mode Master Mode to 120 Revengeance Mode / 132 Death Mode / 132 Master Mode / 180 Revengeance Mode Master Mode, shadowflame flamethrower damage from 136 Revengeance Mode / 152 Death Mode / 210 Revengeance Mode Master Mode to 148 Revengeance Mode / 160 Death Mode / 222 Revengeance Mode Master Mode, and shadowflame fireball damage from 120 Revengeance Mode / 132 Death Mode / 180 Revengeance Mode Master Mode to 128 Revengeance Mode / 140 Death Mode / 192 Revengeance Mode Master Mode.
    • Buffed Retinazer health from 20,000 / 30,000 Expert Mode / 39,000 Revengeance Mode to 22,000 / 33,000 Expert Mode / 39,600 Revengeance Mode.
    • Buffed Spazmatism health from 23,000 / 34,500 Expert Mode / 46,575 Revengeance Mode to 26,000 / 39,000 Expert Mode / 46,800 Revengeance Mode.
    • Buffed Retinazer Homing Missile damage from 66 / 96 Expert Mode / 120 Revengeance Mode / 132 Death Mode to 70 / 120 Expert Mode / 136 Revengeance Mode / 152 Death Mode.
    • Buffed Spazmatism Shadow Fireball damage from 56 / 100 Expert Mode / 124 Revengeance Mode / 136 Death Mode to 60 / 100 Expert Mode / 120 Revengeance Mode / 132 Death Mode.
    • Buffed Spazmatism Shadow Flamethrower damage from 60 / 108 Expert Mode / 132 Revengeance Mode / 144 Death Mode to 70 / 120 Expert Mode / 136 Revengeance Mode / 152 Death Mode.
    • Both Twins are now vulnerable to cold, sickness, and heat debuffs in phase 1, and vulnerable to electricity debuffs but resistant to sickness debuffs in phase 2.
    • Now drops Mechanical Wheel Piece regardless of world difficulty.
    • Nerfed Retinazer Revengeance Mode health from 44,850 Revengeance Mode to 39,000 Revengeance Mode.
    • Buffed Spazmatism Revengeance Mode health from 37,500 Revengeance Mode to 46,575 Revengeance Mode.
    • Nerfed Boss Rush health from 2,750,000 / 4,125,000 Expert Mode / 5,268,750 Revengeance Mode to 275,000 / 412,500 Expert Mode / 526,875 Revengeance Mode.
    • Nerfed Retinazer phase 2 defense in Revengeance Mode from 30 Revengeance Mode to 20 Revengeance Mode.
    • Nerfed Spazmatism phase 2 defense in Revengeance Mode from 40 Revengeance Mode to 28 Revengeance Mode.
    • No longer enrage if the player flips gravity.
    • Retinazer now slows down between 25% and 50% while using a true melee weapon depending on how close the player is to it.
  • No longer despawns and instead enrages when fought during the day in Revengeance Mode.
  • No longer transition into Phase 2 at the start of the fight, transition into Phase 3 later in the fight, have reduced attack delay, and increase in velocity and acceleration as their health decreases in Death Mode.
  • Draedon's Remote variants now drop Dubious Plating and Mysterious Circuitry.
  • Holding a true melee weapon now reduces their acceleration by 50%.
    • Nerfed Retinazer's phase 1 contact damage from 45 / 76 Expert Mode / 95 Revengeance Mode / 109 Death Mode to 45 / 76 Expert Mode / 87 Revengeance Mode / 94 Death Mode.
    • Nerfed Retinazer's phase 2 contact damage from 67 / 114 Expert Mode / 142 Revengeance Mode / 163 Death Mode to 67 / 114 Expert Mode / 131 Revengeance Mode / 141 Death Mode.
    • Nerfed Spazmatism's phase 1 contact damage from 50 / 85 Expert Mode / 106 Revengeance Mode / 122 Death Mode to 50 / 85 Expert Mode / 97 Revengeance Mode / 105 Death Mode.
    • Nerfed Spazmatism's phase 2 contact damage from 75 / 127 Expert Mode / 158 Revengeance Mode / 182 Death Mode to 75 / 127 Expert Mode / 146 Revengeance Mode / 157 Death Mode.
    • Nerfed laser damage from 50 / 92 Expert Mode / 112 Revengeance Mode / 128 Death Mode to 50 / 92 Expert Mode / 112 Revengeance Mode / 124 Death Mode.
    • Nerfed laser barrage damage from 36 / 68 Expert Mode / 84 Revengeance Mode / 96 Death Mode to 36 / 68 Expert Mode / 84 Revengeance Mode / 92 Death Mode.
    • Nerfed cursed fireball damage from 50 / 88 Expert Mode / 108 Revengeance Mode / 124 Death Mode to 50 / 88 Expert Mode / 108 Revengeance Mode / 120 Death Mode.
    • Nerfed homing missile damage from 120 Revengeance Mode / 138 Death Mode to 120 Revengeance Mode / 132 Death Mode.
    • Nerfed shadowflame fire damage from 132 Revengeance Mode / 151 Death Mode to 132 Revengeance Mode / 144 Death Mode.
    • Nerfed shadowflame fireball damage from 124 Revengeance Mode / 142 Death Mode to 124 Revengeance Mode / 136 Death Mode.
    • Spazmatism fireball and shadowflame dust now feature darker, larger dusts at the front and brighter, smaller dusts trailing behind.
    • Death Mode changes:
      • Transition into Phase 2 immediately instead of below 85% health.
      • Transition into Phase 3 below 50% health instead of 25%.
      • Decreased Spazmatism charge frequency and charge speed.
      • Increased Spazmatism slow down time in preparation for a charge.
    • Buffed Spazmatism's Boss Rush health from 1,300,000 to 1,500,000.
    • Buffed Retinazer's Boss Rush health from 900,000 to 1,250,000.
    • Retinazer's Revengeance Mode laser darts now have smaller explosions.
    • Retinazer's Revengeance Mode lasers now inflict On Fire! for 4 seconds instead of 3.
    • Buffed Spazmatism's Boss Rush health from 1,000,000 to 1,300,000.
    • Buffed Retinazer's Boss Rush health from 700,000 to 900,000.
    • Reworked Revengeance Mode fight:
      • Increased the length of most large dashes to make them less oppressive.
      • Spazmatism uses Shadowflame instead of Cursed Flames.
      • Spazmatism goes berserk and does super fast charges when at low health or when Retinazer is killed.
      • Removed random spread from Retinazer's lasers in phase 1.
      • Reduced the amount of lasers Retinazer fires in phase 2 until at low health or Spazmatism is killed.
      • Retinazer can now charge in phase 2 if Spazmatism is killed, which leaves behind homing laser rockets.
    • Revengeance Mode changes:
      • Nerfed Retinazer's health modifier from 1.8x Revengeance Mode / 3x Death Mode to 1.25x Revengeance Mode / 1.4x Death Mode.
      • Nerfed Spazmatism's health modifier from 1.8x Revengeance Mode / 3x Death Mode to 1.3x Revengeance Mode / 1.45x Death Mode.
      • Decreased speeds slightly.
  • Now enrage in Revengeance Mode if the player has the Gravitation Potion's effects active.
    • Nerfed Spazmatism's Boss Rush health from 1,900,000 to 1,000,000.
    • Nerfed Retinazer's Boss Rush health from 1,400,000 to 700,000.
  • Decreased Spazmatism's speed in Revengeance Mode.
    • Buffed Spazmatism's Boss Rush health from 1,300,000 to 1,900,000.
    • Buffed Retinazer's Boss Rush health from 950,000 to 1,400,000.
    • Spazmatism now inflicts Bleeding in Revengeance Mode.
    • Retinazer's lasers now inflict On Fire! in Revengeance Mode.
    • Both eyes no longer take 50% damage from Crystal Bullet shards and Holy Arrow stars.
    • Buffed Spazmatism's health modifier from 1.45x Revengeance Mode / 1.7x Death Mode to 1.55x Revengeance Mode / 1.8x Death Mode.
    • Nerfed both Twins' damage reduction from 25% to 20%.
    • Lowered projectile fire rates in Revengeance Mode.
    • Buffed Spazmatism health modifier from 1.35x Revengeance Mode / 1.6x Death Mode to 1.45x Revengeance Mode / 1.7x Death Mode.
    • Nerfed Spazmatism damage reduction from 35% to 25%.
  • Nerfed the health modifier for both eyes from 1.4x Revengeance Mode / 2.5x Death Mode to 1.35x Revengeance Mode / 1.6x Death Mode.
  • Buffed Death Mode health modifier for both eyes from 1.6x Death Mode to 2.5x Death Mode, and their Death Mode damage modifier from 1.6x Death Mode to 2.5x Death Mode.
  • Buffed the health modifier for both eyes from 1.3x Revengeance Mode to 1.4x Revengeance Mode.
  • Now enter their second phases much earlier in Death Mode.
  • Both Twins now gain a 1.6x Death Mode health modifier in Death Mode.
    • In Revengeance Mode, whichever Twin enters its second phase first will now become invulnerable until the other has entered its second phase as well.
    • Buffed Retinazer's Revengeance Mode health modifier from 1.1x Revengeance Mode to 1.3x Revengeance Mode.
    • Nerfed Spazmatism's Revengeance Mode health modifier from 1.35x Revengeance Mode to 1.3x Revengeance Mode.
  • Increased Revengeance Mode Spazmatism's speed.
  • Buffed Spazmatism's health modifier from 1.25x Revengeance Mode to 1.35x Revengeance Mode.
    • Nerfed Spazmatism's health modifier from 1.45x Revengeance Mode to 1.25x Revengeance Mode.
    • Decreased Spazmatism's charging speed.
  • Spazmatism now inflicts Marked for Death for 3 seconds in Revengeance Mode.
    • Retinazer now gains a 1.1x Revengeance Mode health modifier in Revengeance Mode.
    • Spazmatism now gains a 1.45x Revengeance Mode health modifier in Revengeance Mode.
    • Buffed the amount of defense Retinazer gains if Spazmatism has been defeated from 25 to 40.
    • Buffed Retinazer's homing missile damage from 50 / 100 Expert Mode to 60 / 120 Expert Mode.
    • Increased Spazmatism's speed.
    • Now has a 2% Revengeance Mode chance to drop Laudanum or Stress Pills in Revengeance Mode.