Skeletron Prime

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Skeletron Prime
Skeletron Prime.png
Map Icon Skeletron Prime.png
Map icon
DamageThis attack will cause defense damage on hit. 50 / 85 Expert Mode / 102 Revengeance Mode / 119 Death Mode / 153 Master Mode (Contact)
This attack will cause defense damage on hit. 100 / 170 Expert Mode / 204 Revengeance Mode / 238 Death Mode / 306 Master Mode (Spin)
124 Revengeance Mode / 140 Death Mode / 150 Master Mode (Death Laser)
This attack will cause defense damage on hit. 124 Revengeance Mode / 140 Death Mode / 150 Master Mode (Skull)
148 Revengeance Mode / 176 Death Mode / 222 Revengeance Mode Master Mode (Rocket, Missile)
Max Life28,000 / 42,000 Expert Mode / 60,900 Revengeance Mode / 53,550 Master Mode / 91,035 Revengeance Mode Master Mode
Defense24 (+8 per arm alive) Revengeance Mode (Doubled if spinning)
KB Resist100%
Inflicts debuffOn Fire!On Fire!
100% chance

Debuff duration3 seconds Revengeance Mode (Rocket, Laser)
Debuff tooltipSlowly losing life
Inflicts debuffBleedingBleeding
100% chance

Debuff duration5 seconds (Spinning)
Debuff tooltipCannot regenerate life
Immune toBlood ButcheredConfusedPearl AuraPenetratedPoisoned
Cold Bestiary Cold.png-
Water Bestiary Water.png-
Sickness Bestiary Sickness.pngResistant
Electricity Bestiary Electricity.pngVulnerable
Heat Bestiary Heat.png-
Coins 40 Gold Coin.png
Skeletron Prime (calamity).png
Skeletron Prime sprites in Revengeance Master Mode
If you were looking for Skeletron Prime on the vanilla wiki, click here.

Skeletron Prime Trophy.png "...he crafted a visage so grim, it evoked oblivion itself." Skeletron Prime Trophy.png

Skeletron Prime is a Hardmode boss that can be fought anywhere on the surface during the night.

While in Revengeance and Death Mode, Skeletron Prime gains various projectile changes to both the head and arms, and the boss gets an overall stats buff. The head gains more attacks and behaviors as the arms are killed.


Skeletron Prime can be manually summoned using a Mechanical Skull during the night. It can also spawn naturally upon dusk with a chance of 10% once a Demon or Crimson Altar has been smashed, as long as it has not yet been defeated in the current world. If spawning naturally, its arrival is announced by the status message: "The air is getting colder around you..."


Prime Cannon
Prime Cannon.png
Damage0 (Contact)
This attack will cause defense damage on hit. 80 / 160 Expert Mode / 240 Master Mode (Bomb)
148 Revengeance Mode / 160 Death Mode / 222 Revengeance Mode Master Mode (Rocket)
Max Life7000 / 10,500 Expert Mode / 6825 Revengeance Mode / 13,386 Master Mode / 8700 Revengeance Mode Master Mode
KB Resist100%
Inflicts debuffOn Fire!On Fire!
100% chance

Debuff duration3 seconds (Bomb)
3 seconds Revengeance Mode (Rocket)
Debuff tooltipSlowly losing life
Immune toConfusedPearl Aura
Cold Bestiary Cold.png-
Water Bestiary Water.png-
Sickness Bestiary Sickness.pngResistant
Electricity Bestiary Electricity.pngVulnerable
Heat Bestiary Heat.png-
Prime Saw
Prime Saw.png
Damage35 / 51 Expert Mode / 68 Revengeance Mode / 85 Death Mode / 129 Master Mode (Contact)
This attack will cause defense damage on hit. 70 / 102 Expert Mode / 136 Revengeance Mode / 170 Death Mode / 255 Master Mode (Swipe)
Max Life9000 / 13,500 Expert Mode / 8775 Revengeance Mode / 17,211 Master Mode / 11,187 Revengeance Mode Master Mode
KB Resist100%
Inflicts debuffBleedingBleeding
100% chance

Debuff duration3 seconds
Debuff tooltipCannot regenerate life
Immune toConfusedPearl Aura
Cold Bestiary Cold.png-
Water Bestiary Water.png-
Sickness Bestiary Sickness.pngResistant
Electricity Bestiary Electricity.pngVulnerable
Heat Bestiary Heat.png-
Prime Vice
Prime Vice.png
Damage0 (Contact)
This attack will cause defense damage on hit. 70 / 102 Expert Mode / 136 Revengeance Mode / 170 Death Mode / 255 Master Mode (Swiping)
Max Life9000 / 13,500 Expert Mode / 8775 Revengeance Mode / 17,211 Master Mode / 11,187 Revengeance Mode Master Mode
KB Resist100%
Immune toConfusedPearl Aura
Cold Bestiary Cold.png-
Water Bestiary Water.png-
Sickness Bestiary Sickness.pngResistant
Electricity Bestiary Electricity.pngVulnerable
Heat Bestiary Heat.png-
Prime Laser
Prime Laser.png
Damage0 (Contact)
50 / 100 Expert Mode / 124 Revengeance Mode / 136 Death Mode / 150 Master Mode / 186 Revengeance Mode Master Mode (Death Laser)
Max Life6000 / 9000 Expert Mode / 5850 Revengeance Mode / 11,475 Master Mode / 7458 Revengeance Mode Master Mode
KB Resist100%
Inflicts debuffOn Fire!On Fire!
100% chance

Debuff duration3 seconds (Laser)
Debuff tooltipSlowly losing life
Immune toConfusedPearl Aura
Cold Bestiary Cold.png-
Water Bestiary Water.png-
Sickness Bestiary Sickness.pngResistant
Electricity Bestiary Electricity.pngVulnerable
Heat Bestiary Heat.png-


The Prime Laser and Cannon move faster.

In Revengeance Mode

If Skeletron Prime is fought during the day and is still alive, it will become enraged, and its current health will increase to 300 if it is below that.

  • Head gains 8 defense for each arm alive and various changes ensue when all arms are killed.
  • Head enters Phase 2 at 66% health and Phase 3 at 33% health.
  • Head will not spin while any arms are alive and is significantly faster.
  • Head gains double defense while spinning and gains speed as it loses health.
  • Head begins firing laser circles during its spinning attack at 40% health.
  • Head gains a third attack by firing a barrage of 10 homing missiles.
    • Head will cycle through these, starting with its circling attack, its spinning charge, and then its missiles.
  • All arms gain increased movement and attack speed for each arm killed.
  • When all the arms are killed, it gains a new attack by moving in a tight circle and firing homing skull projectiles similar to Skeletron, which alternates with its spin attack.
    • Head spawns Probes while performing its skull spin attack.

The changes made to its arms are listed as follows:

Prime Cannon

  • Fires rockets instead of bombs. Alternates between firing single rockets and three rockets at once.
  • Rockets are shot in a wider spread.
  • Alternates attacks with the Prime Laser.

Prime Laser

  • No longer fires lasers in a cone.
  • Lasers now start moving slower but quickly accelerate over time.
  • Alternates between firing single lasers and laser circles.
  • Alternates attacks with the Prime Cannon.

Prime Saw and Prime Vice

  • More aggressive AI.
  • Arms stay tighter to the head.

In Death Mode

  • Fires skulls more frequently and fires more lasers in laser rings while spinning.
  • Head gains a speed boost if the player has reversed gravity.
  • Head and arms increase in velocity and acceleration as health decreases.
  • Has a higher maximum Probe amount.

In Master Mode

  • Head and arms have increased speed.
  • Spin attack occurs more frequently.
  • Arms cycle behavior more frequently.
  • Prime Laser and Prime Cannon shoot their respective projectiles at a faster rate.
  • Prime Vice charges 2 times instead of 3.

In Revengeance Master Mode

  • Has two heads.
    • The original head has yellow eyes and controls the Prime Saw and Prime Laser, while the new head has purple eyes and controls the Prime Vice and Prime Cannon.
    • The two heads have a shared health bar, defeating one head will automatically defeat the other.
    • The second head fires bombs instead of missiles and frost lasers instead of normal lasers.
  • Spawns The Destroyer at 75% health, and The Twins at 33% health.
    • Destroyer changes:
      • Does not become more aggressive based on amount of segments without Probes.
      • Cannot fly, use Death Mode laser spreads, and has vanilla movement and enrage distance stats.
      • Has 60 segments.
      • Despawns at 60% health.
      • Probes fire 2 projectiles. This takes priority over Boss Rush and Death Mode's 3 projectiles.
    • Twins changes:
      • Each eye despawns either at 75% health or at 95% health and the other eye is not present.
      • Hovers at a further distance from the player.
      • Shoots projectiles and dashes less frequently.
      • Projectiles are slightly slower.
      • Have decreased speed.
  • Heads can only start attacks when 21 blocks above the player.
  • Can immediately use its spin attack and its spin attack occurs more frequently.
  • Heads and arms have increased speed.
  • Shoots skulls more frequently and with a higher spread and speed.
  • Missiles are shot more frequently and 12 are shot instead of 10.
  • Arms switch behavior more frequently.
  • Prime Laser shoots circles of 24 lasers instead of 16.

In Death Master Mode

  • Spin phases begin much quicker.
  • Laser spreads have 15 lasers instead of Death Mode's 18.
  • Spawns up to 3 Probes instead of Death Mode's 4.
  • Skull projectiles are even faster.
  • Missiles are shot even more frequently.

During the Boss Rush

  • Maximum health increased to 1,100,000 / 1,650,000 Expert Mode / 1,980,000 Revengeance Mode.
  • Sets the time to 7:30pm.
  • Moves much faster.
  • Prime Cannon fires out 5 rockets instead of 3.
  • Head occasionally fires homing martian rockets.
  • Head and the Prime Laser fire more lasers and attack much more frequently.
  • Head spins for less time as health decreases and at increased velocity.


Terrain Preparation

Due to Skeletron Prime's diverse attacks, it is recommended that the player makes a decently sized arena with about 20-25 gaps between each platform to allow easy movement without getting stuck between each floor. The arena should be big enough to allow circling Skeletron Prime in its later phases, during its cursed skull attack, and to allow an easy way to run away from its deadly spin charge that spews out lasers.

Gearing Up

For a Classic and Expert mode guide to Skeletron Prime, see Skeletron Prime on the vanilla wiki.


  • Due to the Hardmode ore rework, the best available armor depends on how many other mechanical bosses have been defeated.
  • Titan Heart armor is always available for Rogue players.
  • Mollusk armor has very high stats but makes the player quite slow.
  • Spider armor is a powerful summoner armor available from the start of Hardmode.




  • The Caustic Edge is a great pick for melee players due to its easy-to-aim projectile.
  • The Storm Saber is also a good choice if you have trouble aiming, because of its two-homing projectiles.



  • The SHPC's left-click attack can damage many parts of Skeletron Prime at once, while the right-click attack is better for the head.
  • Poseidon does good multi-target homing damage.
  • Frigidflash Bolt is a bit weaker but can do good damage.



All classes

  • The Golden Shower is very helpful for increasing DPS and getting around its high defense.


  • The player should be aware of the hands and remember that for each arm destroyed, the rest get faster.
  • Good area-of-effect damage works well for the limbs, and mobility should be prioritized.
  • Once all arms are destroyed, the player should be aware of Skeletron Prime's spin attack, which can be devastating if caught inside.
  • During the cursed skull attack, a good strategy is to circle Skeletron Prime from afar to avoid its homing skulls.


  • Skeletron Prime's formal designation, according to Draedon, is HF-04.
  • Skeletron Prime's Revengeance Master Mode fight is an homage to Oblivion from the Avalon mod.
    • Both fights feature two Skeletron Prime skulls with one having yellow eyes and the other having purple.
    • Both fights also summon The Destroyer and The Twins.


These history sections are still a work-in-progress, and may not yet contain changes relevant to the current version of the Calamity Mod.
  • Now only swaps targets after each attack is finished, and limbs now target the same player as the head.
    • Buffed skull projectile and laser damage in Master Mode from 186 Master Mode to 210 Master Mode, rocket damage from 222 Master Mode to 264 Master Mode, and bomb damage from 240 Master Mode to 300 Master Mode.
    • Revengeance Master Mode changes:
      • Heads can now perform the spin attack, even when limbs are alive.
      • The Twins and The Destroyer now leave when below 75% health instead of 70%.
      • Decreased The Destroyer's turning speed during the fight.
      • The Twins can no longer enter phase 2 during the fight.
    • Fixed a game-breaking bug in Revengeance Master Mode that caused players to "merge" and gain control of each other in multiplayer.
    • Increased the Early Hardmode Progression Rework's health and damage multiplier from 0.8x to 0.9x when fought first, and from 0.9x to 0.95x when fought second in Expert and Master Mode.
    • Can now turn the Calamity Boss Health Bar red when enraged, and gray when gaining a temporary defense boost outside of Revengeance Mode.
    • Buffed Prime Vice and Prime Saw's damage from 60 / 102 Expert Mode / 136 Revengeance Mode / 153 Death Mode / 204 Master Mode to 70 / 102 Expert Mode / 136 Revengeance Mode / 170 Death Mode / 255 Master Mode.
    • Buffed skull and laser damage from 50 / 100 Expert Mode / 124 Revengeance Mode / 136 Death Mode / 150 Master Mode to 50 / 108 Expert Mode / 124 Revengeance Mode / 140 Death Mode / 150 Master Mode, and rocket damage in Death Mode from 160 Death Mode to 176 Death Mode.
    • No longer uses a global scaling contact damage formula based on boss velocity.
    • No longer enrages based on time in the Don't dig up seed.
    • Head no longer has reduced acceleration while holding a true melee weapon.
    • Prime Laser and Prime Cannon no longer deal contact damage in all difficulties.
    • Decreased laser and rocket On Fire! duration from 4 seconds to 3.
    • Prime Vice no longer deals contact damage while not swiping in all difficulties.
    • Prime Saw now deals half contact damage while not swiping or directly moving towards the player in all difficulties.
    • Head now inflicts Bleeding for 5 seconds while spinning, and Prime Saw now inflicts Bleeding for 3 seconds.
    • Prime Cannon's bombs now inflict On Fire! for 3 seconds.
    • Revengeance Mode changes:
      • Prime Cannon's rockets are now shot in a wider spread, but no longer home in.
      • Now enters phase 2 at 66% head health instead of 50%, and phase 3 at 33% head health instead of 25%.
      • No longer kills all limbs when entering phase 2.
      • Skulls now home in for longer and have better turning speed, and can now spawn Probes during the skull spin attack.
      • Increased speed and acceleration during the missile attack, and increased missile homing speed and acceleration.
    • Now spawns more lasers in laser rings while spinning and has a higher maximum Probe amount in Death Mode.
    • Now has a higher acceleration but lower velocity during idle phase, switches between idle and spin faster, has a faster spin velocity, Prime Laser shoots lasers faster, Prime Cannon shoots bombs faster and bombs can blow up on platforms and when close to the player, Prime Saw and Prime Vice charge faster, and all limbs have higher acceleration and velocity in Master Mode.
    • Now spawns a second Skeletron Prime head with different attacks that owns Prime Vice and Prime Cannon, moves faster during the skull spin attack, spawns more missiles and spawns them faster, additionally spawns both The Twins and The Destroyer in nerfed states during the fight, Prime Laser switches between single lasers and laser rings faster and has more lasers in laser rings, and Prime Cannon switches between single rockets and rocket bursts faster in Revengeance Master Mode.
    • Increased spin velocity in Boss Rush.
    • Fixed projectiles not dealing less damage with the Early Hardmode Progression Rework config option enabled.
  • Head now properly displays vanilla debuff colors and Hunter Potion effects in Revengeance Mode or Death Mode.
  • Buffed Boss Rush health from 150,000 / 225,000 Expert Mode / 270,000 Revengeance Mode / 286,875 Master Mode / 344,250 Revengeance Mode Master Mode to 160,000 / 240,000 Expert Mode / 288,000 Revengeance Mode / 306,000 Master Mode / 367,200 Revengeance Mode Master Mode.
  • Buffed Boss Rush health from 110,000 / 165,000 Expert Mode / 198,000 Revengeance Mode / 210,375 Master Mode / 252,450 Revengeance Mode Master Mode to 150,000 / 225,000 Expert Mode / 270,000 Revengeance Mode / 286,875 Master Mode / 344,250 Revengeance Mode Master Mode.
    • No longer flings its Laser and Cannon arms at the player, and no longer fires a barrage of Rockets or a ring of Laser projectiles from its head while all of its arms are destroyed in Revengeance and Death Mode.
    • Now enters its spin phase after 1.5 seconds instead of 5 in Revengeance and Death Mode.
    • Now drops 40 Gold Coin.
    • No longer gains additional defense while its limbs are alive.
    • Now enters phase 2 at 50% health instead of 66%, and phase 3 at 25% health instead of 33% on Revengeance Mode and above.
    • Buffed Head skull damage from 44 / 88 Expert Mode / 112 Revengeance Mode / 124 Death Mode to 50 / 100 Expert Mode / 124 Revengeance Mode / 136 Death Mode.
    • Buffed Head Missile and Rocket damage from 54 / 108 Expert Mode / 132 Revengeance Mode / 144 Death Mode to 60 / 120 Expert Mode / 148 Revengeance Mode / 160 Death Mode.
    • Buffed Prime Cannon Rocket damage from 54 / 108 Expert Mode / 132 Revengeance Mode / 144 Death Mode to 60 / 120 Expert Mode / 148 Revengeance Mode / 160 Death Mode.
    • Buffed Prime Saw damage from 60 / 102 Expert Mode / 119 Revengeance Mode / 136 Death Mode to 60 / 102 Expert Mode / 136 Revengeance Mode / 153 Death Mode.
    • Buffed Prime Vice damage from 60 / 102 Expert Mode / 119 Revengeance Mode / 136 Death Mode to 60 / 102 Expert Mode / 136 Revengeance Mode / 153 Death Mode.
    • Revengeance Mode changes:
      • Laser and rocket attacks from the head now only occur after all arms are defeated, instead of after Laser and Cannon arms respectively.
      • Rockets are fired 6.67% less often below 33% health.
      • Increased spin duration from 3 Revengeance Mode / 2-3 Death Mode seconds to 4 Revengeance Mode / 3-4 Death Mode seconds when below 33% health.
      • Decreased the head's movement speed during the spin attack.
      • Decreased the head's laser and rocket projectile speeds.
    • All parts are now vulnerable to electricity debuffs but resistant to sickness debuffs.
    • Now drops Mechanical Battery Piece regardless of world difficulty.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented flaming skull projectiles from dealing damage on Revengeance Mode.
    • Nerfed Boss Rush health from 1,100,000 / 1,650,000 Expert Mode / 1,980,000 Revengeance Mode to 110,000 / 165,000 Expert Mode / 198,000 Revengeance Mode.
    • No longer enrages if the player flips gravity.
    • Now slows down by 50% while using a true melee weapon in Revengeance Mode.
    • Laser pattern in Revengeance Mode now uses a set pattern.
    • Nerfed Head health in Revengeance Mode from 60,900 Revengeance Mode to 50,400 Revengeance Mode.
    • Nerfed Head health when summoned by Draedon's Remote in Revengeance Mode from 79,800 Revengeance Mode to 60,900 Revengeance Mode.
    • Decreased rocket velocity.
    • Buffed defense boost for each limb alive from 10 Revengeance Mode / 15 Death Mode to 20 Revengeance Mode.
    • Prime Saw, Prime Vice and Head no longer inflict Bleeding in Revengeance Mode.
    • Fixed an issue that prevented it from releasing homing skulls while spinning in Death Mode.
    • Nerfed Prime Saw and Vice health from 13,500 Revengeance Mode to 8775 Revengeance Mode, Prime Laser health from 9000 Revengeance Mode to 5850 Revengeance Mode, and Prime Cannon health from 10,500 Revengeance Mode to 6825 Revengeance Mode in Revengeance Mode.
      • Decreased Draedon's Remote limbs health modifier from 1.05x to 0.8x.
    • Head and all limbs will increase in velocity and acceleration as its health decreases in Death Mode.
    • Fixed a bug that caused it to move slower than intended while performing its head-spin.
    • Limbs cannot deal damage for 3 seconds after spawning.
    • Rockets in Revengeance Mode are now slightly slower.
    • Draedon's Remote variant now drops Dubious Plating and Mysterious Circuitry.
  • Removed Probes from the fight in Revengeance and Death Mode.
    • Now gains 8 defense per limb alive in Revengeance Mode instead of 9999.
    • In Revengeance Mode, if the head's health is reduced to 66%, all limbs are instantly killed and it moves to the next phase.
    • Nerfed head contact damage from 47 / 79 Expert Mode / 98 Revengeance Mode / 113 Death Mode to 47 / 79 Expert Mode / 90 Revengeance Mode / 97 Death Mode.
    • Nerfed head spin damage from 94 / 158 Expert Mode / 197 Revengeance Mode / 227 Death Mode to 94 / 158 Expert Mode / 181 Revengeance Mode / 195 Death Mode.
    • Nerfed Prime Saw's damage from 56 / 95 Expert Mode / 118 Revengeance Mode / 136 Death Mode to 56 / 95 Expert Mode / 114 Revengeance Mode / 125 Death Mode.
    • Nerfed Prime Vice's damage from 52 / 88 Expert Mode / 110 Revengeance Mode / 126 Death Mode to 52 / 88 Expert Mode / 105 Revengeance Mode / 116 Death Mode.
    • Nerfed Prime Laser's contact damage from 29 / 49 Expert Mode / 61 Revengeance Mode / 70 Death Mode to 29 / 49 Expert Mode / 58 Revengeance Mode / 64 Death Mode.
    • Nerfed Prime Cannon's contact damage from 30 / 51 Expert Mode / 63 Revengeance Mode / 73 Death Mode to 30 / 51 Expert Mode / 61 Revengeance Mode / 67 Death Mode.
    • Nerfed skull projectile damage from 112 Revengeance Mode / 128 Death Mode to 112 Revengeance Mode / 124 Death Mode.
    • Nerfed missile and homing rocket damage from 132 Revengeance Mode / 151 Death Mode to 132 Revengeance Mode / 144 Death Mode.
    • Nerfed laser damage from 50 / 100 Expert Mode / 124 Revengeance Mode / 142 Death Mode to 50 / 100 Expert Mode / 124 Revengeance Mode / 136 Death Mode.
    • Nerfed health in Revengeance Mode from 50,400 Revengeance Mode to 48,300 Revengeance Mode and damage reduction from 25% to 20%.
    • Nerfed health modifier using Draedon's Remote from 1.6x to 1.45x.
    • Increased the maximum speed in Revengeance Mode but defeating limbs now decreases maximum speed instead of increasing it.
    • Decreased the maximum speed of all limbs in Revengeance Mode.
    • Nerfed Prime Saw and Prime Vice damage reduction from 25% to 20%.
    • Prime Saw and Prime Vice now inflict Marked for 3 seconds.
    • Death Mode changes:
      • Transitions into Phase 2 and 3 when all limbs are defeated instead of below 66% and 33% health.
      • Decreased head, Prime Laser, and Prime Cannon projectile firing rate.
      • Decreased head spin duration.
      • Decreased Prime Saw and Prime Vice charge frequency.
    • Buffed Boss Rush health from 980,000 to 1,100,000.
    • Revengeance Mode head no longer fires homing skulls while arms are alive.
    • Revengeance Mode Prime Laser and Prime Cannon now move more quickly.
    • Revengeance Mode changes:
      • Changed head's health modifier from 1.15x Revengeance Mode / 1.5x Death Mode to 1.2x Revengeance Mode / 1.45x Death Mode.
      • Nerfed limbs' health modifier from 1.1x Death Mode to 0.9x Death Mode.
      • Nerfed limbs' health modifier when Draedon's Remote is used from 1.15x Revengeance Mode / 1.45x Death Mode to 1.05x Revengeance Mode / 1.15x Death Mode.
      • Arms have less health, but the head has more health.
      • Will no longer spawn homing skulls or Probes if the player is too close to its head.
      • Now flies up and down more aggressively the less arms it has left.
      • Glides further left and right to make the melee arms more threatening.
      • Will only heal up to 300 health when enraged at sunrise. Healing will only occur when below half health.
      • Lasers now inflict On Fire! for 4 seconds instead of 3.
      • Homing Skulls now inflict Weak for 3 seconds instead of 2.
    • Buffed Boss Rush health from 780,000 to 980,000.
      • Buffed Prime Cannon's Boss Rush health from 350,000 to 450,000.
      • Buffed Prime Vice's Boss Rush health from 440,000 to 540,000.
      • Buffed Prime Laser's Boss Rush health from 280,000 to 380,000.
    • Arms now have their own health modifier of 1.15x Revengeance Mode / 1.45x Death Mode instead of sharing theirs with the head.
    • Can now drop Burden Breaker while enraged in Revengeance Mode.
    • Reworked Revengeance Mode AI:
      • Head is almost immune to damage until all four arms are killed, but the arms have reduced health.
      • The head gains new abilities each time an arm is killed and goes berserk when all four arms are slain.
      • Actively attacks the player with two arms at once, and switches which arms it is using over time.
      • Head and melee arms inflict Bleeding on contact.
      • Removed random spread from Prime Laser's lasers.
      • Changed the pattern of its laser ring.
      • Prime Cannon can now fire rockets.
      • Prime Vice moves less erratically.
  • Nerfed head and limb health modifier from 1.6x Revengeance Mode / 2.9x Death Mode to 1.15x Revengeance Mode / 1.5x Death Mode.
  • Prime Laser no longer has decreased health in Death Mode.
  • Now enrages if the player has the Gravitation Potion's effects active in Revengeance Mode.
    • Nerfed head, cannon, vice, and saw's health modifiers from 1.5x Revengeance Mode / 2.15x Death Mode to 1.25x Revengeance Mode / 1.9x Death Mode.
    • Nerfed Boss Rush health from 1,560,000 to 780,000.
    • Nerfed Prime Cannon's Boss Rush health from 700,000 to 350,000.
    • Nerfed Prime Vice's Boss Rush health from 880,000 to 440,000.
    • Nerfed Prime Saw's Boss Rush health from 900,000 to 450,000.
    • Nerfed Prime Laser's Boss Rush health from 560,000 to 280,000.
  • Decreased speed in Revengeance Mode.
    • Buffed Boss Rush health from 780,000 to 1,560,000.
    • Buffed Prime Cannon's Boss Rush health from 350,000 to 700,000.
    • Buffed Prime Vice's Boss Rush health from 420,000 to 880,000.
    • Buffed Prime Saw's Boss Rush health from 280,000 to 560,000.
    • Buffed Prime Laser's Boss Rush health from 280,000 to 560,000.
    • Buffed Boss Rush damage modifier from 2x to 2.5x.
    • Skeletron Prime, Prime Vice, and Prime Saw now inflict Bleeding in Revengeance Mode.
    • Revengeance Mode skulls now inflict Weak.
    • Lasers now inflict On Fire! in Revengeance Mode.
    • Skeletron Prime and its limbs no longer take 50% damage from Crystal Bullet shards and Holy Arrow stars.
    • Buffed health modifier from 1.4x Revengeance Mode / 2.05x Death Mode to 1.5x Revengeance Mode / 2.15x Death Mode.
    • Buffed Draedon's Remote variant's health modifier from 1.5x / 2.8x Death Mode to 1.6x / 2.9x Death Mode.
    • Buffed Prime Laser's health modifier in Death Mode from 0.1x Death Mode to 0.15x Death Mode.
    • Buffed Prime Laser's Draedon's Remote variant's health modifier in Death Mode from 1.4x Death Mode to 1.5x Death Mode.
    • Nerfed Prime Cannon and Prime Laser damage reduction from 25% to 20%.
    • Nerfed Head, Prime Saw, and Prime Vice damage reduction from 30% to 25%.
    • Lowered projectile fire rates in Revengeance Mode.
    • Buffed health modifier from 1.35x Revengeance Mode / 2x Death Mode to 1.4x Revengeance Mode / 2.05x Death Mode.
    • Nerfed Head damage reduction from 50% to 30%.
    • Changed health modifier for the head, cannon, saw, and vice from 1.1x Revengeance Mode / 2.2x Death Mode to 1.35x Revengeance Mode / 2x Death Mode.
    • Can now do its laser ring attack in Death Mode regardless of whether or not Prime Laser is alive.
  • Limbs are now affected by the early Hardmode health and damage nerfs.
    • Buffed Prime Laser's Death Mode health modifier from 1.2x Death Mode to 2.2x Death Mode.
    • Nerfed skull projectile damage from 35 / 70 Expert Mode / 87 Revengeance Mode to 32 / 64 Expert Mode / 80 Revengeance Mode.
    • Nerfed head laser damage from 30 / 60 Expert Mode / 75 Revengeance Mode to 27 / 54 Expert Mode / 67 Revengeance Mode.
    • Nerfed missile damage from 40 / 80 Expert Mode / 100 Revengeance Mode to 32 / 64 Expert Mode / 80 Revengeance Mode.
    • Nerfed health modifier from 1.15x to 1.1x.
    • Nerfed Prime Laser's health modifier from 1.3x to 1.2x.
  • Head now fires bursts of lasers going in random directions if Prime Laser is killed in Death Mode.
  • Now gains a 1.3x Death Mode health modifier in Death Mode.
    • Prime Saw and Prime Vice now inflict Marked for Death for 3 seconds in Revengeance Mode.
    • No longer spins more often if the player has high Stress.
    • Prime Cannon no longer fires more often if the player has high Stress.
    • Now gains a 1.15x Revengeance Mode health modifier in Revengeance Mode.
    • Increased overall speed, but now speeds up at lower amounts of health.
    • Now has a 2% Revengeance Mode chance to drop Laudanum or Stress Pills in Revengeance Mode.
  • The status message "A blood red inferno lingers in the night..." now appears when defeated.