Acid Eel

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Acid Eel
Acid Eel.png
EnvironmentAcid Rain
Damage20 / 40 Expert Mode / 54 Master Mode (Tier 1)
50 / 100 Expert Mode / 135 Master Mode (Tier 2)
100 / 200 Expert Mode / 270 Master Mode (Tier 3)
Max Life45 / 90 Expert Mode / 102 Master Mode (Tier 1)
180 / 360 Expert Mode / 405 Master Mode (Tier 2)
2000 / 4000 Expert Mode / 4500 Master Mode (Tier 3)
Defense4 (Tiers 1 and 2)
20 (Tier 3)
DR5% (Tier 3)
KB Resist10% (Tiers 1 and 2)
30% (Tier 3)
Inflicts debuffIrradiatedIrradiated
100% chance

Debuff duration2 seconds (Contact)
Debuff tooltipYour skin is burning off
Immune toConfusedPoisonedAcid VenomIrradiatedSulphuric Poisoning
BannerAcid Eel BannerAcid Eel Banner
Cold Bestiary Cold.png-
Water Bestiary Water.pngResistant
Sickness Bestiary Sickness.pngResistant
Electricity Bestiary Electricity.pngVulnerable
Heat Bestiary Heat.pngResistant

The Acid Eel is a Pre-Hardmode enemy that spawns during the Acid Rain event. It swims around in the water in a wave-like motion and does not directly attack the player in any way. If it makes contacts with a nearby tile, it will slowly turn around and swim in a different direction. When outside of water, it will become motionless. The segments of the Acid Eel glow but do not emit light.


  • Using block-placing tools such as the Ice Rod can easily restrict the enemy's movement, allowing it to be killed more efficiently.


  • The BestiaryBestiary entry for the Acid Eel: "Though they are predators themselves, acid eels lay near the bottom of the Sulphur Sea's food chain. Their diet largely consists of mollusks, thanks to their ability to squirm into tight crevices. This paired with their speed and camouflage assist them in avoiding becoming meals for others."


These history sections are still a work-in-progress, and may not yet contain changes relevant to the current version of the Calamity Mod.
  • Now has 25% less health and 10% less damage in Master Mode.
  • Fixed its bestiary entry using the wrong apostrophe.
  • Buffed tier 1 health from 42 / 84 Expert Mode / 126 Master Mode to 45 / 90 Expert Mode / 135 Master Mode, and tier 2 health from 176 / 352 Expert Mode / 528 Master Mode to 180 / 360 Expert Mode / 540 Master Mode.
  • Now properly displays vanilla debuff colors and Hunter Potion effects.
  • Fixed its icon drawing improperly on the Bestiary.
    • Now has wiggle motion.
    • Nerfed health from 80 / 160 Expert Mode / 240 Master Mode to 42 / 84 Expert Mode / 126 Master Mode in Tier 1, 240 / 480 Expert Mode / 720 Master Mode to 176 / 352 Expert Mode / 528 Master Mode in Tier 2, and 3300 / 6600 Expert Mode / 9900 Master Mode to 2000 / 4000 Expert Mode / 6000 Master Mode in Tier 3.
    • Reworked AI, now swims along water surfaces instead of charging the player while submerged.
    • Now vulnerable to electricity debuffs, but resistant to water, sickness, and heat debuffs.
    • Nerfed tier 3 health from 6000 / 12,000 Expert Mode to 3300 / 6600 Expert Mode.
    • Decreased Irradiated duration from 3 seconds to 2.
    • Nerfed Tier 1 health from 100 / 160 Expert Mode to 80 / 160 Expert Mode but buffed damage from 20 / 32 Expert Mode to 20 / 40 Expert Mode.
    • Nerfed Tier 2 health from 420 / 672 Expert Mode to 240 / 480 Expert Mode and damage from 80 / 136 Expert Mode to 50 / 100 Expert Mode.
    • Buffed Tier 3 health from 5500 / 8800 Expert Mode to 6000 / 12,000 Expert Mode, nerfed damage from 120 / 204 Expert Mode to 100 / 200 Expert Mode and defense from 45 to 20.
    • Reduced knockback resistance from 100% to 10% in tiers 1 and 2, and 30% in tier 3.
    • Nerfed tier 2 health from 705 / 1128 Expert Mode to 420 / 672 Expert Mode.
    • Nerfed tier 3 health from 6650 / 10,640 Expert Mode to 5500 / 8800 Expert Mode, damage from 160 / 272 Expert Mode to 120 / 204 Expert Mode, and damage reduction from 30% to 5%.
    • Reduced max speed and acceleration for all tiers.