Box Jellyfish

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Box Jellyfish
Box Jellyfish.png
Damage44 / 88 Expert Mode / 120 Master Mode
Max Life90 / 180 Expert Mode / 204 Master Mode
KB Resist0% / 10% Expert Mode / 20% Master Mode
Inflicts debuffAcid VenomAcid Venom
100% chance

Debuff duration2 seconds
Debuff tooltipLosing life
Immune toRiptide (debuff)Crush DepthConfused
BannerBox Jellyfish BannerBox Jellyfish Banner
Cold Bestiary Cold.png-
Water Bestiary Water.pngResistant
Sickness Bestiary Sickness.pngVulnerable
Electricity Bestiary Electricity.pngVulnerable
Heat Bestiary Heat.pngResistant

The Box Jellyfish is a Pre-Hardmode enemy that spawns in the Ocean and the 1st layer of the Abyss. It will remain passive until the player gets too close; it will then attempt to attack the player by darting towards them.


  • The BestiaryBestiary entry for the Box Jellyfish: "Larger than the average jellyfish, the sting of these persistent pests packs a powerful punch. Though they can be found in most large bodies of water, they are locally extinct around Ilmeris after the Brimstone Witch turned her hexes against the kingdom."
  • The Box Jellyfish acts similarly to its real-life counterpart; they both remain passive until they detect something nearby that may be edible.


These history sections are still a work-in-progress, and may not yet contain changes relevant to the current version of the Calamity Mod.
  • Now has 25% less health and 10% less damage in Master Mode.
  • Fixed it having an incorrect bestiary offset.
  • Now vulnerable to electricity and sickness debuffs, but resistant to water and heat debuffs.
  • Buffed health from 45 / 90 Expert Mode to 90 / 180 Expert Mode and damage from 22 / 44 Expert Mode to 44 / 88 Expert Mode.
    • Moves 50% faster in Death Mode.
    • Resprited.
  • Decreased minimum coin drop amount from 5 Silver Coin to 80 Copper Coin.
  • Decreased Venom duration from 3 seconds to 2.
  • Nerfed health from 85 / 170 Expert Mode to 45 / 90 Expert Mode.
  • Nerfed health from 150 / 300 Expert Mode to 85 / 170 Expert Mode, and damage from 40 / 80 Expert Mode to 22 / 44 Expert Mode.