Brimstone Witch

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The Brimstone Witch is a post-Moon Lord NPC vendor that will spawn once the following conditions have been met:

When threatened by enemies, she will defend herself with Brimstone Hellblasts.


For a full explanation on this mechanic, see Enchantment.

For an expensive price, the Brimstone Witch is capable of enchanting the player's items, granting them new power with some drawback. She is also capable of "exhuming" certain items, transforming them into entirely new items.

Living preferences

Happiness Level Biome Neighbor
Love n/a n/a
Like ForestForest ClothierClothier
Dislike Brimstone CragBrimstone Crag Party GirlParty Girl
Hate n/a n/a


  • The Brimstone Witch will always be named Calamitas.


Interaction Quotes

  • While homeless:

    • "I'm considering moving back to that old cave of mine."
    • "I certainly can't return to the Tyrant's old dwellings now, have you got any places to stay?"


    • "I can't pay rent, but if you've got any dead relative you want me to try and... what? You don't?"
    • "One of these days, I was thinking of starting a garden with the flowers from the old capitol of hell. I love the smell of brimstone in the morning."
    • "I think I've settled comfortably, thank you very much."
    • "Many seasons have gone by since I first met with the Tyrant, and only now did I break free. I wish I'd been stronger..."
    • "If you've got any curses you want dispelled... well I'm not your person."

    Only at night:

    • "These undead are horrific, I can't stand to look at them. How could anyone be satisfied with such amateur work?"
    • "I don't think it's a stretch to say that astrology is utter nonsense... but it was a hobby of mine once."

    During a Blood Moon:

    • "Such an unnatural shade of red. Nothing like my brimstone flames."
    • "I can't work with nights like these. The stars seem to have shrunk away in fear."

    During a party:

    • "If another person asks me if I can dance or not, I will light their hat on fire."

    When Sea King is present:

    • "I cannot understand the Sea King. He does not seem to want me dead. That amount of compassion I just can't understand."

    When Drunk Princess is present:

    • "I wonder if [name of Drunk Princess] ever feels cold given how revealing her dress is. Perhaps she should cover up a bit more."
  • Happiness Quotes

  • When homeless:

    • "Anywhere would be better than a cave with no lighting."

    When far from home:

    • "After being used to having people around for a bit, I miss it again."

    When in a sparse area:

    • "The quieter, the better. This is good."

    When overcrowded:

    • "I really don't like how familiar some of these people are getting with me."
    • "I'm getting a headache from the pressure of having so many people around."

    When in the Forest:

    • "I've never had the chance to live somewhere like this before. The trees and the songbirds... I quite like it."

    When in the Brimstone Crag:

    • "Is this a sick joke? I can't bear to be here any longer, I've already tried to atone for my sins."

    When in an Evil Biome or the Dungeon:

    • "The spirits are unrestful here. It's really not a good feeling."

    When near the Clothier:

    • "<Name of Clothier> the Clothier is someone who's had a terrible experience being cursed. He's put up with it quite well all that time, it's quite impressive honestly."

    When near the Princess:

    • "What a strangely pleasant kid, <Name of Princess> the Princess is to be around."

    When near the Party Girl:

    • "Such a racket! All <Name of Party Girl> the Party Girl does is make noise, day in and day out! I can't stand her!"

    When Happiness is neutral:

    • "I can't complain really."
  • Notes


    • The BestiaryBestiary entry for the Brimstone Witch: "Recruited to Yharim's forces late into the war, her magic overflows with such power that she is largely incapable of casting normal spells. Yet despite her great power, Calamitas prefers not to use it, as it takes a heavy toll on her psyche."
    • In the mod's source files, the Brimstone Witch is referred to as 'WITCH'.
    • Her HP is the same amount as her boss form in Normal Mode.


    These history sections are still a work-in-progress, and may not yet contain changes relevant to the current version of the Calamity Mod.
    • Fixed her bestiary entry using the wrong apostrophe.
      • Nerfed health from 1,000,000 to 960,000.
      • Fixed her showing the shop icon while the Dialogue Panel Rework Mod is enabled.
    • Bestiary icon is now animated during interaction.
      • Enchantment prices are now affected by Discount Card and other similar effects.
      • Now listed on the Census Mod.