Gulper Eel

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Gulper Eel
Gulper Eel.png
TypeBurrowing EnemyAquatic
Max Life48000 / 96000 Expert Mode / 108000 Master Mode
KB Resist100%
Immune toRiptide (debuff)Crush DepthConfused
BannerGulper Eel BannerGulper Eel Banner
Cold Bestiary Cold.png-
Water Bestiary Water.pngResistant
Sickness Bestiary Sickness.pngVulnerable
Electricity Bestiary Electricity.pngVulnerable
Heat Bestiary Heat.pngResistant
Coins 5 Gold Coin.png

The Gulper Eel is an enemy that spawns in the 3rd and 4th layers of the Abyss. It is initially passive, only becoming aggressive if the player attacks it or draws too close to it. It is a long enemy with multiple segments and a large head, which can deal a lot of damage.


Gulper Eel Head
Gulper Eel Head.png
TypeBurrowing EnemyAquatic
DamageThis attack will cause defense damage on hit. 135 / 270 Expert Mode / 366 Master Mode
Max Life48000 / 96000 Expert Mode / 108000 Master Mode
KB Resist100%
Inflicts debuffCrush DepthCrush Depth
100% chance

Debuff duration5 seconds
Debuff tooltipCrushed by aquatic pressure
Gulper Eel Body
Gulper Eel Body.png Gulper Eel Body 2.png
TypeBurrowing EnemyAquatic
Max Life48000 / 96000 Expert Mode / 108000 Master Mode
KB Resist100%
Gulper Eel Tail
Gulper Eel Tail.png
TypeBurrowing EnemyAquatic
Max Life48000 / 96000 Expert Mode / 108000 Master Mode
KB Resist100%


  • The BestiaryBestiary entry for the Gulper Eel: "Though sluggish and bulky, these eels traverse the abyss with surprising ease. They blend into the darkness, with a mouth that can stretch abnormally wide used to slowly swallow prey whole. Their meals are left unaware of their predicament until it is far too late."
  • Like their real life counterparts they both live in the extremely deep parts of the ocean, and both have large jaws, but unlike Gulper Eels in real-life, they are far larger and also way more aggressive.


These history sections are still a work-in-progress, and may not yet contain changes relevant to the current version of the Calamity Mod.
  • Fixed it not properly targeting a new player in multiplayer.
    • Now has 25% less health and 10% less damage in Master Mode.
    • No longer deals 10% Revengeance Mode / 16% Death Mode more damage.
    • Body and tail no longer deal contact damage.
    • Now drops Depth Cells and Lumenyl after defeating Anahita and Leviathan instead of Calamitas Clone.
  • Resprited it and Bestiary portrait.
    • Nerfed health from 60,000 / 120,000 Expert Mode to 48,000 / 96,000 Expert Mode.
    • Now drops 6-8 / 8-11 Expert Mode Depth Cells at a 50% chance instead of 6-8 at a 50% chance with a 50% chance to drop an extra 2-3 in Expert Mode.
    • Now drops 2-3 / 3-4 Expert Mode Lumenyl at a 50% chance instead of 2-3 at a 50% chance with a 50% chance to drop an extra 1 in Expert Mode.
    • Now vulnerable to electricity and sickness debuffs, but resistant to water and heat debuffs.
    • Nerfed head defense from 50 to 10, body defense from 80 to 30, and tail defense from 100 to 50.
    • No longer inflicts Bleeding.
    • No longer drops Halibut Cannon.
  • Now picks an area to swim around in when it spawns. Movement has been adjusted to be more natural.
  • Nerfed head damage from 135 / 270 Expert Mode / 337 Revengeance Mode / 388 Death Mode to 135 / 270 Expert Mode / 297 Revengeance Mode / 313 Death Mode.
  • Decreased Halibut Cannon drop rate from 0.1% Revengeance Mode to 0.0001% Revengeance Mode.
    • Decreased minimum coin drop amount from 5 Gold Coin to 50 Silver Coin.
    • Decreased Lumenyl drop count from 6-8 / 8-11 Expert Mode to 2-3 / 3-4 Expert Mode.
    • Buffed health from 35,000 / 70,000 Expert Mode to 80,000 / 160,000 Expert Mode, head damage from 120 / 240 Expert Mode to 135 / 270 Expert Mode, body damage from 70 / 140 Expert Mode to 90 / 180 Expert Mode, and tail damage from 50 / 100 Expert Mode to 65 / 130 Expert Mode.
    • Now has gores.
    • Decreased Marked for Death and Horror durations from head from 5 Revengeance Mode seconds to 3 Revengeance Mode.
  • Head no longer has 20% damage reduction, body no longer has 40% damage reduction, and tail no longer has 55% damage reduction.
    • Buffed health from 25,000 / 50,000 Expert Mode to 35,000 / 70,000 Expert Mode.
    • Can now drop Halibut Cannon at a 0.01% chance.
  • Can now drop Depth Cells and Lumenyl after defeating Calamitas.
    • Nerfed head damage from 250 / 500 Expert Mode to 120 / 240 Expert Mode.
    • Nerfed body damage from 100 / 200 Expert Mode to 70 / 140 Expert Mode.
    • Nerfed tail damage from 70 / 140 Expert Mode to 50 / 100 Expert Mode.