History:Gulper Eel

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Main article: Gulper Eel
  • Fixed it not properly targeting a new player in multiplayer.
    • Now has 25% less health and 10% less damage in Master Mode.
    • No longer deals 10% Revengeance Mode / 16% Death Mode more damage.
    • Body and tail no longer deal contact damage.
    • Now drops Depth Cells and Lumenyl after defeating Anahita and Leviathan instead of Calamitas Clone.
  • Resprited it and Bestiary portrait.
    • Nerfed health from 60,000 / 120,000 Expert Mode to 48,000 / 96,000 Expert Mode.
    • Now drops 6-8 / 8-11 Expert Mode Depth Cells at a 50% chance instead of 6-8 at a 50% chance with a 50% chance to drop an extra 2-3 in Expert Mode.
    • Now drops 2-3 / 3-4 Expert Mode Lumenyl at a 50% chance instead of 2-3 at a 50% chance with a 50% chance to drop an extra 1 in Expert Mode.
    • Now vulnerable to electricity and sickness debuffs, but resistant to water and heat debuffs.
    • Nerfed head defense from 50 to 10, body defense from 80 to 30, and tail defense from 100 to 50.
    • No longer inflicts Bleeding.
    • No longer drops Halibut Cannon.
  • Now picks an area to swim around in when it spawns. Movement has been adjusted to be more natural.
  • Nerfed head damage from 135 / 270 Expert Mode / 337 Revengeance Mode / 388 Death Mode to 135 / 270 Expert Mode / 297 Revengeance Mode / 313 Death Mode.
  • Decreased Halibut Cannon drop rate from 0.1% Revengeance Mode to 0.0001% Revengeance Mode.
    • Decreased minimum coin drop amount from 5 Gold Coin to 50 Silver Coin.
    • Decreased Lumenyl drop count from 6-8 / 8-11 Expert Mode to 2-3 / 3-4 Expert Mode.
    • Buffed health from 35,000 / 70,000 Expert Mode to 80,000 / 160,000 Expert Mode, head damage from 120 / 240 Expert Mode to 135 / 270 Expert Mode, body damage from 70 / 140 Expert Mode to 90 / 180 Expert Mode, and tail damage from 50 / 100 Expert Mode to 65 / 130 Expert Mode.
    • Now has gores.
    • Decreased Marked for Death and Horror durations from head from 5 Revengeance Mode seconds to 3 Revengeance Mode.
  • Head no longer has 20% damage reduction, body no longer has 40% damage reduction, and tail no longer has 55% damage reduction.
    • Buffed health from 25,000 / 50,000 Expert Mode to 35,000 / 70,000 Expert Mode.
    • Can now drop Halibut Cannon at a 0.01% chance.
  • Can now drop Depth Cells and Lumenyl after defeating Calamitas.
    • Nerfed head damage from 250 / 500 Expert Mode to 120 / 240 Expert Mode.
    • Nerfed body damage from 100 / 200 Expert Mode to 70 / 140 Expert Mode.
    • Nerfed tail damage from 70 / 140 Expert Mode to 50 / 100 Expert Mode.