The Old Duke

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The Old Duke
The Old Duke.png
The Old Duke
Map icon
EnvironmentSulphurous Sea
DamageThis attack will cause defense damage on hit. 160 / 288 Expert Mode / 324 Revengeance Mode / 342 Death Mode / 432 Master Mode (Contact in Phase 1)
This attack will cause defense damage on hit. 176 / 316 Expert Mode / 356 Revengeance Mode / 376 Death Mode / 475 Master Mode (Contact in Phase 2)
This attack will cause defense damage on hit. 192 / 345 Expert Mode / 388 Revengeance Mode / 410 Death Mode / 510 Master Mode (Contact in Phase 3)
170 / 296 Expert Mode / 324 Revengeance Mode / 340 Death Mode / 462 Master Mode (Gore)
This attack will cause defense damage on hit. 280 / 400 Expert Mode / 440 Revengeance Mode / 464 Death Mode / 660 Master Mode (Vortex)
Max Life500,000 / 800,000 Expert Mode / 960,000 Revengeance Mode / 1,200,000 Master Mode / 1,440,000 Revengeance Mode Master Mode
Defense90 (attacking in Phase 1)
70 (attacking in Phase 2)
50 (attacking in Phase 3)
0 (exhausted)
DR50% (attacking)
0% (exhausted)
KB Resist100%
Inflicts debuffIrradiatedIrradiated
100% chance

Debuff duration10 seconds (Vortex)
8 seconds (Contact)
3 seconds (Gore)
Debuff tooltipYour skin is burning off
Immune toConfusedPoisonedAcid VenomPearl AuraSulphuric PoisoningIrradiated
Cold Bestiary Cold.png-
Water Bestiary Water.pngResistant
Sickness Bestiary Sickness.pngResistant
Electricity Bestiary Electricity.pngVulnerable
Heat Bestiary Heat.pngResistant

Old Duke Trophy.png "One must wonder what goes through the mind of a fading legend." Old Duke Trophy.png

The Old Duke is a post-Moon Lord boss that can be fought in the Sulphurous Sea biome. While it is optional, it is recommended to be fought after Polterghast and before The Devourer of Gods.


The Old Duke can be spawned by finishing the Acid Rain event after Polterghast is defeated, appearing from a giant sulphurous tornado. It can also be summoned by fishing in the Sulphurous Sea with a Bloodworm post Moon Lord.


The Old Duke behaves similarly to Duke Fishron at its core, though most of its attacks are entirely unique and it features distinct differences in behavior. When the Old Duke charges at the player, the direction it charges in takes the player's velocity at the time the charge began into account, aiming toward the player's predicted destination and potentially catching them off-guard.

The Old Duke is normally very resilient, with high defense and DR. However, every 10 attacks, it runs out of stamina and becomes exhausted, pausing for 5 seconds before resuming its attacks. While exhausted, the Old Duke's defense and DR are reduced to zero, leaving it vulnerable to attack.

If the player exits the Sulphurous Sea or Ocean (edge 338 tiles / 676 feet of the world), the Old Duke becomes enraged and charges at a much greater speed and distance.


Phase 1

The Old Duke's attacks function on a set cycle, being performed in this repeating order:

  • Charges three times with short breaks in between, with the charge direction accounting for player's velocity at the time the charge began.
  • Spits five invulnerable Tooth Balls which target the player for 8 seconds, before turning themselves vulnerable and stationary after 10 seconds.
    • Killing the Tooth Ball, contacting it, or letting it live for 15 seconds will cause the Tooth Ball to erupt into 6 gravity-affected Tooth Ball SpikeTooth Ball Spikes in an even ring, along with a Sand Poison Cloud Old Dukesulphur cloud at the center of the explosion.
  • Charges three more times, again accounting for the player's velocity.
  • Pulses, and fires 2 groups of 5 vulnerable Sulphurous Sharkrons, one group from the left and the other from right. These Sharkrons will track the player's position for a few seconds.

Phase 2

Transitions at 50% / 70% Revengeance Mode / 80% Death Mode health, briefly gaining 25% DR and firing 6 Sulphurous Sharkrons upward as it does so. It gains a yellow glow in its eyes and some parts of his body, its charges and movement speed are faster, and its attack cycle is now modified:

  • Charges twice.
  • Flies in quick loops, spitting 5 Tooth Balls and forming a massive circular Sulphurous VortexSulphurous Vortex which draws the player into and around it. The vortex lingers for a significant amount of time after this attack.
  • Charges twice again.
  • Summons 2 groups of 5 Sulphurous Sharkrons along with vomiting a large amount of gravity-affected Sulphurous Gore chunks.

Phase 3

Transitions at 20% Expert Mode / 35% Revengeance Mode / 50% Death Mode health. The Old Duke will become more translucent and green, gaining 25% DR during the phase transition.

Its attack cycle during Phase 3 is the same as Phase 2, though its charges and movement speed are even faster. It also gains the ability to teleport to a location nearby the player before it starts its charge series. The teleports do not count towards the Old Duke losing stamina. Additionally, the Old Duke charges three times before summoning the Sulphurous Vortex instead of twice.

In Revengeance Mode

  • Switches between its attacks faster and has increased movement speed.
  • Charges are faster in velocity and occur more frequently.

In Death Mode

  • Switches between its attacks even faster and has further increased movement speed.
  • Charges are even faster in velocity and occur even more frequently.

On the For the worthy seed

  • Spawns twice as many Sulphurous Sharkrons.
  • Vomits 40 Sulphurous Gore instead of 20 with higher spread.
  • Sulphurous Sharkrons explode into 2 damaging Sulphurous GoreSulphurous Gore chunks when killed or upon tile contact.


Sulphurous Sharkron
Sulphurous Sharkron.png
EnvironmentSulphurous Sea
DamageThis attack will cause defense damage on hit. 180 / 288 Expert Mode / 328 Revengeance Mode / 344 Death Mode / 432 Master Mode (Contact)
170 / 296 Expert Mode / 324 Revengeance Mode / 340 Death Mode / 462 Master Mode (Gore)
Max Life8,000 / 16,000 Expert Mode / 24,000 Master Mode
KB Resist100%
Inflicts debuffIrradiatedIrradiated
100% chance

Debuff duration4 seconds (Contact)
3 seconds (Gore)
Debuff tooltipYour skin is burning off
Immune toConfusedPoisonedAcid VenomPearl AuraSulphuric PoisoningIrradiated
Cold Bestiary Cold.png-
Water Bestiary Water.pngResistant
Sickness Bestiary Sickness.pngResistant
Electricity Bestiary Electricity.pngVulnerable
Heat Bestiary Heat.pngResistant
Tooth BallOld Duke
Tooth Ball (Old Duke).png
EnvironmentSulphurous Sea
DamageThis attack will cause defense damage on hit. 180 / 288 Expert Mode / 328 Revengeance Mode / 344 Death Mode / 432 Master Mode (Contact)
170 / 296 Expert Mode / 324 Revengeance Mode / 340 Death Mode / 462 Master Mode (Trilobite Spike)
180 / 316 Expert Mode / 348 Revengeance Mode / 364 Death Mode / 492 Master Mode (Sand Poison Cloud)
Max Life5,000 / 10,000 Expert Mode / 15,000 Master Mode
KB Resist100%
Inflicts debuffIrradiatedIrradiated
100% chance

Debuff duration4 seconds (Contact, Cloud)
2 seconds (Spike)
Debuff tooltipYour skin is burning off
Immune toConfusedPoisonedAcid VenomPearl AuraSulphuric PoisoningIrradiated


  • The Old Duke takes 80% damage from Time Bolt.



For elaborate strategies on defeating The Old Duke, including Weapon and Arena recommendations, see Guide:The Old Duke strategies.
  • Although the Old Duke is vulnerable during its attacks, it takes greatly reduced damage compared to the damage it takes while it is exhausted. Burst damage options such as Adrenaline and Rage in Revengeance Mode should be saved for when it runs out of stamina.
    • If the Old Duke is off-screen, listen for the distinct "huffing" sounds it makes while it is exhausted.
  • Dashing after the Old Duke's charges instead of before them can help significantly with dodging them, as this will cause it to incorrectly predict the player's movement.


  • The theme that plays during the Old Duke's battle is Toxic Wisdom, which was composed by the artist DM DOKURO.
  • The Old Duke was inspired by the Old King from Enter the Gungeon.
  • The Old Duke is sometimes referred to as "Boomer Duke" in the mod's files and the Get fixed boi seed, referencing the meme in which older people are referred to as "boomers".
  • If the player attempts to summon the Old Duke using a multi-lined hook, such as the Early Bloom Rod, it will lead to multiple Old Dukes spawning in at once.
    • This is an homage to an oversight in vanilla Terraria, where multiple Duke Fishrons could be summoned using a fishing exploit.
  • The tornado which appears when The Old Duke is summoned at the end of the Acid Rain is referred to as 'OverlyDramaticDukeSummoner' in the mod's files.
  • The Old Duke is currently the only boss without a lore entry on the mod's official forum page.
  • The Old Duke was released on April 1st (April Fools Day) because Duke Fishron was also released on that day.
  • If the Boss Checklist Mod is installed, his unique despawn message will be "The old duke retreats further into the acidic downpour."
  • The BestiaryBestiary entry for the The Old Duke: "One of the original draconic offshoots who were born in the Draconic Era. Dragons who were born after all the auric souls had been gifted to their kind were forced to make do without, forever outside of the cycle of rebirth. Yet in a twist of fate, the Auric Dragons' age would end, and those rejected would be the survivors in this new world."


These history sections are still a work-in-progress, and may not yet contain changes relevant to the current version of the Calamity Mod.
  • No longer deals contact damage in the brief downtime between charges.
    • Now properly scales health in Master Mode. This should result in lower health overall.
    • Buffed contact damage from 160 / 288 Expert Mode / 324 Revengeance Mode / 342 Death Mode / 432 Master Mode to 192 / 288 Expert Mode / 324 Revengeance Mode / 360 Death Mode / 567 Master Mode, and Tooth Ball and Sulphurous Sharkron's damage from 180 / 288 Expert Mode / 328 Revengeance Mode / 344 Death Mode / 432 Master Mode to 192 / 288 Expert Mode / 328 Revengeance Mode / 368 Death Mode / 576 Master Mode.
    • Buffed spike and gore damage from 170 / 296 Expert Mode / 324 Revengeance Mode / 340 Death Mode / 462 Master Mode to 170 / 296 Expert Mode / 324 Revengeance Mode / 352 Death Mode / 510 Master Mode, toxic cloud damage from 180 / 316 Expert Mode / 348 Revengeance Mode / 364 Death Mode / 492 Master Mode to 180 / 316 Expert Mode / 348 Revengeance Mode / 380 Death Mode / 540 Master Mode, and vortex damage from 280 / 400 Expert Mode / 440 Revengeance Mode / 464 Death Mode / 660 Master Mode to 280 / 420 Expert Mode / 460 Revengeance Mode / 500 Death Mode / 840 Master Mode.
    • No longer uses a global scaling contact damage formula based on boss velocity.
    • No longer deals contact damage while not charging.
    • Increased the volume of the huffing sound when tired by 25%.
    • No longer takes 40% damage from The Last Mourning's projectiles.
    • Tooth Balls and Sulphurous Sharkrons now have 25% less health and 10% less damage in Master Mode.
    • Nerfed Tooth Ball's knockback resistance from 100% to 80%.
    • Added a glowmask to Tooth Ball's toxic cloud projectiles.
    • Now deals no contact damage during phase transitions.
    • Tooth Balls and Sulphurous Sharkrons can no longer be homed in on.
    • Fixed its bestiary entry using the wrong apostrophe.
    • Fixed Mutated Truffle still being guaranteed to drop from the Treasure Bag.
  • Decreased Mutated Truffle drop rate from 100% to 25% / 33% Expert Mode.
    • Sulphurous Sharkron and Tooth Ball are now affected by the Boss Health Boost Percentage configuration option.
    • Changed the words "Auric Dragons" and "Auric Soul" in its bestiary entry to be lower case.
    • Buffed health from 495,000 / 792,000 Expert Mode / 950,400 Revengeance Mode / 1,188,000 Master Mode / 1,425,600 Revengeance Mode Master Mode to 500,000 / 800,000 Expert Mode / 960,000 Revengeance Mode / 1,200,000 Master Mode / 1,440,000 Revengeance Mode Master Mode.
    • Removed Sulphurous Sharkron's bestiary entry.
    • Changed Boss Checklist Mod despawn message from "The old duke disappears amidst the acidic downpour." to "The old duke retreats further into the acidic downpour."
    • It and Sulphurous Sharkron now properly display vanilla debuff colors and Hunter Potion effects.
    • Sulphurous Sharkron and Tooth Ball now have gores.
    • Changed Bestiary entry from "Despite appearing old and decrepit, it clings to life. It does not seem native to the polluted sea, yet it has taken its place as its apex predator." to "One of the first descendants of the Dragons, its reign as the apex sea monster has been long forgotten. However, its power is still immense due to its heritage."
  • Now has 99% damage reduction during phase transitions during Boss Rush.
  • Increased vortex pull strength by 25% but it can no longer affect vertical movement.
    • Now plays "Duke Fishron" instead of "Boss 1" if the Calamity Music Mod is disabled.
    • Tooth Balls now burst into 6 gravity-affected spikes identical to ones spawned by Trilobite instead of 4 homing teeth identical to ones spawned by Aquatic Scourge.
    • Decreased fall acceleration of Trilobite Spikes by 60%.
    • Now drops 4 Platinum Coin.
    • Buffed health from 412,500 / 660,000 Expert Mode / 792,000 Revengeance Mode to 495,000 / 792,000 Expert Mode / 950,400 Revengeance Mode.
    • No longer becomes invulnerable while transitioning between phases, and instead gains 25% damage reduction.
    • Fixed its health bar functioning incorrectly in Malice Mode.
    • Buffed phase 1 contact damage from 160 / 224 Expert Mode / 280 Revengeance Mode / 294 Death Mode to 160 / 288 Expert Mode / 324 Revengeance Mode / 342 Death Mode.
    • Changed phase 2 contact damage from 192 / 268 Expert Mode / 336 Revengeance Mode / 352 Death Mode to 176 / 316 Expert Mode / 356 Revengeance Mode / 376 Death Mode.
    • Changed phase 3 contact damage from 208 / 291 Expert Mode / 364 Revengeance Mode / 382 Death Mode to 192 / 345 Expert Mode / 388 Revengeance Mode / 410 Death Mode.
    • Buffed The Old Duke's gore damage from 140 / 220 Expert Mode / 240 Revengeance Mode / 256 Death Mode to 170 / 296 Expert Mode / 324 Revengeance Mode / 340 Death Mode.
    • Buffed Sulphurous Sharkron damage from 180 / 270 Expert Mode / 300 Revengeance Mode / 315 Death Mode to 180 / 288 Expert Mode / 328 Revengeance Mode / 344 Death Mode.
    • Buffed Sulphurous Sharkron's gore damage from 140 / 220 Expert Mode to 170 / 296 Expert Mode / 324 Revengeance Mode / 340 Death Mode.
    • Buffed Tooth Ball damage from 180 / 270 Expert Mode / 300 Revengeance Mode / 315 Death Mode to 180 / 288 Expert Mode / 328 Revengeance Mode / 344 Death Mode.
    • Buffed Tooth Ball's tooth damage from 140 / 220 Expert Mode to 170 / 296 Expert Mode / 324 Revengeance Mode / 340 Death Mode and cloud damage from 140 / 220 Expert Mode to 180 / 316 Expert Mode / 348 Revengeance Mode / 364 Death Mode.
    • It, Sulphurous Sharkrons, and Tooth Balls are now vulnerable to electricity debuffs, but resistant to water, sickness, and heat debuffs.
    • Now drops Mutated Truffle regardless of world difficulty.
    • Nerfed health from 750,000 / 1,200,000 Expert Mode / 1,600,000 Revengeance Mode to 412,500 / 660,000 Expert Mode / 792,000 Revengeance Mode.
    • Nerfed Boss Rush health from 4,000,000 / 6,400,000 Expert Mode to 400,000 / 640,000 Expert Mode.
    • No longer immune to any debuffs except Confused, Pearl Aura, Irradiated, and Sulphuric Poisoning.
    • Will now look in the direction that it is about to dash instead of directly at the player when telegraphing its dash.
    • The tired sound effect can now only be heard by the player that it has targeted.
    • Tooth Balls, Gas Clouds, and Teeth projectiles now use the same immunity frame timers.
    • Toxic cloud projectiles now use a circular hitbox.
    • Tooth Balls no longer drop Hearts in Revengeance or Malice Mode.
    • Can no longer be color adjusted through external means.
    • Increased despawn range by 50 blocks for a total range of 550 blocks.
    • Now deals 75% less contact damage while tired.
    • Now takes 80% damage from Time Bolt and 40% damage from The Last Mourning's projectiles.
    • Now drops 70 Gold Coin instead of 75 Gold Coin.
    • Now inflicts Irradiated for 8 seconds and can no longer inflict Bleeding, Feral Bite, and Poisoned. Toxic cloud projectiles now inflict Irradiated for 4 seconds instead of Venom for 5 seconds.
      • Tooth Balls now inflict Irradiated for 4 seconds and can no longer inflict Bleeding, Feral Bite, and Poisoned.
      • Sulphurous Sharkrons now inflict Irradiated for 4 seconds and can no longer inflict Bleeding, Feral Bite, and Poisoned.
    • Now drops Supreme Healing Potions.
  • Toned down aggression in Boss Rush.
    • Now spends less time preparing to dash during phase 3 and now dashes more aggressively while enraged instead of becoming invulnerable.
    • Significantly decreased pre-charge velocity and acceleration.
    • Now takes 55% damage from Crescent Moon's flail instead of 20%.
    • Sulphur clouds no longer have increased duration in Death Mode.
    • Fixed desyncs and infinite spinning in multiplayer.
    • Nerfed phase 1 contact damage from 200 / 320 Expert Mode / 352 Revengeance Mode / 371 Death Mode to 200 / 224 Expert Mode / 280 Revengeance Mode / 294 Death Mode.
    • Nerfed phase 2 contact damage from 288 / 461 Expert Mode / 507 Revengeance Mode / 534 Death Mode to 192 / 268 Expert Mode / 336 Revengeance Mode / 352 Death Mode.
    • Nerfed phase 3 contact damage from 264 / 422 Expert Mode / 464 Revengeance Mode / 489 Death Mode to 208 / 291 Expert Mode / 364 Revengeance Mode / 382 Death Mode.
    • Nerfed Sulphurous Sharkron damage from 180 / 360 Expert Mode / 396 Revengeance Mode / 417 Death Mode to 180 / 270 Expert Mode / 300 Revengeance Mode / 315 Death Mode.
    • Nerfed Tooth Ball damage from 180 / 360 Expert Mode / 396 Revengeance Mode / 417 Death Mode to 180 / 270 Expert Mode / 300 Revengeance Mode / 315 Death Mode.
    • Now teleports a bit further away from the player in phase 3.
    • Now has increased attack delay and no longer transitions to phase 2 at the start of the fight in Death Mode.
    • Nerfed base damage reduction from 60% to 50% and base defense from 140 to 100.
    • Now has 0% damage reduction and 0 defense while tired instead of 15% and 35 respectively.
    • Tooth Balls now speed up when farther from the player.
    • No longer takes 20% damage from Galileo Gladius projectiles.
    • Fixed a mod conflict that caused him to fire an absurd amount of projectiles.
    • Fixed an issue that prevented him from being affected by the Boss Health Percentage Boost configuration slider.
    • Tooth Ball teeth now have less lifespan.
    • Sulphurous Sharkrons no longer deal damage until fully visible.
    • Updated resistances:
      • Now takes 20% damage from Galileo Gladius instead of 40%.
      • Now takes 20% damage from Crescent Moon instead of 60%.
      • Now takes 60% damage from Soul Edge instead of 75%.