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Cryogen (phases).gif
Map icon
EnvironmentSnow biomeIce biome
Damage0 (Contact)
This attack will cause defense damage on hit. 90 / 138 Expert Mode / 161 Revengeance Mode / 184 Death Mode / 276 Master Mode (Charge)
52 / 92 Expert Mode / 112 Revengeance Mode / 132 Death Mode / 198 Master Mode (Ice Blast)
60 / 100 Expert Mode / 120 Revengeance Mode / 132 Death Mode / 180 Master Mode (Ice Shard)
This attack will cause defense damage on hit. 120 Expert Mode / 136 Revengeance Mode / 152 Death Mode / 228 Master Mode (Ice Bomb)
Max Life40,000 / 64,000 Expert Mode / 76,800 Revengeance Mode / 81,600 Master Mode / 97,920 Revengeance Mode Master Mode
Defense15 (Phase 1)
13 (Phase 2)
10 (Phase 3)
6 (Phase 4)
0 (Phase 5 and 6)
DR30% (Phase 1)
27% (Phase 2)
21% (Phase 3)
12% (Phase 4)
0% (Phase 5 and 6)
KB Resist100%
Inflicts debuffFrostburnFrostburn
100% chance

Debuff duration4 seconds (Contact)
3 seconds (Ice Bomb)
2 seconds (Ice Blast, Ice Shard)
Debuff tooltipIt's either really hot or really cold. Either way it REALLY hurts
Inflicts debuffChilledChilled
100% chance

Debuff duration2 seconds (Contact)
1.5 seconds (Ice Bomb)
1 second (Ice Blast, Ice Shard)
Debuff tooltipYour movement speed has been reduced
Inflicts debuffGlacial StateGlacial State
100% chance

Debuff duration1 second (Ice Bomb)
Debuff tooltipCannot move
Immune toConfusedPearl AuraGlacial StateFrostburnFrostbite
Cold Bestiary Cold.pngResistant
Water Bestiary Water.png-
Sickness Bestiary Sickness.pngResistant
Electricity Bestiary Electricity.png-
Heat Bestiary Heat.pngVulnerable

Cryogen Trophy.png "The spellwork present in this living seal is inspired, and a tragic homage to every lesson Permafrost taught his student." Cryogen Trophy.png

Cryogen is a Hardmode boss that can be fought in the Snow or Ice biomes which possesses many phases and features a multitude of projectiles.

Defeating Cryogen will free the Archmage, as well as generate Cryonic Ore in the Ice biome.


Cryogen does not spawn on its own and requires the player to summon it with a Cryo Key while in the Snow biome or Ice biome at any time.


Cryogen has 5 / 7 Revengeance Mode phases, each of which has its own attack pattern and AI. It will progress through these phases as health lowers.

Cryogen also spawns with an ice shield which protects it and inflicts contact damage; this shield must be destroyed to directly attack Cryogen and will regenerate 18 / 12 Expert Mode / 9 Death Mode seconds after being destroyed.

Cryogen will become enraged if the player leaves the Snow biome, greatly doubling its speed and acceleration.


Phase 1

  • Slowly chases and levels with the player.
  • Fires an evenly spaced ring of 16 Ice BlastIce Blasts every 2 seconds.

Phase 2

  • Transitions at 80 / 85% Revengeance Mode / 100% Death Mode health.
  • Attempts to fly above the player while continuing to fire bursts of Ice BlastIce Blasts.
    • The amount of ice blasts is reduced from 12 from this phase onwards.
  • After firing 3 bursts of ice blasts, briefly spins in place before charging at the player and firing 2 concentric rings of 10 ice blasts before flying up and resuming its pattern.

Phase 3

  • Transitions at 60% / 70% Revengeance Mode / 80% Death Mode health.
  • Slowly chases the player but stays slightly below the player.
  • After firing 3 bursts of ice blasts, briefly spins in place before charging at the player and fires 3 concentric rings of 8 ice blasts. Cryogen performs this charge twice before resuming its pattern.

Phase 4

  • Transitions at 40% / 55% Revengeance Mode / 60% Death Mode health.
  • Slowly chases the player.
  • Loses the ability to regenerate its shield.
  • Fires Ice BlastIce Blasts at double the frequency.
  • Every 5 seconds, Cryogen will teleport somewhere near the player and start attacking again.
    • The location it teleports to is surrounded by a cloud of blue dust 2 seconds prior to telegraph its location.

Phase 5

  • Transitions at 30% / 45% Revengeance Mode / 50% Death Mode health.
  • Stops firing projectiles for the remainder of the fight.
  • Rapidly and loosely accelerates towards the player, charging at them when it gets close.
    • Its rotation speed increases when at 5% / 7.5% Revengeance Mode and even further when at 2.5% / 5% Revengeance Mode / 30% Death Mode health.

In Expert Mode

  • Regenerates its shield every 12 seconds instead of 18.
  • Every 10 seconds, Cryogen releases a burst of 3 Ice BombIce Bombs. After these bombs hit tiles or 5 seconds pass, they explode into a hexagonal burst of 2 Expert Mode / 3 Revengeance Mode gravity-affected Ice RainIce Shards.
    • This occurs in all of the above phases alongside other attacks.
    • Velocity of the ice shards increases with every phase, and the number of ice shards created increases by 1 every 2 phases.
    • Ice Bombs are smaller and cannot hurt the player or inflict status effects for the first 2 seconds after they are spawned.
    • They also inflict the Glacial State, Chilled, and Frostburn debuffs but will not Glacial State if the player is already inflicted by the debuff.

In Revengeance Mode

  • Transitions to Phase 2 at 85% health, Phase 3 at 70%, Phase 4 at 55%, and Phase 5 at 45%.
  • Cryogen and its projectiles are slightly faster.
  • Gains a new phase when at 25% Revengeance Mode / 35% Death Mode health:
    • At the start of Phase 6, it slows down and spins for 1.5 seconds before charging at the player.
    • Attempts to hover above the player.
    • The Ice BombIce Bomb attack no longer occurs every 10 seconds. Instead, a set of ice bombs is spawned every 1.25 seconds while hovering.
    • It will also begin spawning 2 Ice BlastIce Blasts with a weak homing effect at certain intervals.
    • After spawning 2 sets of projectiles, it rapidly charges the player 3 times before repeating this pattern. While it will only spawn ice bombs during its dedicated attack, it can spawn homing Ice BlastIce Blasts during the ends of its dashes as well.
    • When at 15% Revengeance Mode / 25% Death Mode health, its appearance will change 1 last time and its charges will each fire three concentric rings of Ice Blasts.
      • The outer and center rings have 4 ice blasts, while the center ring has 8.

In Death Mode

  • Transitions to Phase 2 immediately instead of 85%.
  • Transitions to Phase 3 at 80% health instead of 70%.
  • Transitions to Phase 4 at 60% health instead of 55%.
  • Transitions to Phase 5 at 50% health instead of 45%.
  • Transitions to Phase 6 at 35% health instead of 25%.
  • Transitions to Phase 7 at 25% health instead of 15%.
  • Regenerates its shield every 9 seconds instead of 12.
  • Cryogen's Shield is 20% smaller and only has 700 health instead of 1400.

During the Boss Rush

  • Releases more Ice BlastIce Blasts during the whole fight.

On the For the worthy seed

  • Cryogen is 20% smaller.
  • Cryogen's Shield automatically gains its 80% size modifier from Death Mode.
  • Charges more frequently.


Cryogen's Shield
Cryogen's Shield.png
TypeFlying Enemy
DamageThis attack will cause defense damage on hit. 80 / 120 Expert Mode / 138 Revengeance Mode / 156 Death Mode / 240 Master Mode (Contact)
52 / 92 Expert Mode / 112 Revengeance Mode / 148 Death Mode / 198 Master Mode (Ice Blast)
Max Life1400 / 700 Death Mode / 2100 Master Mode / 1050 Death Mode Master Mode
KB Resist100%
Inflicts debuffFrostburnFrostburn
100% chance

Debuff duration4 seconds (Contact)
2 seconds (Ice Blast)
Debuff tooltipIt's either really hot or really cold. Either way it REALLY hurts
Inflicts debuffChilledChilled
100% chance

Debuff duration2 seconds (Contact)
1 second (Ice Blast)
Debuff tooltipYour movement speed has been reduced
Immune toConfusedPearl AuraGlacial StateFrostburnFrostbite
Cold Bestiary Cold.pngResistant
Water Bestiary Water.png-
Sickness Bestiary Sickness.pngResistant
Electricity Bestiary Electricity.png-
Heat Bestiary Heat.pngVulnerable



  • While Cryogen is alive, the sky above the player is filled with a waving rainbow aurora effect. Unlike most screen effects from other bosses, it cannot be toggled off by lighting options in the Settings Menu.
  • Cryogen's projectiles are colored deep blue during the day and white at night.
  • All Ice Shards/Blasts are fired in fixed patterns throughout the fight.
    • In the case of Ice Bombs, two spreads of three Ice Shards are fired when they explode, one in each direction parallel to the direction the Ice Bomb was moving.
  • Cryogen will not fire projectiles if it does not have a direct line of sight to the player, with the exception of Ice Bombs. All of Cryogen's projectiles are also unable to travel through blocks.
  • If Cryogen is close to the player when it enters Phase 5, it will briefly spin in place to give the player time to get away from its dash.


For more elaborate strategies on defeating Cryogen, including weapon and arena recommendations, see Guide:Cryogen strategies.
  • It is easier to see Cryogen's projectiles during the night.
  • A wide arena with several levels of platforms can help in dodging Cryogen's attacks.
    • Putting a roof of solid blocks above the platforms can help protect you during Cryogen's second phase.
    • Be careful: Building platforms too far above the ground could cause the player to exit the Snow biome and enrage Cryogen.
  • Moving at a constant speed will cause Cryogen to hover in the same place relative to the player, making it an easy target for ranged weapons.
    • Moving slowly enough will cause Cryogen to hover directly above the player, this makes it very easy to hit, but be wary of its ice bombs and it potentially getting up close.
  • Avoid getting hit by Cryogen's Ice Blasts at all costs as they will freeze the player, possibly leading to a swift death.
  • Cryogen's final phase is one of its most deadly. If on Revengeance or Death Mode, saving Rage and/or Adrenaline to quickly finish it off during this phase could be a life-saving decision.
  • While Cryogen is fought as the first boss in Hardmode, caution is still advised as the fast speed and many projectiles will make this boss tough for an unprepared player.
  • In multiplayer, Cryogen does not despawn when off-screen and moves slowly across the map, allowing players to slowly kill the boss.


  • The BestiaryBestiary entry for Cryogen: "When Yharim realized that the Archmage had defected, Calamitas was ordered to hunt down and kill her former mentor. After a tearful confrontation, she decided to instead seal him away, and fake his death. The spellwork present in this living seal is inspired, and a tragic homage to every lesson Permafrost taught his student."
  • Cryogen's theme is Antarctic Reinforcement, which was composed by the artist DM DOKURO.
    • While in production the theme was originally intended to be called "Frostbite."
  • Cryogen is often fought at the start of Hardmode, as its summoning item only requires Essences of Eleum, Ice Blocks, and Souls of Light and Night.
  • Originally, every time when entering Phase 6, a status message would say "Cryogen is derping out!".
    • There is now a 1% (5% if the day is April Fools' Day) chance that this message is displayed when entering Phase 6.
  • If the Boss Checklist Mod is installed, its unique despawn message will be "Cryogen disappears amidst the biting winds of the blizzard."


These history sections are still a work-in-progress, and may not yet contain changes relevant to the current version of the Calamity Mod.
    • Now only swaps targets on phase transitions or before charges.
    • Ice bombs no longer inflict Glacial State if the player is already inflicted with Glacial State.
    • Buffed ice blast damage from 168 Master Mode to 198 Master Mode, and ice bomb damage from 210 Master Mode to 228 Master Mode.
    • Fixed Cryogen's Shield not properly dealing contact damage when fully opaque.
    • Buffed health from 30,000 / 48,000 Expert Mode / 57,600 Revengeance Mode / 72,000 Master Mode / 86,400 Revengeance Mode Master Mode to 40,000 / 64,000 Expert Mode / 76,800 Revengeance Mode / 81,600 Master Mode / 97,920 Revengeance Mode Master Mode.
    • Buffed contact damage in Classic Mode from 60 to 90. Changed Cryogen's Shield's damage from 60 / 120 Expert Mode / 130 Revengeance Mode / 158 Death Mode / 216 Master Mode to 80 / 120 Expert Mode / 130 Revengeance Mode / 156 Death Mode / 240 Master Mode.
    • Buffed ice blast damage in Death Mode from 124 Death Mode to 132 Death Mode.
    • Now properly scales health in Master Mode. This should result in lower health overall.
    • No longer uses a global scaling contact damage formula based on boss velocity.
    • No longer deals contact damage while not charging.
    • Cryogen's Shield no longer deals contact damage unless it is fully opaque.
    • Cryogen's Shield is no longer immune to lifesteal.
    • Now slows down and spins for 1.5 seconds before charging at the player at the start of phase 6.
    • Ice blasts, ice bombs, and ice rain no longer make sounds on death.
    • Fixed Cryogen's Shield despawning due to distance.
  • Cryogen's Shield is now affected by the Boss Health Boost Percentage configuration option.
    • Now displays a shield bar on the vanilla boss health bar when its Shield is active.
    • Now drops 8-10 / 10-12 Expert Mode Essences of Eleum instead of 4-8 / 5-9 Expert Mode.
    • Changed Boss Checklist Mod despawn message from "Cryogen drifts away, carried on a freezing wind." to "Cryogen disappears amidst the biting winds of the blizzard."
    • It and Cryogen's Shield now properly display vanilla debuff colors and Hunter Potion effects.
    • It and all of its projectiles now have a darker blue outline effect.
    • Added new sounds.
    • Decreased how often it can spawn in Ice Bomb projectiles, and decreased how many spawn from 4 to 2.
    • Increased how many Ice Bomb shrapnel projectiles are spawned, and decreased how fast they travel.
    • Buffed health from 18,795 / 30,072 Expert Mode / 44,784 Revengeance Mode to 30,000 / 48,000 Expert Mode / 57,600 Revengeance Mode.
    • Buffed contact damage from 50 / 115 Expert Mode / 138 Revengeance Mode / 161 Death Mode to 60 / 138 Expert Mode / 161 Revengeance Mode / 184 Death Mode.
    • Buffed Cryogen's Shield damage from 50 / 100 Expert Mode / 120 Revengeance Mode / 134 Death Mode to 60 / 120 Expert Mode / 138 Revengeance Mode / 158 Death Mode.
    • Buffed Ice Blast damage from 46 / 80 Expert Mode / 96 Revengeance Mode / 108 Death Mode to 52 / 92 Expert Mode / 112 Revengeance Mode / 124 Death Mode.
    • Buffed Ice Bomb damage from 58 / 100 Expert Mode / 120 Revengeance Mode / 132 Death Mode to 70 / 120 Expert Mode / 136 Revengeance Mode / 152 Death Mode.
    • Buffed Ice Rain damage from 52 / 92 Expert Mode / 112 Revengeance Mode / 124 Death Mode to 60 / 100 Expert Mode / 120 Revengeance Mode / 132 Death Mode.
    • No longer spawns Aurora Spirits or Cryocores.
    • Halved the base velocity of Ice Bombs and reduced the initial Ice Shards count from 6 to 2 Expert Mode / 3 Revengeance Mode. The velocity increases after every phase and amount of Ice Shards increases by 1 every 2 phases. Slightly decreased the velocity of Ice Shards resulting from Ice Bombs in Expert Mode. Decreased the amount of Ice Bombs released from 4 to 3.
    • Phase 5 transition now occurs at 30% / 45% Revengeance Mode / 50% Death Mode instead of 20% / 40% Revengeance Mode.
    • It and its Shield are now vulnerable to heat debuffs but resistant to cold and sickness debuffs.
    • Death Mode changes:
      • Transitions into Phase 2 immediately instead of 85%.
      • Transitions into Phase 3 at 80% health instead of 70%.
      • Transitions into Phase 4 at 60% health instead of 55%.
      • Transitions into Phase 5 at 50% health instead of 40%.
      • Transitions into Phase 6 at 35% health instead of 25%.
      • Transitions into Phase 7 at 25% health instead of 15%.
      • Reduced time to spawn Cryogen's Shield from 12 seconds to 9.
      • Decreased Cryogen's Shield size by 20% and health from 1400 to 700.
      • Cryogen's Shield bursts into 6 blasts instead of 4 when destroyed.
    • Now drops Soul of Cryogen regardless of world difficulty.
    • Increased Frozen Key drop rate from 20% to 33%, and it now drops directly from the boss.
    • Removed Ice Star from Cryogen's Boss Checklist loot list.
    • Buffed health from 17,900 / 26,300 Expert Mode / 42,080 Revengeance Mode to 18,795 / 30,072 Expert Mode / 44,184 Revengeance Mode.
    • Nerfed Boss Rush health from 3,000,000 / 4,800,000 Expert Mode to 300,000 / 480,000 Expert Mode.
    • Nerfed phase 6 defense from 18 to 0.
    • No longer immune to any debuffs except Confused, Pearl Aura, Glacial State, and Exo Freeze.
    • Overall movement is now more fluid.
    • Projectiles now always follow a set pattern in all phases.
    • Ice Bomb placement has been adjusted to make it more fair.
    • It and its Shield now use a circular hitbox.
    • Increased its out of biome enrage velocity by 50%.
    • Now drops 10 Gold Coin instead of 12 Gold Coin.
    • No longer drops Frost Cores or Frigid Bars.
    • Ice Blasts and Bombs now create less dust.
  • Ice Bomb and Ice Blast projectiles are now more visible during the day.
    • Can now always be seen during its last phase and its projectiles are now blue during the day.
    • Now enrages when outside of the Snow biome.
    • No longer transitions between phases 1-5 at different healths in each difficulty mode. Instead it transitions to phases 2, 3, 4 and 5 at 85%, 70%, 55% and 40% health respectively.
    • Updated the health thresholds for transitioning to final phase(s):
      • Phase 6 now begins at 15% / 20% Expert Mode / 25% Revengeance Mode / 30% Death Mode health, instead of 15% / 27% Revengeance Mode / 40% Death Mode.
      • Phase 7 now begins at 10% Revengeance Mode / 15% Death Mode health, instead of 15% Revengeance Mode / 25% Death Mode.
      • The first increase to rotation speed now happens at 5% / 7.5% Revengeance Mode health instead of 10% / 22.5% Revengeance Mode.
      • The second increase to rotation speed now happens at 2.5% / 5% Revengeance Mode / 30% Death Mode health instead of 5% / 20% Revengeance Mode / 40% Death Mode.
    • No longer deals increased contact damage in its final phase.
    • Buffed contact damage from 50 / 90 Expert Mode / 112 Revengeance Mode / 128 Death Mode to 50 / 115 Expert Mode / 138 Revengeance Mode / 161 Death Mode.
    • Buffed Cryogen's Shield damage from 50 / 100 Expert Mode / 114 Revengeance Mode / 124 Death Mode to 50 / 100 Expert Mode / 120 Revengeance Mode / 134 Death Mode.
    • Buffed Ice Blast damage from 46 / 80 Expert Mode / 96 Revengeance Mode / 105 Death Mode to 46 / 80 Expert Mode / 96 Revengeance Mode / 108 Death Mode.
    • Buffed Ice Rain damage from 52 / 92 Expert Mode / 110 Revengeance Mode / 121 Death Mode to 52 / 92 Expert Mode / 112 Revengeance Mode / 124 Death Mode.
    • No longer immune to the Life Drain debuff.
    • All projectiles now have glowmasks to make them more visible.
    • Added an aurora effect above the player during the fight.
    • Reduced the amount of ice shards rained in phases 3 and 4 from 15 to 6 and 12 respectively.
    • Ice Bombs and Ice Blasts are now fired in evenly-spaced rings.
    • No longer immune to Shadowflame or War Cleave.
    • No longer rains down ice while above the player.
    • No longer drops Ice Stars.
    • Projectiles now emit light.
    • No longer immune to Astral Infection, Celled, Dryad's Bane, or Oiled.
    • Nerfed contact damage from 50 / 90 Expert Mode / 112 Revengeance Mode / 129 Death Mode to 50 / 90 Expert Mode / 103 Revengeance Mode / 111 Death Mode.
    • Nerfed final phase contact damage from 75 / 135 Expert Mode / 168 Revengeance Mode / 194 Death Mode to 75 / 135 Expert Mode / 155 Revengeance Mode / 167 Death Mode.
    • Nerfed Cryogen's Shield damage from 50 / 100 Expert Mode / 125 Revengeance Mode / 143 Death Mode to 50 / 100 Expert Mode / 114 Revengeance Mode / 124 Death Mode.
    • Nerfed Ice Blast damage from 46 / 80 Expert Mode / 100 Revengeance Mode / 114 Death Mode to 46 / 80 Expert Mode / 96 Revengeance Mode / 105 Death Mode.
    • Nerfed Ice Bomb damage from 100 Expert Mode / 125 Revengeance Mode / 143 Death Mode to 100 Expert Mode / 120 Revengeance Mode / 132 Death Mode.
    • Nerfed Ice Rain damage from 52 / 92 Expert Mode / 115 Revengeance Mode / 132 Death Mode to 52 / 92 Expert Mode / 110 Revengeance Mode / 121 Death Mode.
    • No longer immune to Betsy's Curse.
    • Added a new phase in Revengeance Mode at 15% Revengeance Mode / 25% Death Mode health where it alternates between a chain of charges, spawning ice bombs, and raining ice shards.
    • Cryogen now rotates in Phase 2 and 4.
    • Increased the spread of Phase 3 ice rain attack by 1.8x and decreased its gravity by 1.5x.
    • Increased the spread of Phase 4 ice rain attack by 3.6x and increased its gravity by 4x.
    • Increased Ice Bomb's lifespan from 3 seconds to 5.
    • Ice shards from Ice Bombs no longer have increased gravity.
    • Death Mode changes:
      • Transitions into Phase 2 immediately instead of below 93%.
      • Transitions into Phase 3 below 80% health instead of 76%.
      • Transitions into Phase 4 below 70% health instead of 59%.
      • Transitions into Phase 5 below 55% health instead of 42%.
      • Transitions into Phase 6 below 40% health instead of 25%.
      • Decreased Ice Bomb spawn frequency for the first 6 phases.
    • Buffed Boss Rush health from 2,700,000 / 4,320,000 Expert Mode / 4,800,000 Death Mode to 3,000,000 / 4,800,000 Expert Mode / 5,120,000 Death Mode.
    • Nerfed contact damage from 60 / 96 Expert Mode to 50 / 90 Expert Mode, and buffed defense from 10 to 12.
    • Buffed Ice Bomb damage from 44 / 88 Expert Mode to 50 / 100 Expert Mode, and made them slower.
    • Buffed Cryogen's Shield damage from 25 / 50 Expert Mode to 50 / 100 Expert Mode.
    • Now has an indicator for where it is going to teleport.
    • Now teleports quicker.
    • Decreased how many ice shards are created during Ice Rain attack.
    • Fixed Cryogen's Shield gores spawning in the wrong place.
    • Can no longer teleport on top of the player, and can now be damaged at all times, but can also damage the player at all times.
    • Teleportation now happens at a set time interval instead of having a variable of randomness.
    • Now fades in and out during teleportation faster.
    • Teleport is now accompanied by a sound.
  • Increased speed in phases 3 and 5.
    • Cryogen's Shield can now only hit the player while fully visible.
    • Fixed it latching onto the player and stun locking them.
    • Nerfed Boss Rush health from 5,400,000 / 8,640,000 Expert Mode / 9,600,000 Death Mode to 2,700,000 / 4,320,000 Expert Mode / 4,800,000 Death Mode.
    • Nerfed Cryogen's Shield Boss Rush health from 200,000 to 100,000.
    • Projectiles now have more descriptive names.
    • Increased Essence of Eleum drop count from 3-5 / 4-5 Expert Mode to 4-9 / 5-9 Expert Mode.
  • Increased minimum coin drop amount from 10 Gold Coin to 12 Gold Coin.
    • Buffed Boss Rush health from 4,200,000 / 6,720,000 Expert Mode / 7,840,000 Death Mode to 5,400,000 / 8,640,000 Expert Mode / 9,600,000 Death Mode.
    • Buffed Cryogen's Shield's Boss Rush health from 170,000 / 340,000 Expert Mode to 200,000 / 400,000 Expert Mode.
    • Buffed Boss Rush damage modifier from 3x to 4x.
    • No longer regenerates its Shield during phases 4 and 5.
    • No longer takes 50% damage from Crystal Bullet shards and Holy Arrow stars.
    • Now spawns the Archmage when defeated if he isn't currently present.
    • Now guaranteed to inflict Frostburn on contact, and also inflicts Chilled now.
    • Increased Frozen's duration from Ice Blasts from 1 second to 1.5.
    • Ice Blasts, Ice Rains, and Ice Bombs now inflict Frostburn and Chilled.
    • Ice Rain no longer inflicts Frozen.
    • Cryogen's Shield now inflicts Frostburn and Chilled on contact.
    • Buffed health from 17,900 / 28,640 Expert Mode / 38,880 Revengeance Mode / 59,040 Death Mode to 17,900 / 28,640 Expert Mode / 42,080 Revengeance Mode / 63,840 Death Mode.
    • Nerfed damage reduction from 15% to 10%, and Cryogen's Shield damage reduction from 60% to 40%.
    • Now shoots Ice Bombs less often.
    • Resprited Ice Blasts.
    • Sprite now changes in final phase.
    • Resprited it and its Shield, gores, and map icon.
    • Buffed health from 17,900 / 28,640 Expert Mode / 32,400 Revengeance Mode / 49,200 Death Mode to 17,900 / 28,640 Expert Mode / 38,880 Revengeance Mode / 59,040 Death Mode.
    • Nerfed damage reduction from 35% to 15%.
    • Nerfed health from 22,500 / 36,000 Expert Mode / 40,000 Revengeance Mode / 88,000 Death Mode to 17,900 / 28,640 Expert Mode / 32,400 Revengeance Mode / 49,200 Death Mode.
    • Nerfed Cryogen's Shield health from 2000 to 1200.
    • No longer becomes invincible when outside the Snow biome.
    • Increased aggressiveness when outside the Snow biome.
    • Now takes 50% damage from Crystal Bullet shards, Holy Arrow stars, split Terra Arrows, and split Terra Bullets.
    • Fixed it not enraging when out of the Snow biome in Death Mode.
    • Now drops 20-41 / 25-41 Expert Mode Souls of Might.
    • Now removes the early-Hardmode nerf to enemy health and damage when defeated.
    • Cryogen's Shield is now affected by the early Hardmode health and damage nerfs.
    • Nerfed ice blast damage from 70 / 100 Expert Mode / 105 Revengeance Mode / 150 Death Mode to 46 / 80 Expert Mode / 84 Revengeance Mode / 120 Death Mode.
    • Nerfed ice rain damage from 64 / 128 Expert Mode / 134 Revengeance Mode / 192 Death Mode to 52 / 92 Expert Mode / 96 Revengeance Mode / 138 Death Mode.
    • No longer immune to Abyssal Flames, Armor Crunch, Brimstone Flames, Cursed Inferno, Daybroken, Demon Flames, God Slayer Inferno, Holy Flames, Marked for Death, Nightwither, On Fire!, Plague, Shred, or Whispering Death.
    • Now spawns Cryonic Ore when defeated.
    • It and its Shield now have gores.
    • Can no longer be homed in on while teleporting.
    • No longer regenerates its Shield in phase 5.
    • Buffed contact damage from 50 / 80 Expert Mode to 60 / 96 Expert Mode.
    • Now has 10 defense.
    • Can no longer fire projectiles unless fully opaque.
    • Now teleports more slowly.
    • Now shoots ice blasts more often.
    • No longer gains additional damage and defense based on its remaining health.
    • Fixed contact damage going to Normal Mode values after teleporting in Expert Mode.
  • Buffed health in Death Mode from 44,800 Death Mode to 88,000 Death Mode.
    • Buffed health from 13,500 / 21,600 Expert Mode / 24,000 Revengeance Mode / 32,000 Death Mode to 22,500 / 36,000 Expert Mode / 40,000 Revengeance Mode / 44,800 Death Mode.
    • Buffed Cryogen's Shield health from 500 / 600 Expert Mode to 2000 / 2000 Expert Mode.
    • Replaced phase 5 where it spins in place while firing frost bolt barrages, ice shards, and star-shaped frost bolt patterns, while also summoning Cryocores and Aurora Spirits. Now teleports near the player from time to time while continuing its other attacks.
    • Cryogen's Shield now fires extra ice blasts.
    • Reduced dust idly spawned from both Cryogen's Shield and Cryogen itself.
  • Cryo Stone, Frost Flare, and Frozen Key now drop from the Treasure Bag instead of directly from the boss in Expert Mode.
  • Phases now happen earlier in Death Mode.
    • Now gets 32,000 Death Mode health in Death Mode.
    • Now shoots more often in Death Mode.
    • Increased projectile speed.
    • Now has a smaller chance of summoning minions.
    • Stats:
      • Buffed health from 12,500 / 20,000 Expert Mode / 22,400 Revengeance Mode to 13,500 / 21,600 Expert Mode / 24,000 Revengeance Mode.
      • Nerfed contact damage from 65 / 104 Expert Mode / 130 Revengeance Mode to 50 / 80 Expert Mode / 100 Revengeance Mode.
      • Buffed ice bomb damage from 44 / 88 Expert Mode / 125 Revengeance Mode to 50 / 100 Expert Mode / 125 Revengeance Mode.
      • Buffed phase 5's ice blast damage from 60 / 92 Expert Mode / 115 Revengeance Mode to 70 / 100 Expert Mode / 125 Revengeance Mode.
      • Nerfed Cryogen's Shield's damage from 30 / 60 Expert Mode / 75 Revengeance Mode to 25 / 50 Expert Mode / 62 Revengeance Mode.
    • AI:
      • Transitions into its phases at higher percentages of health. From 74%, 52%, 35%, and 10% to 83%, 66%, 49%, and 15%.
      • Now creates ice bombs half as often.
      • Now spawns 8-11 minions per 17% health lost instead of 1-3 per 2% health lost.
      • Lowered chance to shoot ice blasts in phase 3.
      • Phase 4 now exclusively uses its ice shard spread attack instead of exclusively using its ice blast shotgun attack.
      • Phase 4 will now attempt to hover above the player and rain ice shards down on them.
      • Phase 5 can no longer use its ice blast shotgun attack.
      • Phase 6 can no longer use any projectile attacks.
    • Nerfed health from 14,000 / 22,400 Expert Mode / 25,600 Revengeance Mode to 12,500 / 20,000 Expert Mode / 22,400 Revengeance Mode.
    • Buffed base Ice Bomb damage from 40 / 80 Expert Mode / 92 Revengeance Mode to 44 / 88 Expert Mode / 100 Revengeance Mode.
    • Buffed base Ice Blast damage from 44 / 72 Expert Mode to 52 / 80 Expert Mode.
    • Buffed base Ice Rain damage from 60 / 120 Expert Mode to 64 / 128 Expert Mode.
    • Decreased speed.
    • Buffed Ice Blast damage from 48 / 80 Expert Mode to 56 / 88 Expert Mode.
    • Buffed Ice Rain damage from 36 / 60 Expert Mode to 44 / 68 Expert Mode.
    • Can now drop Frozen Key.
    • Fixed it being unable to despawn properly.
    • Buffed damage reduction from 20% to 33%.
    • Buffed Cryogen's Shield damage reduction from 50% to 60%.
    • Now gets 25,600 Revengeance Mode health in Revengeance Mode.
    • Nerfed health from 22,000 / 35,200 Expert Mode to 14,000 / 22,400 Expert Mode, buffed contact damage from 60 / 96 Expert Mode to 65 / 104 Expert Mode, and nerfed defense from 5 to 0.
    • Nerfed Cryogen's Shield's health from 1000 / 1400 Expert Mode to 500 / 600 Expert Mode, and defense from 5 to 0.
    • Nerfed ice bomb damage from 60 / 120 Expert Mode to 40 / 80 Expert Mode / 92 Revengeance Mode.
    • Nerfed base ice blast damage from 50 / 88 Expert Mode to 44 / 72 Expert Mode.
    • Nerfed base ice rain damage from 58 / 100 Expert Mode to 48 / 80 Expert Mode.
    • Now has 20% damage reduction.
    • Cryogen's Shield now has 50% damage reduction.
    • Lowered ice blast and ice rain's chances to inflict Frozen from 10% to 5%.
    • Increased the time it takes to despawn.
    • Reduced Frostburn duration from contact from 5 seconds to 1.67.
    • No longer immune to Ichor.
    • Now has a 2% Revengeance Mode chance to drop Laudanum or Stress Pills in Revengeance Mode.
  • Now uses custom projectiles instead of reusing vanilla ones.
  • Reimplemented final phase status message.
    • Changed health from 26,500 / 29,150 Expert Mode to 22,000 / 35,200 Expert Mode and buffed contact damage from 40 / 44 Expert Mode to 60 / 96 Expert Mode.
    • Nerfed Cryogen's Shield's health from 1500 to 1000 / 1400 Expert Mode, damage from 80 / 100 Expert Mode to 30 / 60 Expert Mode, and defense from 10 to 5.
    • Buffed Frost Blast damage from 50 / 88 Expert Mode to 60 / 104 Expert Mode and increased their spread.
    • Nerfed Ice Shard damage from 70 / 140 Expert Mode to 60 / 120 Expert Mode.
    • Buffed Ice Bomb damage from 46 / 92 Expert Mode to 60 / 120 Expert Mode.
    • Increased speed when below 74% health.
    • Decreased Expert Mode health-based damage and defense scaling.
    • Increased Cryogen Expert Mode chance to inflict Frostburn on contact from 25% Expert Mode to 33% Expert Mode.
    • Increased Cryo Bar drop count from 15-24 / 20-39 Expert Mode to 15-25 / 20-40 Expert Mode.
    • Can now drop Bittercold Staff, Effluvium Bow, Glacial Crusher, Ice Stars, Icebreaker, Permafrost, and Snowstorm Staff in Normal Mode.
    • Increased Ice Star drop count from 50-99 Expert Mode to 150-200 Expert Mode.
    • Increased the chances for all weapons to drop.
    • Can no longer naturally spawn.
    • Removed all health-based status messages.
    • Fixed the Treasure Bag being unable to drop Permafrost.
  • Changed 10% health message from "Cryogen's core is all that remains!" to "Cryogen is derping out!".
  • Now uses vanilla enemy spawn chance instead of custom one.
    • Nerfed health from 31,800 Expert Mode to 29,150 Expert Mode.
    • Buffed base contact damage from 35 / 42 Expert Mode to 40 / 44 Expert Mode.
    • Nerfed base Ice Bomb damage from 56 / 112 Expert Mode to 46 / 92 Expert Mode, base Frost Blast damage from 100 / 112 Expert Mode to 44 / 76 Expert Mode, and base Frost Shard damage from 80 / 160 Expert Mode to 70 / 140 Expert Mode.
    • Now drops 10 Gold Coin in Normal Mode.
  • Now becomes invincible instead of despawning if the player leaves the Snow biome.
    • Now takes up 7 NPC slots instead of 5.
    • Now despawns if brought out of the Snow biome for too long.
    • Now uses Antarctic Reinforcement as its theme instead of the Frost Moon theme.
    • Introduced Cryogen's Shield.
    • Nerfed base contact damage from 70 / 84 Expert Mode to 35 / 42 Expert Mode, and base defense from 25 to 5.
    • Phase 1 no longer teleports in a similar style to Brain of Cthulhu.
    • Increased the distance at which phase 2 hovers above the player.
    • Defense and contact damage now only scale with its health in Expert Mode and higher instead of all difficulty modes.
    • Increased the frequency at which Ice Bombs are fired in phase 1.
    • Now has a Shield which surrounds the core while spinning, which can be killed, but comes back after a short period of time.
    • No longer spins due to the separation of the shield from the core.
    • No longer gets smaller after each phase.
    • Rain now starts at the beginning of the fight instead of after phase 1.
    • Now immune to all debuffs.
    • All phases are now counted as one NPC instead of each phase counting as its own NPC.
  • Decreased the speeds of second, third, and fourth phases.
  • No longer spawns if the player is near a Celestial Pillar.
  • 1.1.7:
    • Nerfed phase 1's contact damage from 80 / 96 Expert Mode to 70 / 84 Expert Mode.
    • Nerfed phase 2's contact damage from 90 / 108 Expert Mode to 80 / 96 Expert Mode.
    • Nerfed phase 3 and 4's contact damages from 95 / 114 Expert Mode to 85 / 102 Expert Mode.
    • Nerfed phase 5 and 6's contact damages from 100 / 120 Expert Mode to 90 / 108 Expert Mode.
    • Nerfed Ice Bomb damage from 100 to 56.
    • Now drops 3-5 / 4-5 Expert Mode Essences of Eleum instead of 2-4 / 3-5 Expert Mode.
    • Projectiles no longer gain extra damage after defeating Moon Lord.
    • No longer gains speed in Prepare to Die Mode.
    • Now spawns 25x less frequently.
    • Now immune to Armor Crunch.
    • Fixed it despawning incorrectly.
    • All phases now produce less dust when hit.
    • All phases now produce dust when killed.
    • Projectiles now last shorter.
    • Can now drop a Cryogen Mask.
  • Fixed a typo in one of the status messages saying "loosing" instead of "losing".
    • Decreased chance to inflict Frostburn from 100% to 20% / 25% Expert Mode.
    • Decreased phase 2's damage.