Frost Flare

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Frost Flare
  • Frost Flare.gif
Stack digit 1.png
TooltipAll attacks and projectiles inflict Frostbite
Immunity to Frostburn, Chilled and Frozen
Being above 50% life grants 10% increased damage
Being below 50% life grants 20 defense and 15% increased max movement speed and acceleration
Grants resistance against cold attacks
Inflicts DebuffFrostbiteFrostbite
100% chance

Debuff duration2, 4, or 6 seconds (All attacks)
Debuff tooltipIt's either really hot or really cold. Either way it REALLY hurts
Grants immunity toChilledFrostburnFrozen
RarityRarity Level: 5
Sell 4 Gold Coin.png 80 Silver Coin.png
Research1 required
Dropped by
Treasure Bag (Cryogen)133.33% Expert Mode
Not to be confused with Frosty Flare, a rogue weapon sold by the Archmage.

The Frost Flare is a Hardmode accessory that is dropped by Cryogen. It grants the following effects while equipped:

  • All player attacks inflict the Frostbite debuff
  • Immunity to the Chilled, Frostburn, and Frozen debuffs
  • Reduces damage from all enemies and projectiles that inflict the Chilled debuff by 30%
    • This is calculated separately from, and is applied before, defense and damage reduction calculations
  • When above 50% maximum HP, +10% damage
  • When below 50% maximum HP, +20 defense and +15% movement speed and acceleration


  • There is a 25% chance for Frostbite to be inflicted for 6 seconds, a 37.5% chance to be inflicted for 4 seconds, and a 37.5% chance to be inflicted for 2 seconds.
  • The cold resistance granted by this accessory does not stack with the Warmth buff.


  • The Frost Flare is extremely effective for farming Cryogen after its first defeat and has significant benefits for the Frost Moon event.


These history sections are still a work-in-progress, and may not yet contain changes relevant to the current version of the Calamity Mod.
  • Damage boost now triggers when above 50% health instead of 75%, and defense and movement speed boosts now trigger when at or below 50% health instead of below 25% health.
  • Now makes all attacks inflict Frostbite instead of melee attacks inflicting Frostburn.
  • Buffed defense boost when below 25% health from 10 to 20.
    • No longer gives a life regeneration boost.
    • No longer Revengeance-exclusive, decreased drop rate from 100% Revengeance Mode to 20%.
  • Now has a tooltip stating it provides heat and cold immunity in Death Mode.
  • Nerfed defense boost when below 25% health from 20 to 10.
    • Buffed damage boost from 5% to 10%, but removed critical strike chance boost.
    • Fixed it not inflicting debuffs on other players in multiplayer.
  • Nerfed life regeneration boost from 2 to 1.
    • Removed the "+" from "+20" in tooltip.
    • Nerfed movement speed boost when below 25% health from 50% to 15%.
  • Now has a "Revengeance drop" tooltip line.