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Map Icon Golem.png
Map icon
EnvironmentJungle Temple
Max Life64,000 / 96,000 Expert Mode / 111,000 Revengeance Mode / 122,397 Master Mode / 141,522 Revengeance Mode Master Mode (Total)
Immune toConfusedHellfireOn Fire!Pearl AuraPoisonedShimmering
Cold Bestiary Cold.png-
Water Bestiary Water.pngVulnerable
Sickness Bestiary Sickness.pngResistant
Electricity Bestiary Electricity.png-
Heat Bestiary Heat.png-
Coins 60 Gold Coin.png
If you were looking for Golem on the vanilla wiki, click here.

Golem Trophy.png "What a sad, piteous thing. Truly, a mockery in every sense of the word." Golem Trophy.png

Golem is a Hardmode boss that is fought in the Jungle Temple.

While in Revengeance and Death Mode, Golem has a buffed AI that is much stronger and more complex than the fight in Classic and Expert modes.


Golem does not spawn on its own, instead, it can be summoned using either of these two methods:


First Phase

Golem Fist
Left Golem Fist.png Right Golem Fist.png
DamageThis attack will cause defense damage on hit. 70 / 112 Expert Mode / 144 Revengeance Mode / 160 Death Mode / 180 Master Mode
Max Life7,000 / 10,500 Expert Mode / 13,386 Master Mode
KB Resist100%
Inflicts debuffArmor CrunchArmor Crunch
100% chance

Debuff duration4 seconds (Contact)
Debuff tooltipYour armor is shredded
Inflicts debuffBroken ArmorBroken Armor
100% chance

Debuff duration3 seconds Revengeance Mode (Contact)
Debuff tooltipDefense is cut in half

Second Phase

Golem HeadAttached
Golem Head.png
DamageThis attack will cause defense damage on hit. 80 / 128 Expert Mode / 144 Revengeance Mode / 160 Death Mode / 192 Master Mode (Contact)
36-58 / 72-116 Expert Mode / 160 Revengeance Mode / 176 Death Mode / 108-174 Master Mode / 234 Revengeance Mode Master Mode (Fireball)
56 / 112 Expert Mode / 172 Revengeance Mode / 188 Death Mode / 168 Master Mode / 252 Revengeance Mode Master Mode (Eye Beam)
Max Life20,000 / 30,000 Expert Mode / 36,000 Revengeance Mode / 38,250 Master Mode / 45,900 Revengeance Mode Master Mode
KB Resist100%
Inflicts debuffOn Fire!On Fire!
100% chance

Debuff duration7 seconds (Fireball)
Debuff tooltipSlowly losing life
Inflicts debuffArmor CrunchArmor Crunch
100% chance

Debuff duration4 seconds (Contact)
Debuff tooltipYour armor is shredded

Third Phase

Golem Core.png
DamageThis attack will cause defense damage on hit. 90 / 144 Expert Mode / 176 Revengeance Mode / 192 Death Mode / 240 Master Mode
58 / 116 Expert Mode / 160 Revengeance Mode / 176 Death Mode / 174 Master Mode / 234 Revengeance Mode Master Mode (Fireball)
56 / 112 Expert Mode / 172 Revengeance Mode / 188 Death Mode / 168 Master Mode / 252 Revengeance Mode Master Mode (Eye Beam)
Max Life30,000 / 45,000 Expert Mode / 54,000 Revengeance Mode / 57,375 Master Mode / 68,850 Revengeance Mode Master Mode
KB Resist100%
Inflicts debuffArmor CrunchArmor Crunch
100% chance

Debuff duration8 seconds (Contact)
Debuff tooltipYour armor is shredded
Cold Bestiary Cold.png-
Water Bestiary Water.pngVulnerable
Sickness Bestiary Sickness.pngResistant
Electricity Bestiary Electricity.png-
Heat Bestiary Heat.png-
Golem HeadFree
Golem Head.png
Damage0 (Contact)
36-58 / 72-116 Expert Mode / 160 Revengeance Mode / 176 Death Mode / 108-174 Master Mode / 234 Revengeance Mode Master Mode (Fireball)
56 / 112 Expert Mode / 172 Revengeance Mode / 188 Death Mode / 168 Master Mode / 252 Revengeance Mode Master Mode (Eye Beam)
64 / 128 Expert Mode / 184 Revengeance Mode / 200 Death Mode / 270 Master Mode (Inferno Bolt)
Max Life16,000 / 24,000 Expert Mode / 40,800 Revengeance Mode / 30,600 Master Mode / 52,020 Revengeance Mode Master Mode
KB Resist100%
Inflicts debuffOn Fire!On Fire!
100% chance

Debuff duration7 seconds (Fireball)
14 seconds (Explosion)
Debuff tooltipSlowly losing life
Inflicts debuffArmor CrunchArmor Crunch
100% chance

Debuff duration4 seconds (Contact)
Debuff tooltipYour armor is shredded


In all modes, if Golem is fought outside of the Jungle Temple, it will enrage, increasing the speed of its attack pattern and defense. The free Golem Head will not deal contact damage. Additionally, all body parts inflict the Armor Crunch debuff.

In Revengeance Mode

Golem has three phases in Revengeance and Death Mode. Note that this page will not cover the Golem fight in Classic and Expert Mode.

Phase 1

Golem spawns above the player's head, falling down to the ground. It will begin to cycle through its attacks. Golem will fire high-velocity bouncing fireballs every three seconds and jump towards the player. Each time Golem jumps it will slam into the ground, creating a line of dust particles. Golem will also throw its fist towards the player at the same rate. Only the left and right fists can be damaged during this phase and must be destroyed to progress the fight.

Phase 2

After destroying the fists. Golem will begin to fire two yellow lasers at the same rate as the fireballs. Only Golem's head can be damaged during this phase and must be destroyed to progress the fight.

Phase 3

Golem's head will regen its health to full, detach, and begin flying above the player. Once the Golem Body reaches 90% health, the Golem Head will begin to fly in a rectangle pattern. The head will fire two sets of lasers twice and one lingering fireball before moving. The lingering fireball will create an explosion that will linger for four seconds. Golem's body will also begin to fire two lasers. Golem will also launch three bouncing fireballs each time it slams the ground. When the Golem Body reaches 10% health, it will fire two additional lasers. Both the head and the body can be damaged in this phase. Only Golem's body needs to be destroyed to end the fight.

In Death Mode

  • Golem jumps much further and more rapidly.
  • The Golem Head in phase 2 fires lasers more rapidly.
  • The Golem Body fires four lasers regardless of health in phase 3.
  • The Golem Head fires lingering fireballs regardless of health in phase 3.

In Master Mode

  • All body parts are faster and attack more frequently.

In Revengeance Master Mode

  • Spawns two more fists for a total of four with two on each side.
  • Jumps more frequently.
  • Jump horizontal velocity is increased.
  • Shoots spreads of 7 fireballs instead of 5.
  • Fall speed is increased.
  • Fireballs are faster.
  • Once its fists have been destroyed, it can perform a new jump where it hovers directly over the player then smashes downwards.
  • Once its head has been freed, it can perform a new jump where it jumps straight up while shooting lasers horizontally from both sides.
  • Fists launch a random amount of times and are faster.
  • Fists launch more frequently as their health lower.
  • Fists create lingering explosions once they reach their full length and no explosions currently exist.
  • Attached head shoots a second fireball each time it fires one.
    • Once the arms have been destroyed, it fires a third.
  • Attached head lasers are faster.
  • Freed head acts as if it is almost dead at all times and is faster.
  • Freed head always shoots lingering fireballs.

In Death Master Mode

  • Fists launch even more frequently.

In the Boss Rush

  • Max health increased to 1,300,000 / 1,950,000 Expert Mode / 4,425,000 Revengeance Mode
  • Sets the time to 4:30 AM

On the For the worthy seed

  • Golem's head will fire lasers regardless of health.
  • Golem's body will fire lasers and produce fireballs after each slam regardless of phase.


Terrain Preparation

  • Take advantage of the space in the Jungle Temple altar room and make sure to clear out any traps that may be present.
  • While fighting Golem outside of the Jungle Temple enrages it, fighting Golem on the surface can make the fight easier for experienced players due to the large open space available.

Gearing Up

For a Classic and Expert mode guide to Golem, see Golem strategies on the vanilla wiki.



Weapons & Equipment


  • The Ark of the Ancients can deal massive damage to Golem when using its parry and scissors system.
  • The Scourge of the Corruptor can spawn lingering projectiles just before beginning the fight, giving players a way to deal large damage to Golem as it spawns in.


  • The Havoc's Breath is extremely effective, inflicting Brimstone Flames for extra damage, along with its infinite pierce.
  • The Wildfire Bloom is also a very effective choice, being more accurate and having better range than the Havoc's Breath, with more damage, but no debuff.
  • The Eternal Blizzard is an excellent pick for Golem, due to its strong Icicle Arrows.
  • The Snowman Cannon decimates Golem and requires little aim thanks to its homing rockets, but requires fighting the Frost Moon.


  • The Astralachnea Staff's homing fangs allow players to focus more on dodging, while still dealing decent damage to Golem.
  • Lashes of Chaos is a very powerful option for mages due to the large area of effect projectile it fires.
  • The Spectre Staff is even stronger in Calamity than vanilla, with hard-hitting homing projectiles.



  • Both the Brackish Flask and the Duststorm in a Bottle are extremely effective against Golem due to their lingering projectiles.
  • The Heavenfallen Stardisk decimates Golem, but requires more effort to use effectively.
  • The Stellar Knife can be a powerful option for rogue players if the altar room is large enough for the knives to move freely in.
  • The Samsara Slicer is a good option for rogue players as the splitting projectiles can deal large damage to Golem's fists.


  • Moving in a horseshoe shape is not recommended for this fight on Revengeance and Death Mode, as the lingering explosions are often still present when rebounding to the other side.
  • While not required, destroying the Golem Head during the third phase can make the rest of the fight much easier and less overwhelming.


These history sections are still a work-in-progress, and may not yet contain changes relevant to the current version of the Calamity Mod.
  • Now only swaps targets after each jump while the head is alive. Head and fists now target the same player until they die.
    • Buffed body damage in Master Mode from 264 Master Mode to 312 Master Mode, and fist damage from 240 Master Mode to 264 Master Mode.
    • Buffed fireball damage in Master Mode from 240 Master Mode to 300 Master Mode, laser damage from 246 Master Mode to 306 Master Mode, and inferno bolt damage from 264 Master Mode to 318 Master Mode.
    • Buffed body health from 30,000 / 45,000 Expert Mode / 54,000 Revengeance Mode / 57,375 Master Mode / 68,850 Revengeance Mode Master Mode to 30,000 / 45,000 Expert Mode / 67,500 Revengeance Mode / 57,375 Master Mode / 86,062 Revengeance Mode Master Mode.
    • Buffed head health from 20,000 / 30,000 Expert Mode / 36,000 Revengeance Mode / 38,250 Master Mode / 45,900 Revengeance Mode Master Mode to 20,000 / 30,000 Expert Mode / 45,000 Revengeance Mode / 38,250 Master Mode / 57,375 Revengeance Mode Master Mode.
    • Buffed body contact damage from 90 / 144 Expert Mode / 176 Revengeance Mode / 192 Death Mode / 240 Master Mode to 95 / 144 Expert Mode / 176 Revengeance Mode / 208 Death Mode / 264 Master Mode, and fist's damage from 70 / 112 Expert Mode / 144 Revengeance Mode / 160 Death Mode / 180 Master Mode to 75 / 112 Expert Mode / 144 Revengeance Mode / 176 Death Mode / 240 Master Mode.
    • Buffed fireball damage from 48 / 94 Expert Mode / 160 Revengeance Mode / 176 Death Mode / 234 Master Mode to 60 / 120 Expert Mode / 160 Revengeance Mode / 188 Death Mode / 240 Master Mode, changed laser damage from 56 / 112 Expert Mode / 172 Revengeance Mode / 188 Death Mode / 252 Master Mode to 80 / 140 Expert Mode / 172 Revengeance Mode / 204 Death Mode / 246 Master Mode, and inferno bolt damage from 64 / 128 Expert Mode / 184 Revengeance Mode / 200 Death Mode / 270 Master Mode to 88 / 156 Expert Mode / 184 Revengeance Mode / 212 Death Mode / 264 Master Mode.
    • Can now turn the Calamity Boss Health Bar red when enraged outside of Revengeance Mode.
    • No longer uses a global scaling contact damage formula based on boss velocity.
    • Attached head no longer deals contact damage, body no longer deals contact damage while not jumping, and fists no longer deal contact damage while not punching in all difficulties.
    • Fireballs and lasers no longer gain damage as its health lowers.
    • Revengeance Mode changes:
      • No longer enrages if the head does not have line of sight with the player.
      • Decreased vertical jump velocity, but increased horizontal jump velocity.
      • Increased fist punch and return speed, and they no longer take knockback while above 50% health.
      • Increased fireball and laser velocity from the head.
      • Increased velocity of fireballs spawned when landing from a jump after the head is killed.
      • Increased free head's speed and acceleration, overall making its movement more rigid. Increased how long it takes to switch positions at lower health.
      • Free head can no longer fire projectiles if too close to the player.
      • Inferno bolts from the head now use yellow dust instead of orange, and now additionally emit spark particles.
    • Now makes fists punch more frequently, lasers have a higher velocity, jumps more frequently and with a higher horizontal velocity, and falls faster in Master Mode.
    • Now spawns with 4 fists, fists have a random punch delay, fists spawn explosions when punching, shoots 2 fireballs which increases to 3 after the fists are killed, gains a new jump attack where he rises above the player before slamming down on them and firing lasers, spawns more fireballs when landing from a jump after the head is killed that have higher velocity, freed head moves faster and always has its final movement pattern, freed head lasers travel at different speeds, and freed head can always fire inferno bolts in Revengeance Master Mode.
    • Fixed free head shooting projectiles and drawing its glowmask from the wrong position.
  • Now drops 8-10 / 10-12 Expert Mode Essences of Sunlight instead of 5-10 / 8-13 Expert Mode.
  • Freed Golem Head now properly displays vanilla debuff colors and Hunter Potion effects.
    • Added aftermath sounds for the spawning of the plague.
    • The body now inflicts Armor Crunch for 8 seconds, and all other segments inflict Armor Crunch for 4 seconds in all modes.
    • Now directly drops Picksaw on all world difficulties when defeated for the first time.
    • Fixed an issue that caused it to occasionally drop 2 Picksaws when killed for the first time in Classic Mode.
    • Buffed body health from 9000 / 13,500 Expert Mode / 54,000 Revengeance Mode to 30,000 / 45,000 Expert Mode / 54,000 Revengeance Mode.
    • Buffed head health from 16,000 / 24,000 Expert Mode / 36,000 Revengeance Mode to 20,000 / 30,000 Expert Mode / 36,000 Revengeance Mode.
    • Buffed fireball damage from 58 / 116 Expert Mode / 148 Revengeance Mode / 160 Death Mode to 58 / 116 Expert Mode / 160 Revengeance Mode / 176 Death Mode.
    • Buffed inferno bolt damage from 64 / 128 Expert Mode / 160 Revengeance Mode / 176 Death Mode to 64 / 128 Expert Mode / 184 Revengeance Mode / 200 Death Mode.
    • Buffed laser damage from 56 / 112 Expert Mode / 140 Revengeance Mode / 152 Death Mode to 56 / 112 Expert Mode / 172 Revengeance Mode / 188 Death Mode.
    • Now vulnerable to water debuffs but resistant to sickness debuffs.
    • Now drops Shiny Stone regardless of world difficulty.
    • Buffed total health in Revengeance Mode from 92,250 Revengeance Mode to 111,000 Revengeance Mode.
    • Nerfed Boss Rush health from 1,300,000 / 1,950,000 Expert Mode / 4,425,000 Revengeance Mode to 130,000 / 195,000 Expert Mode / 442,500 Revengeance Mode.
    • Now falls much faster in Revengeance and Death Mode.
    • Fists now attack more often.
    • The player can now lifesteal off of it in Revengeance Mode.
    • Increased how far away the player has to be for it to despawn to fix issues while fighting it on the surface.
    • Fixed free head hitbox being significantly lower than its sprite.
  • Fists and phase 2 Head now have reduced life scaling in multiplayer.
    • Nerfed Revengeance Mode body health from 54,000 Revengeance Mode to 47,250 Revengeance Mode.
    • Buffed phase 2 head health from 20,625 Revengeance Mode to 28,050 Revengeance Mode.
    • Body, Fists and Head no longer inflict Broken Armor in Revengeance Mode.
    • Now increases in velocity as its health decreases in Death Mode.
    • Head can now fire lasers from the start of the fight, and fires more often as its health decreases in Death Mode.
    • Free Golem Head no longer deals contact damage.
  • Freed head in Revengeance Mode no longer deals contact damage.
    • Reduced projectile fire rate of the freed Head in phase 3.
    • Reduced boss kill time from 180 seconds to 150.
  • Removed a status message when defeated.
  • Revengeance Mode's head now sticks to body better.
    • Nerfed body damage from 72 / 115 Expert Mode / 143 Revengeance Mode / 165 Death Mode to 72 / 115 Expert Mode / 132 Revengeance Mode / 142 Death Mode.
    • Nerfed head damage from 64 / 102 Expert Mode / 127 Revengeance Mode / 146 Death Mode to 64 / 102 Expert Mode / 117 Revengeance Mode / 126 Death Mode.
    • Nerfed freed head damage from 80 / 128 Expert Mode / 160 Revengeance Mode / 184 Death Mode to 80 / 128 Expert Mode / 147 Revengeance Mode / 158 Death Mode.
    • Nerfed fist damage from 59 / 94 Expert Mode / 117 Revengeance Mode / 135 Death Mode to 59 / 94 Expert Mode / 108 Revengeance Mode / 116 Death Mode.
    • Nerfed fireball damage from 36-58 / 72-116 Expert Mode / 148 Revengeance Mode / 170 Death Mode to 36-58 / 72-116 Expert Mode / 148 Revengeance Mode / 160 Death Mode.
    • Nerfed laser damage from 56 / 112 Expert Mode / 140 Revengeance Mode / 161 Death Mode to 56 / 112 Expert Mode / 140 Revengeance Mode / 152 Death Mode.
    • Nerfed inferno fireball and inferno explosion damage from 160 Revengeance Mode / 184 Death Mode to 160 Revengeance Mode / 176 Death Mode.
    • Fists now inflicted Marked for 3 seconds.
    • Death Mode changes:
      • Body fires lasers at the highest rate immediately, instead of increasing rate below 75%, 50%, and 25% health.
      • Head fires lasers and fireballs at the highest rate immediately, instead of gradually increasing rate as health lowers.
      • Moves and jumps at the highest speed immediately, instead of gradually speeding up as health lowers.
      • Freed head transition into Phase 2 and 3 immediately instead of below 70% and 40% head health or below 85% and 70% body health.
  • Fixed multiplayer desyncing issues.
  • Fixed a bug where it was dropping Essences of Sunlight directly in Expert Mode.
    • Buffed Boss Rush health from 450,000 to 500,000.
    • Now permanently enrages during Boss Rush.
    • Now drops 5-10 / 8-13 Expert Mode Essences of Sunlight.
    • Reworked Revengeance Mode AI:
      • Changed body's health modifier from 3.5x Revengeance Mode / 8.5x Death Mode to 4x Revengeance Mode / 7x Death Mode, and buffed damage reduction from 15% to 25%.
      • Both forms of the head, and both fists now have 25% damage reduction.
      • The initial head now has a health modifier of 1.5x Revengeance Mode / 2x Death Mode, and the freed head now has a health modifier of 1.25x Revengeance Mode / 1.5x Death Mode.
      • The head can now be damaged and killed once it is separated from the body.
      • The head will lock on diagonal positions from the player and fire lasers at them.
      • Free head no longer inflicts Armor Crunch.
      • Fireballs now explode into infernos instead of bouncing.
    • Health bar now counts all segments together.
    • Nerfed body's Boss Rush health from 900,000 to 450,000.
    • Nerfed head's Boss Rush health from 600,000 to 300,000.
    • Nerfed fist's Boss Rush health from 500,000 to 250,000.
    • Fists are no longer invincible.
    • Head and fists can no longer be lifestealed off of.
  • Now inflicts Armor Crunch and enrages outside the Jungle Temple in Revengeance Mode.
    • Buffed body's Boss Rush health from 780,000 to 900,000.
    • Buffed head's Boss Rush health from 400,000 to 600,000.
    • Buffed fist's Boss Rush health from 320,000 to 500,000.
    • Buffed Boss Rush damage modifier from 1.75x to 2.5x.
    • Now spawns further away from the player during Boss Rush.
    • Fists no longer deal more damage in Revengeance Mode.
    • Removed health-based player damage taken mechanic.
    • All parts now inflict Broken Armor in Revengeance Mode.
    • No longer takes 25% damage from Crystal Bullet shards, Holy Arrow stars, split Terra Arrows, and split Terra Bullets.
    • Buffed health modifier from 3x Revengeance Mode / 8x Death Mode to 3.5x Revengeance Mode / 8.5x Death Mode.
    • Nerfed damage reduction from 20% to 15%.
    • Buffed health modifier from 2.5x Revengeance Mode / 7.5x Death Mode to 3x Revengeance Mode / 8x Death Mode.
    • Nerfed damage reduction from 65% to 20%.
    • Nerfed body's health modifier from 5x Revengeance Mode / 10x Death Mode to 2.5x Revengeance Mode / 7.5x Death Mode.
    • Now drops its own lore item.
    • Body now takes 25% damage from Crystal Bullet shards, Holy Arrow stars, split Terra Arrows, and split Terra Bullets.
  • Now removes the early-Hardmode nerf to enemy health and damage when defeated.
    • Buffed fists' health in Revengeance Mode from 100 Revengeance Mode to 4000 Revengeance Mode, and damage from 105 Revengeance Mode to 190 Revengeance Mode.
    • Fists in Revengeance Mode now attack slower.
    • Buffed Death Mode health modifier from 6x Death Mode to 10x Death Mode.
    • Now gains large damage increases as its health gets lower.
    • Nerfed fist damage from 125 to 105.
  • Nerfed Death Mode health modifier from 7x Death Mode to 6x Death Mode.
    • Now gains a 7x Death Mode health modifier in Death Mode.
    • Now fires fireballs and lasers faster in Death Mode.
  • Buffed Revengeance Mode health modifier from 3x Revengeance Mode to 4x Revengeance Mode.
    • Fists now inflict Marked for Death for 3 seconds in Revengeance Mode.
    • No longer gets more aggressive with high Stress.
    • Now gains a 3x Revengeance Mode health modifier in Revengeance Mode.
    • Now has a 2% Revengeance Mode chance to drop Laudanum or Stress Pills in Revengeance Mode.
  • Buffed fist health from 300 Expert Mode to 500 Expert Mode.
    • Several status messages now appear when defeated:
      • "A plague has befallen the Jungle."
      • "An ancient automaton roams the land."