Duke Fishron

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Duke Fishron
Duke Fishron.png
Map Icon Duke Fishron.png
Map icon
Damage0 (Contact)
This attack will cause defense damage on hit. 100 / 140 Expert Mode / 168 Revengeance Mode / 196 Death Mode / 294 Master Mode (Charge)
This attack will cause defense damage on hit. 80 / 100 Expert Mode / 150 Revengeance Mode / 200 Death Mode / 240 Master Mode (Sharknado)
Max Life100,000 / 130,000 Expert Mode / 182,000 Revengeance Mode / 165,750 Master Mode / 232,050 Revengeance Mode Master Mode
KB Resist100%
Immune toConfusedPearl AuraStunned
Cold Bestiary Cold.png-
Water Bestiary Water.pngResistant
Sickness Bestiary Sickness.pngVulnerable
Electricity Bestiary Electricity.pngVulnerable
Heat Bestiary Heat.pngResistant
Duke FishronPhase 2
Duke Fishron (Phase 2).png
Map Icon Duke Fishron.png
Map icon
Damage0 (Contact)
This attack will cause defense damage on hit. 120 / 201 Expert Mode / 241 Revengeance Mode / 262 Death Mode / 302 Master Mode (Phase 2 Charge)
This attack will cause defense damage on hit. 184 Expert Mode / 221 Revengeance Mode / 240 Death Mode / 277 Master Mode (Phase 3 Charge)
This attack will cause defense damage on hit. 160 / 200 Expert Mode / 232 Revengeance Mode / 264 Death Mode / 480 Master Mode (Cthulhunado)
Max Life50,000 / 100,000
60,000 / 120,000 Expert Mode
117,600 / 168,000 Revengeance Mode
76,500 / 153,000 Master Mode
149,940 / 214,200 Revengeance Mode Master Mode
Defense40 (Phase 2)
0 (Phase 3)
KB Resist100%
Immune toAcid VenomConfusedFrostburnOn Fire!Pearl AuraStunned
Cold Bestiary Cold.png-
Water Bestiary Water.pngResistant
Sickness Bestiary Sickness.pngVulnerable
Electricity Bestiary Electricity.pngVulnerable
Heat Bestiary Heat.pngResistant
Coins75 Gold Coin
If you were looking for Duke Fishron on the vanilla wiki, click here.

Duke Fishron Trophy.png "Outlandish as they may seem, this species is the single mightiest of the seas." Duke Fishron Trophy.png

Duke Fishron is a Hardmode boss that can be summoned at any point of the game using a Truffle Worm. He is intended to be fought after Golem.

In Revengeance and Death Mode, Duke Fishron has various changes to his attack patterns and changes phases at different times.


Duke Fishron is summoned by fishing in the Ocean using a Truffle Worm, which is found in the Glowing Mushroom biome.


Duke Fishron gains 62.5% damage reduction during transition phases. Sharknados and Cthulhunados become translucent for 1 second before they can deal damage.

In Revengeance Mode

Duke Fishron has 3 phases in Revengeance and Death Mode. This page will not be covering Normal or Expert Modes for Duke Fishron.

Sharknado and Cthulhunado bolts dissipate immediately when contacting water.

Phase 1

Once summoned, Duke Fishron rises out of the water and begins his pattern as follows:

  • Charges at the player 5 times.
  • Pauses and fires 10 to 20 homing Detonating Bubbles at the player.
  • Charges at the player 5 times.
  • Pauses and releases 3 water bolts that travel outwards from him in a triangular pattern. After traveling a short distance, they spawn damaging Sharknados that fire Sharkrons at the player's position.

Phase 2

Duke Fishron transitions to Phase 2 at 70% health. In Phase 2, he has greatly increased speed and aggression, as well as a new repeating pattern:

  • Charges at the player 3 times.
  • Pauses and flies in a loop, leaving Detonating Bubbles in his wake and firing Sharkrons at the player.
  • Charges at the player 3 times.
  • Pauses and spawns 1 larger water bolt that homes in on the player. Upon reaching their position, the water bolt releases a Cthulhunado which is much larger than a Sharknado and fires twice as many Sharkrons.

Phase 3

Duke Fishron transitions to Phase 3 at 40% health. During this phase he becomes invisible, but his eyes glow brightly. It also changes his pattern again:

  • Charges at the player once.
  • Teleports diagonally above the player.
  • Charges at the player twice.
  • Teleports diagonally above the player.
  • Charges at the player 3 times.
  • Teleports diagonally above the player.

Duke Fishron's teleport location alternates between diagonally above the player to the left or right. During this pattern, he will fire a homing bolt every 10 seconds that turns into a Cthulhunado upon contact with the player.

Below 20% health, Duke Fishron stops releasing Cthulhunados and gains a new repeating pattern:

  • Charges at the player 3 times.
  • Teleports diagonally above the player.
  • Charges at the player 4 times.
  • Teleports diagonally above the player.

In Death Mode

  • Increased charge displacement.
  • Minimap icon disappears in Phase 3.
  • When below 20% health, charges endlessly at the player.
  • All projectiles have increased velocity.

In Master Mode

  • Enters Phase 2 at 60% health and Phase 3 at 25% health.
  • Charges faster and has a shorter delay between charges.
    • Values are exaggerated further when enraged.
  • Fires Detonating Bubbles and spawns Sharknados faster.
  • Cthulhunado typhoons always move at maximum speed.
  • Cthulhunados and their Sharkrons are larger.
  • Spawns four Sharknados instead of two.

In Revengeance Master Mode

  • Immediately spawns with Phase 3 behavior.
    • Duke Fishron reverts back to Phase 1 at 90% health.
  • Enters Phase 2 at 60% health, Phase 3 at 30% and Phase 4 at 10%.
  • Idle phase lasts shorter but has increased acceleration and speed.
  • Charges are faster but last shorter.
  • Spawns Sharknados more frequently.
  • Sharknados and Cthulhunados have enraged behavior at all times.
  • Spawns Detonating Bubbles during Phase 4 charges.
  • Detonating Bubbles are immune to damage, chase for longer, and push away from each other.

During the Boss Rush

  • Maximum health increased to 2,900,000 / 3,480,000 Expert Mode / 6,438,000 Revengeance Mode.


Damage100 / 150 Expert Mode / 180 Revengeance Mode / 210 Death Mode / 315 Master Mode (Phase 1)
120 / 180 Expert Mode / 210 Revengeance Mode / 240 Death Mode / 360 Master Mode (Phase 2)
Max Life100 / 150 Expert Mode / 750 Revengeance Mode / 225 Master Mode / 1125 Revengeance Mode Master Mode
KB Resist100%
Immune toConfusedPearl Aura
Cold Bestiary Cold.png-
Water Bestiary Water.pngResistant
Sickness Bestiary Sickness.pngVulnerable
Electricity Bestiary Electricity.pngVulnerable
Heat Bestiary Heat.pngResistant
Detonating Bubble
Detonating Bubble.png
Damage100 / 150 Expert Mode / 180 Revengeance Mode / 210 Death Mode / 270 Master Mode
Max Life1 / Invulnerable Revengeance Mode Master Mode
KB Resist100%
Inflicts debuffWetWet
100% chance

Debuff duration3-8 seconds
Debuff tooltipYou are dripping water


Terrain Preparation

One possible arena consists of 4-6 platforms, each around 15-20 blocks apart, and around the length of your Ocean should work. Place campfires, Heart Lanterns, and candles from the Drunk Princess. It is not recommended to place honey bubbles because they slow down your speed.

Gearing Up

If you are looking for a guide on normal or Expert Mode Duke Fishron, click here





  • The Soul Harvester's lingering projectiles can deal massive damage to Duke Fishron over time.
  • The Pandemic is also a solid weapon that can inflict Duke Fishron with Plague.
  • The Fallen Paladin's Hammer deals really good damage.
  • Despite being from a lower tier, the Ark of the Ancients is excellent for this fight due to its parry ability, which can negate damage taken from dashes while boosting damage dealt by the player.
  • The Ultimus Cleaver's projectiles will deal slow, but massive damage to Duke Fishron.
    • This weapon will deal very high damage when Duke Fishron stops on your top right or left to attack
  • The Blighted Cleaver's homing ability makes Duke Fishron less tedious to hit while still dealing sufficient damage.



  • Betsy's Wrath is the best option which can absolutely destroy Duke Fishron, but requires grinding the Old One's Army.
  • The Everglade Spray can be used to inflict Ichor and Cursed Inferno.
  • The Tears of Heaven is a decent choice due to its homing projectiles.
  • If the Empress of Light has been defeated, Nightglow is great, especially for the final phases.
  • The Laser Machinegun can deal lots of damage but consumes mana extremely quickly.
  • If The Plaguebringer Goliath has been defeated, the Gatling Laser is one of the highest DPS options available.


  • The Hive Pod can deal great damage while Duke Fishron is not dashing.
  • The Pulse Turret Remote performs nicely against Duke Fishron.
  • The Resurrection Butterfly is mobile enough to be a very solid weapon in this fight.
  • The Spikecrag Staff is stationary, but if at least two are used, it can shred Duke Fishron in under a minute.


  • The Cranium Smasher is a strong choice for a rogue weapon which deals slow but massive damage.
  • The Malachite is an amazing weapon for Duke Fishron.
  • The System Bane is a good weapon for damaging Duke Fishron without worrying about precisely aiming.
  • The Syringe is also another very nice way to inflict Plague.

The Fight

Phase 1

Phase 1 of the fight is similar to the battle in vanilla, except 3 Sharknados are spawned instead of 2. Remain aware of the position of the Sharknados and this phase is relatively straightforward.

Phase 2

Phase 2 occurs at 70% health. Continue the triangle pattern until he begins spinning, move away to dodge any Sharkrons he fires, and destroy the Detonating Bubbles he spawns. When he fires the bolt that spawns the Cthulhunado, move to a position where the Cthulhunado will be out of the way to make the fight easier for the player. Repeat this until he is at 40% health.

Phase 3

In Phase 3, he will turn invisible except for his eyes. He charges once, teleports near the player, charges twice, teleports again, charges three times, teleports again, and the pattern repeats. He will always teleport to the opposite side of where his previous charge ended. Every 10 seconds while doing this, he will summon a Cthulhunado. The player should use dashes to dodge the charges while moving away from the Cthulhunados to minimize the number of Sharkrons they need to dodge. This repeats until he is at 20% health at which point he ceases spawning Cthulhunados and gains a new AI. In Revengeance Mode, he will charge 3 times, teleport, charge 4 times, teleport again, and then repeat. In Death Mode, Duke Fishron will continuously charge at the player instead. This can be avoided by keeping moving in a triangular motion and dashing past Duke's charges, rather than away from them.


  • The Sharkrons spawned by Duke Fishron have a smaller, square hitbox to eliminate the confusion of where the hitbox is caused by the old one.


These history sections are still a work-in-progress, and may not yet contain changes relevant to the current version of the Calamity Mod.
    • Now always targets the same player until they die.
    • Fixed its map icon disappearing at the wrong times in Revengeance Master Mode.
    • Buffed contact damage in Master Mode from 252 Master Mode to 294 Master Mode, Sharknado Sharkron's damage from 270 Master Mode to 315 Master Mode, and Cthulhunado Sharkron's damage from 315 Master Mode to 360 Master Mode. Buffed Sharknado damage from 240 Master Mode to 300 Master Mode.
    • No longer deals contact damage in the brief downtime between charges.
    • Buffed contact damage from 100 / 140 Expert Mode / 168 Revengeance Mode / 182 Death Mode / 210 Master Mode to 100 / 140 Expert Mode / 168 Revengeance Mode / 196 Death Mode / 252 Master Mode, Detonating Bubble and Sharknado Sharkron's damage from 100 / 150 Expert Mode / 180 Revengeance Mode / 195 Death Mode / 225 Master Mode to 100 / 150 Expert Mode / 180 Revengeance Mode / 210 Death Mode / 270 Master Mode, and Cthulhunado Sharkron's damage from 120 / 180 Expert Mode / 210 Revengeance Mode / 225 Death Mode / 270 Master Mode to 120 / 180 Expert Mode / 210 Revengeance Mode / 240 Death Mode / 315 Master Mode.
    • Buffed Cthulhunado damage from 160 / 200 Expert Mode / 232 Revengeance Mode / 240 Death Mode / 348 Master Mode to 160 / 200 Expert Mode / 232 Revengeance Mode / 264 Death Mode / 480 Master Mode, but nerfed Sharknado damage from 80 / 100 Expert Mode / 184 Revengeance Mode / 200 Death Mode / 270 Master Mode to 80 / 100 Expert Mode / 150 Revengeance Mode / 200 Death Mode / 240 Master Mode.
    • Can now turn the Calamity Boss Health Bar red when enraged, and gray when gaining a temporary defense boost outside of Revengeance Mode.
    • No longer uses a global scaling contact damage formula based on boss velocity.
    • No longer deals contact damage while not charging in all difficulties.
    • No longer becomes invincible during phase transitions outside of Revengeance Mode, and instead gains 62.5% damage reduction.
    • Sharkrons can no longer be homed in on, and are no longer immune to lifesteal.
    • Sharknado and Cthulhunado spawners now break when touching water in Revengeance Mode.
    • Decreased how long Sharknados and Cthulhunados do not deal damage after spawning from 2 seconds to 1, but they now appear translucent before dealing damage.
    • Now charges faster, has a shorter delay between charges, spews Detonating Bubbles faster, spawns sharknados faster, enters phase 2 at 60% health, enters phase 3 at 25% health, Cthulhunado spawners always move at maximum speed, and Cthulhunados and their Sharkrons are larger in Master Mode.
    • Now starts in phase 3 which lasts until 90% health, enters phase 3 at 30% health, starts his final attack pattern at 10% health, Detonating Bubbles are immune to damage, chase for longer, and push away from each other, and spawns Detonating Bubbles during charges in his final attack pattern in Revengeance Master Mode.
    • Now takes 120% damage from The Hive's plague bees.
    • Fixed him not dropping Duke's Decapitator or Fishron Wings in Classic Mode.
  • Fixed it being able to drop Fishron Wings twice.
  • Now has 99% damage reduction during phase transitions during Boss Rush.
    • Nerfed health from 105,625 / 126,750 Expert Mode / 177,450 Revengeance Mode / 161,604 Master Mode / 226,248 Revengeance Mode Master Mode to 100,000 / 120,000 Expert Mode / 168,000 Revengeance Mode / 153,000 Master Mode / 214,200 Revengeance Mode Master Mode.
    • Fixed its vulnerability to Resurrection Butterfly applying to Lunatic Cultist instead.
    • Buffed health in Revengeance Mode from 152,100 Revengeance Mode to 177,450 Revengeance Mode.
    • No longer becomes invulnerable when transitioning between phases, and instead gains 47.5% damage reduction.
    • Now drops 75 Gold Coin.
    • Fixed its health bar functioning incorrectly in Malice Mode.
    • Buffed health from 50,000 / 60,000 Expert Mode / 117,000 Revengeance Mode to 105,625 / 126,750 Expert Mode / 152,100 Revengeance Mode.
    • Buffed Sharknado damage from 80 / 100 Expert Mode / 116 Revengeance Mode / 124 Death Mode to 80 / 100 Expert Mode / 184 Revengeance Mode / 200 Death Mode.
    • It and its Sharkrons are now vulnerable to electricity and sickness debuffs, but resistant to water and heat debuffs.
    • Now drops Shrimpy Truffle regardless of world difficulty.
    • Buffed Revengeance Mode health from 111,000 Revengeance Mode to 117,000 Revengeance Mode.
    • Nerfed Boss Rush health from 2,900,000 / 3,480,000 Expert Mode / 6,438,000 Revengeance Mode to 290,000 / 348,000 Expert Mode / 643,800 Revengeance Mode.
    • Nerfed phase 1 defense from 60 to 50.
    • Nerfed phase 2 defense from 50 to 40.
    • Nerfed phase 3 defense in Revengeance Mode from 37 Revengeance Mode to 0 Revengeance Mode.
    • Buffed damage reduction from 10% to 15%.
    • Sharkron no longer drops Hearts in Revengeance or Malice Mode.
    • Sharknado sharks can no longer deal damage for the first 42 frames after they've spawned in.
    • Now gains new charging patterns as its health decreases during phase 3 in Revengeance Mode.
    • Will also now continuously charge at the player when its health is below 20% in Revengeance Mode.
    • Now transitions to phase 2 at 70% Revengeance Mode health instead of 66% Revengeance Mode and phase 3 at 40% Revengeance Mode instead of 20% Revengeance Mode / 33% Death Mode.
  • Now has increased attack delay, no longer transitions to phase 2 at the start of the fight, and its map icon is now invisible for the entirety of phase 3 in Death Mode.
  • Buffed damage reduction in Revengeance Mode from 0% to 10%.
  • Now takes 135% damage from Resurrection Butterfly instead of 200%.
    • Nerfed phase 1 contact damage from 100 / 140 Expert Mode / 175 Revengeance Mode / 201 Death Mode to 100 / 140 Expert Mode / 161 Revengeance Mode / 173 Death Mode.
    • Nerfed phase 2 contact damage from 120 / 201 Expert Mode / 251 Revengeance Mode / 288 Death Mode to 120 / 201 Expert Mode / 231 Revengeance Mode / 249 Death Mode.
    • Nerfed phase 3 contact damage from 184 Expert Mode / 230 Revengeance Mode / 264 Death Mode to 184 Expert Mode / 211 Revengeance Mode / 228 Death Mode.
    • Nerfed small Sharkron damage from 100 / 150 Expert Mode / 187 Revengeance Mode / 215 Death Mode to 100 / 150 Expert Mode / 172 Revengeance Mode / 186 Death Mode.
    • Nerfed large Sharkron damage from 120 / 180 Expert Mode / 225 Revengeance Mode / 258 Death Mode to 120 / 180 Expert Mode / 206 Revengeance Mode / 223 Death Mode.
    • Nerfed Detonating Bubble damage from 100 / 150 Expert Mode / 187 Revengeance Mode / 215 Death Mode to 100 / 150 Expert Mode / 172 Revengeance Mode / 186 Death Mode.
    • Nerfed Sharknado damage from 80 / 100 Expert Mode / 125 Revengeance Mode / 143 Death Mode to 80 / 100 Expert Mode / 114 Revengeance Mode / 124 Death Mode.
    • Nerfed Cthulhunado damage from 160 / 200 Expert Mode / 250 Revengeance Mode / 287 Death Mode to 160 / 200 Expert Mode / 229 Revengeance Mode / 248 Death Mode.
    • Death Mode now causes it to transition into Phase 2 immediately instead of at 66% health.
    • Increased charge speed and frequency in Death Mode.
  • Buffed Boss Rush health from 2,500,000 to 2,900,000.
    • Revengeance Mode changes:
      • Nerfed Sharkron health modifier from 30x Revengeance Mode to 5x Revengeance Mode.
      • Now spawns a swarm of individual Sharkrons as well as bubbles while spinning.
      • Now spawns 3 Sharknadoes in phase 1 instead of 2. Each time he spawns the Sharknadoes, they appear in a different pattern.
      • Cthulhunados are now larger.
      • Increased speed.
    • Map icon now disappears in phase 3 in Death Mode.
    • Fixed the hitbox of Sharkron.
    • Sharknadoes and Cthulhunadoes are now able to hurt the player sooner.
    • Fixed it being able to naturally spawn at the Sulphurous Sea in Death Mode.
    • Sharknadoes and Cthulhunadoes now don't hurt the player for a bit upon spawning.
    • Fixed it not spawning in Death Mode.
    • Nerfed Boss Rush health from 5,000,000 to 2,500,000.
    • Phase 3 now normally activates below 20% health instead of 33% health, and now activates at 30% health instead of 50% during Boss Rush.
    • Reduced frequency at which Cthulhunadoes are spawned.
    • Sharkrons can no longer be lifestealed off of.
    • Now has a minimum coin drop count of 25 Gold Coin.
  • Decreased charge speed in Revengeance Mode.
    • Buffed Boss Rush health from 4,400,000 to 5,000,000.
    • Nerfed Boss Rush damage modifier from 3.25x to 2x.
    • Decreased contact damage modifiers.
    • Now spawns further away from the player during Boss Rush.
    • No longer takes 25% damage from Crystal Bullet shards, Holy Arrow stars, split Terra Arrows, and split Terra Bullets.
  • Now transitions into phase 3 upon reaching 33% health in Revengeance Mode instead of 20%.
    • Buffed health modifier from 1.5x Revengeance Mode / 3.175x Death Mode to 1.85x Revengeance Mode / 3.525x Death Mode.
    • No longer has 35% damage reduction.
    • Nerfed health modifier from 1.9x Revengeance Mode / 3.2x Death Mode to 1.5x Revengeance Mode / 3.175x Death Mode.
    • Now drops Duke Fishron (lore item).
    • Now takes 25% damage from Crystal Bullet shards, Holy Arrow stars, split Terra Arrows, and split Terra Bullets.
  • Now removes the early-Hardmode nerf to enemy health and damage when defeated.
  • Buffed Death Mode health modifier from 2.2x Death Mode to 3.2x Death Mode.
    • Changed health modifier from 1.65x Revengeance Mode / 2.3x Death Mode to 1.9x Revengeance Mode / 2.2x Death Mode.
    • Sharkrons now gain a 30x health modifier in all modes.
  • Now fires Cthulhunadoes in phase 3 in Death Mode.
    • Now gains a 2.3x Death Mode health modifier in Death Mode.
    • Now enters phase 3 upon reaching 50% health in Death Mode.
  • Buffed Revengeance Mode health modifier from 1.5x Revengeance Mode to 1.65x Revengeance Mode.
    • Now inflicts Marked for Death for 3 seconds in Revengeance Mode.
    • Detonating Bubble now inflicts Marked for Death for 6 seconds in Revengeance Mode.
    • Sharkron now inflicts Marked for Death for 3 seconds in Revengeance Mode.
    • Now gains a 1.5x Revengeance Mode health modifier in Revengeance Mode.
    • Increased speed.
    • Now gains extra defense when performing certain attacks.
    • Now has a 2% Revengeance Mode chance to drop Laudanum or Stress Pills in Revengeance Mode.