Blighted Cleaver

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Blighted Cleaver
  • Blighted Cleaver.png
Stack digit 1.png
TypeWeaponCrafting material
Damage92 Melee
Knockback8 (Very Strong)
Critical chance4%
Use time28 Slow
TooltipFires homing blazing blades
Gives the player the Brutal Carnage buff on enemy hits
This buff increases melee damage by 20%
Grants BuffBrutal CarnageBrutal Carnage
Buff duration3 seconds
Buff tooltip20% increased melee damage
Inflicts DebuffAcid VenomAcid Venom
100% chance

Debuff duration4 seconds (True melee hits)
2 seconds (Blazing Phantom Blade)
Debuff tooltipLosing life
Inflicts DebuffHellfireHellfire
100% chance

Debuff duration4 seconds (True melee hits)
2 seconds (Blazing Phantom Blade)
Debuff tooltipSlowly losing life
RarityRarity Level: 8
Sell 12 Gold Coin.png
Research1 required
Projectile created
Terra Beam
Blazing Phantom Blade

The Blighted Cleaver is a craftable Hardmode broadsword and the direct upgrade to the Caustic Edge. When swung, it fires a large, spinning, blazing phantom blade that homes in on enemies and pierces 3 times. The sword and blades inflict the Acid Venom and Hellfire debuffs.

Striking an enemy with the sword itself grants the player the Brutal Carnage buff for 3 seconds, which provides +20% melee damage.

Its best modifier is Legendary.



Used in



These history sections are still a work-in-progress, and may not yet contain changes relevant to the current version of the Calamity Mod.
    • Buffed damage from 64 to 92, knockback from 5.5 to 8, and shot speed from 12 to 16, but nerfed use time from 26 to 28.
    • Changed blazing phantom blades to be large, spinning blade projectiles instead of smaller, fast-spinning scythe projectiles. Blazing phantom blades now pierce 3 times instead of 4. Previous sprite was Blazing Phantom Blade (
    • Blazing phantom blades now home towards the closest enemy instead of the earliest enemy in the NPC array.
    • True melee hits now inflict Acid Venom and Hellfire for 4 seconds instead of Acid Venom for 2.5 seconds, and blazing phantom blades now inflict Acid Venom and Hellfire for 2 seconds instead of Hellfire for 3 seconds.
    • Nerfed Brutal Carnage's melee damage boost from 25% to 20%, and it no longer boosts melee critical strike chance.
    • Blazing phantom blades now pierce 4 times instead of 2, last 3.5 seconds instead of 3, and inflict Hellfire instead of On Fire!.
    • Fixed tooltip still saying that Brutal Carnage increases melee damage by 30% instead of 25%.
    • Renamed from "Tyrant Yharim's Ultisword" to "Blighted Cleaver".
    • Blazing phantom blades now pierce 2 times instead of 4, but have 1 extra update and grant 20 local immunity frames instead of 5 global immunity frames.
    • Nerfed Tyrant's Fury's melee damage boost from 30% to 25%.
    • No longer inflicts Poisoned.
    • Decreased sell price from 16 Gold Coin to 12 Gold Coin.
    • Now inflicts Poisoned for 5 seconds and Venom for 2.5 seconds on direct hits instead of On Fire! for 5 seconds and Venom for 3 seconds.
    • Blazing Phantom Blades no longer inflict Venom, and inflict On Fire! for 3 seconds instead of 2.
    • Decreased On Fire! duration from true melee hits and projectile from 5 and 3 seconds to 3 and 2 seconds respectively.
    • Changed Venom duration from true melee hits and projectile from 5 and 1 seconds to 3 and 2 seconds respectively.
    • No longer inflicts Cursed Inferno.
    • Now always grants Tyrant's Fury instead of having a 50% chance to.
    • Increased Cursed Inferno duration from true melee hits from 4 seconds to 5, and Venom duration from 3 seconds to 5.
    • Changed its tooltip.
  • Now uses a Broken Hero Sword in its recipe instead of True Night's Edge or True Bloody Edge.
    • Blazing Phantom Blades now last 3 seconds instead of 4.
    • All projectiles now visually fade out.
    • Resprited. Previous sprite was Blighted Cleaver (
  • Removed the line, "Launches blazing phantom blades" from tooltip.
  • Blazing phantom blades now set NPC immunity frames to 5.
  • Blazing phantom blades no longer collide with blocks.
  • Tweaked the lighting for blazing phantom blades.
  • Resprited blazing phantom blades. Previous sprite was Blazing Phantom Blade (1.0).png
  • 1.1.7:
    • Now has a chance to inflict Tyrant's Fury on true melee hits.
    • Blazing phantom blades now home.
  • Resprited. Previous sprite was Blighted Cleaver (1.0).png
  • Now uses 15 Chlorophyte Bars and 5 Flasks of Cursed Flames or Ichor in its recipe instead of 15 Hellstone Bars and 10 Flasks of Cursed Flames or Ichor.
  • 1.0: Introduced.