Dragon Rage

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Dragon Rage
  • Dragon Rage.png
Stack digit 1.png
Damage1075 True melee
Knockback7.5 (Very Strong)
Critical chance4%
Use time25 Slow
TooltipTwirls a baton that causes explosions on enemy hits
Every ten hits will summon a ring of fireballs
Inflicts DebuffDragonfireDragonfire
100% chance

Debuff duration3 seconds (Baton, Explosion)
2 seconds (Fireball)
Debuff tooltipEngulfed by roaring flames
RarityRarity Level: 15
Sell 48 Gold Coin.png
Research1 required
Projectiles created
Dragon Rage Staff
Dragon Rage
Dragon Scales Fireball
Dropped by
Yharon, Dragon of Rebirth125%
Treasure Bag (Yharon)133.33% Expert Mode
The Dragon Rage in use.

The Dragon Rage is a post-Moon Lord melee weapon that is dropped by Yharon, Dragon of Rebirth. When used, a baton is held at the player's position, rotating and spawning an explosion which deals 25% damage on every hit. Every 10 hits from the baton summons a ring of 10-15 homing fireballs outwards which deal 12.5% of the weapon's damage and create a damaging explosion on death.

Its best modifier is Godly. It cannot get modifiers that affect size.


  • The Dragon Rage only deals 80% damage to XF-09 Ares and 75% damage to XM-05 Thanatos.
  • The Dragon Rage may be considered an indirect upgrade to the Sky Dragon's Fury.
  • The weapon consists of a singular hitbox on the player instead of several hitboxes near the staff. This causes the damage output to be identical regardless of the player's proximity towards an enemy in contact range, unlike the Sky Dragon's Fury.


These history sections are still a work-in-progress, and may not yet contain changes relevant to the current version of the Calamity Mod.
  • Increased sell price from 30 Gold Coin to 48 Gold Coin.
    • Nerfed damage from 1275 to 1075.
    • Fireballs now have a spawning cooldown of 1 second.
  • Now inflicts Dragonfire instead of On Fire! and Daybroken.
    • Decreased On Fire! duration from explosions from 5 seconds to 3.
    • Decreased Daybroken duration from the baton from 6 seconds to 3.
    • No longer considered a fire weapon.
  • Explosions no longer deal 30% base damage, but now grant 600 local immunity frames instead of 10.
    • Buffed damage from 800 to 1275.
    • Reworked, now swings a double-bladed baton that causes a small explosion whenever an enemy is hit. After 10 enemy hits, 10 to 15 homing fireballs are released that deal 12.5% base damage.
    • Resprited.
    • Explosions now use a custom projectile instead of the vanilla solar explosion projectile.
    • Resprited.
    • Reduced the randomness of wave speeds.
    • Added a tooltip.
    • Now uses the Rarity Level: 14 rarity instead of Rarity Level: 10.
    • Nerfed shot speed from 20 to 14.
    • Now shoots a spread of five Draconic Wave projectiles instead of a large blast of flames.
    • Resprited.
  • Blasts now deal 75% base damage instead of 50%.
  • 1.1.7: Blasts now deal 50% base damage instead of 100%.