Mirror Blade

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Mirror Blade
  • Mirror Blade.png
Stack digit 1.png
Damage100 Melee
Knockback7 (Strong)
Critical chance4%
Use time12 Fast
TooltipThe amount of contact damage an enemy does is added to this weapons' damage
You must hit an enemy with the blade to trigger this effect
RarityRarity Level: 12
Sell 30 Gold Coin.png
Research1 required
Projectile created
Mirror Blast
Mirror Blast
Dropped by
Ceaseless Void125%
Treasure Bag (Ceaseless Void)133.33% Expert Mode

The Mirror Blade is a post-Moon Lord broadsword that autoswings and is dropped by the Ceaseless Void. When used, it fires a mirror blast that possesses unique movement, in which it moves depending on how the player moves for a brief moment before traveling normally.

When hitting an enemy with the sword, the amount of contact damage dealt from the enemy is added to the sword's damage (including the projectile it fires). The amount of contact damage added can gradually increase or decrease if the sword hits an enemy that deals either more or less contact damage, though the sword will only deal up to 400 damage. If an enemy deals more than the intended contact damage, then the damage they deal will not be added.

Its best modifier is Light. It will lose any damage boosts gained from modifiers when an enemy's contact damage is added to the weapon's damage.


  • Though it initially deals noticeably less DPS than most other weapons of its tier, striking an enemy with very high contact damage (such as The Devourer of Gods or Polterghast) will significantly increase its damage output.


These history sections are still a work-in-progress, and may not yet contain changes relevant to the current version of the Calamity Mod.
  • Increased sell price from 24 Gold Coin to 30 Gold Coin.
    • Nerfed damage from 180 to 100, and maximum damage from 750 to 400.
    • Resprited it and its blast.
  • Projectiles are now briefly invisible upon spawning.
    • Buffed damage from 236 to 295, and maximum damage from 600 to 750.
    • No longer consumes mana.
  • Increased maximum damage from 500 to 600.
    • Now has new dust visuals for projectiles.
    • No longer creates dust when swung.
  • Buffed damage from 220 to 260, and use time from 14 to 9.
    • Projectile no longer creates a sound.
    • Resprited.
    • Nerfed damage from 280 to 220, but decreased mana cost from 5 to 4.
    • Copied damage is now capped at maximum of 500.
  • Buffed damage from 250 to 280, but nerfed shot speed from 20 to 16.
  • Reduced the amount of dust produced.
  • Buffed damage from 190 to 250, and use time from 17 to 13.