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  • Sacrifice.png
Stack digit 1.png
Damage300 Rogue
Knockback4 (Weak)
Critical chance4%
Use time8 Very Fast
TooltipThrows sacrificial daggers that lodge themselves in enemies
Press Right Click to cause all stuck daggers to fly back at you and give you life
Daggers stuck to enemies release bloodsplosions over time
Stealth strikes lodge for longer and provide much more life when returning to you
RarityRarity Level: 15
Sell 48 Gold Coin.png
Research1 required

Sacrifice is a post-Moon Lord dagger that is dropped by Supreme Witch, Calamitas. When used with the left-click, it rapidly throws daggers that stick to enemies and constantly deal damage for 0.83 seconds. Up to a maximum of 15 daggers can be stuck at a time. When used with the right-click, daggers that are stuck on an enemy will return to the player and heal for 4 health per dagger.

Performing a stealth strike with the Sacrifice will cause the resulting dagger to heal for 40 health when returning to the player.

Its best modifier is Flawless.



These history sections are still a work-in-progress, and may not yet contain changes relevant to the current version of the Calamity Mod.
    • Now obeys the lifesteal cooldown.
    • Increased sell price from 30 Gold Coin to 48 Gold Coin.
    • Nerfed damage from 310 to 300 and stealth strike damage modifier from 170% to 165%, but buffed stealth strike velocity modifier from 120% to 150%.
    • Stealth strikes now stick for 3 seconds instead of 2, and heal 40 health instead of 35.
  • Can no longer lifesteal from Venerated Locket clone projectiles.
  • Nerfed damage from 345 to 310, but buffed stealth strike damage modifier from 160% to 170%.
    • Buffed damage from 290 to 345 and shot speed from 12 to 16.
    • Stealth strikes now have a 160% damage modifier and move 20% faster.
  • Fixed it not being classified as a dagger.