Defiled Greatsword

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Defiled Greatsword
  • Defiled Greatsword.png
Stack digit 1.png
Damage119 Melee
Knockback9 (Very Strong)
Critical chance4%
Use time28 Slow
TooltipFires blazing, hyper, and sunlight blades
Gives the player the Brutal Carnage buff on enemy hits
This buff increases melee damage by 20%
Grants BuffBrutal CarnageBrutal Carnage
Buff duration5 seconds
Buff tooltip20% increased melee damage
Inflicts DebuffAcid VenomAcid Venom
100% chance

Debuff duration6 seconds (True melee hits)
2 seconds (Blades)
Debuff tooltipLosing life
Inflicts DebuffHellfireHellfire
100% chance

Debuff duration6 seconds (True melee hits)
2 seconds (Blades)
Debuff tooltipSlowly losing life
RarityRarity Level: 12
Sell 30 Gold Coin.png
Research1 required
Projectile created
Terra Beam
Blazing Phantom Blade
The Defiled Greatsword being repeatedly swung, with Sunlight blades (non-homing) hitting a Target Dummy, while Blazing Phantom and Hyper blades home in on a Super Dummy.

The Defiled Greatsword is a craftable post-Moon Lord broadsword that autoswings, and is the final upgrade to the Tainted Blade. When swung, it fires three large spinning blade projectiles which each have various effects. The blazing and hyper blades pierce 3 times and home on enemies. The sunlight blades accelerate as they travel and pierce infinitely. The sword and blades inflict the Acid Venom and Hellfire debuffs.

Striking an enemy with the sword itself also grants the player the Brutal Carnage buff, which increases melee damage by 20% for a short amount of time.

Its best modifier is Legendary.




These history sections are still a work-in-progress, and may not yet contain changes relevant to the current version of the Calamity Mod.
    • Nerfed damage from 124 to 119 and use time from 18 to 28, but buffed knockback from 7.5 to 9 and shot speed from 12 to 16.
    • Changed all blade projectiles to be large, spinning blade projectiles instead of smaller, fast-spinning scythe projectiles.
    • Blazing blades and hyper blades now pierce 3 times, and sunlight blades pierce 10 times. All projectiles now grant 20 effective local immunity frames.
    • All projectiles now inflict Acid Venom and Hellfire for 2 seconds, instead of blazing blades inflicting Hellfire, hyper blades inflicting Cursed Inferno, and sunlight blades inflicting Holy Flames for 3 seconds.
    • True melee hits now inflict Acid Venom and Hellfire for 6 seconds instead of Acid Venom for 2.5 seconds.
    • Increased hyper blade homing range from 21.875 tiles to 31.25. Sunlight blades now accelerate as they travel.
    • Blade projectiles now home towards the closest enemy instead of the earliest enemy in the NPC array.
    • Nerfed Brutal Carnage's melee damage boost from 25% to 20%, and it no longer boosts melee critical strike chance.
    • Increased sell price from 24 Gold Coin to 30 Gold Coin.
    • Buffed damage from 112 to 124.
    • Blazing phantom blades now pierce 4 times instead of 2, last 3.5 seconds instead of 3, and inflict Hellfire instead of On Fire!.
    • Hyper blades now last 2.5 seconds instead of 2, home in faster and from a farther distance, and inflict Cursed Inferno for 3 seconds instead of 2.
    • Sunlight blades now pierce 5 times instead of 2, and last 2.5 seconds instead of 1.5.
    • Fixed tooltip still saying that Brutal Carnage increases melee damage by 30% instead of 25%.
    • Renamed from "True Tyrant's Ultisword" to "Defiled Greatsword".
    • Nerfed Tyrant's Fury's melee damage boost from 30% to 25%.
    • Now inflicts Poisoned for 5 seconds and Venom for 2.5 seconds on direct hits instead of On Fire! for 5 seconds and Venom for 3 seconds.
    • Blazing Phantom Blades no longer inflict Venom, and inflict On Fire! for 3 seconds instead of 2.
    • Hyper Blades no longer inflict Venom.
    • Sunlight Blades now inflict Holy Flames for 3 seconds instead of 5.
    • Nerfed damage from 185 to 112.
    • Increased projectile velocity by 50%.
    • Resprited.
    • Decreased On Fire! duration from blazing phantom blades from 3 seconds to 2, increased Venom duration from 1 second to 2, and they no longer inflict Cursed Inferno.
    • Decreased Cursed Inferno duration from hyper blades from 4 seconds to 2.
    • True melee hits no longer inflict Brimstone Flames and Holy Flames.
    • Now always grants Tyrant's Fury instead of having a 50% chance to.
    • Increased Cursed Inferno duration from true melee hits from 4 seconds to 5 and Venom duration from 3 seconds to 5.
    • Increased Cursed Inferno duration from hyper blades from 3.33 seconds to 4, and Venom duration from 1.67 seconds to 2.
    • Changed its tooltip.
  • Buffed damage from 132 to 158, and use time and animation from 21 to 18.
    • Nerfed damage from 270 to 150.
    • Hyper Blades now last 3 seconds instead of 9, Sunlight Blades now last 3 seconds instead of 7.33, and Blazing Phantom Blades now last 3 seconds instead of 4.
    • All projectiles now visually fade out.
    • Resprited.
  • Removed the line, "Launches blazing phantom, hyper, and sunlight blades" from tooltip.
    • Hyper blades now pierce 5 times instead of 3, now collide with tiles, and now hit every 4 frames.
    • Sunlight blades now pierce 3 times instead of 2, now collide with tiles, are no longer affected by gravity, and now hit every 4 frames.
    • Buffed damage from 152 to 270, use time from 26 to 21, and knockback from 6.5 to 7.5.
    • Blazing phantom blades now set NPC immunity frames to 5.
    • True melee hits now grant Tyrant's Fury for 6 seconds instead of 4.
    • Now uses the Rarity Level: 12 rarity instead of Rarity Level: 10.
    • Resprited sunlight and hyper blades.
  • Blazing Phantom Blades no longer collide with blocks.
  • Tweaked the lighting for Blazing Phantom Blades.
  • Resprited it and its blazing phantom blades.
  • 1.1.7:
    • Now has a chance to inflict Tyrant's Fury on true melee hits.
    • Blazing phantom blades now home.
    • Hyper blades now home instead of speeding up over time.
    • Now requires a Hardmode Anvil to craft instead of a Particle Accelerator.
    • Resprited.
  • Fixed hyper and sunlight blades interacting strangely with tiles.
    • Now uses 1 Core of Calamity in its recipe instead of 10 Cores of Eleum, 10 Cores of Cinder, and 10 Cores of Chaos.
    • Changed flavor tooltip from "The one true blade that Yharim could never achieve" to "Contains the essence of a forgotten age".