Inferna Cutter

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Inferna Cutter
  • Inferna Cutter.png
Stack digit 1.png
  • Pickaxe icon.png 0%
  • Hammer icon.png 0%
  • Axe icon.png 135%
TypeToolWeaponCrafting material
Damage110 Melee
Knockback7 (Strong)
Bonus+1 range
Critical chance14%
Use time11 Fast
Tool speed8
TooltipCritical hits with the blade cause small explosions
Generates a number of small sparks when swung
Inflicts DebuffHellfireHellfire
100% chance

Debuff duration5 seconds (Contact)
3 seconds (Explosion)
1-4 seconds (Spark)
Debuff tooltipSlowly losing life
RarityRarity Level: 5
Sell 4 Gold Coin.png 80 Silver Coin.png
Research1 required

The Inferna Cutter is a craftable Hardmode axe that is the direct upgrade to the Axe of Purity. When swung, it emits light particles and releases several sparks similar to those fired by the Butcher's Chainsaw. When performing critical hits, it will also cause a small explosion. The axe, sparks, and explosions inflict the Hellfire debuff.

Its best modifier is Light for harvesting purposes and Legendary for combat purposes.



Used in


These history sections are still a work-in-progress, and may not yet contain changes relevant to the current version of the Calamity Mod.
  • No longer deals half damage if a true melee hit critically strikes.
  • Sparks now inflict Hellfire instead of On Fire!.
    • Now inflicts Hellfire instead of On Fire! and no longer inflicts Brimstone Flames.
    • Decreased sell price from 7 Gold Coin.png 20 Silver Coin.png to 4 Gold Coin.png 80 Silver Coin.png.
    • Decreased On Fire! duration from explosions from 5 seconds to 3.
    • Decreased Brimstone Flames duration from direct hits from 5 seconds to 2.5.
    • No longer considered a fire weapon.
    • Resprited.
  • Explosions no longer deal 30% base damage, but now grant 600 local immunity frames instead of 10.
  • Fixed critical strike value not properly applying.
    • Buffed damage from 85 to 100, and critical strike chance from 4% to 14%.
    • Fixed an oversight where it was still considered a true melee weapon.
  • Explosions now use a custom projectile instead of the vanilla solar explosion projectile.
    • Nerfed knockback from 7.75 to 7.
    • Now fires sparks when swung.
    • Now creates explosions on critical hits.