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  • Serpent's Bite.png Bobbit Hook.png
Stack digit 1.png
Research1 required

Hooks are tools which aid the player in traversing terrain. When used, hooks fire a chain that latches to a surface or platform and pulls the player towards it. The Calamity Mod currently adds two new hooks, and also augments the descriptions of vanilla hooks by adding various stats regarding tile reach, launch, and pull velocities.


Item Source Reach
Velocity Hooks Latching Sell Rarity HM ML Notes
Serpent's Bite Serpent's Bite Fishing in the Sunken Sea while in Hardmode 28.125 18 2 Simultaneous 2 Gold Coin.png 40 Silver Coin.png Rarity Level: 4 Tango Tick1.png Tango Cross1.png
  • Can fire 3 times in rapid succession.
Bobbit Hook Bobbit Hook Bobbit Worm after defeating Polterghast (33.33%) 40 25 1 Individual 26 Gold Coin.png Rarity Level: 13 Tango Tick1.png Tango Tick1.png
  • Can fire 2 times in rapid succession.
  • Two hooks can be fired, but only one may be latched at a time

See Also