Enchanted Axe

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Enchanted Axe
  • Enchanted Axe.png
Stack digit 1.png
TypeWeaponCrafting material
Damage20 Rogue
Knockback1 (Extremely Weak)
Critical chance4%
Use time15 Average
TooltipThrows a high velocity axe that returns to you after travelling a short distance or hitting a wall
At the furthest point from the player, a magical axe that travels through walls will be cast towards the nearest enemy
Stealth strikes make the axe fly further, throwing out many other magical axes in all directions
RarityRarity Level: 3
Sell 80 Silver Coin.png
Research1 required

The Enchanted Axe is a craftable Pre-Hardmode rogue boomerang that is the direct upgrade to the Iron Francisca and Lead Tomahawk. When used, it throws an enchanted axe that travels a moderate distance before returning to the player. After reaching its maximum distance or hitting a tile, it will fire a magical axe at nearby enemies that passes through tiles and pierces once, dealing 15% of the weapon's damage. The main axe cannot pass through tiles and pierces infinitely.

Performing a stealth strike with the Enchanted Axe will cause the next axe thrown to travel further and release 8 magical axes in a circular pattern around the main axe. This effect occurs twice when the axe travels outwards, if it does not hit a tile.

Its best modifier is Flawless.



Used in


  • Despite having axe in its name, it cannot be used to cut down trees.


These history sections are still a work-in-progress, and may not yet contain changes relevant to the current version of the Calamity Mod.
  • Fixed a grammar error in its tooltip.
    • Sub projectiles now last 2.5 seconds instead of 10.
    • Fixed sub projectiles going after invincible enemies.