Corinth Prime

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This item is dedicated to: Nemesis 041
Corinth Prime
  • Corinth Prime.png
Stack digit 1.png
Damage140 Ranged
Knockback8 (Very Strong)
Critical chance4%
Use time30 Very Slow
TooltipShoots a tight burst of 6 high velocity bullets
Press Right Click to fire a grenade
The grenade emits a massive explosion if it doesn't touch anything for 2 seconds
Otherwise, the grenade emits an extremely weak explosion
Converts musket balls into high velocity explosive bullets
RarityRarity Level: 12
Sell 30 Gold Coin.png
Research1 required
Projectile created
Airburst Grenade
Airburst Grenade

The Corinth Prime is a craftable post-Moon Lord gun. When used with its primary fire (Left Click), it converts Musket Balls into explosive bullets identical to those of the Realm Ravager. All ammunition is fired in small spreads of 6. When used with its secondary fire (Right Click), it instead fires a gravity-affected grenade that explodes into a small blue shockwave upon contact with enemies or tiles. If the grenade does not touch anything for 2 seconds, it will explode into a much larger shockwave.

Its best modifier is Unreal.




  • This weapon's secondary fire is extremely powerful against enemies with multiple segments, as the explosion can hit many segments at once.



These history sections are still a work-in-progress, and may not yet contain changes relevant to the current version of the Calamity Mod.
  • Increased sell price from 24 Gold Coin to 30 Gold Coin.
  • Buffed damage from 100 to 140, and airburst grenade damage from 30% base damage to 50%.