Time Bolt

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Cosmic Plushie.png
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This item is dedicated to: Shirosity
Time Bolt
  • Time Bolt.png
Stack digit 1.png
Damage432 Rogue
Knockback4 (Weak)
Critical chance4%
Use time20 Average
TooltipThrows a temporal knife that distorts time around enemies
Stealth strikes can hit more enemies and create a larger time field
'There should be no boundary to human endeavor'
Inflicts DebuffTime DistortionTime Distortion
100% chance

Debuff duration1 second (Time Field)
2 seconds (Stealth Strike Time Field)
Debuff tooltipTime is slowed
RarityRarity Level: 13
Sell 35 Gold Coin.png
Research1 required

The Time Bolt is a craftable post-Moon Lord dagger. When used, it throws a knife that emits glowing blue particles as it travels. When the knife hits an enemy or a tile, it releases a large blue field in a 19-tile range that inflicts the Time Distortion debuff. When hitting an enemy, the main dagger will dissipate and spawn 4 copies of itself to hit nearby enemies in random directions, however the dagger copies will not spawn more fields. The Time Bolt's dagger copies function similarly to the Influx Waver's sword beams.

Performing a stealth strike with the Time Bolt will spawn 9 copies of itself instead of 4, increase the range of the field to 32 tiles, and slightly increase the duration of the Time Distortion debuff.

Its best modifier is Flawless.





  • The item's tooltip is a reference to famous cosmologist Stephen Hawking's quote: "There should be no boundaries to human endeavor. We are all different. However bad life may seem, there is always something you can do, and succeed at. While there's life, there is hope."


These history sections are still a work-in-progress, and may not yet contain changes relevant to the current version of the Calamity Mod.
  • Increased sell price from 26 Gold Coin to 35 Gold Coin.
    • Nerfed damage from 720 to 432.
    • Decreased Time Distortion duration from regular strikes from 3 seconds to 1, and stealth strike duration from 6 seconds to 2.
    • Stealth strikes now have a 68% damage modifier.
    • Fixed an oversight where non-stealth strike projectiles had more enemy piercing than intended.
  • Increased split projectile targeting distance from 25 tiles to 62.5.
  • Increased enemy detection range of summoned projectiles, and buffed knockback from 2 to 4.