Stormjaw Staff

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Stormjaw Staff
  • Stormjaw Staff.png
Stack digit 1.png
Damage11 Summon
Knockback2 (Very Weak)
Mana cost10
Use time34 Very Slow
TooltipSummons a baby stormlion to fight for you
Grants BuffBaby Stormlion (buff)Baby Stormlion
Buff tooltipThe baby stormlion will protect you
RarityRarity Level: 2
Sell 40 Silver Coin.png
Research1 required
Baby Stormlion (flying).gif
Flying sprite
Dropped by
Summons Minion
Baby Stormlion
Baby Stormlion.gif

The Stormjaw Staff is a Pre-Hardmode summon weapon that is dropped by Stormlions. When used, it summons a miniature Stormlion minion. It runs on the ground and aggressively rams enemies back and forth, does not deal contact damage but creates damaging sparks in contact with enemies. Sparks linger for 2 seconds and partially ignore immunity frames, in a similar manner to the Amidias' Spark. If the player is far away, it will fly with electric wings to catch up with them.

Its best modifier is Mythical. While Ruthless may seem to provide a bigger damage by percentages, rounding reveals that Mythical and Ruthless boost the damage equally for this weapon.


These history sections are still a work-in-progress, and may not yet contain changes relevant to the current version of the Calamity Mod.
    • Now uses the Stormlion death sound as its use sound.
    • Fixed it not being affected by whip tag.
    • Buffed damage from 8 to 11.
    • Increased the speed of minions, and the distance required for minions to return to the player.
  • Stormlion can now fall down through platforms.