Miracle Matter

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Miracle Matter
  • Miracle Matter.png
Stack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.png
TypeCrafting material
TooltipIts amorphous form contains untold potential
One is required for every Exo Weapon
RarityRarity Level: 15
Sell 6 Platinum Coin.png 50 Gold Coin.png
Research5 required

Miracle Matter is a craftable post-Moon Lord crafting material that can be crafted after the Exo Mechs have been defeated. It is used to craft various endgame weapons, specifically a set known as the "Exo Weapons". When dropped or in the inventory, the item will pulse and glow. The item will also emit bright yellow dust when dropped.


For a full crafting tree, see here.


Used in



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