Скелетрон Прайм

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Скелетрон Прайм
Skeletron Prime.png
Map Icon Skeletron Prime.png
Иконка на карте
УронЭта атака наносит урон по защите при ударе 50 / 85 Режим Эксперта / 102 Режим Месть / 119 Режим Смерть / 153 Режим Мастера (Contact)
Эта атака наносит урон по защите при ударе 100 / 170 Режим Эксперта / 204 Режим Месть / 238 Режим Смерть / 306 Режим Мастера (Spin)
124 Режим Месть / 136 Режим Смерть / 186 Режим Месть Режим Мастера (Death Laser)
Эта атака наносит урон по защите при ударе 124 Режим Месть / 136 Режим Смерть / 186 Режим Месть Режим Мастера (Skull)
148 Режим Месть / 160 Режим Смерть / 222 Режим Месть Режим Мастера (Rocket, Missile)
запас здоровья
28,000 / 42,000 Режим Эксперта / 60,900 Режим Месть / 53,550 Режим Мастера / 64,260 Режим Месть Режим Мастера
Защита24 (+8 per arm alive) Режим Месть (Doubled if spinning)
Сопротивление к
В огне!В огне!
100% шанс
Длительность4 seconds Режим Месть (Rocket, Laser)
ОписаниеМедленная потеря здоровья
Невосприимчивость кТеневое пламяПроткнутКислотный ядПроклятое инферноЗамешательствоОтравленСолнечный ожогПоедание клеткамиВ огне!В паутинеВременная грустьИскажение времени
Выпадаемые предметы
Монеты 40 Gold Coin.png
If you were looking for Skeletron Prime on the vanilla wiki, click here.

Skeletron Prime Trophy.png "...придать им настолько жуткий облик, что живые позавидуют мёртвым." Skeletron Prime Trophy.png

Skeletron Prime is a Hardmode mechanical boss which is essentially a more difficult version of Skeletron.

While in Revengeance and Death Mode, Skeletron Prime gains various projectile changes to both the head and limbs, and the boss gets an overall stats buff. The head gains more attacks and behaviors as the limbs are killed.

Призыв босса

Skeletron Prime can be manually summoned using a Mechanical Skull at night (7:30 PM to 4:30 AM) in any biome. It can also spawn naturally upon dusk with a chance of 10% once a Demon or Crimson Altar has been smashed, as long as it has not yet been defeated in the current world. If spawning naturally, its arrival is announced by the status message: "The air is getting colder around you..."


Prime Cannon.png
УронЭта атака наносит урон по защите при ударе 30 / 51 Режим Эксперта / 68 Режим Месть / 85 Режим Смерть / 102 Режим Мастера (Contact)
Эта атака наносит урон по защите при ударе 80 / 160 Режим Эксперта / 240 Режим Мастера (Bomb)
148 Режим Месть / 160 Режим Смерть / 222 Режим Месть Режим Мастера (Rocket)
запас здоровья
7000 / 10,500 Режим Эксперта / 6825 Режим Месть / 13,386 Режим Мастера / 8700 Режим Месть Режим Мастера
Сопротивление к
В огне!В огне!
100% шанс
Длительность4 seconds Режим Месть (Rocket)
ОписаниеМедленная потеря здоровья
Невосприимчивость кВ огне!ЗамешательствоОтравленКислотный яд
Prime Saw.png
УронЭта атака наносит урон по защите при ударе 60 / 102 Режим Эксперта / 136 Режим Месть / 153 Режим Смерть / 204 Режим Мастера
запас здоровья
9000 / 13,500 Режим Эксперта / 8775 Режим Месть / 17,211 Режим Мастера / 11,187 Режим Месть Режим Мастера
Сопротивление к
Невосприимчивость кВ огне!ЗамешательствоОтравленКислотный яд
Prime Vice.png
УронЭта атака наносит урон по защите при ударе 60 / 102 Режим Эксперта / 136 Режим Месть / 153 Режим Смерть / 204 Режим Мастера
запас здоровья
9000 / 13,500 Режим Эксперта / 8775 Режим Месть / 17,211 Режим Мастера / 11,187 Режим Месть Режим Мастера
Сопротивление к
Невосприимчивость кВ огне!ЗамешательствоОтравленКислотный яд
Prime Laser.png
УронЭта атака наносит урон по защите при ударе 30 / 51 Режим Эксперта / 68 Режим Месть / 85 Режим Смерть / 102 Режим Мастера (Contact)
50 / 100 Режим Эксперта / 124 Режим Месть / 136 Режим Смерть / 150 Режим Мастера / 186 Режим Месть Режим Мастера (Death Laser)
запас здоровья
6000 / 9000 Режим Эксперта / 5850 Режим Месть / 11,475 Режим Мастера / 7458 Режим Месть Режим Мастера
Сопротивление к
В огне!В огне!
100% шанс
Длительность4 seconds (Laser)
ОписаниеМедленная потеря здоровья
Невосприимчивость кВ огне!ЗамешательствоОтравленКислотный яд


The Prime Laser and Cannon move faster.

В режиме Месть

The head receives a defense buff of 8 per arm alive, and various changes ensue when the arms are killed. If the head reaches 66% health at any time, all the limbs will die. The head's spin attack will not happen while any arms are alive and is significantly faster. Its defense doubles while spinning, regardless of difficulty. The head gains speed as it loses health.

The changes to the arms are as follows:

Prime Cannon

  • Fires rockets instead of bombs. Alternates between firing single rockets and three rockets at once.
  • Rockets have a weak homing effect shortly after being fired.
  • Alternates attacks with the Prime Laser.

Prime Laser

  • No longer fires lasers in a cone.
  • Lasers now start moving slower but quickly accelerate over time.
  • Alternates between firing single lasers and laser circles.
  • Alternates attacks with the Prime Cannon.

Prime Saw and Prime Vice

  • More aggressive AI.
  • Arms stay tighter to the head.

As limbs die, the other limbs gain increased movement and attack speed. When all the limbs are killed, the head will gain an attack where it moves in a tight circle and fires cursed skull projectiles similar to Skeletron, which it alternates with its spin attack. When the head reaches 40% health, it will begin firing laser circles during its spinning attack. When the head reaches 20% health, it gains a third attack where it fires a barrage of 10 homing missiles. It will cycle through these, starting with the circling attack, its spinning charge, and then its missiles. If day comes and Skeletron Prime is still alive, its current health will increase to 300 if it is below that.

В режиме Смерть

  • Fires skulls more frequently when spinning.
  • The head gains a speed boost if gravity is inverted.
  • Hands and head increase in velocity and acceleration as their health decreases.

During the Boss Rush

  • Max health increased to 1,100,000 / 1,650,000 Режим Эксперта / 1,980,000 Режим Месть.
  • Sets the time to 7:30pm.
  • Moves much faster.
  • Cannon shoots out 5 rockets instead of 3.
  • Head occasionally fires homing Martian Rockets.
  • Both the head and the laser shoot out more lasers and attack much more frequently.
  • Spins for less time as health drops.


  • If the Early Hardmode Progression Rework option is enabled, new ores will generate in the Underground and Cavern layers:
    • If Skeletron Prime is the first mechanical boss to be defeated, Mythril and Orichalcum Ore will be generated.
    • If Skeletron Prime is the second mechanical boss to be defeated, Adamantite and Titanium Ore will be generated.
    • If Skeletron Prime is the third mechanical boss to be defeated, Hallowed Ore will be generated in the Underground Hallow biome.
  • The Bandit will begin selling the Momentum Capacitor if The Twins and The Destroyer have also been defeated.
  • The Drunk Princess will begin selling Vodka, Screwdriver and White Wine if The Twins and The Destroyer have also been defeated.
  • The Archmage will begin selling the Arctic Bear Paw, Frosty Flare, Cryophobia, and Cryogenic Staff if The Twins and The Destroyer have also been defeated.

Terrain Preparation

Due to Skeletron Prime's diverse attacks, it is recommended that the player makes a decently sized arena with about 20-25 gaps between each platform to allow easy movement without getting stuck between each floor. The arena should be big enough to allow circling Skeletron Prime in its later phases, during its cursed skull attack, and to allow an easy way to run away from its deadly spin charge that spews out lasers.

Gearing Up

For a Normal and Expert mode guide to Skeletron Prime, see Skeletron Prime on the vanilla wiki.


  • Due to the hardmode ore rework, the best available armor depends on how many other mechs have been defeated.
    • If no other mechs have been defeated, Palladium armor is a strong option providing health regeneration.
    • If one other mech has been defeated, Orichalcum armor provides extra DPS while Mythril armor has all-around stat bonuses
    • If two mechs have been defeated, Titanium armor has a strong set bonus. If Cryogen has also been defeated, Daedalus armor is among the strongest available. For mixed classes, Frost armor and Forbidden armor give the most flexibility.
  • Titan Heart armor is always available for Rogues.
  • Mollusk armor has very high stats but makes you quite slow.
  • Spider armor is a powerful summoner armor available from the start of hardmode.


  • The best wings available before Mythril Ore is available are Fairy Wings (with their health boost) or Leaf Wings with their flight time.
    • The Aero Stone, Grand Gelatin, or Frog Leg will improve the usefulness of wings even further and improve vertical motion.
  • Frostspark Boots or their predecessor, Lightning Boots, can aid in movement.
  • Dashing can help avoid attacks.
    • For horizontal dashes, use Evasion Scarf or the Shield of Cthulhu.
    • For vertical movement, the Slimy Saddle or the Gelatinous Pillion allows you to drop quickly.
  • Using your class-specific emblem is highly recommended for an extra damage boost. Calamity also has an exclusive emblem for the Rogue class.
  • The Magic Quiver works well in maintaining ammo as well as greatly improving the firepower of bows, but it is not required.
  • Magic players can make use of the Celestial Cuffs and/or Mana Flower along with Mana Potions to recover their mana during the fight, as well as using the Mana Polarizer to recover lost health.
  • Summoners can boost their minion damage and defensive stats with the Spirit Glyph.
  • Rogue users will find the Raider's Talisman useful to boost their damage output.



  • The Caustic Edge is a great pick for melee users due to its easy-to-aim projectile.


  • The Dart Pistol or Dart Rifle can be great choices for Skeletron Prime.
  • The Frostbite Blaster does excellent damage and can hit multiple parts at once.
  • The Needler is another viable option that is quite easy to get your hands on.
  • The Cursed Capper is a weaker option but very easy to obtain.


  • The SHPC's left-click attack can damage many parts of Skeletron Prime at once, while the right-click attack is better for the head.
  • Poseidon does good multi-target homing damage.
  • Frigidflash Bolt is a bit weaker but can do good damage.


  • The Shellfish Staff is great for Skeletron Prime due to its high debuff damage.
  • The Black Hawk Remote is also great due to its ability to lock onto targets.


  • The Prismalline is a great choice due to its many powerful projectiles.
  • The Gacruxian Mollusk's homing capabilities help in this fight.
  • If The Twins were defeated previously, the Frequency Manipulator has both homing and piercing properties.

All classes

  • The Golden Shower is very helpful for increasing DPS and getting around Skeletron Prime's high defense.


  • The player should be aware of the hands and remember that for each arm destroyed, the rest get faster.
  • Good area-of-effect damage works well for the limbs, and mobility should be prioritized.
  • Once all arms are destroyed, the player should be aware of Skeletron Prime's spin attack, which can be devastating if caught inside.
  • During the cursed skull attack, a good strategy is to circle Skeletron Prime from afar to avoid its homing skulls.


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История:Скелетрон Прайм