Порождение Ареуса

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Порождение Ареуса
Aureus Spawn.png
ТипЛетающий враг
Урон75 / 112 Режим Эксперта / 128 Режим Месть / 144 Режим Смерть / 225 Режим Мастера (Contact)
Эта атака наносит урон по защите при ударе 172 Режим Месть / 184 Режим Смерть / 240 Режим Мастера (Explosion)
88 / 156 Режим Эксперта / 184 Режим Месть / 212 Режим Смерть / 264 Режим Мастера (Astral Laser)
запас здоровья
5000 / 7500 Режим Мастера
Сопротивление к
Астральная инфекция (дебафф)Астральная инфекция (дебафф)
100% шанс
Длительность1.25 секунды
ОписаниеВаша плоть плавится
Невосприимчивость кЗамешательствоЖемчужная аураАстральная инфекция (дебафф)Отравлен

The Aureus Spawn is a Hardmode boss servant that is summoned by Astrum Aureus. Upon initially spawning, it will attempt to fly into the player, exploding on contact to deal heavy damage. When its health is at 50%, it will pause briefly, start glowing bright blue, and rapidly charge at the player, additionally exploding upon death or after some time has passed. If an Aureus Spawn collides with Astrum Aureus in this state, it will explode instantly and damage Astrum Aureus for a small percentage of its maximum health.

In Death Mode, Aureus Spawn will fire Астральный кристаллАстральный кристалл when not charging and will additionally explode into several Астральный лазерАстральный лазер upon death, with the spread being less numerous if directly killed by the player.


  • If spawned during the day, it will immediately act as if it is at 50% health and start accelerating towards the player.
  • During the Boss Rush, it will have 3000 maximum health regardless of difficulty.


  • If in pursuit of the player, it will die instantly if it comes into contact with tiles. Because it is affected quite heavily by momentum, the player should attempt to draw it towards tiles as much as possible before dodging, so its previous speed carries it into them and destroys it.
    • A good way of doing this is to build boxes of solid blocks above the arena, and when being chased by the Aureus Spawn, double back on them below or above the boxes, this should cause them to run into the box and subsequently be destroyed.
  • The Ornate Shield, Asgard's Valor, or the Asgardian Aegis can be used to dash through them, making them explode without damaging the player.


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История:Порождение Ареуса