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  • Super Dummy.png
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Super Dummy (enemy).png
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The Super Dummy is a craftable Pre-Hardmode summoning item that spawns a Super Dummy enemy when used with left-click. This enemy is nigh-invincible, with 9,999,999 health that it is constantly regenerating. It also cannot be killed by damage-over-time from inflicted debuffs. However, right-clicking with the Super Dummy item in hand will cause all Super Dummy enemies to immediately be killed.

Due to the Super Dummy enemy's high resilience and inability to harm the player (despite being an enemy), it is considered an improved alternative to the Target Dummy. It features several practical advantages to Target Dummies, including more accurate DPS numbers when using the DPS Meter or any of its successors, the ability for weapon projectiles to home in on it, and the ability for minions/sentries to target it.



Рабочие места
Тренировочный манекенТренировочный манекен1

Используется при создании


  • Super Dummies cannot be hit if a boss is currently alive.
    • This effect also applies to the Target Dummy.
  • The Super Dummy enemy appears to be a normal Target Dummy but with a red target instead of a face, allowing the two to be differentiated.
  • Because it is an enemy, the Super Dummy will turn to face the player, unlike the Target Dummy.
  • In the Get fixed boi seed, if Super Dummies are not damaged within 100 seconds, they will turn hostile and start jumping towards the player similar to a Mimic. They will insta-kill the player upon contact.


  • It can be useful to activate the special effects of weapons, such as the lifesteal of Vampire Knives, or weapons with on-hit effects, such as Grax or The Horseman's Blade.
    • This will not work during boss fights.
  • By spawning a handful of Super Dummies, enemy spawns will cease, due to Super Dummies counting towards the enemy max spawn. This can be very handy for building in high-spawn locations such as the Jungle.
    • Be wary of where the dummies are spawned, however, as if the player moves too far away from a cluster of them, they are prone to despawning.

Интересные факты

  • It is possible to kill the Super Dummy if the player is able to deal enough damage to it to surpass its high life regeneration and it is currently not under any damage-over-time debuffs.
  • The Super Dummy is affected by the Nullification Pistol and the Molecular Manipulator.
  • In earlier versions of the mod, the Super Dummy's item sprite was that of the Target Dummy's.


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