Эйдолонская скрижаль

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Эйдолонская скрижаль
  • Eidolon Tablet.png
Stack digit 1.png
ТипПризывающий босса
10 Быстро
ОписаниеПризывает Культиста-лунатика
Не расходуется
'Древний артефакт, почитаемый драконьим культом'
РедкостьКласс редкости: 9
ПродажаНет стоимости
ИсследованиеНеобходимо: 1 единица
Выпадает с

The Eidolon Tablet is a Hardmode boss-summoning item that is dropped by Eidolists. If the Lunar Events are currently not active, it is used to summon the Lunatic Cultist near the player.

This item cannot be used if the Mysterious Tablet and its Cultists are present at the Dungeon. It also cannot be used if the Lunatic Cultist is alive or if the Celestial Pillars are active.


  • Since this item can be obtained pre-Golem, it can allow the player to fight the Lunatic Cultist and access the Celestial Pillars earlier before defeating Golem.

Интересные факты

  • This is one of the two boss summoning items that are neither crafted nor bought, the other being the Profaned Core.


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История:Эйдолонская скрижаль