Стрела времени

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Этот предмет посвящён: Shirosity
Стрела времени
  • Time Bolt.png
Непрерывная атака
Stack digit 1.png
Урон432 Разбойный
Отбрасывание4 (Слабое)
Шанс КУ4%
19 Средне
ОписаниеБросает временной нож, искажающий время вокруг врагов
При скрытном ударе нож поражает больше врагов и создаёт более обширное временное поле
'Не должно быть никаких границ человеческим усилиям'
Искажение времениИскажение времени
100% шанс

Длительность1 секунда (Временное поле)
2 секунды (Скрытный удар)
ОписаниеВремя замедлено
РедкостьКласс редкости: 13
Продажа 26 Gold Coin.png
ИсследованиеНеобходимо: 1 единица
При использовании

The Time Bolt is a craftable post-Moon Lord dagger. When thrown, a sky-blue knife is thrown that releases a trail of cosmetic blue particles that glow. When the knife contacts an enemy or a block, it releases a large blue ring that inflicts the Time Distortion debuff onto enemies, reducing their movement speed by 15%. The knife will also release 5 copies of itself in a similar manner to the Influx Waver. Copy knives do not release blue rings or particles.

Performing a stealth strike with the Time Bolt causes five more hits to occur with the dagger copy, increases the size of the time field, and increases the duration of the debuff.

Лучший модификатор для этого предмета — безупречный.



Immune NPCs

This is a list of NPCs immune to the Time Distortion debuff.

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  • Time Bolt only deals 80% damage to The Old Duke and 85% damage to Yharon, Dragon of Rebirth, while its stealth strike deals 115% damage to The Devourer of Gods.
  • The Time Distortion debuff has no effect while the Boss Rush event is active.

Интересные факты

  • The item's tooltip is a reference to famous cosmologist Stephen Hawking's quote: "There should be no boundaries to human endeavor. We are all different. However bad life may seem, there is always something you can do, and succeed at. While there's life, there is hope."
  • The appearance of the Time Distortion debuff icon is a reference to the famous Salvador Dalí painting The Persistence of Memory.


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История:Стрела времени