Восхитительная концовка

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Cosmic Plushie.png
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Этот предмет посвящён: bummerman222
Восхитительная концовка
  • Glorious End.png
Непрерывная атака
Stack digit 1.png
Урон120 Магический
Отбрасывание10 (Чрезвычайно сильное)
Шанс КУ4%
30 Очень медленно
ОписаниеЗапускает метеоритную ездовую звезду в направление курсора
Метеоритная звезда взрывается после попадания во врага, столкновения со стеной или через 6 секунд
Этот взрыв наносит урон как врагам, так и игроку
Если отпустить курсор до взрыва звезды, она взорвётся раньше времени и нанесёт меньший урон
Во время использования этого оружия ездовые питомцы отключены
РедкостьКласс редкости: 4
Продажа 2 Gold Coin.png 40 Silver Coin.png
ИсследованиеНеобходимо: 1 единица
Выпускаемые снаряды
Meteor Star
Метеоритная звезда
Meteor Star Explosion
Взрыв метеоритной звезды
При использовании
Выпадает с
Нова (При взрыве)114.29%

The Glorious End is a Hardmode wand that is dropped by Novas when they explode on tile contact. Upon use, it summons a star on the player's feet which causes the player to move in the direction of the mouse cursor, up to a top speed of 72mph. The star explodes when released, upon contact with an enemy or solid tile, or after 6 seconds. The explosion deals 300% damage to the enemy and 50-60 damage to the player. If the player releases, the explosion deals 50% damage to enemies and 25-30 damage to the player instead. The player is also granted 60 immunity frames (100 under the effects of Cross Necklace or its upgrades) after being hit by the explosion.

Лучший модификатор для этого предмета — мифический.


  • Other weapons cannot be used while the Glorious End's flight is active.
  • The Glorious End's explosion will hurt any NPCs caught in its explosion radius.
  • The weapon's self-damage is constant across all difficulties and is affected by player's defense. This makes it easier to reduce on Expert and Master Mode compared to Classic Mode.
  • The Glorious End can be a viable movement option if the player has enough defense to negate the self-damage, as its top speed is much faster than all available boots or wings at its tier.
    • It is also able to make arbitrarily sharp turns, which can be used to kite enemies.
    • Due to the inability to use other weapons, it is advised to use it only as a supplementary movement option when fighting bosses, similarly to the Rod of Discord.
  • Unlike any other means, even taking just 1 damage from the Glorious End's explosion will still activate the full duration of its immunity frames.

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История:Восхитительная концовка