Посох Блаши

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Cosmic Plushie.png
Cosmic Plushie.png
Этот предмет посвящён: Blushiemagic
Посох Блаши
  • Staff of Blushie.png
Непрерывная атака
Stack digit 1.png
Урон1 Магический
Отбрасывание1 (Чрезвычайно слабое)
Шанс КУ4%
30 Очень медленно
ОписаниеУдерживайте вашу мышь, ждите, ждите, ждите и доверьтесь силе синей магии
Солнечный ожогСолнечный ожог
100% шанс

Длительность5 секунд
ОписаниеВас обжигают солнечные лучи
РедкостьКласс редкости: 16
Продажа 40 Gold Coin.png
ИсследованиеНеобходимо: 1 единица
Выпускаемые снаряды
Blushie Staff Aura
Blushie Aura
Blushie Staff Chain
Blushie Chain
Blushie Staff Gear
Blushie Gear
Blushie Staff Fire
Blushie Fire
При использовании
The Staff of Blushie's gears, chains and fireballs. Note that none of these effects actually deal damage, and the damage is instead dealt in a rectangular area around the player.

The Staff of Blushie is a craftable post-Moon Lord developer wand. Upon holding the Использовать / Атаковать button with the weapon in hand, five blue gears will appear on the screen which are connected by a series of chains, and a row of blue fire appears some distance below. These effects are purely aesthetic, and will follow the player as they move. After 2 seconds, orange fire will start spawning everywhere around the player, causing an invisible aura roughly within the attack's radius to begin rapidly damaging enemies over a large area. The longer the attack is held, the more damage it deals. The weapon stops attacking after 60 seconds, regardless of whether the player is still holding the Использовать / Атаковать button.

Its best modifier is Zealous due to its unique way of damaging enemies.




  • The amount of damage dealt is equal to the amount of frames the projectile has lasted for, minus 120.
    • As a result, the maximum damage dealt per frame is 3480, not accounting for critical strikes.
    • Damage is further increased by twice the target's defense.

Интересные факты

  • This weapon actually has a unique Rarity but is referred here as Hot Pink rarity for consistency between weapons.
    • This unique rarity appears as a blue (#0000FF ●) color.
  • This weapon's tooltip refers to "blue magic", which is a reference to the Bluemagic mod, now known as Elemental Unleash, developed by Blushiemagic.
  • The weapon humorously states a damage value of 1 despite being significantly powerful.