Шипастый цветок

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Шипастый цветок
  • Thorn Blossom.png
Непрерывная атака
Stack digit 1.png
Урон90 Магический
Отбрасывание2 (Очень слабое)
Шанс КУ4%
23 Медленно
ОписаниеЗапускает светящийся цветок, который взрывается, распуская за собой самонаводящиеся лепестки и смертоносный шип
Расходует 3 здоровья за выстрел
'У каждой розы есть свой шип'
РедкостьКласс редкости: 12
Продажа 24 Gold Coin.png
ИсследованиеНеобходимо: 1 единица
Выпускаемые снаряды
Beaming Thorned Flower
Beaming Thorned Flower
Beaming Thorned Petal
Beaming Thorned Petal
Thorn Blossom Vine
Thorn Vine
При использовании
Разделение цветка
Attacking with the Thorn Blossom. Notice how the petals do not home in on the Super Dummy when it is behind blocks.

The Thorn Blossom is a craftable post-Moon Lord wand that is a direct upgrade to the Arch Amaryllis. When used, it behaves similarly to the Arch Amaryllis, firing a pink flower that does not pierce and slows down horizontally more quickly than it does vertically, causing it to travel in an upwards or downwards curve depending on the direction it's fired. After two seconds, or upon hitting a block, the main projectile splits into six homing petals. The petals last two seconds before fading away. Additionally, it fires three lingering 10-segmented thorn vines, similar to the Nettle Burst's vines, in a randomized spread which deal 110% of the weapon's base damage and no piercing. Every time the Thorn Blossom is fired, the player will lose 3 HP.

Лучший модификатор для этого предмета — мифический.




  • Despite sharing the same projectile and velocity as the Arch Amaryllis, the flower fired from the Thorn Blossom is 34% slower.

Интересные факты

  • The tooltip is a reference to the power ballad, "Every Rose Has Its Thorn", by the American glam metal band Poison.
  • If the player is killed by the Thorn Blossom's self-damage, the death message "<PlayerName> was violently pricked by a flower." will display.


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История:Шипастый цветок