Grand Gelatin

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Grand Gelatin
  • Grand Gelatin.png
Stack digit 1.png
TypeAccessoryCrafting material
Tooltip12% increased movement speed and jump speed
Using a healing potion will spawn a cleansing aura
Walking into the aura removes all debuffs one time
The aura grants +2.5 HP/s life regen for all players inside for 8 seconds
Grants BuffGreen Jelly RegenGreen Jelly Regen
Buff duration8 seconds
Buff tooltipThe regenerative goo empowers you, life regen increased by 2.5HP/s
RarityRarity Level: 5
Sell 4 Gold Coin.png 80 Silver Coin.png
Research1 required

The Grand Gelatin is a craftable Hardmode accessory and the direct upgrade to the Cleansing Jelly, Life Jelly and Vital Jelly. It grants the following effects while equipped:

  • +12% movement and jump speed
  • When consuming Healing Potions, the player will summon an aura which lingers for 30 seconds. Entering the aura grants the Green Jelly Regen buff for 8 seconds, providing +2.5HP/sec health regeneration. All debuffs are also removed once per aura.



Used in


These history sections are still a work-in-progress, and may not yet contain changes relevant to the current version of the Calamity Mod.
  • Aura can no longer remove defense damage.
    • Buffed movement speed and jump speed boosts from 10% to 12%.
    • Fixed its aura having a smaller range than intended.
    • Nerfed aura duration from 45 seconds to 30, and life regeneration boost from 6 to 5.
    • Resprited it and Green Jelly Regen buff.
    • Reworked:
      • No longer boosts max health and mana by 20 or increases life and mana regeneration when standing still.
      • Now spawns an aura when using a healing potion which last for 45 seconds. Entering the aura will cleanse all debuffs and remove defense damage from the player, but only once.
      • While inside the aura and for 8 seconds after leaving it, the player is granted the Green Jelly Regen buff, increasing life regeneration by 6.
    • Nerfed jump speed boost from 40% to 24%, and jump speed boost is now 75% less effective if the player has auto jump.
    • Buffed life and mana regeneration boosts while standing still from 2 to 4.
    • Now uses 2 Souls of Light and 2 Souls of Night in its recipe, and now requires an Anvil to craft instead of a Hardmode Anvil.
  • Tooltip now accurately displays its jump speed boost instead of it being exaggerated by 5x.
  • Buffed jump speed boost from 100% to 200%, but it is now 75% less effective if the player has auto jump.
  • Nerfed life regeneration boost when standing still from 5 to 2.