Suspicious Scrap

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Suspicious Scrap
  • Suspicious Scrap.gif
Stack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.png
TypeCrafting material
TooltipLooks like it may be part of a greater whole...
RarityRarity level: Draedon's Arsenal
Sell 4 Copper Coin.png
Research5 required
Dropped by
Security Chest1100%

Suspicious Scrap is a crafting material found in the Abandoned Research Facility and Abandoned Workshop variants of the Arsenal Labs in the Cavern layer. They are used to craft the Lab Turret and SHPC.

Four Suspicious Scraps are required to make the SHPC, alongside the Prototype Plasma Drive Core which can be found in the Planetoid sky lab.


Used in


  • Suspicious Scrap can use one of four possible sprites, chosen at world generation, with the sprite used being based on the ore variants chosen. More precisely, the variant will be decided by whether Tin Ore or Copper Ore generated, and whether Iron Ore or Lead Ore generated. Each possible combination of these ores has an associated sprite to match the colors of the ores chosen.

Table of Sprites

Copper Tin
Suspicious Scrap (Iron and Copper).png
Suspicious Scrap (Iron and Tin).png
Suspicious Scrap (Lead and Copper).png
Suspicious Scrap (Lead and Tin).png


These history sections are still a work-in-progress, and may not yet contain changes relevant to the current version of the Calamity Mod.
  • Now guaranteed to be found in Abandoned Workshop chests.