Auric Ore

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Auric Ore
  • Auric Ore.png
  • Auric Ore placed graphic
Stack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.png
  • Pickaxe icon.png 250%
TypeBlockOreCrafting material
Damage300 (If player)
5% of maximum health (If NPC or Super Dummy)
PlaceableTango Tick1.png
Use time15 Average
TooltipInfused with long lost draconic energies
Inflicts DebuffElectrifiedElectrified
100% chance

Debuff duration5 seconds (Contact)
Debuff tooltipMoving hurts!
Map color#FFC800 ●
RarityRarity Level: 15
Tile value1000
Sell 4 Gold Coin.png
Research100 required
Auric Ore (charged).gif
Flashes on direct contact
Dropped by
Titanium Crate30-4015% (Post-Yharon map.png)

"Ancient draconic power manifests in the caverns, lacing itself through the rock."

Auric Ore is a post-Moon Lord ore that generates in the Cavern layer after Yharon, Dragon of Rebirth has been defeated. Its main use is to craft Auric Bars, which are then used in creating some of the most powerful gear in the mod. It requires at least a Blossom Pickaxe to mine.

If the player touches the ore while not equipping either a full set of Auric Tesla armor or the Seraph Tracers, they will suffer Auric Rejection. This causes all Auric Ore on screen to flash bright blue, dealing 300 damage to the player and knocking them backwards at 40 (150 tiles/second) velocity on contact. Wearing a knockback immunity accessory will halve this value. Auric Ore can also damage and knockback NPCs and Super Dummies, dealing 5% of their maximum health as damage. If any target touches the ore, they will be inflicted with the Electrified debuff.


Used in


  • This ore does not have a Slime counterpart.
    • However, 30-40 can be obtained from Titanium Crates at a 15% chance after Yharon has been defeated.
  • Auric Ore cannot be destroyed by explosives regardless of whether or not Yharon has been defeated.
  • Like Cryonic Ore, it gives off light.
  • Unlike most other ores, Auric Ore spawns in enormous clusters, but its bars require much more ore to craft.
  • Auric Ore can launch Golf Balls that make contact with it.


  • If the player is killed by Auric Ore contact damage, the death message "<PlayerName> was not worthy." will display.
  • The item sprite and chunks of the placed ore are based on the mod's logo.


These history sections are still a work-in-progress, and may not yet contain changes relevant to the current version of the Calamity Mod.
    • Can now launch and damage Town NPCs and Super Dummies that touch it.
    • Can now launch golf balls that touch it.
  • Disabled custom tile merging behavior to prevent performance issues.
  • Decreased pickaxe resistance from 10 to 5.
  • Added a period at the end of the death message resulting from contacting it.
    • Now damages the player and knocks them away if they are not wearing Auric Tesla armor.
    • Changed tooltip from "Laced with the dormant power of a deity" to "Infused with long lost draconic energies".
    • Resprited it and tile. Previous sprite was Auric Ore ( Auric Ore (placed) (
  • Decreased pickaxe power requirement from 275% to 250%.
  • Now always immune to explosives, defeating Yharon will no longer allow it to be destroyed with explosives.
  • Now worth more than everything on the Metal Detector.
  • Increased sell price from 2 Silver Coin to 2 Gold Coin.
  • Increased pickaxe requirement from 274% to 275%.
  • No longer blocked from spawning in the center of the world.