Glimmering Gemfish

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Glimmering Gemfish
  • Glimmering Gemfish.png
Stack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.png
TypeGrab bag
TooltipPress Right Click to extract gems
RarityRarity Level: 2
Sell 50 Silver Coin.png
Research10 required

The Glimmering Gemfish is a grab bag-type fish that can be caught in the cavern layer at a 6.67% chance. When opened, the player will receive between 1 to 3 various gems.


Items Chance Amount
AmethystAmethyst 50% 1-3
TopazTopaz 50%
SapphireSapphire 25%
EmeraldEmerald 25%
RubyRuby 12.5%
AmberAmber 12.5%
DiamondDiamond 10%

If the Thorium Mod is enabled, the following gems can also be dropped:

Items Chance Amount
AquamarineAquamarine 25% 1-3


These history sections are still a work-in-progress, and may not yet contain changes relevant to the current version of the Calamity Mod.
    • No longer attempts to drop Pearl or Onyx from the Thorium Mod due to their removals. Instead, it can now drop Aquamarines.
    • Fixed checks for Thorium Mod items.
  • Added an error log for it dropping items from other mods.
    • Changed gem drop chances:
      • Increased Topaz chance from 40% to 50%.
      • Decreased Sapphire chance from 30% to 25%.
      • Increased Emerald chance from 20% to 25%.
      • Decreased Ruby chance from 15% to 12.5%.
      • Decreased Amber chance from 25% to 12.5%.