Arid Artifact

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Arid Artifact
  • Arid Artifact.png
Stack digit 1.png
TypeEvent summon
Use time20 Average
TooltipSummons a sandstorm
The sandstorm will happen shortly after the item is used
If used during a sandstorm, the sandstorm will stop some time afterward.
RarityRarity Level: 5
SellNo value
Research1 required

The Arid Artifact is a craftable Hardmode event-summoning item that starts the Sandstorm event shortly after being used. When used during a Sandstorm, it will stop the event instead. It can be used if the world is in Hardmode or after the Desert Scourge has been defeated.




  • When the item is used, the Sandstorm will always have a set wind speed of 10 mph.


These history sections are still a work-in-progress, and may not yet contain changes relevant to the current version of the Calamity Mod.
    • Can now be used if the world is in Hardmode, even if Desert Scourge has not been defeated.
      • Fixed it not properly starting a Sandstorm if the wind speed is exactly 0 mph.
  • Now increases wind speed whenever it activates a Sandstorm.
    • Added a line to the tooltip explaining that it will stop a sandstorm if used while one is ongoing.
    • Fixed it missing research support.
    • Now uses 50 Any Sand Blocks, 10 Any Adamantite Bars, and 5 Ancient Cloth in its recipe instead of 1 Forbidden Fragment and 5 Any Adamantite Bars.
    • No longer consumable.
  • Increased drop rate from 30% to 100%.
  • Now requires a Hardmode Anvil to craft instead of an Anvil.
  • Now requires Desert Scourge to be defeated, but can now stop existing Sandstorms.