Purified Gel

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Purified Gel
  • Purified Gel.png
Stack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.png
TypeCrafting material
RarityRarity Level: 4
Sell 50 Silver Coin.png
Research25 required
Dropped by
The Slime God30-45100%
Treasure Bag (The Slime God)40-52100% Expert Mode

Purified Gel is a Pre-Hardmode crafting material that is dropped by The Slime God. It is used in the crafting of several late Pre-Hardmode equipment that belongs to the "Night's" theme as well as some potions and Statigel-themed items.


Used in

ResultIngredientsCrafting station
Zen PotionZen PotionAlchemy TableAlchemy Table
Zerg PotionZerg Potion
Statis' Ninja BeltStatis' Ninja BeltAncient ManipulatorAncient Manipulator
Eye of NightEye of NightDemon AltarDemon Altar
Crimson AltarCrimson Altar
Lunarian BowLunarian Bow
Night's EdgeNight's Edge
Night's RayNight's Ray
Blue Statigel DyeBlue Statigel Dye (2)Dye VatDye Vat
Pink Statigel DyePink Statigel Dye (2)
Fractured ArkFractured ArkIron AnvilIron Anvil
Lead AnvilLead Anvil
Jelly-Charged BatteryJelly-Charged Battery
Radiant OozeRadiant Ooze
Static RefinerStatic Refiner
Gel DartGel Dart (100)Static RefinerStatic Refiner
Gelitic BladeGelitic Blade
Gunk ShotGunk Shot
Slime Puppet StaffSlime Puppet Staff
Statigel ArmorStatigel Armor
Statigel BlockStatigel Block (25)
Statigel CapStatigel Cap
Statigel GreavesStatigel Greaves
Statigel HeadgearStatigel Headgear
Statigel HelmStatigel Helm
Statigel HoodStatigel Hood
Statigel MaskStatigel Mask
The God's GambitThe God's Gambit
total: 31 row(s)


These history sections are still a work-in-progress, and may not yet contain changes relevant to the current version of the Calamity Mod.
  • 1.0: Introduced.