Celestial Remains

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Celestial Remains
  • Celestial Remains.png
  • Celestial Remains placed graphic
Stack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.png
TypeBlockCrafting material
PlaceableTango Tick1.png
Use time14 Fast
Map color#3B324D ●
RarityRarity Level: 0
SellNo value
Research200 required

Celestial Remains are Hardmode blocks which replaces Desert Fossils in the Astral Infection biome upon its creation. Like their counterpart, they can be used in the Extractinator.



Crafting Station
Work BenchWork Bench
Celestial Remains WallCelestial Remains Wall4
Celestial RemainsCelestial Remains1

Used in

Extractinator Loot

Item Chance Quantity
Copper CoinCopper Coin 20% 1–99
Silver CoinSilver Coin 7% 1–99
Gold CoinGold Coin 1% 1–99
Platinum CoinPlatinum Coin 0.03% 1–10
Ancient Bone DustAncient Bone Dust 20% 1–10
Fallen StarFallen Star 10% during nighttime 1–20
Starblight SootStarblight Soot 10% 1–20
DiamondDiamond 1% 1–20
RubyRuby 1% 1–20
TopazTopaz 1% 1–20
EmeraldEmerald 1% 1–20
SapphireSapphire 1% 1–20
AmethystAmethyst 1% 1–20
AmberAmber 5% 1–20
Cobalt OreCobalt Ore 1.25% 1–16
Palladium OrePalladium Ore 2.75% 1–16
Mythril OreMythril Ore 2% after defeating one Mechanical Boss 1–16
Orichalcum OreOrichalcum Ore 2% after defeating one Mechanical Boss 1–16
Adamantite OreAdamantite Ore 1.75% after defeating two Mechanical Bosses 1–16
Titanium OreTitanium Ore 0.75% after defeating two Mechanical Bosses 1–16
Astral OreAstral Ore 10.74% after defeating Astrum Deus 1


  • If the condition for getting Fallen Stars or Astral Ore from the Extractinator is not met but the player succeeds in rolling either of those items, the vanilla loot table is used instead.
  • If the condition for the tier 2 and 3 Hardmode ores are not met, the highest unlocked tier is extracted instead.


These history sections are still a work-in-progress, and may not yet contain changes relevant to the current version of the Calamity Mod.
  • Disabled custom tile merging behavior to prevent performance issues.
  • Fixed it missing research support.