Soaring Potion

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Soaring Potion
  • Soaring Potion.png
Stack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.png
Use time17 Average
Tooltip10% increased flight time and horizontal flight speed
Restores a fraction of your wing flight time after a true melee strike
The amount of flight time restored scales with your melee stats and weapon swing speed
Grants BuffSoaringSoaring
Buff duration6 minutes
Buff tooltip10% increased wing flight time and speed
True melee hits restore some wing flight time
RarityRarity Level: 4
Sell 40 Silver Coin.png
Research20 required

The Soaring Potion is a craftable Hardmode buff potion. Upon consumption it grants the Soaring buff, which increases wing flight time and horizontal flight speed by 10%. In addition, it restores a fraction of the player's wing time whenever an enemy is hit by a true melee weapon.

The amount of flight time restored from hits with a given weapon is calculated with the following formula: (0.85 + (WeaponUseTime * WeaponUseAnimation / 3600)) * ((MaxFlightTime / 20) + (MeleeDamageMultiplier * MeleeCritChance / 10)).



Crafting Station
Alchemy TableAlchemy Table
Bottled WaterBottled Water1
Blood OrbBlood Orb30
Soul of FlightSoul of Flight1
Soaring PotionSoaring Potion1
Crafting Station
Alchemy TableAlchemy Table
Bottled WaterBottled Water1
Sunken SailfishSunken Sailfish1
Soul of FlightSoul of Flight1
Soaring PotionSoaring Potion1


These history sections are still a work-in-progress, and may not yet contain changes relevant to the current version of the Calamity Mod.
  • Moved Soul of Flight to the bottom of the recipe.
  • Fixed non-Blood Orb recipe not being affected by Alchemy Table's ingredient reduction effect.
    • Non-Blood Orb recipe can now be affected by Alchemy Table's ingredient reduction effect.
    • Now uses the Rarity Level: 4 rarity instead of Rarity Level: 3.
    • No longer uses Feathers in its recipe.
    • Blood Orb recipe now uses a Soul of Flight.
    • Increased buff duration from 4 minutes to 6.
  • Now uses a Sunken Sailfish in its recipe.
  • Now restores flight time when the player hits an enemy with true melee.