Dubious Plating

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Dubious Plating
  • Dubious Plating.png
Stack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.png
TypeCrafting material
RarityRarity level: Draedon's Arsenal
Sell 6 Silver Coin.png
Research25 required
Dropped by
Armored Digger4-8100%
Lab Turrets8100%
Security Chest
(Abandoned Research Facility, Abandoned Workshop)
Security Chest
(Bio-center Labs)
Draedon Power Cell (When used at a Extractinator)12.5%

Dubious Platings are crafting materials that are found in the Arsenal Labs in the Cavern layer and dropped by Armored Diggers. They are used in the crafting of various weapons, furniture, and other items alongside Mysterious Circuitry.


Used in

ResultIngredientsCrafting station
Daawnlight Spirit OriginDaawnlight Spirit OriginAncient ManipulatorAncient Manipulator
Freedom StarFreedom Star
Heavy Laser RifleHeavy Laser Rifle
Plasma CasterPlasma Caster
Pulse DragonPulse Dragon
Snake EyesSnake Eyes
Voltage Regulation SystemVoltage Regulation System
Wave PounderWave Pounder
Auric Quantum Cooling CellAuric Quantum Cooling CellCosmic AnvilCosmic Anvil
Plasma GrenadePlasma Grenade
Pole WarperPole Warper
Pulse RiflePulse Rifle
Tesla CannonTesla Cannon
The Anomaly's NanogunThe Anomaly's Nanogun
The SpongeThe Sponge
Music Box (Bio Lab)Music Box (Bio Lab)Heavy Work BenchHeavy Work Bench
Aged Laboratory Containment BoxAged Laboratory Containment BoxIron AnvilIron Anvil
Lead AnvilLead Anvil
Aged Laboratory Electric PanelAged Laboratory Electric Panel
Aged Laboratory ServerAged Laboratory Server
Aged Reinforced CrateAged Reinforced Crate
Codebreaker BaseCodebreaker Base
Decryption ComputerDecryption Computer
Encrypted Schematic (Ice)Encrypted Schematic (Ice)
Encrypted Schematic (Jungle)Encrypted Schematic (Jungle)
Encrypted Schematic (Planetoid)Encrypted Schematic (Planetoid)
Encrypted Schematic (Underworld)Encrypted Schematic (Underworld)
Gauss DaggerGauss Dagger
Lab Hologram ProjectorLab Hologram Projector
Lab Seeking MechanismLab Seeking Mechanism
Lab TurretLab Turret
Laboratory Containment BoxLaboratory Containment Box
Laboratory Electric PanelLaboratory Electric Panel
Laboratory ServerLaboratory Server
Onyx TurretOnyx Turret
Pulse PistolPulse Pistol
Reinforced CrateReinforced Crate
Schematic (Sunken Sea)Schematic (Sunken Sea)
Star Swallower Containment UnitStar Swallower Containment Unit
Tracking DiskTracking Disk
Water TurretWater Turret
Advanced DisplayAdvanced DisplayMythril AnvilMythril Anvil
Orichalcum AnvilOrichalcum Anvil
Fire TurretFire Turret
Frequency ManipulatorFrequency Manipulator
Galvanizing GlaiveGalvanizing Glaive
Gatling LaserGatling Laser
Gauss PistolGauss Pistol
Gauss RifleGauss Rifle
Hydraulic Volt CrasherHydraulic Volt Crasher
Ice TurretIce Turret
Laser TurretLaser Turret
Long Ranged Sensor ArrayLong Ranged Sensor Array
Matter ModulatorMatter Modulator
Mounted ScannerMounted Scanner
Plague TurretPlague Turret
Pulse Turret RemotePulse Turret Remote
System BaneSystem Bane
total: 64 row(s)


  • Dubious Plating can also be obtained from various sources in various stacks.


These history sections are still a work-in-progress, and may not yet contain changes relevant to the current version of the Calamity Mod.