True melee

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An in-game example of Keybrand listing its damage type as "true melee" in the Calamity Mod.

The Calamity Mod introduces a new damage class for true melee weapons. This damage type is applied to melee weapons (and tools) that do not fire any projectiles when used or require strikes with the weapon itself to create projectiles. Dealing damage with a true melee weapon is sometimes referred to as a 'true melee strike'.

All true melee weapons have their damage type displayed as 'true melee damage' instead of 'melee damage'. Weapons dealing true melee damage will inherit all of the stat boosts and effects from normal melee damage (such as Warrior Emblem), however any stat boosts or effects specific to true melee damage will only apply to true melee weapons and not to normal melee weapons.

All damaging components of a true melee weapon will deal 'true melee damage', even if that damage comes from a projectile created by the weapon. Melee weapons that are not classified with the 'true melee' damage type cannot deal true melee damage in any way, even when striking enemies with the weapon directly.

In the Calamity Mod, the true melee classification becomes relevant in several ways:

  • Various accessories boost true melee damage specifically, such as the Counter Scarf, Evasion Scarf, Titan Glove and its upgrades, and Warbanner of the Sun.
  • The Hide of Astrum Deus grants a 30% boost to true melee damage for up to 10 seconds after being struck and causes stars to fall from the sky when landing true melee strikes.
  • Many melee weapons with lifesteal effects will only heal the player on true melee strikes.
  • True melee broadswords and shortswords are not affected by Luxor's Gift.
  • The Soaring Potion causes true melee strikes to restore a fraction of the player's wing time. The amount of wing time restored scales with the player's melee stats and weapon's swing speed.
  • The melee Bloodflare armor and Auric Tesla armor set bonuses give true melee strikes lifesteal and give the Blood Frenzy buff for 5 seconds after dealing 15 true melee strikes, which greatly increases the player's melee stats.
  • Gem Tech armor's melee set bonus cools down twice as fast while the player is wielding a true melee weapon.
  • Adrenaline and Rage are half as powerful while wielding a true melee weapon, preventing the player from combining the two to destroy bosses within seconds.
  • Various bosses that are susceptible to true melee weapons (either because they are very easy to stay close to or have multiple segments) have increased resistance to true melee damage, preventing the player from using true melee weapons' high damage and infinite piercing to very quickly defeat them. These include:

True melee weapons

Name DMG UT KB Crit Auto Rarity HM ML Sell
Aegis Blade Aegis Blade 152 16
4% Tango Tick1.png Rarity Level: 8 Tango Tick1.png Tango Cross1.png 12 Gold Coin.png
Aftershock Aftershock 65 28
(Very Strong)
4% Tango Tick1.png Rarity Level: 5 Tango Tick1.png Tango Cross1.png 4 Gold Coin.png 80 Silver Coin.png
Anarchy Blade Anarchy Blade 150 18
(Very Strong)
4% Tango Tick1.png Rarity Level: 8 Tango Tick1.png Tango Cross1.png 12 Gold Coin.png
Astral Blade Astral Blade 142 8
(Very Fast)
29% Tango Tick1.png Rarity Level: 9 Tango Tick1.png Tango Cross1.png 16 Gold Coin.png
Astral Pike Astral Pike 90 13
(Very Strong)
29% Tango Tick1.png Rarity Level: 9 Tango Tick1.png Tango Cross1.png 16 Gold Coin.png
Avalanche Avalanche 100 35
(Very Slow)
(Very Strong)
4% Tango Tick1.png Rarity Level: 5 Tango Tick1.png Tango Cross1.png 4 Gold Coin.png 80 Silver Coin.png
Baleful Harvester Baleful Harvester 105 22
(Very Strong)
4% Tango Tick1.png Rarity Level: 10 Tango Tick1.png Tango Cross1.png 20 Gold Coin.png
Basher Basher 50 40
(Extremely Slow)
4% Tango Tick1.png Rarity Level: 1 Tango Cross1.png Tango Cross1.png 20 Silver Coin.png
Brimlance Brimlance 50 19
(Very Strong)
4% Tango Tick1.png Rarity Level: 5 Tango Tick1.png Tango Cross1.png 4 Gold Coin.png 80 Silver Coin.png
Burnt Sienna Burnt Sienna 32 20
4% Tango Tick1.png Rarity Level: 1 Tango Cross1.png Tango Cross1.png 20 Silver Coin.png
Carnage Carnage 130 20
4% Tango Tick1.png Rarity Level: 4 Tango Tick1.png Tango Cross1.png 2 Gold Coin.png 40 Silver Coin.png
Comet Quasher Comet Quasher 160 22
(Very Strong)
4% Tango Tick1.png Rarity Level: 8 Tango Tick1.png Tango Cross1.png 12 Gold Coin.png
Diseased Pike Diseased Pike 65 20
(Very Strong)
4% Tango Tick1.png Rarity Level: 8 Tango Tick1.png Tango Cross1.png 12 Gold Coin.png
Dragon Rage Dragon Rage 1075 25
(Very Strong)
4% Tango Tick1.png Rarity Level: 15 Tango Tick1.png Tango Tick1.png 48 Gold Coin.png
Earth Earth 170 15
(Extremely Strong)
4% Tango Tick1.png Rarity Level: 16 Tango Tick1.png Tango Tick1.png 56 Gold Coin.png
Evil Smasher Evil Smasher 120 37
(Very Slow)
4% Tango Tick1.png Rarity Level: 4 Tango Tick1.png Tango Cross1.png 2 Gold Coin.png 40 Silver Coin.png
Feralthorn Claymore Feralthorn Claymore 109 13
(Very Strong)
4% Tango Tick1.png Rarity Level: 7 Tango Tick1.png Tango Cross1.png 9 Gold Coin.png 60 Silver Coin.png
Gauss Dagger Gauss Dagger 25 24
4% Tango Tick1.png Rarity Level: 3 Tango Cross1.png Tango Cross1.png 80 Silver Coin.png
Gilded Proboscis Gilded Proboscis 315 19
(Very Strong)
4% Tango Tick1.png Rarity Level: 11 Tango Tick1.png Tango Tick1.png 24 Gold Coin.png
Grand Guardian Grand Guardian 150 22
(Very Strong)
4% Tango Tick1.png Rarity Level: 10 Tango Tick1.png Tango Cross1.png 20 Gold Coin.png
Greentide Greentide 86 31
(Very Slow)
4% Tango Tick1.png Rarity Level: 7 Tango Tick1.png Tango Cross1.png 9 Gold Coin.png 60 Silver Coin.png
Hellkite Hellkite 180 30
(Very Slow)
(Very Strong)
4% Tango Tick1.png Rarity Level: 7 Tango Tick1.png Tango Cross1.png 9 Gold Coin.png 60 Silver Coin.png
Holy Collider Holy Collider 270 21
(Very Strong)
4% Tango Tick1.png Rarity Level: 12 Tango Tick1.png Tango Tick1.png 30 Gold Coin.png
Hydraulic Volt Crasher Hydraulic Volt Crasher 75 16
4% Tango Cross1.png Rarity Level: 5 Tango Tick1.png Tango Cross1.png 4 Gold Coin.png 80 Silver Coin.png
Lion Heart Lion Heart 960 14
4% Tango Tick1.png Rarity Level: 13 Tango Tick1.png Tango Tick1.png 35 Gold Coin.png
Majestic Guard Majestic Guard 70 21
(Very Strong)
4% Tango Tick1.png Rarity Level: 5 Tango Tick1.png Tango Cross1.png 4 Gold Coin.png 80 Silver Coin.png
Mantis Claws Mantis Claws 144 8
(Very Fast)
4% Tango Tick1.png Rarity Level: 7 Tango Tick1.png Tango Cross1.png 9 Gold Coin.png 60 Silver Coin.png
Murasama Murasama 2222 25
65% Tango Cross1.png Rarity Level: 14 Tango Tick1.png Tango Tick1.png 40 Gold Coin.png
Mycelial Claws Mycelial Claws 28 6
(Very Fast)
4% Tango Tick1.png Rarity Level: 2 Tango Cross1.png Tango Cross1.png 40 Silver Coin.png
Omniblade Omniblade 100 9
(Very Fast)
49% Tango Tick1.png Rarity Level: 8 Tango Tick1.png Tango Cross1.png 12 Gold Coin.png
Phosphorescent Gauntlet Phosphorescent Gauntlet 2705 39
(Extremely Slow)
(Very Strong)
14% Tango Tick1.png Rarity Level: 13 Tango Tick1.png Tango Tick1.png 35 Gold Coin.png
Sahara Slicers Sahara Slicers 23 18
4% Tango Tick1.png Rarity Level: 2 Tango Cross1.png Tango Cross1.png 40 Silver Coin.png
Sausage Maker Sausage Maker 36 20
4% Tango Tick1.png Rarity Level: 3 Tango Cross1.png Tango Cross1.png 80 Silver Coin.png
Stellar Striker Stellar Striker 450 24
(Very Strong)
4% Tango Tick1.png Rarity Level: 11 Tango Tick1.png Tango Tick1.png 24 Gold Coin.png
Submarine Shocker Submarine Shocker 90 10
4% Tango Tick1.png Rarity Level: 5 Tango Tick1.png Tango Cross1.png 4 Gold Coin.png 80 Silver Coin.png
Tainted Blade Tainted Blade 60 26
4% Tango Tick1.png Rarity Level: 2 Tango Cross1.png Tango Cross1.png 40 Silver Coin.png
Teardrop Cleaver Teardrop Cleaver 38 23
4% Tango Tick1.png Rarity Level: 2 Tango Cross1.png Tango Cross1.png 40 Silver Coin.png
The Enforcer The Enforcer 890 17
(Very Strong)
4% Tango Tick1.png Rarity Level: 14 Tango Tick1.png Tango Tick1.png 40 Gold Coin.png
The Last Mourning The Last Mourning 550 19
(Very Strong)
4% Tango Tick1.png Rarity Level: 13 Tango Tick1.png Tango Tick1.png 35 Gold Coin.png
The Mutilator The Mutilator 483 17
(Very Strong)
4% Tango Tick1.png Rarity Level: 12 Tango Tick1.png Tango Tick1.png 30 Gold Coin.png
Titan Arm Titan Arm 69 12
100% Tango Tick1.png Rarity Level: 7 Tango Tick1.png Tango Cross1.png 9 Gold Coin.png 60 Silver Coin.png
Ultimus Cleaver Ultimus Cleaver 130 19
(Very Strong)
4% Tango Tick1.png Rarity Level: 8 Tango Tick1.png Tango Cross1.png 12 Gold Coin.png
Vulcanite Lance Vulcanite Lance 90 22
4% Tango Tick1.png Rarity Level: 8 Tango Tick1.png Tango Cross1.png 12 Gold Coin.png
Yateveo Bloom Yateveo Bloom 30 22
4% Tango Cross1.png Rarity Level: 2 Tango Cross1.png Tango Cross1.png 40 Silver Coin.png


These history sections are still a work-in-progress, and may not yet contain changes relevant to the current version of the Calamity Mod.
  • True melee weapons can no longer gain the "Lecherous" enchantment.
  • True melee weapons now only gain 50% of the damage boost gained while using Rage and Adrenaline.
  • All segmented bosses now resist damage dealt by true melee strikes by 50%.
  • Holding a true melee weapon will now reduce the acceleration of Calamitas, Supreme Calamitas, and The Twins by 50%.
  • Flails no longer count as true melee damage.
  • Spears and flails now count as true melee damage.
  • True melee weapons now share the same melee speed cap as other melee weapons.
  • True melee weapons now have a cap for how fast they can swing, up to 115% of their initial speed.
  • True melee weapons now let the player gain Rage upon striking an enemy.