Guide:Supreme Witch, Calamitas strategies

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Supreme Witch, CalamitasPhase 1
Supreme Witch, Calamitas Hooded.png Supreme Witch, Calamitas.png
Calamitas Hooded map.png Calamitas map.png
Map icon
DamageThis attack will cause defense damage on hit. 340 / 512 Expert Mode / 544 Revengeance Mode / 576 Death Mode / 1020 Master Mode (Charge Contact)
250 / 440 Expert Mode / 464 Revengeance Mode / 488 Death Mode / 750 Master Mode (Brimstone Dart)
This attack will cause defense damage on hit. 280 / 468 Expert Mode / 484 Revengeance Mode / 500 Death Mode / 840 Master Mode (Brimstone Fireblast, Hellblast)
This attack will cause defense damage on hit. 300 / 508 Expert Mode / 528 Revengeance Mode / 548 Death Mode / 900 Master Mode (Brimstone Gigablast)
Max Life960,000 / 1,536,000 Expert Mode / 1,840,000 Revengeance Mode / 2,304,000 Master Mode / 2,760,000 Revengeance Mode Master Mode
KB Resist100%
Inflicts debuffVulnerability HexVulnerability Hex
100% chance

Debuff duration10 seconds (Charge Contact)
3 seconds (Brimstone Dart, Brimstone Hellblast)
4 seconds (Brimstone Fireblast)
5 seconds (Brimstone Gigablast)
Debuff tooltipYour mental fortitude is fading
Immune toConfusedPearl AuraBrimstone FlamesOn Fire!Hellfire
Cold Bestiary Cold.pngVulnerable
Water Bestiary Water.png-
Sickness Bestiary Sickness.pngVulnerable
Electricity Bestiary Electricity.png-
Heat Bestiary Heat.pngResistant
Supreme Witch, CalamitasPhase 2
Supreme Witch, Calamitas Hooded (Phase 2).png Supreme Witch, Calamitas (Phase 2).png
Calamitas Hooded map.png Calamitas map.png
Map icon
DamageThis attack will cause defense damage on hit. 340 / 512 Expert Mode / 544 Revengeance Mode / 576 Death Mode / 1020 Master Mode (Charge Contact)
250 / 440 Expert Mode / 464 Revengeance Mode / 488 Death Mode / 750 Master Mode (Brimstone Dart)
This attack will cause defense damage on hit. 280 / 468 Expert Mode / 484 Revengeance Mode / 500 Death Mode / 840 Master Mode (Brimstone Fireblast, Hellblast, Flame Skull)
This attack will cause defense damage on hit. 300 / 508 Expert Mode / 528 Revengeance Mode / 548 Death Mode / 900 Master Mode (Brimstone Gigablast)
This attack will cause defense damage on hit. 350 / 592 Expert Mode / 624 Revengeance Mode / 656 Death Mode / 1050 Master Mode (Whispering Maelstrom)
Max Life384,000 / 960,000
614,440 / 1,536,000 Expert Mode
736,000 / 1,840,000 Revengeance Mode
921,600 / 2,304,000 Master Mode
1,104,000 / 2,760,000 Revengeance Mode Master Mode
KB Resist100%
Inflicts debuffVulnerability HexVulnerability Hex
100% chance

Debuff duration10 seconds (Charge Contact)
3 seconds (Brimstone Dart, Brimstone Hellblast)
4 seconds (Brimstone Fireblast)
5 seconds (Brimstone Gigablast)
6 seconds (Whispering Maelstrom)
Debuff tooltipYour mental fortitude is fading
Immune toConfusedPearl AuraBrimstone FlamesOn Fire!Hellfire
Cold Bestiary Cold.pngVulnerable
Water Bestiary Water.png-
Sickness Bestiary Sickness.pngVulnerable
Electricity Bestiary Electricity.png-
Heat Bestiary Heat.pngResistant
Coins 30 Platinum Coin.png
Supreme Shield.png
Calamitas's Shield

Supreme Witch, Calamitas is one of the final post-Moon Lord bosses that you will face in your playthrough. She is widely considered one of the mod's toughest challenges, and preparation will greatly help with defeating her, especially on higher difficulties. Calamitas can be summoned by using Ashes of Calamity or a Ceremonial Urn at an Altar of the Accursed.

This guide will mention items exclusive to Expert and Revengeance Mode with no special formatting and will follow the intended progression.

Terrain Preparation

The first thing you will want to do is to create a platform in the air where you want your arena to be, around 6 blocks long. Place the Altar of the Accursed in the middle.

Upon spawning, Calamitas will create a 159x159 / 127x127 Death Mode (inner available area 157x157 / 125x125 Death Mode) square arena made of unbreakable Arena Blocks. Leaving it will cause Calamitas to enrage, speeding up all of her projectiles significantly and giving her 99% damage reduction.

Even though Calamitas creates an arena for you, there is still work that can be done to make the overall fight smoother. One very important addition is adding thick walls (around 50 blocks) to the sides of the arena (or alternatively, around 5 layers of blocks, 10 blocks apart each). This causes the Brimstone FireblastBrimstone Fireblasts and Brimstone GigablastBrimstone Gigablasts that spawn above the player in later bullet hells to explode as soon as they spawn, making the darts much easier to dodge. This also applies to the Brimstone Gigablasts that Calamitas fires at the player.

Avoid placing long platforms in the middle of the arena, as they will do nothing but slow you down. The player should have more than enough flight time to rely on wing flight.

Minecart Tracks or Ropes may be additionally placed throughout the entire arena to aid in resetting flight time with a hook, and to give the player more control during bullet hells. They should be painted with Shadow Paint to reduce visual clutter.

Gearing Up




  • Drew's Wings are the preferred choice over Seraph Tracers for this fight. They offer increased control and a higher flight time.
  • The Asgardian Aegis or the Statis' Void Sash allow the player to make sharp turns, which can be useful for dodging Calamitas' dashes.
    • The Asgardian Aegis additionally provides a ram and immunity to knockback.
    • Statis' Void Sash additionally provide a guaranteed ninja dodge every 90 seconds and increased jump acceleration.
    • Note that a dash is not essential for this fight and can actually harm the player should they accidently dash during a bullet hell. If using a dash is giving you trouble, consider forgoing it and saving an accessory slot.


  • The Nebulous Core is extremely helpful, due to the revive massively improving survivability.
  • The Sponge, Chalice of the Blood God, and the Rampart of Deities are all great defensive accessories that will substantially increase the player's survivability.
  • The Community is a great all-around accessory that boosts offensive and defensive stats as well as reducing the damage dealt by Vulnerability Hex.
  • Radiance focuses on defensive benefits such as life regeneration and can also mitigate the negative effects of Vulnerability Hex.
  • Affliction is a good accessory that provides both offensive and defensive buffs.
  • If the Exo Mechs have been defeated, Draedon's Heart will massively boost survivability by giving the player easier access to healing as well as providing a huge amount of defense.
    • However, it can be detrimental if you are good at dodging attacks, since having no access to Adrenaline will prevent you from quickly ending the Hearts, Brothers and Seekers phases


  • Melee players should use the Elemental Gauntlet for its strong melee boosts.
  • Ranged players should use the Elemental Quiver, as it works well in boosting damage output.
  • Magic players should use the Ethereal Talisman for its magic damage and crit chance boosts as well as helping maintain mana when combined with Supreme Mana Potions.
  • Summoners can boost their minion count and damage with the Nucleogenesis.
  • Rogue users will find the Nanotech useful to boost their damage output.
  • The Dimensional Soul Artifact provides a very large boost to damage for all classes but comes with a punishing 15% increase to damage taken. Only use it if you are very familiar with this boss and confident in your ability.


The weapons made from Auric Bars are typically the best options for the fight. Note that some of these weapons require defeating the Exo Mechs, which are on the same tier as Calamitas. Thus, one boss' drops can greatly help with defeating the other.

Keep in mind that Calamitas has relatively little health compared other bosses on tier but makes up for this with many invulnerable phases. Because of this, a weapon with very high DPS is not as important as other fights.


  • The Burning Sky is extremely easy to use and provides incredibly high DPS, outshining most other weapons.
  • The Spine of Thanatos has very high damage as well as homing projectiles and is useful at all stages of the fight.
  • The Murasama's large range and high damage makes it incredibly useful for taking out the Brimstone Hearts and Soul Seekers, as it can one or two-shot both of these enemies.
  • The Dragon Rage is also excellent for taking out the Brimstone Hearts.
  • The Photon Ripper is a good option for disposing of the Soul Seekers due to its area damage. It can deal good damage to the boss itself but struggles on mobile phases due to its range.
    • Notably, this weapon counts as a tool instead of a weapon for the purpose of the summoner penalty, meaning that support summons can contribute a sizable amount to your DPS. The Saros Possession is typically the best summon for this.
  • The Zenith is an excellent weapon for all stages of the fight, having high DPS, long range, and being easy to aim, despite originally being a vanilla weapon. However, it also requires Auric Bars to create in the Calamity Mod, unlike in Vanilla.
  • The Exoblade has great homing capabilities and is a decent choice.
  • The Ark of the Cosmos also has homing capabilities, but like the Exoblade it does not have as much DPS as other options, even with parrying.
  • The Ataraxia is another option similar to the Exoblade that also performs well against the Brimstone Hearts.
  • The Oracle and Dragon Pow are additional options as well, each with their own unique quirks.


  • The Photoviscerator's left-click attack can absolutely decimate the boss and deals good damage to the Soul Seekers, although it struggles against the Brimstone Hearts. Its right-click attack does less damage but has great homing capabilities.
  • The Phangasm, despite being from a lower tier, deals amazing damage to the boss when paired with the Quiver of Nihility and Vanquisher Arrows, although it struggles against the Brimstone Hearts and Soul Seekers.
  • The Dragon's Breath's left-click attack can deal extremely high damage to the boss and is a solid option for the Soul Seekers.
  • The Jailor excels at this fight, totally destroying Calamitas herself and dealing massive damage to the Soul Seekers but not the Brimstone Hearts. However, it can be hard to use effectively.
  • The Chicken Cannon is useful for taking out the Brimstone Hearts and can take care of the Soul Seekers in a matter of seconds.
  • The Drataliornus can deal massive damage to Calamitas, but it requires the user to charge it up to perform at its full power. Getting hit will reset this charge. Additionally, it deals poor damage to the Brimstone Hearts and Soul Seekers. Using the Quiver of Nihility can greatly increase the effectiveness of this weapon.
  • The Heavenly Gale can be a powerful option when using its charged attacks, especially with the Quiver of Nihility. This weapon also has extremely effective homing.
  • The Surge Driver's right-click attack provides great DPS and is great for disposing of the Soul Seekers or the Brimstone Hearts.
  • The Magnomaly Cannon is a good weapon for killing the Soul Seekers or the Brimstone Hearts, as well as dealing decent damage to Calamitas herself.
  • Tyranny's End can take off large chunks of health from Calamitas, if combined with the Daawnlight Spirit Origin, proper aiming and high critical strike chance.


  • The Aetherflux Cannon deals consistently high DPS and can attack through blocks. However, it lacks homing.
  • The Void Vortex is a great option and can deal very high DPS, especially when Calamitas is staying in one spot. It also can take care of the Soul Seekers and Brimstone Hearts very well. However, it cannot attack through blocks.
  • The Subsuming Vortex works great at all parts of the fight. During the bullet hells, the right click attack can be charged for higher damage.
  • Vivid Clarity is a great option that can have massive damage spikes, but it does not have homing and requires aim. Notably, it can shred the seekers phase in a matter of frames.
  • Yharim's Crystal is a powerful option that decimates the Brimstone Hearts and Seekers as well as being able to deal respectable damage to Calamitas. However, it requires the user to charge it up and consumes obscene amounts of mana, requiring the player to stock up on Supreme Mana Potions and equip the Ethereal Talisman.
  • The Tesla Cannon is a slow, but powerful choice for this class due to the raw damage output and the ability to hit several Brimstone Hearts or Supreme Soul Seekers with one shot.
  • The Wand is a very slow but very powerful weapon that can yield large amounts of damage when used correctly. It can be used along with the player's primary weapon to provide extra DPS.
  • The Helium Flash deals solid damage to Calamitas, but requires proper aiming and cannot hit through blocks, making it less useful against the Brothers phase. However, it is very good against Soul Seekers when combined with the Void Vortex.


  • Yharon's Kindle Staff is an excellent option for this fight, providing very high DPS.
    • Be careful as summoning too many Draconids can obstruct incoming projectiles.
  • Saros Possession is useful for using up extra minion slots and doesn't obstruct the view of projectiles.
  • The Cosmic Immaterializer also deals high DPS as well as automatically inflicting Ichor.
  • The Midnight Sun Beacon is a great option that can either be used alone or to fill leftover minion slots.
  • The Pole Warper is another good option.


  • The Celestus provides excellent DPS and will obliterate the Soul Seekers. It also does well on the hearts phase.
  • The Supernova has outstanding damage output but has a heavy arc that can make it hard to aim and produces a great deal of visual pollution. It works best for the Soul Seekers.
    • The Refraction Rotor is an alternative with good piercing and homing capabilities against multiple targets, but lower DPS. It is excellent against the hearts, as it can hit all hearts on one side at once.
  • The Atom Splitter does high damage and doesn't rely as heavily on stealth strikes. It is primarily good for single-target damage.
  • The Final Dawn's stealth strike lunge deals massive amounts of damage and gives you I-frames. Be warned that reckless usage can hurtle you straight into a projectile at the end of a lunge.
  • Plasma Grenades can also deal good DPS.
  • The Seraphim can also deal very high DPS.
  • The Executioner's Blade, despite being from a lower tier, has good DPS due to high fire rate and homing capabilities.
    • This weapon has slightly worse DPS than other recommended options, but it is easy to obtain and performs well.


  • Binoculars can be useful during some bullet hell segments to increase reaction time. This can also be accomplished with the Sniper Scope.
  • The importance of the Rod of Discord or Normality Relocator's instant teleportation in this fight cannot be understated. Do not be afraid of using it throughout the fight if you ever find yourself in even the possibility of a bad situation.
    • The Normality Relocator is more of a sidegrade than a direct upgrade to the Rod of Discord. While it has the advantage of being bound to a hotkey and can be used even when using a weapon with slow use time, it has a cooldown that is 33% longer than the Rod of Discord's (20 seconds instead of 15). The increased fall speed also might be unfavorable in certain situations.
  • Portal Gun Stations can be used as a means of teleporting allowing instantaneous ascent or descent. This is particularly valuable in the final bullet hell.
  • If the Exo Mechs have been defeated, the Exo Box is a must have mount for maneuverability, as the extremely massive amount of control it gives you over movement makes dodging bullet hells much easier.
  • The Slimy Saddle or the Suspicious Looking Jelly Bean can be used to quickly fall away from a tight space if Chaos State is still active.
    • Note that if your arena is filled with rails, you will be unable to use your mount, as you will enter a minecart instead.

The Fight

While you may be tempted to run in blindly and reactively dodge projectiles, taking a more calculated approach to this fight will allow you to defeat her much more easily. Calamitas is a very consistent boss, usually acting the exact same way giving the same circumstances. Knowing what she will do next and where you need to go can drastically improve your chances of victory, especially on higher difficulties and/or with certain constraints.

This fight rundown will assume you built your arena according to the Terrain Preparation section in this guide.


Calamitas has a set pattern that she will follow throughout the fight. She has 4 attacks.

  • The mobile attack has Calamitas fly above the player, shooting 3-4 bursts of Brimstone DartBrimstone Darts. A burst may be randomly replaced by either a Brimstone FireblastBrimstone Fireblast or a Brimstone GigablastBrimstone Gigablast.
  • The Hellblast attack has Calamitas maintain a set distance away to the left or right of you, rapidly firing Brimstone Hellblast2Brimstone Hellblasts.
    • To dodge this attack, move slowly upwards or downward. If you are about reach the ceiling or floor while she's still doing this attack, quickly fly up or fall down to give yourself more space to dodge the next Hellblast. Alternatively, you can teleport down with the Rod of Discord or the Normality Relocator.
  • The Gigablast attack has Calamitas maintain a set distance away, a bit farther out than the Hellblast attack, slowly firing Brimstone GigablastBrimstone Gigablasts.
    • Making her move inside a wall will cause the Gigablast to explode immediately, making the dart explosion easier to dodge.
    • If you can, try to manipulate them to explode as far away from you as possible, making the darts that explode from them easier to dodge.
    • During this attack, it is very easy to get Calamitas to stay still, potentially allowing the player to deal massive damage depending on their weapon.
  • The charge attack consists of Calamitas concentrating her force field into a skull and making multiple charges at the player. As a telegraph, she will turn transparent during the attack before her charge attack.
    • This charge attack can catch you off guard if you aren't expecting it, but it is relatively easy to avoid.

Calamitas has a constant attack cycle which only interrupts when she is not attacking at all. Neither going through bullet-hell phases, nor switching to her second phase changes the current position in this cycle. It repeats once it is finished. Memorizing the entire attack cycle is not necessary, but is still a valuable thing to know, as you can predict what the boss will do next and react accordingly.

Her attack cycle is as follows:

  1. Mobile
  2. Hellblast
  3. Gigablast (2 fired)
  4. Charge (4 times, 2 times in the second phase)
  5. Gigablast (2 fired)
  6. Hellblast
  7. Mobile
  8. Charge (2 times, once in the second phase)
  9. Mobile
  10. Hellblast
  11. Gigablast (4 fired)
  12. Hellblast
  13. Charge (2 times, once in the second phase)
  14. Mobile
  15. Gigablast (4 fired)
  16. Charge (4 times, 2 times in the second phase)
  17. Mobile
  18. Charge (2 times, once in the second phase)
  19. Mobile
  20. Charge (2 times, once in the second phase)

The only variance to her pattern of attacks is that she will always perform a mobile attack immediately after entering Phase 2 at 40% health. This forced mobile attack will replace the attack that she would have done in the pattern. Afterward, she will resume from the next spot in the pattern. Additionally, during bullet hells, Calamitas will stop moving, lay still, and be completely invincible. When a bullet hell ends, she will immediately resume her pattern and become vulnerable again. Be careful as this can cause her to shoot. Brimstone Hellblast2Brimstone Hellblasts at awkward angles or cause her to lunge in a way she normally would not.

The Fight

The fight immediately begins with a Bullet Hell, which have randomized patterns and are not exactly the same each fight. There are 5 Bullet Hells in total in the fight, and each last 15 seconds. During Bullet Hells, Calamitas is invulnerable and deals no contact damage. Bullet Hell One consists of:

  • Hellblasts slowly moving downward with additional ones from the left and right for the first 5 seconds.
  • Hellblasts coming only from the left and right for the next 5 seconds.
  • Hellblasts moving downward, left, and right with a greater density for the last 5 seconds.

It is very important to master this part of the fight, as the projectiles here do enormous damage, much more than Calamitas' normal attacks. For the third section, slowly moving downward can prevent the Hellblasts from above from reaching you. Hooking on rails will also help greatly with control.

When the first Bullet Hell is completed, Calamitas spawns Sepulcher along with ten Brimstone Hearts, at the top of the arena. Sepulcher itself is invulnerable and flies around the arena, following the player. It does not deal contact damage, but periodically fires Brimstone DartBrimstone Darts. Killing all ten Brimstone Hearts kills the Sepulcher, which must be defeated in order for Calamitas to be vulnerable. Calamitas will attack at a decreased rate when Sepulcher is alive. Kill the hearts quickly, as the longer Sepulchur is left alive, the more Brimstone Darts it will fire, which can get in the way of dodging the boss' attacks.

At 75% health, Calamitas enters Bullet Hell Two, which consists of:

  • Hellblasts moving up for the first 5 seconds
  • Hellblasts moving from the left for the next 5 seconds
  • Hellblasts moving from the left and the right for the last 5 seconds.

Additionally, four Brimstone FireblastBrimstone Fireblasts will fire throughout the Bullet Hell. One will come from the top, then two from the right, then another from the top. Remain in the top right-hand corner of the arena, as this will make them explode off screen, making them much easier to dodge.

At 50% health, Calamitas enters Bullet Hell Three, which consists of:

  • Hellblasts moving down for the first 5 seconds
  • Hellblasts moving from the right for the next 5 seconds
  • Hellblasts moving from the left and the right for the last 5 seconds.

Additionally, pairs of Brimstone FireblastBrimstone Fireblasts and Brimstone GigablastBrimstone Gigablasts will fire from the top of the screen. There are 3 pairs, with the fourth one only containing a Fireblast (the Bullet Hell ends before the Gigablast explosion can reach the player). Remain at the top of the arena so that they can explode off screen.

At 45% health, Calamitas will summon her brothers, Cataclysm and Catastrophe. Cataclysm will remain a fixed distance away on the right, slowly moving up and down, while firing Cataclysm Fist Alt Cataclysm Fistfists

Catastrophe will remain a fixed distance on the left, slowly moving up and down inversely to Cataclysm, while firing Catastrophe Top Slash Catastrophe Bottom Slashslashes.

Both periodically release a burst of Brimstone DartBrimstone Darts. Killing one brother enrages the other, making him move up and down faster and shoot projectiles more frequently. They must be killed in order to move on. For this phase, slowly move up and down, using the Rod of Discord or the Normality Relocator if there is a group of projectiles blocking your movement. Focus your fire on Supreme Catastrophe (the brother to the left) first, as the slashes are harder to dodge than the fists.

At 40% health, Calamitas will transition to Phase 2. She will attack faster but perform half as much charge attacks in a row. Upon transitioning, she will immediately perform a mobile attack before continuing to resume her pattern.

At 30% health, Calamitas enters Bullet Hell Four, which consists of:

  • Hellblasts moving up for the first 5 seconds
  • Hellblasts moving from the left for the next 5 seconds
  • Hellblasts moving from the left and the right for the last 5 seconds.

Pairs of Fireblasts and Gigablasts are fired here too, just like in Bullet Hell Three.

Additionally, in Expert or higher, 2 Expert Mode / 4 Revengeance Mode Brimstone MonsterBrimstone Monsters will spawn from the top of the screen. They will move toward the player, dealing extremely high contact damage. They will persist for the rest of the fight and are invulnerable. Stay at the top of the arena until the Brimstone Monsters force you down.

After this bullet hell ends, you should always be circling around the arena as this will make it difficult for the Brimstone Monsters to hit you. Try to not turn around and circle the other way unless you get blocked by a Brimstone Monster or Calamitas and her projectiles. It is recommended to try to keep circling in a counterclockwise direction, as it will make the final bullet hell phase a bit easier to manage.

At 20% health, Calamitas will summon a ring of Supreme Soul Seekers. They synchronously fire Brimstone DartBrimstone Darts at the player every three seconds, starting with when they spawn. With such a large number of projectiles, they can cause serious trouble in conjunction with Calamitas' normal attacks. Weapons with piercing and a large range of attack are the best options for disposing of them. If playing on Revengeance or higher, using Adrenaline or Rage is a very good idea. All the Seekers must be defeated in order to continue damaging the boss.

At 10% health, Calamitas enters her final bullet hell. This bullet hell features all projectiles featured in previous bullet hells, with the addition of Brimstone Flame SkullBrimstone Flame Skulls, which fly in a wave pattern. The bullet hell consists of:

  • Flame Skulls moving from the left and right with Hellblasts moving down for the first 5 seconds.
  • A mix of Flame Skulls and Hellblasts moving from the left and right for the next 5 seconds.
  • A mix of Flame Skulls and Hellblasts moving from the left and right and Hellblasts moving down for the last 5 seconds.

Pairs of Fireblasts and Gigablasts are fired here, just like in Bullet Hell Three and Four.

To dodge this bullet hell, it is typically best to circle in a counterclockwise motion around the arena. When moving upward, take care to avoid Fireblasts or Gigablasts that may spawn above you. As this is the hardest attack in the entire fight, Melee, Ranged, and Rogue players can use the God Slayer Dash to get out of sticky situations, while Mages and Summoners may want to save their Silva Revive for this moment to take full advantage of the Silva Invulnerability. The Rod of Discord or Normality Relocator are invaluable tools in this section, as they allow you to teleport to a safer spot if you are in a tight spot or if a Brimstone Monster is about to hit you.

At 8% health, Calamitas will spawn Sepulcher and the ten Brimstone Hearts once again. The attack rate of Calamitas will slow down as a result. With the added pressure of the Brimstone MonsterBrimstone Monsters, many weapons that worked for the first Sepulcher phase, such as the Photoviscerator and Yharim's Crystal, are much less effective. Homing weapons, such as the Exoblade or the Ark of the Cosmos, are typically the best option. The Dragon Rage still works well for melee players in this phase, but the player must take extreme care not to be hit by the Brimstone Monsters, as they are the boss's most damaging attack. It is important to keep in mind where Sepulcher spawns in order to avoid the worm.

At 1% health, Calamitas will cease attacking, become invulnerable, and begin a brief monologue. The Brimstone Monsters will also despawn. Make sure to dodge any last stray darts that may still be on screen before celebrating your victory. After her monologue is over, Calamitas will reappear at the Altar as the Brimstone Witch NPC, leaving her loot there as well.