User:JupiterO5/Mage Guide

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Back to the Supreme Collection of Ultimate Class Setups User:JupiterO5/The_Supreme_Collection_of_Ultimate_Class_Setups


— Item is difficult or dangerous to use. Best used with caution.

+ — Support items that debuff the enemy or benefit the player in some way.

* = Item may be difficult or tedious to obtain at this stage.

= Or any of this item's upgrades.

Ω — Use together (two items will be highlighted with this symbol and they will have a bonus interaction when paired together).

Items restricted to Revengeance Mode or higher will be italicized.

General Mage

If you have any questions or concerns about the information in this guide, please ping Jupiter#2358 on the Discord server.

Thank you for using this guide.

Boss Weapons Armour Recommended Accessories Alternative Accessories
Map Icon King Slime.pngKing Slime Mana RoseMana Rose Jungle armorJungle armor
Wizard HatWizard Hat + Diamond RobeDiamond Robe
Hermes BootsHermes Boots
Mana FlowerMana Flower
Cloud in a BottleCloud in a Bottle
Unstable Granite CoreUnstable Granite Core*
Gladiator's LocketGladiator's Locket*
Shark Tooth NecklaceShark Tooth Necklace
Frog LegFrog Leg
Rover DriveRover Drive
Sandstorm in a Bottle.pngOther double jumps
Celestial CuffsCelestial Cuffs
Desert Scourge map.pngDesert Scourge Veering WindVeering Wind Right Click Jungle armorJungle armor
Wizard HatWizard Hat + Diamond RobeDiamond Robe
Hermes BootsHermes Boots
Mana FlowerMana Flower
Cloud in a BottleCloud in a Bottle
Unstable Granite CoreUnstable Granite Core*
Gladiator's LocketGladiator's Locket*
Shark Tooth NecklaceShark Tooth Necklace
Frog LegFrog Leg
Rover DriveRover Drive
Stress PillsStress Pills
Sandstorm in a Bottle.pngOther double jumps
Celestial CuffsCelestial Cuffs
Map Icon Eye of Cthulhu (first form).pngEye of Cthulhu Mana RoseMana Rose Jungle armorJungle armor
Wizard HatWizard Hat + Diamond RobeDiamond Robe
Hermes BootsHermes Boots
Mana FlowerMana Flower
Cloud in a BottleCloud in a Bottle
Unstable Granite CoreUnstable Granite Core*
Gladiator's LocketGladiator's Locket*
Shark Tooth NecklaceShark Tooth Necklace
Frog LegFrog Leg
Aero StoneAero Stone
Stress PillsStress Pills
Sandstorm in a Bottle.pngOther double jumps
Celestial CuffsCelestial Cuffs
Crabulon map.pngCrabulon Harvest StaffHarvest Staff Jungle armorJungle armor
Wizard HatWizard Hat + Diamond RobeDiamond Robe
Hermes BootsHermes Boots
Mana FlowerMana Flower
Cloud in a BottleCloud in a Bottle
Shield of CthulhuShield of Cthulhu
Gladiator's LocketGladiator's Locket*
Shark Tooth NecklaceShark Tooth Necklace
Frog LegFrog Leg
Aero StoneAero Stone
Stress PillsStress Pills
Sandstorm in a Bottle.pngOther double jumps
Celestial CuffsCelestial Cuffs
Map Icon Eater of Worlds.pngEater of Worlds
Map Icon Brain of Cthulhu.pngBrain of Cthulhu
Sparkling EmpressSparkling Empress For Eater of Worlds and Brain of Cthulhu Creepers
Sky GlazeSky Glaze For post-Creepers Brain of Cthulhu
Jungle armorJungle armor
Wizard HatWizard Hat + Diamond RobeDiamond Robe
Hermes BootsHermes Boots
Mana FlowerMana Flower
Cloud in a BottleCloud in a Bottle
Shield of CthulhuShield of Cthulhu
Unstable Granite CoreUnstable Granite Core*
Shark Tooth NecklaceShark Tooth Necklace
Frog LegFrog Leg
Aero StoneAero Stone
Sandstorm in a Bottle.pngOther double jumps
Celestial CuffsCelestial Cuffs
Hive Mind map.pngHive Mind
Perforator Hive map.pngThe Perforators
Flare BoltFlare Bolt Jungle armorJungle armor
Wizard HatWizard Hat + Diamond RobeDiamond Robe
Terraspark BootsTerraspark Boots
Magnet FlowerMagnet Flower
Cloud in a BottleCloud in a Bottle
Shield of CthulhuShield of Cthulhu
Gladiator's LocketGladiator's Locket
Shark Tooth NecklaceShark Tooth Necklace
Frog LegFrog Leg
Aero StoneAero Stone
Stress PillsStress Pills
Sandstorm in a Bottle.pngOther double jumps
Map Icon Queen Bee.pngQueen Bee Blood BathBlood Bath
Shaderain StaffShaderain Staff[1]
Jungle armorJungle armor
Wizard HatWizard Hat + Diamond RobeDiamond Robe
Terraspark BootsTerraspark Boots
Magnet FlowerMagnet Flower
Bundle of BalloonsBundle of Balloons
Shield of CthulhuShield of Cthulhu
Gladiator's LocketGladiator's Locket
Shark Tooth NecklaceShark Tooth Necklace
Frog LegFrog Leg
Aero StoneAero Stone
Stress PillsStress Pills
Map Icon Deerclops.pngDeerclops Blood BathBlood Bath
Shaderain StaffShaderain Staff
Jungle armorJungle armor
Wizard HatWizard Hat + Diamond RobeDiamond Robe
Terraspark BootsTerraspark Boots
Magnet FlowerMagnet Flower
Bundle of BalloonsBundle of Balloons
Shield of CthulhuShield of Cthulhu
Gladiator's LocketGladiator's Locket
Stinger NecklaceStinger Necklace
Frog LegFrog Leg
Aero StoneAero Stone
Stress PillsStress Pills
Map Icon Skeletron.pngSkeletron Blood BathBlood Bath
Shaderain StaffShaderain Staff
Jungle armorJungle armor
Wizard HatWizard Hat + Diamond RobeDiamond Robe
Terraspark BootsTerraspark Boots
Magnet FlowerMagnet Flower
Bundle of BalloonsBundle of Balloons
Shield of CthulhuShield of Cthulhu
Gladiator's LocketGladiator's Locket
Stinger NecklaceStinger Necklace
Frog LegFrog Leg
Aero StoneAero Stone
Stress PillsStress Pills
Slime God Core map.pngThe Slime God Demon ScytheDemon Scythe Jungle armorJungle armor Terraspark BootsTerraspark Boots
Magnet FlowerMagnet Flower
Bundle of BalloonsBundle of Balloons
Counter ScarfCounter Scarf
Gladiator's LocketGladiator's Locket
Stinger NecklaceStinger Necklace
Frog LegFrog Leg
Aero StoneAero Stone
Stress PillsStress Pills
Map Icon Wall of Flesh.pngWall of Flesh Abyssal TomeAbyssal Tome
Eldritch TomeEldritch Tome
Statigel armorStatigel armor Terraspark BootsTerraspark Boots
Magnet FlowerMagnet Flower
Bundle of BalloonsBundle of Balloons
Counter ScarfCounter Scarf
Mana PolarizerMana Polarizer
Stinger NecklaceStinger Necklace
Frog LegFrog Leg
Aero StoneAero Stone
Gladiator's LocketGladiator's Locket
Stress PillsStress Pills
Map Icon Queen Slime.pngQueen Slime Clinger StaffClinger Staff[2]
Glorious EndGlorious End†Ω
Golden ShowerGolden Shower+
Palladium armorPalladium armor
Mollusk armorMollusk armorΩ
Terraspark BootsTerraspark Boots / Fairy BootsFairy Boots
Arcane FlowerArcane Flower
Fairy WingsFairy Wings
Sorcerer EmblemSorcerer Emblem
Amalgamated BrainAmalgamated Brain
Counter ScarfCounter Scarf
Star VeilStar VeilΩ
Ankh ShieldAnkh ShieldΩ
Grand GelatinGrand Gelatin
Map Icon The Destroyer.pngThe Destroyer Clothier's WrathClothier's Wrath
Glorious EndGlorious End†Ω
Palladium armorPalladium armor
Mollusk armorMollusk armorΩ
Terraspark BootsTerraspark Boots / Fairy BootsFairy Boots
Arcane FlowerArcane Flower
Fairy WingsFairy Wings
Sorcerer EmblemSorcerer Emblem
Amalgamated BrainAmalgamated Brain
Counter ScarfCounter Scarf
Star VeilStar VeilΩ
Ankh ShieldAnkh ShieldΩ
Grand GelatinGrand Gelatin
Aquatic Scourge map.pngAquatic Scourge Clothier's WrathClothier's Wrath
Glorious EndGlorious End†Ω
Golden ShowerGolden Shower+
Orichalcum armorOrichalcum armor
Mollusk armorMollusk armorΩ
Terraspark BootsTerraspark Boots / Fairy BootsFairy Boots
Arcane FlowerArcane Flower
Butterfly WingsButterfly Wings
Sorcerer EmblemSorcerer Emblem
Amalgamated BrainAmalgamated Brain
Counter ScarfCounter Scarf
Star VeilStar VeilΩ
Ankh ShieldAnkh ShieldΩ
Grand GelatinGrand Gelatin
Cryogen map.pngCryogen SHPCSHPC Right Click
Glorious EndGlorious End†Ω
Golden ShowerGolden Shower+
Mythril armorMythril armor
Mollusk armorMollusk armorΩ
Terraspark BootsTerraspark Boots / Fairy BootsFairy Boots
Arcane FlowerArcane Flower
Butterfly WingsButterfly Wings
Sorcerer EmblemSorcerer Emblem
Amalgamated BrainAmalgamated Brain
Counter ScarfCounter Scarf
Star VeilStar VeilΩ
Ankh ShieldAnkh ShieldΩ
Grand GelatinGrand Gelatin
Map Icon Skeletron Prime.pngSkeletron Prime DownpourDownpour
Glorious EndGlorious End†Ω
Golden ShowerGolden Shower+
Mythril armorMythril armor
Mollusk armorMollusk armorΩ
Terraspark BootsTerraspark Boots / Fairy BootsFairy Boots
Arcane FlowerArcane Flower
Butterfly WingsButterfly Wings
Sorcerer EmblemSorcerer Emblem
Amalgamated BrainAmalgamated Brain
Counter ScarfCounter Scarf / Evasion ScarfEvasion Scarf
Star VeilStar VeilΩ
Ankh ShieldAnkh ShieldΩ
Grand GelatinGrand Gelatin
Brimstone Elemental map.pngBrimstone Elemental Death Valley DusterDeath Valley Duster
Glorious EndGlorious End†Ω
Golden ShowerGolden Shower+
Mythril armorMythril armor
Mollusk armorMollusk armorΩ
Terraspark BootsTerraspark Boots / Fairy BootsFairy Boots
Arcane FlowerArcane Flower
Butterfly WingsButterfly Wings
Sorcerer EmblemSorcerer Emblem
Amalgamated BrainAmalgamated Brain
Ornate ShieldOrnate Shield
Star VeilStar VeilΩ
Ankh ShieldAnkh ShieldΩ
Grand GelatinGrand Gelatin
Map Icon Retinazer (first form).pngMap Icon Spazmatism (first form).pngThe Twins DownpourDownpour
Glorious EndGlorious End†Ω
Golden ShowerGolden Shower+
Mythril armorMythril armor
Mollusk armorMollusk armorΩ
Terraspark BootsTerraspark Boots / Fairy BootsFairy Boots
Arcane FlowerArcane Flower
Butterfly WingsButterfly Wings
Sorcerer EmblemSorcerer Emblem
Amalgamated BrainAmalgamated Brain
Ornate ShieldOrnate Shield
Star VeilStar VeilΩ
Ankh ShieldAnkh ShieldΩ
Grand GelatinGrand Gelatin
Calamitas Clone map.pngCalamitas Clone DownpourDownpourΩ
Golden ShowerGolden Shower+
Chlorophyte armorChlorophyte armor
Mythril armorMythril armor
Angel TreadsAngel Treads
Arcane FlowerArcane Flower
Butterfly WingsButterfly Wings
Stinger NecklaceStinger NecklaceΩ
Celestial EmblemCelestial Emblem
Ornate ShieldOrnate Shield
Amalgamated BrainAmalgamated Brain
Ankh ShieldAnkh Shield
Grand GelatinGrand Gelatin
Map Icon Plantera (first form).pngPlantera Hadal UrnHadal Urn
Golden ShowerGolden Shower+
Chlorophyte armorChlorophyte armor
Brimflame armorBrimflame armor
Angel TreadsAngel Treads
Arcane FlowerArcane Flower
Butterfly WingsButterfly Wings
Amalgamated BrainAmalgamated Brain
Celestial EmblemCelestial Emblem
Ornate ShieldOrnate Shield
Sorcerer EmblemSorcerer Emblem
Ankh ShieldAnkh Shield
Grand GelatinGrand Gelatin
Astrum Aureus map.pngAstrum Aureus Crystal Vile ShardCrystal Vile Shard
Wrath of the AncientsWrath of the Ancients+
Everglade SprayEverglade Spray+
Brimflame armorBrimflame armor Angel TreadsAngel Treads
Arcane FlowerArcane Flower
Butterfly WingsButterfly Wings
Sand Shark Tooth NecklaceSand Shark Tooth Necklace
Celestial EmblemCelestial Emblem
Asgard's ValorAsgard's Valor
Amalgamated BrainAmalgamated Brain
Leviathan map.pngAnahita map.pngLeviathan and Anahita Everglade SprayEverglade Spray
Wrath of the AncientsWrath of the Ancients+
Brimflame armorBrimflame armor Angel TreadsAngel Treads
Arcane FlowerArcane Flower
Butterfly WingsButterfly Wings
Amalgamated BrainAmalgamated Brain
Celestial EmblemCelestial Emblem
Asgard's ValorAsgard's Valor
Sorcerer EmblemSorcerer Emblem
Map Icon Golem.pngGolem Shifting SandsShifting Sands
Everglade SprayEverglade Spray+
Wrath of the AncientsWrath of the Ancients+
Brimflame armorBrimflame armor Angel TreadsAngel Treads
Arcane FlowerArcane Flower
Butterfly WingsButterfly Wings
Amalgamated BrainAmalgamated Brain
Celestial EmblemCelestial Emblem
Asgard's ValorAsgard's Valor
The CommunityThe Community
Sorcerer EmblemSorcerer Emblem
Plaguebringer Goliath map.pngPlaguebringer Goliath Laser MachinegunLaser Machinegun
Betsy's WrathBetsy's Wrath+
Hydrothermic armorHydrothermic armor
Brimflame armorBrimflame armor
Angel TreadsAngel Treads
Arcane FlowerArcane Flower
Tattered Fairy WingsTattered Fairy Wings
Sigil of CalamitasSigil of Calamitas
Destroyer EmblemDestroyer Emblem
Asgard's ValorAsgard's Valor
Shield of the High RulerShield of the High Ruler
The CommunityThe Community
Betsy's WingsBetsy's Wings / Fishron WingsFishron Wings
Ravager map.pngRavager Plague StaffPlague Staff
Betsy's WrathBetsy's Wrath+
Hydrothermic armorHydrothermic armor
Brimflame armorBrimflame armor
Angel TreadsAngel Treads
Arcane FlowerArcane Flower
Tattered Fairy WingsTattered Fairy Wings
Sigil of CalamitasSigil of Calamitas
Destroyer EmblemDestroyer Emblem
Asgard's ValorAsgard's Valor
Shield of the High RulerShield of the High Ruler
The CommunityThe Community
Betsy's WingsBetsy's Wings / Fishron WingsFishron Wings
Map Icon Duke Fishron.pngDuke Fishron HematemesisHematemesis
Betsy's WrathBetsy's Wrath+
Hydrothermic armorHydrothermic armor
Brimflame armorBrimflame armor
Angel TreadsAngel Treads
Arcane FlowerArcane Flower
Tattered Fairy WingsTattered Fairy Wings
Sigil of CalamitasSigil of Calamitas
Destroyer EmblemDestroyer Emblem
Asgard's ValorAsgard's Valor
Shield of the High RulerShield of the High Ruler
The CommunityThe Community
Betsy's WingsBetsy's Wings
Map Icon Empress of Light.pngEmpress of Light HematemesisHematemesis
Betsy's WrathBetsy's Wrath+
Hydrothermic armorHydrothermic armor
Brimflame armorBrimflame armor
Angel TreadsAngel Treads
Arcane FlowerArcane Flower
Tattered Fairy WingsTattered Fairy Wings
Sigil of CalamitasSigil of Calamitas
Destroyer EmblemDestroyer Emblem
Asgard's ValorAsgard's Valor
Shield of the High RulerShield of the High Ruler
The CommunityThe CommunityBetsy's WingsBetsy's Wings / Fishron WingsFishron Wings
Map Icon Lunatic Cultist.pngLunatic Cultist Laser MachinegunLaser Machinegun
Betsy's WrathBetsy's Wrath+
Hydrothermic armorHydrothermic armor
Brimflame armorBrimflame armor
Angel TreadsAngel Treads
Arcane FlowerArcane Flower
Tattered Fairy WingsTattered Fairy Wings
Sigil of CalamitasSigil of Calamitas
Destroyer EmblemDestroyer Emblem
Asgard's ValorAsgard's Valor
Shield of the High RulerShield of the High Ruler
The CommunityThe Community
Soaring InsigniaSoaring Insignia
Betsy's WingsBetsy's Wings / Fishron WingsFishron Wings / Empress WingsEmpress Wings
Astrum Deus map.pngAstrum Deus Charged Blaster CannonCharged Blaster Cannon
Betsy's WrathBetsy's Wrath+
Hydrothermic armorHydrothermic armor
Brimflame armorBrimflame armor
Angel TreadsAngel Treads
Arcane FlowerArcane Flower
Tattered Fairy WingsTattered Fairy Wings
Sigil of CalamitasSigil of Calamitas
Destroyer EmblemDestroyer Emblem
Asgard's ValorAsgard's Valor
Shield of the High RulerShield of the High Ruler
The CommunityThe Community
Soaring InsigniaSoaring Insignia
Betsy's WingsBetsy's Wings / Fishron WingsFishron Wings / Empress WingsEmpress Wings
The AbsorberThe Absorber
Map Icon Moon Lord.pngMoon Lord Astral StaffAstral Staff
Betsy's WrathBetsy's Wrath+
Astral armorAstral armor
Brimflame armorBrimflame armor
Deific AmuletDeific Amulet
Arcane FlowerArcane Flower
Tattered Fairy WingsTattered Fairy Wings
Sigil of CalamitasSigil of Calamitas
Destroyer EmblemDestroyer Emblem
Asgard's ValorAsgard's Valor
Shield of the High RulerShield of the High Ruler
The CommunityThe Community
Soaring InsigniaSoaring Insignia
Empress WingsEmpress Wings / Fishron WingsFishron Wings
The AbsorberThe Absorber
Dragonfolly map.pngDragonfolly Last PrismLast Prism Nebula armorNebula armor Deific AmuletDeific Amulet
Arcane FlowerArcane Flower
Nebula MantleNebula Mantle
Sigil of CalamitasSigil of Calamitas
Destroyer EmblemDestroyer Emblem
The AbsorberThe Absorber
Asgard's ValorAsgard's Valor
The CommunityThe Community
Celestial TracersCelestial Tracers
Guardian Healer map.pngGuardian Defender map.pngGuardian Commander map.pngProfaned Guardians EffervescenceEffervescence Nebula armorNebula armor Deific AmuletDeific Amulet
Arcane FlowerArcane Flower
Nebula MantleNebula Mantle
Sigil of CalamitasSigil of Calamitas
Destroyer EmblemDestroyer Emblem
The AbsorberThe Absorber
Asgard's ValorAsgard's Valor
The CommunityThe Community
Celestial TracersCelestial Tracers
Providence map.pngProvidence Rouge SlashRouge Slash Nebula armorNebula armor Deific AmuletDeific Amulet
Arcane FlowerArcane Flower
Nebula MantleNebula Mantle
Sigil of CalamitasSigil of Calamitas
Destroyer EmblemDestroyer Emblem
The AbsorberThe Absorber
Asgard's ValorAsgard's Valor
The CommunityThe Community
Celestial TracersCelestial Tracers
Storm Weaver map.pngStorm Weaver Last PrismLast Prism Nebula armorNebula armor Deific AmuletDeific Amulet
Arcane FlowerArcane Flower
Nebula MantleNebula Mantle
Sigil of CalamitasSigil of Calamitas
Destroyer EmblemDestroyer Emblem
The AbsorberThe Absorber
Elysian AegisElysian Aegis
Bloodflare CoreBloodflare Core
The CommunityThe Community
Celestial TracersCelestial Tracers / Elysian WingsElysian Wings
The TransformerThe Transformer
Ceaseless Void map.pngCeaseless Void Last PrismLast Prism Prismatic armorPrismatic armor Deific AmuletDeific Amulet
Arcane FlowerArcane Flower
Elysian WingsElysian Wings
Sigil of CalamitasSigil of Calamitas
Destroyer EmblemDestroyer Emblem
The AbsorberThe Absorber
Elysian AegisElysian Aegis
Bloodflare CoreBloodflare Core
The CommunityThe Community
Celestial TracersCelestial Tracers
Signus map.pngSignus Magnetic MeltdownMagnetic Meltdown
Betsy's WrathBetsy's Wrath+
Prismatic armorPrismatic armor Deific AmuletDeific Amulet
Arcane FlowerArcane Flower
Elysian WingsElysian Wings
Sigil of CalamitasSigil of Calamitas
Destroyer EmblemDestroyer Emblem
The AbsorberThe Absorber
Elysian AegisElysian Aegis
Bloodflare CoreBloodflare Core
The CommunityThe Community
Celestial TracersCelestial Tracers
Polterghast map.pngPolterghast Magnetic MeltdownMagnetic Meltdown
Betsy's WrathBetsy's Wrath+
Prismatic armorPrismatic armor Deific AmuletDeific Amulet
Arcane FlowerArcane Flower
Elysian WingsElysian Wings
Sigil of CalamitasSigil of Calamitas
Destroyer EmblemDestroyer Emblem
The AbsorberThe Absorber
Elysian AegisElysian Aegis
Bloodflare CoreBloodflare Core
The CommunityThe Community
Celestial TracersCelestial Tracers
The Old Duke map.pngThe Old Duke Clamor NoctusClamor Noctus
Betsy's WrathBetsy's Wrath+
Bloodflare armorBloodflare armor
Prismatic armorPrismatic armor
Deific AmuletDeific Amulet
Arcane FlowerArcane Flower
Elysian WingsElysian Wings
Sigil of CalamitasSigil of Calamitas
Destroyer EmblemDestroyer Emblem
The AbsorberThe Absorber
Elysian AegisElysian Aegis
Reaper Tooth NecklaceReaper Tooth Necklace
Bloodflare CoreBloodflare Core
The CommunityThe Community
Devourer of Gods map.pngDevourer of Gods Dark SparkDark SparkΩ Bloodflare armorBloodflare armor
Prismatic armorPrismatic armor
Deific AmuletDeific Amulet
Arcane FlowerArcane Flower
Elysian WingsElysian Wings
Sigil of CalamitasSigil of Calamitas
Destroyer EmblemDestroyer Emblem
The AbsorberThe Absorber
Elysian AegisElysian Aegis
Reaper Tooth NecklaceReaper Tooth Necklace
Bloodflare CoreBloodflare Core
The CommunityThe Community
Chaos StoneChaos Stoneن
Yharon map.pngYharon Nebulous CataclysmNebulous Cataclysm[3] Silva armorSilva armor Deific AmuletDeific Amulet
Ethereal TalismanEthereal Talisman
Silva WingsSilva Wings
The CommunityThe Community
Destroyer EmblemDestroyer Emblem
The SpongeThe Sponge
Asgardian AegisAsgardian Aegis
Ambrosial AmpouleAmbrosial Ampoule
Reaper Tooth NecklaceReaper Tooth Necklace
Chalice of the Blood GodChalice of the Blood God
Bloodflare CoreBloodflare Core
Dimensional Soul ArtifactDimensional Soul Artifact
The AbsorberThe Absorber
Calamitas Hooded map.pngSupreme Witch, Calamitas Yharim's CrystalYharim's Crystal
Void VortexVoid Vortex for Brimstone Hearts
The WandThe Wand+
Auric Tesla armorAuric Tesla armor Rampart of DeitiesRampart of Deities
Ethereal TalismanEthereal Talisman
Seraph TracersSeraph Tracers
The CommunityThe Community
The SpongeThe Sponge
Asgardian AegisAsgardian Aegis
Destroyer EmblemDestroyer Emblem
Reaper Tooth NecklaceReaper Tooth Necklace
Dimensional Soul ArtifactDimensional Soul Artifact
Ares map.pngArtemis Phase 1 map.pngApollo Phase 1 map.pngThanatos Head map.pngExo Mechs VehemenceVehemence[4] Auric Tesla armorAuric Tesla armor Rampart of DeitiesRampart of Deities
Ethereal TalismanEthereal Talisman
Seraph TracersSeraph Tracers
Shattered CommunityShattered Community
The SpongeThe Sponge
Asgardian AegisAsgardian Aegis
The CommunityThe Community
Reaper Tooth NecklaceReaper Tooth Necklace
Chalice of the Blood GodChalice of the Blood God
Bloodflare CoreBloodflare Core
Dimensional Soul ArtifactDimensional Soul Artifact
Terminus.pngBoss Rush / Primordial Wyrm map.pngPrimordial Wyrm Rainbow Party CannonRainbow Party Cannon
Demonshade armorDemonshade armor Rampart of DeitiesRampart of Deities
Ethereal TalismanEthereal Talisman
Seraph TracersSeraph Tracers
Draedon's HeartDraedon's Heart
Destroyer EmblemDestroyer Emblem
Shattered CommunityShattered Community
Asgardian AegisAsgardian Aegis
Reaper Tooth NecklaceReaper Tooth Necklace
Dimensional Soul ArtifactDimensional Soul Artifact
Occult Skull CrownOccult Skull Crown
  1. Blood Bath is a slightly better weapon, though tedious to get in Corruption worlds.
  2. Due to how this weapon behaves, it is possible to consume very little mana while losing no damage output by waiting for a good boss position before casting rather than spamming (as this weapon can only have one active pillar at a time).
  4. Pairing this with Enchantments such as Oblatory will vastly increase its strength.