Ice Tomb

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Astrageldon Slime map.png This page describes old mod content that was removed or replaced. The information here does not apply to the current version of the Calamity Mod.

The Ice Tomb was a structure located in the Ice biome that was composed of Ice Blocks. It looked and behaved similarly to Desert Pyramids. Only one could generate in the world.

The Ice Tomb contained an unlocked Ice Chest with one of three possible different valuable items related to ice. Only one valuable item could appear in the chest.

The Ice Tomb has been effectively replaced with the Ice Bio-center Lab.




  • Seeing as this structure could be found and looted at any point in the game, it was possible to acquire the Frozen Turtle Shell before entering Hardmode.


  • Before the Calamity 1.3 update, the tomb was made out of Snow Bricks.


These history sections are still a work-in-progress, and may not yet contain changes relevant to the current version of the Calamity Mod.
    • Reduced size.
    • Now made of Ice Blocks instead of Snow Bricks.
    • Now more common.
    • Fixed some generation issues.