Слизень астрагельдона

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Astrageldon Slime map.png Эта страница содержит описание старого контента мода, которое было удалено или заменено. Информация, представленная здесь, не относится к текущей версии Calamity.
Слизень астрагельдона
Astrageldon Slime.png
Astrageldon Slime map.png
Иконка на карте
10-200 / 16-216 Режим Эксперта / 24-324 Режим Смерть
90 / 140 Режим Эксперта / 210 Режим Смерть (pre-Moon Lord)
10,500 Режим Смерть (post-Moon Lord)
запас здоровья
61,000 / 97,600 Режим Эксперта / 129,720 Режим Месть / 188,600 Режим Смерть (pre-Moon Lord)
640,000 Режим Месть (post-Moon Lord)
Защита0-20 (based on health)
СУ15 Режим Месть
Сопротивление к
Инферно богоубийцыИнферно богоубийцы
100% шанс
Длительность2 seconds / 4 seconds Режим Эксперта
ОписаниеВаша плоть сгорает
Невосприимчивость кВсе дебаффы кроме:
Ихор (дебафф)Проклятое инферноОгни бездныПотресканная броняДемоническое пламяЧумаНочное иссушениеШинковкаШепчущая смертьОглушение СильвыСолнечный ожогСвятые огниОтмеченный на смерть
Выпадаемые предметы
Монеты 20 Gold Coin.png (pre-Moon Lord)
3 Platinum Coin.png (post-Moon Lord)

Astrageldon Slime Trophy.png "A titanic slime infected by a star-borne disease..." Astrageldon Slime Trophy.png

The Astrageldon Slime was a Hardmode boss that has been replaced by Astrum Aureus. Defeating it caused an Astral Meteor to fall somewhere in the world.

After defeating the Moon Lord, the Astrageldon Slime began to drop Lunar Fragments. Additionally, in Revengeance Mode or Death Mode, the Astrageldon Slime increased substantially in difficulty, increasing health and damage, and began to drop the Suspicious Looking Jelly Bean.


The Astrageldon Slime could be summoned at night by using the Astral Chunk. Despite being connected to the Astral Meteor biome, it could be summoned anywhere.


Astrageldon Slime behaved similarly to most slimes and attempted to leap towards the player. Its damage, defense, movement speed and firing speed increased significantly as its health decreased. The Astrageldon Slime itself was massive, roughly twice as big as King Slime. Like King Slime, it'd teleport near the player if the player got too far away.


  • Periodically teleported into the air above the player in an attempt to crush them.
  • Fired eight fireballs of varying speeds in a symmetrical, star-like shape.
  • Attempted to shoot fireballs directly at the player, and it fired faster as its health decreases.
  • Spawned Astral Slimes as it took damage.

In Revengeance Mode

  • Once the Moon Lord was defeated, the Astrageldon Slime became significantly more difficult.


Image Name Condition
Астральный слизень Астральный слизень When damaged


  • Straying too far from it (such as flying to high altitudes) would cause it to despawn, as it couldn't properly teleport to the player.
  • The Astrageldon Slime's projectiles post-Moon Lord in Revengeance Mode were able to kill the player instantly as soon as they were touched, so it was advised to be very cautious and wary of them.


  • Once defeated, the Wizard would begin selling Astral Chunks.


  • It was recommended to use Angel Treads to avoid the bosses' quick attacks, and to have some sort of triple or quadruple-jump accessory to dodge the boss itself.
  • The Adrenaline Meter was easier to build up while fighting Astrageldon Slime, as its attacks were very predictable.

Интересные факты

  • Astrageldon Slime's theme was Cosmic Disgust, which was composed by the artist DM DOKURO.
    • This theme's introduction contains a motif from The Slime God's theme.
  • Like Armageddon, it was a reference to the Armageddon Slime from the Exxo Avalon mod.
  • Its name was a portmanteau of the words astral, armageddon and gel.
  • Although it was a boss and was treated as such, the Astrageldon Slime had no Boss Mask drop.


Разделы истории всё ещё находятся в процессе разработки и могут не содержать изменений, актуальных для текущей версии Calamity.

История:Слизень астрагельдона