Очищенное варенье

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Astrageldon Slime map.png Эта страница содержит описание старого контента мода, которое было удалено или заменено. Информация, представленная здесь, не относится к текущей версии Calamity.
Очищенное варенье
  • Purified Jam.png
Stack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.png
17 Средне
ОписаниеMakes you immune to all damage and most debuffs for 10 / 5 Режим Смерть / 5 Режим Злоба seconds
Causes potion sickness when consumed
Cannot be consumed while potion sickness is active
Даёт баффНеуязвимыйНеуязвимый
Длительность10 seconds / 5 seconds Режим Смерть / 5 seconds Режим Злоба
ОписаниеНевосприимчивость к урону и большинству дебаффов
РедкостьКласс редкости: 3
Продажа 40 Silver Coin.png
Выпадает с
Бог слизней (Once per character, per world)6-8100%
Не путать с Очищенным гелем, a crafting material dropped by The Slime God.
"Invincible" redirects here. For the period of invincibility after getting hit, see immunity frames.

The Purified Jam was a Pre-Hardmode buff potion that was dropped by The Slime God. Upon consumption, it granted the player the Invincible buff, which granted them full invincibility to all damage and most debuffs for a short amount of time, but also inflicted the Potion Sickness debuff for 30 seconds.


  • A character AND a world would only yield one drop of Purified Jam, which means the player must have created both a new character and a new world in order to receive more from The Slime God.
  • Wielding the Coldheart Icicle would bypass the Invincible effect.
  • If the player had the Philosopher's Stone or its upgrades, the Potion Sickness duration is reduced to 25 seconds.
  • The immunities provided were shared with the Margarita, and were as follows:
  • История

    Разделы истории всё ещё находятся в процессе разработки и могут не содержать изменений, актуальных для текущей версии Calamity.

    История:Очищенное варенье